g(x,c))a[d]=x,a[n]=c,d=n;else break a}}return b}\nfunction g(a,b){var c=a.sortIndex-b.sortIndex;return 0!==c?c:a.id-b.id}if(\"object\"===typeof performance&&\"function\"===typeof performance.now){var l=performance;exports.unstable_now=function(){return l.now()}}else{var p=Date,q=p.now();exports.unstable_now=function(){return p.now()-q}}var r=[],t=[],u=1,v=null,y=3,z=!1,A=!1,B=!1,D=\"function\"===typeof setTimeout?setTimeout:null,E=\"function\"===typeof clearTimeout?clearTimeout:null,F=\"undefined\"!==typeof setImmediate?setImmediate:null;\n\"undefined\"!==typeof navigator&&void 0!==navigator.scheduling&&void 0!==navigator.scheduling.isInputPending&&navigator.scheduling.isInputPending.bind(navigator.scheduling);function G(a){for(var b=h(t);null!==b;){if(null===b.callback)k(t);else if(b.startTime<=a)k(t),b.sortIndex=b.expirationTime,f(r,b);else break;b=h(t)}}function H(a){B=!1;G(a);if(!A)if(null!==h(r))A=!0,I(J);else{var b=h(t);null!==b&&K(H,b.startTime-a)}}\nfunction J(a,b){A=!1;B&&(B=!1,E(L),L=-1);z=!0;var c=y;try{G(b);for(v=h(r);null!==v&&(!(v.expirationTime>b)||a&&!M());){var d=v.callback;if(\"function\"===typeof d){v.callback=null;y=v.priorityLevel;var e=d(v.expirationTime<=b);b=exports.unstable_now();\"function\"===typeof e?v.callback=e:v===h(r)&&k(r);G(b)}else k(r);v=h(r)}if(null!==v)var w=!0;else{var m=h(t);null!==m&&K(H,m.startTime-b);w=!1}return w}finally{v=null,y=c,z=!1}}var N=!1,O=null,L=-1,P=5,Q=-1;\nfunction M(){return exports.unstable_now()-Qa||125d?(a.sortIndex=c,f(t,a),null===h(r)&&a===h(t)&&(B?(E(L),L=-1):B=!0,K(H,c-d))):(a.sortIndex=e,f(r,a),A||z||(A=!0,I(J)));return a};\nexports.unstable_shouldYield=M;exports.unstable_wrapCallback=function(a){var b=y;return function(){var c=y;y=b;try{return a.apply(this,arguments)}finally{y=c}}};\n","'use strict';\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {\n module.exports = require('./cjs/scheduler.production.min.js');\n} else {\n module.exports = require('./cjs/scheduler.development.js');\n}\n","var camel2hyphen = function (str) {\n return str\n .replace(/[A-Z]/g, function (match) {\n return '-' + match.toLowerCase();\n })\n .toLowerCase();\n};\n\nmodule.exports = camel2hyphen;","// Imports\nimport ___CSS_LOADER_API_SOURCEMAP_IMPORT___ from \"../../css-loader/dist/runtime/sourceMaps.js\";\nimport ___CSS_LOADER_API_IMPORT___ from \"../../css-loader/dist/runtime/api.js\";\nimport ___CSS_LOADER_GET_URL_IMPORT___ from \"../../css-loader/dist/runtime/getUrl.js\";\nvar ___CSS_LOADER_URL_IMPORT_0___ = new URL(\"./ajax-loader.gif\", import.meta.url);\nvar ___CSS_LOADER_URL_IMPORT_1___ = new URL(\"./fonts/slick.eot\", import.meta.url);\nvar ___CSS_LOADER_URL_IMPORT_2___ = new URL(\"./fonts/slick.woff\", import.meta.url);\nvar ___CSS_LOADER_URL_IMPORT_3___ = new URL(\"./fonts/slick.ttf\", import.meta.url);\nvar ___CSS_LOADER_URL_IMPORT_4___ = new URL(\"./fonts/slick.svg\", import.meta.url);\nvar ___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___ = ___CSS_LOADER_API_IMPORT___(___CSS_LOADER_API_SOURCEMAP_IMPORT___);\nvar ___CSS_LOADER_URL_REPLACEMENT_0___ = ___CSS_LOADER_GET_URL_IMPORT___(___CSS_LOADER_URL_IMPORT_0___);\nvar ___CSS_LOADER_URL_REPLACEMENT_1___ = ___CSS_LOADER_GET_URL_IMPORT___(___CSS_LOADER_URL_IMPORT_1___);\nvar ___CSS_LOADER_URL_REPLACEMENT_2___ = ___CSS_LOADER_GET_URL_IMPORT___(___CSS_LOADER_URL_IMPORT_1___, { hash: \"?#iefix\" });\nvar ___CSS_LOADER_URL_REPLACEMENT_3___ = ___CSS_LOADER_GET_URL_IMPORT___(___CSS_LOADER_URL_IMPORT_2___);\nvar ___CSS_LOADER_URL_REPLACEMENT_4___ = ___CSS_LOADER_GET_URL_IMPORT___(___CSS_LOADER_URL_IMPORT_3___);\nvar ___CSS_LOADER_URL_REPLACEMENT_5___ = ___CSS_LOADER_GET_URL_IMPORT___(___CSS_LOADER_URL_IMPORT_4___, { hash: \"#slick\" });\n// Module\n___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___.push([module.id, \"@charset 'UTF-8';\\n/* Slider */\\n.slick-loading .slick-list\\n{\\n background: #fff url(\" + ___CSS_LOADER_URL_REPLACEMENT_0___ + \") center center no-repeat;\\n}\\n\\n/* Icons */\\n@font-face\\n{\\n font-family: 'slick';\\n font-weight: normal;\\n font-style: normal;\\n\\n src: url(\" + ___CSS_LOADER_URL_REPLACEMENT_1___ + \");\\n src: url(\" + ___CSS_LOADER_URL_REPLACEMENT_2___ + \") format('embedded-opentype'), url(\" + ___CSS_LOADER_URL_REPLACEMENT_3___ + \") format('woff'), url(\" + ___CSS_LOADER_URL_REPLACEMENT_4___ + \") format('truetype'), url(\" + ___CSS_LOADER_URL_REPLACEMENT_5___ + \") format('svg');\\n}\\n/* Arrows */\\n.slick-prev,\\n.slick-next\\n{\\n font-size: 0;\\n line-height: 0;\\n\\n position: absolute;\\n top: 50%;\\n\\n display: block;\\n\\n width: 20px;\\n height: 20px;\\n padding: 0;\\n -webkit-transform: translate(0, -50%);\\n -ms-transform: translate(0, -50%);\\n transform: translate(0, -50%);\\n\\n cursor: pointer;\\n\\n color: transparent;\\n border: none;\\n outline: none;\\n background: transparent;\\n}\\n.slick-prev:hover,\\n.slick-prev:focus,\\n.slick-next:hover,\\n.slick-next:focus\\n{\\n color: transparent;\\n outline: none;\\n background: transparent;\\n}\\n.slick-prev:hover:before,\\n.slick-prev:focus:before,\\n.slick-next:hover:before,\\n.slick-next:focus:before\\n{\\n opacity: 1;\\n}\\n.slick-prev.slick-disabled:before,\\n.slick-next.slick-disabled:before\\n{\\n opacity: .25;\\n}\\n\\n.slick-prev:before,\\n.slick-next:before\\n{\\n font-family: 'slick';\\n font-size: 20px;\\n line-height: 1;\\n\\n opacity: .75;\\n color: white;\\n\\n -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;\\n -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;\\n}\\n\\n.slick-prev\\n{\\n left: -25px;\\n}\\n[dir='rtl'] .slick-prev\\n{\\n right: -25px;\\n left: auto;\\n}\\n.slick-prev:before\\n{\\n content: '←';\\n}\\n[dir='rtl'] .slick-prev:before\\n{\\n content: '→';\\n}\\n\\n.slick-next\\n{\\n right: -25px;\\n}\\n[dir='rtl'] .slick-next\\n{\\n right: auto;\\n left: -25px;\\n}\\n.slick-next:before\\n{\\n content: '→';\\n}\\n[dir='rtl'] .slick-next:before\\n{\\n content: '←';\\n}\\n\\n/* Dots */\\n.slick-dotted.slick-slider\\n{\\n margin-bottom: 30px;\\n}\\n\\n.slick-dots\\n{\\n position: absolute;\\n bottom: -25px;\\n\\n display: block;\\n\\n width: 100%;\\n padding: 0;\\n margin: 0;\\n\\n list-style: none;\\n\\n text-align: center;\\n}\\n.slick-dots li\\n{\\n position: relative;\\n\\n display: inline-block;\\n\\n width: 20px;\\n height: 20px;\\n margin: 0 5px;\\n padding: 0;\\n\\n cursor: pointer;\\n}\\n.slick-dots li button\\n{\\n font-size: 0;\\n line-height: 0;\\n\\n display: block;\\n\\n width: 20px;\\n height: 20px;\\n padding: 5px;\\n\\n cursor: pointer;\\n\\n color: transparent;\\n border: 0;\\n outline: none;\\n background: transparent;\\n}\\n.slick-dots li button:hover,\\n.slick-dots li button:focus\\n{\\n outline: none;\\n}\\n.slick-dots li button:hover:before,\\n.slick-dots li button:focus:before\\n{\\n opacity: 1;\\n}\\n.slick-dots li button:before\\n{\\n font-family: 'slick';\\n font-size: 6px;\\n line-height: 20px;\\n\\n position: absolute;\\n top: 0;\\n left: 0;\\n\\n width: 20px;\\n height: 20px;\\n\\n content: '•';\\n text-align: center;\\n\\n opacity: .25;\\n color: black;\\n\\n -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;\\n -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;\\n}\\n.slick-dots li.slick-active button:before\\n{\\n opacity: .75;\\n color: black;\\n}\\n\", 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'UTF-8';\\n/* Slider */\\n.slick-loading .slick-list\\n{\\n background: #fff url('./ajax-loader.gif') center center no-repeat;\\n}\\n\\n/* Icons */\\n@font-face\\n{\\n font-family: 'slick';\\n font-weight: normal;\\n font-style: normal;\\n\\n src: url('./fonts/slick.eot');\\n src: url('./fonts/slick.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), url('./fonts/slick.woff') format('woff'), url('./fonts/slick.ttf') format('truetype'), url('./fonts/slick.svg#slick') format('svg');\\n}\\n/* Arrows */\\n.slick-prev,\\n.slick-next\\n{\\n font-size: 0;\\n line-height: 0;\\n\\n position: absolute;\\n top: 50%;\\n\\n display: block;\\n\\n width: 20px;\\n height: 20px;\\n padding: 0;\\n -webkit-transform: translate(0, -50%);\\n -ms-transform: translate(0, -50%);\\n transform: translate(0, -50%);\\n\\n cursor: pointer;\\n\\n color: transparent;\\n border: none;\\n outline: none;\\n background: transparent;\\n}\\n.slick-prev:hover,\\n.slick-prev:focus,\\n.slick-next:hover,\\n.slick-next:focus\\n{\\n color: transparent;\\n outline: none;\\n background: transparent;\\n}\\n.slick-prev:hover:before,\\n.slick-prev:focus:before,\\n.slick-next:hover:before,\\n.slick-next:focus:before\\n{\\n opacity: 1;\\n}\\n.slick-prev.slick-disabled:before,\\n.slick-next.slick-disabled:before\\n{\\n opacity: .25;\\n}\\n\\n.slick-prev:before,\\n.slick-next:before\\n{\\n font-family: 'slick';\\n font-size: 20px;\\n line-height: 1;\\n\\n opacity: .75;\\n color: white;\\n\\n -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;\\n -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;\\n}\\n\\n.slick-prev\\n{\\n left: -25px;\\n}\\n[dir='rtl'] .slick-prev\\n{\\n right: -25px;\\n left: auto;\\n}\\n.slick-prev:before\\n{\\n content: '←';\\n}\\n[dir='rtl'] .slick-prev:before\\n{\\n content: '→';\\n}\\n\\n.slick-next\\n{\\n right: -25px;\\n}\\n[dir='rtl'] .slick-next\\n{\\n right: auto;\\n left: -25px;\\n}\\n.slick-next:before\\n{\\n content: '→';\\n}\\n[dir='rtl'] .slick-next:before\\n{\\n content: '←';\\n}\\n\\n/* Dots */\\n.slick-dotted.slick-slider\\n{\\n margin-bottom: 30px;\\n}\\n\\n.slick-dots\\n{\\n position: absolute;\\n bottom: -25px;\\n\\n display: block;\\n\\n width: 100%;\\n padding: 0;\\n margin: 0;\\n\\n list-style: none;\\n\\n text-align: center;\\n}\\n.slick-dots li\\n{\\n position: relative;\\n\\n display: inline-block;\\n\\n width: 20px;\\n height: 20px;\\n margin: 0 5px;\\n padding: 0;\\n\\n cursor: pointer;\\n}\\n.slick-dots li button\\n{\\n font-size: 0;\\n line-height: 0;\\n\\n display: block;\\n\\n width: 20px;\\n height: 20px;\\n padding: 5px;\\n\\n cursor: pointer;\\n\\n color: transparent;\\n border: 0;\\n outline: none;\\n background: transparent;\\n}\\n.slick-dots li button:hover,\\n.slick-dots li button:focus\\n{\\n outline: none;\\n}\\n.slick-dots li button:hover:before,\\n.slick-dots li button:focus:before\\n{\\n opacity: 1;\\n}\\n.slick-dots li button:before\\n{\\n font-family: 'slick';\\n font-size: 6px;\\n line-height: 20px;\\n\\n position: absolute;\\n top: 0;\\n left: 0;\\n\\n width: 20px;\\n height: 20px;\\n\\n content: '•';\\n text-align: center;\\n\\n opacity: .25;\\n color: black;\\n\\n -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;\\n -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;\\n}\\n.slick-dots li.slick-active button:before\\n{\\n opacity: .75;\\n color: black;\\n}\\n\"],\"sourceRoot\":\"\"}]);\n// Exports\nexport default ___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___;\n","// Imports\nimport ___CSS_LOADER_API_SOURCEMAP_IMPORT___ from \"../../css-loader/dist/runtime/sourceMaps.js\";\nimport ___CSS_LOADER_API_IMPORT___ from \"../../css-loader/dist/runtime/api.js\";\nvar ___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___ = ___CSS_LOADER_API_IMPORT___(___CSS_LOADER_API_SOURCEMAP_IMPORT___);\n// Module\n___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___.push([module.id, \"/* Slider */\\n.slick-slider\\n{\\n position: relative;\\n\\n display: block;\\n box-sizing: border-box;\\n\\n -webkit-user-select: none;\\n -moz-user-select: none;\\n -ms-user-select: none;\\n user-select: none;\\n\\n -webkit-touch-callout: none;\\n -khtml-user-select: none;\\n -ms-touch-action: pan-y;\\n touch-action: pan-y;\\n -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;\\n}\\n\\n.slick-list\\n{\\n position: relative;\\n\\n display: block;\\n overflow: hidden;\\n\\n margin: 0;\\n padding: 0;\\n}\\n.slick-list:focus\\n{\\n outline: none;\\n}\\n.slick-list.dragging\\n{\\n cursor: pointer;\\n cursor: hand;\\n}\\n\\n.slick-slider .slick-track,\\n.slick-slider .slick-list\\n{\\n -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);\\n -moz-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);\\n -ms-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);\\n -o-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);\\n transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);\\n}\\n\\n.slick-track\\n{\\n position: relative;\\n top: 0;\\n left: 0;\\n\\n display: block;\\n margin-left: auto;\\n margin-right: auto;\\n}\\n.slick-track:before,\\n.slick-track:after\\n{\\n display: table;\\n\\n content: '';\\n}\\n.slick-track:after\\n{\\n clear: both;\\n}\\n.slick-loading .slick-track\\n{\\n visibility: hidden;\\n}\\n\\n.slick-slide\\n{\\n display: none;\\n float: left;\\n\\n height: 100%;\\n min-height: 1px;\\n}\\n[dir='rtl'] .slick-slide\\n{\\n float: right;\\n}\\n.slick-slide img\\n{\\n display: block;\\n}\\n.slick-slide.slick-loading img\\n{\\n display: none;\\n}\\n.slick-slide.dragging img\\n{\\n pointer-events: none;\\n}\\n.slick-initialized .slick-slide\\n{\\n display: block;\\n}\\n.slick-loading .slick-slide\\n{\\n visibility: hidden;\\n}\\n.slick-vertical .slick-slide\\n{\\n display: block;\\n\\n height: auto;\\n\\n border: 1px solid transparent;\\n}\\n.slick-arrow.slick-hidden {\\n display: none;\\n}\\n\", \"\",{\"version\":3,\"sources\":[\"webpack://./node_modules/slick-carousel/slick/slick.css\"],\"names\":[],\"mappings\":\"AAAA,WAAW;AACX;;IAEI,kBAAkB;;IAElB,cAAc;IACd,sBAAsB;;IAEtB,yBAAyB;OACtB,sBAAsB;QACrB,qBAAqB;YACjB,iBAAiB;;IAEzB,2BAA2B;IAC3B,wBAAwB;IACxB,uBAAuB;QACnB,mBAAmB;IACvB,wCAAwC;AAC5C;;AAEA;;IAEI,kBAAkB;;IAElB,cAAc;IACd,gBAAgB;;IAEhB,SAAS;IACT,UAAU;AACd;AACA;;IAEI,aAAa;AACjB;AACA;;IAEI,eAAe;IACf,YAAY;AAChB;;AAEA;;;IAGI,uCAAuC;OACpC,oCAAoC;QACnC,mCAAmC;SAClC,kCAAkC;YAC/B,+BAA+B;AAC3C;;AAEA;;IAEI,kBAAkB;IAClB,MAAM;IACN,OAAO;;IAEP,cAAc;IACd,iBAAiB;IACjB,kBAAkB;AACtB;AACA;;;IAGI,cAAc;;IAEd,WAAW;AACf;AACA;;IAEI,WAAW;AACf;AACA;;IAEI,kBAAkB;AACtB;;AAEA;;IAEI,aAAa;IACb,WAAW;;IAEX,YAAY;IACZ,eAAe;AACnB;AACA;;IAEI,YAAY;AAChB;AACA;;IAEI,cAAc;AAClB;AACA;;IAEI,aAAa;AACjB;AACA;;IAEI,oBAAoB;AACxB;AACA;;IAEI,cAAc;AAClB;AACA;;IAEI,kBAAkB;AACtB;AACA;;IAEI,cAAc;;IAEd,YAAY;;IAEZ,6BAA6B;AACjC;AACA;IACI,aAAa;AACjB\",\"sourcesContent\":[\"/* Slider */\\n.slick-slider\\n{\\n position: 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auto;\\n}\\n.slick-track:before,\\n.slick-track:after\\n{\\n display: table;\\n\\n content: '';\\n}\\n.slick-track:after\\n{\\n clear: both;\\n}\\n.slick-loading .slick-track\\n{\\n visibility: hidden;\\n}\\n\\n.slick-slide\\n{\\n display: none;\\n float: left;\\n\\n height: 100%;\\n min-height: 1px;\\n}\\n[dir='rtl'] .slick-slide\\n{\\n float: right;\\n}\\n.slick-slide img\\n{\\n display: block;\\n}\\n.slick-slide.slick-loading img\\n{\\n display: none;\\n}\\n.slick-slide.dragging img\\n{\\n pointer-events: none;\\n}\\n.slick-initialized .slick-slide\\n{\\n display: block;\\n}\\n.slick-loading .slick-slide\\n{\\n visibility: hidden;\\n}\\n.slick-vertical .slick-slide\\n{\\n display: block;\\n\\n height: auto;\\n\\n border: 1px solid transparent;\\n}\\n.slick-arrow.slick-hidden {\\n display: none;\\n}\\n\"],\"sourceRoot\":\"\"}]);\n// Exports\nexport default ___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___;\n","\"use strict\";\n\nvar stylesInDOM = [];\n\nfunction getIndexByIdentifier(identifier) {\n var result = -1;\n\n for (var i = 0; i < stylesInDOM.length; i++) {\n if (stylesInDOM[i].identifier === identifier) {\n result = i;\n break;\n }\n }\n\n return result;\n}\n\nfunction modulesToDom(list, options) {\n var idCountMap = {};\n var identifiers = [];\n\n for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {\n var item = list[i];\n var id = options.base ? item[0] + options.base : item[0];\n var count = idCountMap[id] || 0;\n var identifier = \"\".concat(id, \" \").concat(count);\n idCountMap[id] = count + 1;\n var indexByIdentifier = getIndexByIdentifier(identifier);\n var obj = {\n css: item[1],\n media: item[2],\n sourceMap: item[3],\n supports: item[4],\n layer: item[5]\n };\n\n if (indexByIdentifier !== -1) {\n stylesInDOM[indexByIdentifier].references++;\n stylesInDOM[indexByIdentifier].updater(obj);\n } else {\n var updater = addElementStyle(obj, options);\n options.byIndex = i;\n stylesInDOM.splice(i, 0, {\n identifier: identifier,\n updater: updater,\n references: 1\n });\n }\n\n identifiers.push(identifier);\n }\n\n return identifiers;\n}\n\nfunction addElementStyle(obj, options) {\n var api = options.domAPI(options);\n api.update(obj);\n\n var updater = function updater(newObj) {\n if (newObj) {\n if (newObj.css === obj.css && newObj.media === obj.media && newObj.sourceMap === obj.sourceMap && newObj.supports === obj.supports && newObj.layer === obj.layer) {\n return;\n }\n\n api.update(obj = newObj);\n } else {\n api.remove();\n }\n };\n\n return updater;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = function (list, options) {\n options = options || {};\n list = list || [];\n var lastIdentifiers = modulesToDom(list, options);\n return function update(newList) {\n newList = newList || [];\n\n for (var i = 0; i < lastIdentifiers.length; i++) {\n var identifier = lastIdentifiers[i];\n var index = getIndexByIdentifier(identifier);\n stylesInDOM[index].references--;\n }\n\n var newLastIdentifiers = modulesToDom(newList, options);\n\n for (var _i = 0; _i < lastIdentifiers.length; _i++) {\n var _identifier = lastIdentifiers[_i];\n\n var _index = getIndexByIdentifier(_identifier);\n\n if (stylesInDOM[_index].references === 0) {\n stylesInDOM[_index].updater();\n\n stylesInDOM.splice(_index, 1);\n }\n }\n\n lastIdentifiers = newLastIdentifiers;\n };\n};","\"use strict\";\n\nvar memo = {};\n/* istanbul ignore next */\n\nfunction getTarget(target) {\n if (typeof memo[target] === \"undefined\") {\n var styleTarget = document.querySelector(target); // Special case to return head of iframe instead of iframe itself\n\n if (window.HTMLIFrameElement && styleTarget instanceof window.HTMLIFrameElement) {\n try {\n // This will throw an exception if access to iframe is blocked\n // due to cross-origin restrictions\n styleTarget = styleTarget.contentDocument.head;\n } catch (e) {\n // istanbul ignore next\n styleTarget = null;\n }\n }\n\n memo[target] = styleTarget;\n }\n\n return memo[target];\n}\n/* istanbul ignore next */\n\n\nfunction insertBySelector(insert, style) {\n var target = getTarget(insert);\n\n if (!target) {\n throw new Error(\"Couldn't find a style target. This probably means that the value for the 'insert' parameter is invalid.\");\n }\n\n target.appendChild(style);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = insertBySelector;","\"use strict\";\n\n/* istanbul ignore next */\nfunction insertStyleElement(options) {\n var element = document.createElement(\"style\");\n options.setAttributes(element, options.attributes);\n options.insert(element, options.options);\n return element;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = insertStyleElement;","\"use strict\";\n\n/* istanbul ignore next */\nfunction setAttributesWithoutAttributes(styleElement) {\n var nonce = typeof __webpack_nonce__ !== \"undefined\" ? __webpack_nonce__ : null;\n\n if (nonce) {\n styleElement.setAttribute(\"nonce\", nonce);\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = setAttributesWithoutAttributes;","\"use strict\";\n\n/* istanbul ignore next */\nfunction apply(styleElement, options, obj) {\n var css = \"\";\n\n if (obj.supports) {\n css += \"@supports (\".concat(obj.supports, \") {\");\n }\n\n if (obj.media) {\n css += \"@media \".concat(obj.media, \" {\");\n }\n\n var needLayer = typeof obj.layer !== \"undefined\";\n\n if (needLayer) {\n css += \"@layer\".concat(obj.layer.length > 0 ? \" \".concat(obj.layer) : \"\", \" {\");\n }\n\n css += obj.css;\n\n if (needLayer) {\n css += \"}\";\n }\n\n if (obj.media) {\n css += \"}\";\n }\n\n if (obj.supports) {\n css += \"}\";\n }\n\n var sourceMap = obj.sourceMap;\n\n if (sourceMap && typeof btoa !== \"undefined\") {\n css += \"\\n/*# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,\".concat(btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(sourceMap)))), \" */\");\n } // For old IE\n\n /* istanbul ignore if */\n\n\n options.styleTagTransform(css, styleElement, options.options);\n}\n\nfunction removeStyleElement(styleElement) {\n // istanbul ignore if\n if (styleElement.parentNode === null) {\n return false;\n }\n\n styleElement.parentNode.removeChild(styleElement);\n}\n/* istanbul ignore next */\n\n\nfunction domAPI(options) {\n var styleElement = options.insertStyleElement(options);\n return {\n update: function update(obj) {\n apply(styleElement, options, obj);\n },\n remove: function remove() {\n removeStyleElement(styleElement);\n }\n };\n}\n\nmodule.exports = domAPI;","\"use strict\";\n\n/* istanbul ignore next */\nfunction styleTagTransform(css, styleElement) {\n if (styleElement.styleSheet) {\n styleElement.styleSheet.cssText = css;\n } else {\n while (styleElement.firstChild) {\n styleElement.removeChild(styleElement.firstChild);\n }\n\n styleElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css));\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = styleTagTransform;","export default function _extends() {\n _extends = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function (target) {\n for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {\n var source = arguments[i];\n\n for (var key in source) {\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {\n target[key] = source[key];\n }\n }\n }\n\n return target;\n };\n return _extends.apply(this, arguments);\n}","export var MS = '-ms-'\nexport var MOZ = '-moz-'\nexport var WEBKIT = '-webkit-'\n\nexport var COMMENT = 'comm'\nexport var RULESET = 'rule'\nexport var DECLARATION = 'decl'\n\nexport var PAGE = '@page'\nexport var MEDIA = '@media'\nexport var IMPORT = '@import'\nexport var CHARSET = '@charset'\nexport var VIEWPORT = '@viewport'\nexport var SUPPORTS = '@supports'\nexport var DOCUMENT = '@document'\nexport var NAMESPACE = '@namespace'\nexport var KEYFRAMES = '@keyframes'\nexport var FONT_FACE = '@font-face'\nexport var COUNTER_STYLE = '@counter-style'\nexport var FONT_FEATURE_VALUES = '@font-feature-values'\n","import {MS, MOZ, WEBKIT, RULESET, KEYFRAMES, DECLARATION} from './Enum.js'\nimport {match, charat, substr, strlen, sizeof, replace, combine} from './Utility.js'\nimport {copy, tokenize} from './Tokenizer.js'\nimport {serialize} from './Serializer.js'\nimport {prefix} from './Prefixer.js'\n\n/**\n * @param {function[]} collection\n * @return {function}\n */\nexport function middleware (collection) {\n\tvar length = sizeof(collection)\n\n\treturn function (element, index, children, callback) {\n\t\tvar output = ''\n\n\t\tfor (var i = 0; i < length; i++)\n\t\t\toutput += collection[i](element, index, children, callback) || ''\n\n\t\treturn output\n\t}\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {function} callback\n * @return {function}\n */\nexport function rulesheet (callback) {\n\treturn function (element) {\n\t\tif (!element.root)\n\t\t\tif (element = element.return)\n\t\t\t\tcallback(element)\n\t}\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {object} element\n * @param {number} index\n * @param {object[]} children\n * @param {function} callback\n */\nexport function prefixer (element, index, children, callback) {\n\tif (element.length > -1)\n\t\tif (!element.return)\n\t\t\tswitch (element.type) {\n\t\t\t\tcase DECLARATION: element.return = prefix(element.value, element.length)\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak\n\t\t\t\tcase KEYFRAMES:\n\t\t\t\t\treturn serialize([copy(element, {value: replace(element.value, '@', '@' + WEBKIT)})], callback)\n\t\t\t\tcase RULESET:\n\t\t\t\t\tif (element.length)\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn combine(element.props, function (value) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tswitch (match(value, /(::plac\\w+|:read-\\w+)/)) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// :read-(only|write)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcase ':read-only': case ':read-write':\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\treturn serialize([copy(element, {props: [replace(value, /:(read-\\w+)/, ':' + MOZ + '$1')]})], callback)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// :placeholder\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcase '::placeholder':\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\treturn serialize([\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcopy(element, {props: [replace(value, /:(plac\\w+)/, ':' + WEBKIT + 'input-$1')]}),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcopy(element, {props: [replace(value, /:(plac\\w+)/, ':' + MOZ + '$1')]}),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcopy(element, {props: [replace(value, /:(plac\\w+)/, MS + 'input-$1')]})\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t], callback)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\treturn ''\n\t\t\t\t\t\t})\n\t\t\t}\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {object} element\n * @param {number} index\n * @param {object[]} children\n */\nexport function namespace (element) {\n\tswitch (element.type) {\n\t\tcase RULESET:\n\t\t\telement.props = element.props.map(function (value) {\n\t\t\t\treturn combine(tokenize(value), function (value, index, children) {\n\t\t\t\t\tswitch (charat(value, 0)) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t// \\f\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcase 12:\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\treturn substr(value, 1, strlen(value))\n\t\t\t\t\t\t// \\0 ( + > ~\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcase 0: case 40: case 43: case 62: case 126:\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\treturn value\n\t\t\t\t\t\t// :\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcase 58:\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (children[++index] === 'global')\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tchildren[index] = '', children[++index] = '\\f' + substr(children[index], index = 1, -1)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t// \\s\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcase 32:\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\treturn index === 1 ? '' : value\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tswitch (index) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcase 0: element = value\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\treturn sizeof(children) > 1 ? '' : value\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcase index = sizeof(children) - 1: case 2:\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\treturn index === 2 ? value + element + element : value + element\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\treturn value\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t})\n\t\t\t})\n\t}\n}\n","import {COMMENT, RULESET, DECLARATION} from './Enum.js'\nimport {abs, trim, from, sizeof, strlen, substr, append, replace, indexof} from './Utility.js'\nimport {node, char, prev, next, peek, caret, alloc, dealloc, delimit, whitespace, escaping, identifier, commenter} from './Tokenizer.js'\n\n/**\n * @param {string} value\n * @return {object[]}\n */\nexport function compile (value) {\n\treturn dealloc(parse('', null, null, null, [''], value = alloc(value), 0, [0], value))\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {string} value\n * @param {object} root\n * @param {object?} parent\n * @param {string[]} rule\n * @param {string[]} rules\n * @param {string[]} rulesets\n * @param {number[]} pseudo\n * @param {number[]} points\n * @param {string[]} declarations\n * @return {object}\n */\nexport function parse (value, root, parent, rule, rules, rulesets, pseudo, points, declarations) {\n\tvar index = 0\n\tvar offset = 0\n\tvar length = pseudo\n\tvar atrule = 0\n\tvar property = 0\n\tvar previous = 0\n\tvar variable = 1\n\tvar scanning = 1\n\tvar ampersand = 1\n\tvar character = 0\n\tvar type = ''\n\tvar props = rules\n\tvar children = rulesets\n\tvar reference = rule\n\tvar characters = type\n\n\twhile (scanning)\n\t\tswitch (previous = character, character = next()) {\n\t\t\t// (\n\t\t\tcase 40:\n\t\t\t\tif (previous != 108 && characters.charCodeAt(length - 1) == 58) {\n\t\t\t\t\tif (indexof(characters += replace(delimit(character), '&', '&\\f'), '&\\f') != -1)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tampersand = -1\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t// \" ' [\n\t\t\tcase 34: case 39: case 91:\n\t\t\t\tcharacters += delimit(character)\n\t\t\t\tbreak\n\t\t\t// \\t \\n \\r \\s\n\t\t\tcase 9: case 10: case 13: case 32:\n\t\t\t\tcharacters += whitespace(previous)\n\t\t\t\tbreak\n\t\t\t// \\\n\t\t\tcase 92:\n\t\t\t\tcharacters += escaping(caret() - 1, 7)\n\t\t\t\tcontinue\n\t\t\t// /\n\t\t\tcase 47:\n\t\t\t\tswitch (peek()) {\n\t\t\t\t\tcase 42: case 47:\n\t\t\t\t\t\tappend(comment(commenter(next(), caret()), root, parent), declarations)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbreak\n\t\t\t\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcharacters += '/'\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tbreak\n\t\t\t// {\n\t\t\tcase 123 * variable:\n\t\t\t\tpoints[index++] = strlen(characters) * ampersand\n\t\t\t// } ; \\0\n\t\t\tcase 125 * variable: case 59: case 0:\n\t\t\t\tswitch (character) {\n\t\t\t\t\t// \\0 }\n\t\t\t\t\tcase 0: case 125: scanning = 0\n\t\t\t\t\t// ;\n\t\t\t\t\tcase 59 + offset:\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (property > 0 && (strlen(characters) - length))\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tappend(property > 32 ? declaration(characters + ';', rule, parent, length - 1) : declaration(replace(characters, ' ', '') + ';', rule, parent, length - 2), declarations)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbreak\n\t\t\t\t\t// @ ;\n\t\t\t\t\tcase 59: characters += ';'\n\t\t\t\t\t// { rule/at-rule\n\t\t\t\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\t\t\t\tappend(reference = ruleset(characters, root, parent, index, offset, rules, points, type, props = [], children = [], length), rulesets)\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (character === 123)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (offset === 0)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tparse(characters, root, reference, reference, props, rulesets, length, points, children)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tswitch (atrule) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// d m s\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcase 100: case 109: case 115:\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tparse(value, reference, reference, rule && append(ruleset(value, reference, reference, 0, 0, rules, points, type, rules, props = [], length), children), rules, children, length, points, rule ? props : children)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbreak\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tparse(characters, reference, reference, reference, [''], children, 0, points, children)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tindex = offset = property = 0, variable = ampersand = 1, type = characters = '', length = pseudo\n\t\t\t\tbreak\n\t\t\t// :\n\t\t\tcase 58:\n\t\t\t\tlength = 1 + strlen(characters), property = previous\n\t\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\t\tif (variable < 1)\n\t\t\t\t\tif (character == 123)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t--variable\n\t\t\t\t\telse if (character == 125 && variable++ == 0 && prev() == 125)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcontinue\n\n\t\t\t\tswitch (characters += from(character), character * variable) {\n\t\t\t\t\t// &\n\t\t\t\t\tcase 38:\n\t\t\t\t\t\tampersand = offset > 0 ? 1 : (characters += '\\f', -1)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbreak\n\t\t\t\t\t// ,\n\t\t\t\t\tcase 44:\n\t\t\t\t\t\tpoints[index++] = (strlen(characters) - 1) * ampersand, ampersand = 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbreak\n\t\t\t\t\t// @\n\t\t\t\t\tcase 64:\n\t\t\t\t\t\t// -\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (peek() === 45)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcharacters += delimit(next())\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tatrule = peek(), offset = length = strlen(type = characters += identifier(caret())), character++\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbreak\n\t\t\t\t\t// -\n\t\t\t\t\tcase 45:\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (previous === 45 && strlen(characters) == 2)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvariable = 0\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\treturn rulesets\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {string} value\n * @param {object} root\n * @param {object?} parent\n * @param {number} index\n * @param {number} offset\n * @param {string[]} rules\n * @param {number[]} points\n * @param {string} type\n * @param {string[]} props\n * @param {string[]} children\n * @param {number} length\n * @return {object}\n */\nexport function ruleset (value, root, parent, index, offset, rules, points, type, props, children, length) {\n\tvar post = offset - 1\n\tvar rule = offset === 0 ? rules : ['']\n\tvar size = sizeof(rule)\n\n\tfor (var i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; i < index; ++i)\n\t\tfor (var x = 0, y = substr(value, post + 1, post = abs(j = points[i])), z = value; x < size; ++x)\n\t\t\tif (z = trim(j > 0 ? rule[x] + ' ' + y : replace(y, /&\\f/g, rule[x])))\n\t\t\t\tprops[k++] = z\n\n\treturn node(value, root, parent, offset === 0 ? RULESET : type, props, children, length)\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {number} value\n * @param {object} root\n * @param {object?} parent\n * @return {object}\n */\nexport function comment (value, root, parent) {\n\treturn node(value, root, parent, COMMENT, from(char()), substr(value, 2, -2), 0)\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {string} value\n * @param {object} root\n * @param {object?} parent\n * @param {number} length\n * @return {object}\n */\nexport function declaration (value, root, parent, length) {\n\treturn node(value, root, parent, DECLARATION, substr(value, 0, length), substr(value, length + 1, -1), length)\n}\n","import {MS, MOZ, WEBKIT} from './Enum.js'\nimport {hash, charat, strlen, indexof, replace} from './Utility.js'\n\n/**\n * @param {string} value\n * @param {number} length\n * @return {string}\n */\nexport function prefix (value, length) {\n\tswitch (hash(value, length)) {\n\t\t// color-adjust\n\t\tcase 5103:\n\t\t\treturn WEBKIT + 'print-' + value + value\n\t\t// animation, animation-(delay|direction|duration|fill-mode|iteration-count|name|play-state|timing-function)\n\t\tcase 5737: case 4201: case 3177: case 3433: case 1641: case 4457: case 2921:\n\t\t// text-decoration, filter, clip-path, backface-visibility, column, box-decoration-break\n\t\tcase 5572: case 6356: case 5844: case 3191: case 6645: case 3005:\n\t\t// mask, mask-image, mask-(mode|clip|size), mask-(repeat|origin), mask-position, mask-composite,\n\t\tcase 6391: case 5879: case 5623: case 6135: case 4599: case 4855:\n\t\t// background-clip, columns, column-(count|fill|gap|rule|rule-color|rule-style|rule-width|span|width)\n\t\tcase 4215: case 6389: case 5109: case 5365: case 5621: case 3829:\n\t\t\treturn WEBKIT + value + value\n\t\t// appearance, user-select, transform, hyphens, text-size-adjust\n\t\tcase 5349: case 4246: case 4810: case 6968: case 2756:\n\t\t\treturn WEBKIT + value + MOZ + value + MS + value + value\n\t\t// flex, flex-direction\n\t\tcase 6828: case 4268:\n\t\t\treturn WEBKIT + value + MS + value + value\n\t\t// order\n\t\tcase 6165:\n\t\t\treturn WEBKIT + value + MS + 'flex-' + value + value\n\t\t// align-items\n\t\tcase 5187:\n\t\t\treturn WEBKIT + value + replace(value, /(\\w+).+(:[^]+)/, WEBKIT + 'box-$1$2' + MS + 'flex-$1$2') + value\n\t\t// align-self\n\t\tcase 5443:\n\t\t\treturn WEBKIT + value + MS + 'flex-item-' + replace(value, /flex-|-self/, '') + value\n\t\t// align-content\n\t\tcase 4675:\n\t\t\treturn WEBKIT + value + MS + 'flex-line-pack' + replace(value, /align-content|flex-|-self/, '') + value\n\t\t// flex-shrink\n\t\tcase 5548:\n\t\t\treturn WEBKIT + value + MS + replace(value, 'shrink', 'negative') + value\n\t\t// flex-basis\n\t\tcase 5292:\n\t\t\treturn WEBKIT + value + MS + replace(value, 'basis', 'preferred-size') + value\n\t\t// flex-grow\n\t\tcase 6060:\n\t\t\treturn WEBKIT + 'box-' + replace(value, '-grow', '') + WEBKIT + value + MS + replace(value, 'grow', 'positive') + value\n\t\t// transition\n\t\tcase 4554:\n\t\t\treturn WEBKIT + replace(value, /([^-])(transform)/g, '$1' + WEBKIT + '$2') + value\n\t\t// cursor\n\t\tcase 6187:\n\t\t\treturn replace(replace(replace(value, /(zoom-|grab)/, WEBKIT + '$1'), /(image-set)/, WEBKIT + '$1'), value, '') + value\n\t\t// background, background-image\n\t\tcase 5495: case 3959:\n\t\t\treturn replace(value, /(image-set\\([^]*)/, WEBKIT + '$1' + '$`$1')\n\t\t// justify-content\n\t\tcase 4968:\n\t\t\treturn replace(replace(value, /(.+:)(flex-)?(.*)/, WEBKIT + 'box-pack:$3' + MS + 'flex-pack:$3'), /s.+-b[^;]+/, 'justify') + WEBKIT + value + value\n\t\t// (margin|padding)-inline-(start|end)\n\t\tcase 4095: case 3583: case 4068: case 2532:\n\t\t\treturn replace(value, /(.+)-inline(.+)/, WEBKIT + '$1$2') + value\n\t\t// (min|max)?(width|height|inline-size|block-size)\n\t\tcase 8116: case 7059: case 5753: case 5535:\n\t\tcase 5445: case 5701: case 4933: case 4677:\n\t\tcase 5533: case 5789: case 5021: case 4765:\n\t\t\t// stretch, max-content, min-content, fill-available\n\t\t\tif (strlen(value) - 1 - length > 6)\n\t\t\t\tswitch (charat(value, length + 1)) {\n\t\t\t\t\t// (m)ax-content, (m)in-content\n\t\t\t\t\tcase 109:\n\t\t\t\t\t\t// -\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (charat(value, length + 4) !== 45)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbreak\n\t\t\t\t\t// (f)ill-available, (f)it-content\n\t\t\t\t\tcase 102:\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn replace(value, /(.+:)(.+)-([^]+)/, '$1' + WEBKIT + '$2-$3' + '$1' + MOZ + (charat(value, length + 3) == 108 ? '$3' : '$2-$3')) + value\n\t\t\t\t\t// (s)tretch\n\t\t\t\t\tcase 115:\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn ~indexof(value, 'stretch') ? prefix(replace(value, 'stretch', 'fill-available'), length) + value : value\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tbreak\n\t\t// position: sticky\n\t\tcase 4949:\n\t\t\t// (s)ticky?\n\t\t\tif (charat(value, length + 1) !== 115)\n\t\t\t\tbreak\n\t\t// display: (flex|inline-flex)\n\t\tcase 6444:\n\t\t\tswitch (charat(value, strlen(value) - 3 - (~indexof(value, '!important') && 10))) {\n\t\t\t\t// stic(k)y\n\t\t\t\tcase 107:\n\t\t\t\t\treturn replace(value, ':', ':' + WEBKIT) + value\n\t\t\t\t// (inline-)?fl(e)x\n\t\t\t\tcase 101:\n\t\t\t\t\treturn replace(value, /(.+:)([^;!]+)(;|!.+)?/, '$1' + WEBKIT + (charat(value, 14) === 45 ? 'inline-' : '') + 'box$3' + '$1' + WEBKIT + '$2$3' + '$1' + MS + '$2box$3') + value\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tbreak\n\t\t// writing-mode\n\t\tcase 5936:\n\t\t\tswitch (charat(value, length + 11)) {\n\t\t\t\t// vertical-l(r)\n\t\t\t\tcase 114:\n\t\t\t\t\treturn WEBKIT + value + MS + replace(value, /[svh]\\w+-[tblr]{2}/, 'tb') + value\n\t\t\t\t// vertical-r(l)\n\t\t\t\tcase 108:\n\t\t\t\t\treturn WEBKIT + value + MS + replace(value, /[svh]\\w+-[tblr]{2}/, 'tb-rl') + value\n\t\t\t\t// horizontal(-)tb\n\t\t\t\tcase 45:\n\t\t\t\t\treturn WEBKIT + value + MS + replace(value, /[svh]\\w+-[tblr]{2}/, 'lr') + value\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\treturn WEBKIT + value + MS + value + value\n\t}\n\n\treturn value\n}\n","import {IMPORT, COMMENT, RULESET, DECLARATION, KEYFRAMES} from './Enum.js'\nimport {strlen, sizeof} from './Utility.js'\n\n/**\n * @param {object[]} children\n * @param {function} callback\n * @return {string}\n */\nexport function serialize (children, callback) {\n\tvar output = ''\n\tvar length = sizeof(children)\n\n\tfor (var i = 0; i < length; i++)\n\t\toutput += callback(children[i], i, children, callback) || ''\n\n\treturn output\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {object} element\n * @param {number} index\n * @param {object[]} children\n * @param {function} callback\n * @return {string}\n */\nexport function stringify (element, index, children, callback) {\n\tswitch (element.type) {\n\t\tcase IMPORT: case DECLARATION: return element.return = element.return || element.value\n\t\tcase COMMENT: return ''\n\t\tcase KEYFRAMES: return element.return = element.value + '{' + serialize(element.children, callback) + '}'\n\t\tcase RULESET: element.value = element.props.join(',')\n\t}\n\n\treturn strlen(children = serialize(element.children, callback)) ? element.return = element.value + '{' + children + '}' : ''\n}\n","import {from, trim, charat, strlen, substr, append, assign} from './Utility.js'\n\nexport var line = 1\nexport var column = 1\nexport var length = 0\nexport var position = 0\nexport var character = 0\nexport var characters = ''\n\n/**\n * @param {string} value\n * @param {object | null} root\n * @param {object | null} parent\n * @param {string} type\n * @param {string[] | string} props\n * @param {object[] | string} children\n * @param {number} length\n */\nexport function node (value, root, parent, type, props, children, length) {\n\treturn {value: value, root: root, parent: parent, type: type, props: props, children: children, line: line, column: column, length: length, return: ''}\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {object} root\n * @param {object} props\n * @return {object}\n */\nexport function copy (root, props) {\n\treturn assign(node('', null, null, '', null, null, 0), root, {length: -root.length}, props)\n}\n\n/**\n * @return {number}\n */\nexport function char () {\n\treturn character\n}\n\n/**\n * @return {number}\n */\nexport function prev () {\n\tcharacter = position > 0 ? charat(characters, --position) : 0\n\n\tif (column--, character === 10)\n\t\tcolumn = 1, line--\n\n\treturn character\n}\n\n/**\n * @return {number}\n */\nexport function next () {\n\tcharacter = position < length ? charat(characters, position++) : 0\n\n\tif (column++, character === 10)\n\t\tcolumn = 1, line++\n\n\treturn character\n}\n\n/**\n * @return {number}\n */\nexport function peek () {\n\treturn charat(characters, position)\n}\n\n/**\n * @return {number}\n */\nexport function caret () {\n\treturn position\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {number} begin\n * @param {number} end\n * @return {string}\n */\nexport function slice (begin, end) {\n\treturn substr(characters, begin, end)\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {number} type\n * @return {number}\n */\nexport function token (type) {\n\tswitch (type) {\n\t\t// \\0 \\t \\n \\r \\s whitespace token\n\t\tcase 0: case 9: case 10: case 13: case 32:\n\t\t\treturn 5\n\t\t// ! + , / > @ ~ isolate token\n\t\tcase 33: case 43: case 44: case 47: case 62: case 64: case 126:\n\t\t// ; { } breakpoint token\n\t\tcase 59: case 123: case 125:\n\t\t\treturn 4\n\t\t// : accompanied token\n\t\tcase 58:\n\t\t\treturn 3\n\t\t// \" ' ( [ opening delimit token\n\t\tcase 34: case 39: case 40: case 91:\n\t\t\treturn 2\n\t\t// ) ] closing delimit token\n\t\tcase 41: case 93:\n\t\t\treturn 1\n\t}\n\n\treturn 0\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {string} value\n * @return {any[]}\n */\nexport function alloc (value) {\n\treturn line = column = 1, length = strlen(characters = value), position = 0, []\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {any} value\n * @return {any}\n */\nexport function dealloc (value) {\n\treturn characters = '', value\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {number} type\n * @return {string}\n */\nexport function delimit (type) {\n\treturn trim(slice(position - 1, delimiter(type === 91 ? type + 2 : type === 40 ? type + 1 : type)))\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {string} value\n * @return {string[]}\n */\nexport function tokenize (value) {\n\treturn dealloc(tokenizer(alloc(value)))\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {number} type\n * @return {string}\n */\nexport function whitespace (type) {\n\twhile (character = peek())\n\t\tif (character < 33)\n\t\t\tnext()\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tbreak\n\n\treturn token(type) > 2 || token(character) > 3 ? '' : ' '\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {string[]} children\n * @return {string[]}\n */\nexport function tokenizer (children) {\n\twhile (next())\n\t\tswitch (token(character)) {\n\t\t\tcase 0: append(identifier(position - 1), children)\n\t\t\t\tbreak\n\t\t\tcase 2: append(delimit(character), children)\n\t\t\t\tbreak\n\t\t\tdefault: append(from(character), children)\n\t\t}\n\n\treturn children\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {number} index\n * @param {number} count\n * @return {string}\n */\nexport function escaping (index, count) {\n\twhile (--count && next())\n\t\t// not 0-9 A-F a-f\n\t\tif (character < 48 || character > 102 || (character > 57 && character < 65) || (character > 70 && character < 97))\n\t\t\tbreak\n\n\treturn slice(index, caret() + (count < 6 && peek() == 32 && next() == 32))\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {number} type\n * @return {number}\n */\nexport function delimiter (type) {\n\twhile (next())\n\t\tswitch (character) {\n\t\t\t// ] ) \" '\n\t\t\tcase type:\n\t\t\t\treturn position\n\t\t\t// \" '\n\t\t\tcase 34: case 39:\n\t\t\t\tif (type !== 34 && type !== 39)\n\t\t\t\t\tdelimiter(character)\n\t\t\t\tbreak\n\t\t\t// (\n\t\t\tcase 40:\n\t\t\t\tif (type === 41)\n\t\t\t\t\tdelimiter(type)\n\t\t\t\tbreak\n\t\t\t// \\\n\t\t\tcase 92:\n\t\t\t\tnext()\n\t\t\t\tbreak\n\t\t}\n\n\treturn position\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {number} type\n * @param {number} index\n * @return {number}\n */\nexport function commenter (type, index) {\n\twhile (next())\n\t\t// //\n\t\tif (type + character === 47 + 10)\n\t\t\tbreak\n\t\t// /*\n\t\telse if (type + character === 42 + 42 && peek() === 47)\n\t\t\tbreak\n\n\treturn '/*' + slice(index, position - 1) + '*' + from(type === 47 ? type : next())\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {number} index\n * @return {string}\n */\nexport function identifier (index) {\n\twhile (!token(peek()))\n\t\tnext()\n\n\treturn slice(index, position)\n}\n","/**\n * @param {number}\n * @return {number}\n */\nexport var abs = Math.abs\n\n/**\n * @param {number}\n * @return {string}\n */\nexport var from = String.fromCharCode\n\n/**\n * @param {object}\n * @return {object}\n */\nexport var assign = Object.assign\n\n/**\n * @param {string} value\n * @param {number} length\n * @return {number}\n */\nexport function hash (value, length) {\n\treturn (((((((length << 2) ^ charat(value, 0)) << 2) ^ charat(value, 1)) << 2) ^ charat(value, 2)) << 2) ^ charat(value, 3)\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {string} value\n * @return {string}\n */\nexport function trim (value) {\n\treturn value.trim()\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {string} value\n * @param {RegExp} pattern\n * @return {string?}\n */\nexport function match (value, pattern) {\n\treturn (value = pattern.exec(value)) ? value[0] : value\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {string} value\n * @param {(string|RegExp)} pattern\n * @param {string} replacement\n * @return {string}\n */\nexport function replace (value, pattern, replacement) {\n\treturn value.replace(pattern, replacement)\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {string} value\n * @param {string} search\n * @return {number}\n */\nexport function indexof (value, search) {\n\treturn value.indexOf(search)\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {string} value\n * @param {number} index\n * @return {number}\n */\nexport function charat (value, index) {\n\treturn value.charCodeAt(index) | 0\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {string} value\n * @param {number} begin\n * @param {number} end\n * @return {string}\n */\nexport function substr (value, begin, end) {\n\treturn value.slice(begin, end)\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {string} value\n * @return {number}\n */\nexport function strlen (value) {\n\treturn value.length\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {any[]} value\n * @return {number}\n */\nexport function sizeof (value) {\n\treturn value.length\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {any} value\n * @param {any[]} array\n * @return {any}\n */\nexport function append (value, array) {\n\treturn array.push(value), value\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {string[]} array\n * @param {function} callback\n * @return {string}\n */\nexport function combine (array, callback) {\n\treturn array.map(callback).join('')\n}\n","// The module cache\nvar __webpack_module_cache__ = {};\n\n// The require function\nfunction __webpack_require__(moduleId) {\n\t// Check if module is in cache\n\tvar cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];\n\tif (cachedModule !== undefined) {\n\t\treturn cachedModule.exports;\n\t}\n\t// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)\n\tvar module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {\n\t\tid: moduleId,\n\t\t// no module.loaded needed\n\t\texports: {}\n\t};\n\n\t// Execute the module function\n\t__webpack_modules__[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);\n\n\t// Return the exports of the module\n\treturn module.exports;\n}\n\n// expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)\n__webpack_require__.m = __webpack_modules__;\n\n","// getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules\n__webpack_require__.n = function(module) {\n\tvar getter = module && module.__esModule ?\n\t\tfunction() { return module['default']; } :\n\t\tfunction() { return module; };\n\t__webpack_require__.d(getter, { a: getter });\n\treturn getter;\n};","// define getter functions for harmony exports\n__webpack_require__.d = function(exports, definition) {\n\tfor(var key in definition) {\n\t\tif(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) {\n\t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] });\n\t\t}\n\t}\n};","__webpack_require__.f = {};\n// This file contains only the entry chunk.\n// The chunk loading function for additional chunks\n__webpack_require__.e = function(chunkId) {\n\treturn Promise.all(Object.keys(__webpack_require__.f).reduce(function(promises, key) {\n\t\t__webpack_require__.f[key](chunkId, promises);\n\t\treturn promises;\n\t}, []));\n};","// This function allow to reference async chunks\n__webpack_require__.u = function(chunkId) {\n\t// return url for filenames based on template\n\treturn \"\" + chunkId + \".min.js\";\n};","__webpack_require__.g = (function() {\n\tif (typeof globalThis === 'object') return globalThis;\n\ttry {\n\t\treturn this || new Function('return this')();\n\t} catch (e) {\n\t\tif (typeof window === 'object') return window;\n\t}\n})();","__webpack_require__.o = function(obj, prop) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop); }","// define __esModule on exports\n__webpack_require__.r = function(exports) {\n\tif(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {\n\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });\n\t}\n\tObject.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });\n};","var scriptUrl;\nif (__webpack_require__.g.importScripts) scriptUrl = __webpack_require__.g.location + \"\";\nvar document = __webpack_require__.g.document;\nif (!scriptUrl && document) {\n\tif (document.currentScript)\n\t\tscriptUrl = document.currentScript.src\n\tif (!scriptUrl) {\n\t\tvar scripts = document.getElementsByTagName(\"script\");\n\t\tif(scripts.length) scriptUrl = scripts[scripts.length - 1].src\n\t}\n}\n// When supporting browsers where an automatic publicPath is not supported you must specify an output.publicPath manually via configuration\n// or pass an empty string (\"\") and set the __webpack_public_path__ variable from your code to use your own logic.\nif (!scriptUrl) throw new Error(\"Automatic publicPath is not supported in this browser\");\nscriptUrl = scriptUrl.replace(/#.*$/, \"\").replace(/\\?.*$/, \"\").replace(/\\/[^\\/]+$/, \"/\");\n__webpack_require__.p = scriptUrl;","__webpack_require__.b = document.baseURI || self.location.href;\n\n// object to store loaded and loading chunks\n// undefined = chunk not loaded, null = chunk preloaded/prefetched\n// [resolve, reject, Promise] = chunk loading, 0 = chunk loaded\nvar installedChunks = {\n\t495: 0\n};\n\n__webpack_require__.f.j = function(chunkId, promises) {\n\t\t// JSONP chunk loading for javascript\n\t\tvar installedChunkData = __webpack_require__.o(installedChunks, chunkId) ? installedChunks[chunkId] : undefined;\n\t\tif(installedChunkData !== 0) { // 0 means \"already installed\".\n\n\t\t\t// a Promise means \"currently loading\".\n\t\t\tif(installedChunkData) {\n\t\t\t\tpromises.push(installedChunkData[2]);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tif(true) { // all chunks have JS\n\t\t\t\t\t// setup Promise in chunk cache\n\t\t\t\t\tvar promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { installedChunkData = installedChunks[chunkId] = [resolve, reject]; });\n\t\t\t\t\tpromises.push(installedChunkData[2] = promise);\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// start chunk loading\n\t\t\t\t\tvar url = __webpack_require__.p + __webpack_require__.u(chunkId);\n\t\t\t\t\t// create error before stack unwound to get useful stacktrace later\n\t\t\t\t\tvar error = new Error();\n\t\t\t\t\tvar loadingEnded = function(event) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif(__webpack_require__.o(installedChunks, chunkId)) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinstalledChunkData = installedChunks[chunkId];\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif(installedChunkData !== 0) installedChunks[chunkId] = undefined;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif(installedChunkData) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvar errorType = event && (event.type === 'load' ? 'missing' : event.type);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvar realSrc = event && event.target && event.target.src;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\terror.message = 'Loading chunk ' + chunkId + ' failed.\\n(' + errorType + ': ' + realSrc + ')';\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\terror.name = 'ChunkLoadError';\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\terror.type = errorType;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\terror.request = realSrc;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinstalledChunkData[1](error);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t\t\t__webpack_require__.l(url, loadingEnded, \"chunk-\" + chunkId, chunkId);\n\t\t\t\t} else installedChunks[chunkId] = 0;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n};\n\n// no prefetching\n\n// no preloaded\n\n// no HMR\n\n// no HMR manifest\n\n// no on chunks loaded\n\n// install a JSONP callback for chunk loading\nvar webpackJsonpCallback = function(parentChunkLoadingFunction, data) {\n\tvar chunkIds = data[0];\n\tvar moreModules = data[1];\n\tvar runtime = data[2];\n\t// add \"moreModules\" to the modules object,\n\t// then flag all \"chunkIds\" as loaded and fire callback\n\tvar moduleId, chunkId, i = 0;\n\tif(chunkIds.some(function(id) { return installedChunks[id] !== 0; })) {\n\t\tfor(moduleId in moreModules) {\n\t\t\tif(__webpack_require__.o(moreModules, moduleId)) {\n\t\t\t\t__webpack_require__.m[moduleId] = moreModules[moduleId];\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(runtime) var result = runtime(__webpack_require__);\n\t}\n\tif(parentChunkLoadingFunction) parentChunkLoadingFunction(data);\n\tfor(;i < chunkIds.length; i++) {\n\t\tchunkId = chunkIds[i];\n\t\tif(__webpack_require__.o(installedChunks, chunkId) && installedChunks[chunkId]) {\n\t\t\tinstalledChunks[chunkId][0]();\n\t\t}\n\t\tinstalledChunks[chunkId] = 0;\n\t}\n\n}\n\nvar chunkLoadingGlobal = self[\"webpackChunkplank\"] = self[\"webpackChunkplank\"] || [];\nchunkLoadingGlobal.forEach(webpackJsonpCallback.bind(null, 0));\nchunkLoadingGlobal.push = webpackJsonpCallback.bind(null, chunkLoadingGlobal.push.bind(chunkLoadingGlobal));","__webpack_require__.nc = undefined;","var __WEBPACK_NAMESPACE_OBJECT__ = jQuery;","/******************************************************************************\r\nCopyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\r\n\r\nPermission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any\r\npurpose with or without fee is hereby granted.\r\n\r\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH\r\nREGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY\r\nAND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT,\r\nINDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM\r\nLOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR\r\nOTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR\r\nPERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE.\r\n***************************************************************************** */\r\n/* global Reflect, Promise */\r\n\r\nvar extendStatics = function(d, b) {\r\n extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||\r\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||\r\n function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b, p)) d[p] = b[p]; };\r\n return extendStatics(d, b);\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport function __extends(d, b) {\r\n if (typeof b !== \"function\" && b !== null)\r\n throw new TypeError(\"Class extends value \" + String(b) + \" is not a constructor or null\");\r\n extendStatics(d, b);\r\n function __() { this.constructor = d; }\r\n d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport var __assign = function() {\r\n __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) {\r\n for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {\r\n s = arguments[i];\r\n for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];\r\n }\r\n return t;\r\n }\r\n return __assign.apply(this, arguments);\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __rest(s, e) {\r\n var t = {};\r\n for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0)\r\n t[p] = s[p];\r\n if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === \"function\")\r\n for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {\r\n if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, p[i]))\r\n t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];\r\n }\r\n return t;\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __decorate(decorators, target, key, desc) {\r\n var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;\r\n if (typeof Reflect === \"object\" && typeof Reflect.decorate === \"function\") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);\r\n else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;\r\n return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __param(paramIndex, decorator) {\r\n return function (target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); }\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue) {\r\n if (typeof Reflect === \"object\" && typeof Reflect.metadata === \"function\") return Reflect.metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue);\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __generator(thisArg, body) {\r\n var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g;\r\n return g = { next: verb(0), \"throw\": verb(1), \"return\": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === \"function\" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g;\r\n function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; }\r\n function step(op) {\r\n if (f) throw new TypeError(\"Generator is already executing.\");\r\n while (_) try {\r\n if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y[\"return\"] : op[0] ? y[\"throw\"] || ((t = y[\"return\"]) && t.call(y), 0) : y.next) && !(t = t.call(y, op[1])).done) return t;\r\n if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value];\r\n switch (op[0]) {\r\n case 0: case 1: t = op; break;\r\n case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false };\r\n case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue;\r\n case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue;\r\n default:\r\n if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; }\r\n if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; }\r\n if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; }\r\n if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; }\r\n if (t[2]) _.ops.pop();\r\n _.trys.pop(); continue;\r\n }\r\n op = body.call(thisArg, _);\r\n } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; }\r\n if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true };\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport var __createBinding = Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k);\r\n if (!desc || (\"get\" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) {\r\n desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } };\r\n }\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc);\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n});\r\n\r\nexport function __exportStar(m, o) {\r\n for (var p in m) if (p !== \"default\" && !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, p)) __createBinding(o, m, p);\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __values(o) {\r\n var s = typeof Symbol === \"function\" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0;\r\n if (m) return m.call(o);\r\n if (o && typeof o.length === \"number\") return {\r\n next: function () {\r\n if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0;\r\n return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };\r\n }\r\n };\r\n throw new TypeError(s ? \"Object is not iterable.\" : \"Symbol.iterator is not defined.\");\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __read(o, n) {\r\n var m = typeof Symbol === \"function\" && o[Symbol.iterator];\r\n if (!m) return o;\r\n var i = m.call(o), r, ar = [], e;\r\n try {\r\n while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) ar.push(r.value);\r\n }\r\n catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }\r\n finally {\r\n try {\r\n if (r && !r.done && (m = i[\"return\"])) m.call(i);\r\n }\r\n finally { if (e) throw e.error; }\r\n }\r\n return ar;\r\n}\r\n\r\n/** @deprecated */\r\nexport function __spread() {\r\n for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)\r\n ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));\r\n return ar;\r\n}\r\n\r\n/** @deprecated */\r\nexport function __spreadArrays() {\r\n for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length;\r\n for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++)\r\n for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++)\r\n r[k] = a[j];\r\n return r;\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __spreadArray(to, from, pack) {\r\n if (pack || arguments.length === 2) for (var i = 0, l = from.length, ar; i < l; i++) {\r\n if (ar || !(i in from)) {\r\n if (!ar) ar = Array.prototype.slice.call(from, 0, i);\r\n ar[i] = from[i];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return to.concat(ar || Array.prototype.slice.call(from));\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __await(v) {\r\n return this instanceof __await ? (this.v = v, this) : new __await(v);\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __asyncGenerator(thisArg, _arguments, generator) {\r\n if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError(\"Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.\");\r\n var g = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || []), i, q = [];\r\n return i = {}, verb(\"next\"), verb(\"throw\"), verb(\"return\"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i;\r\n function verb(n) { if (g[n]) i[n] = function (v) { return new Promise(function (a, b) { q.push([n, v, a, b]) > 1 || resume(n, v); }); }; }\r\n function resume(n, v) { try { step(g[n](v)); } catch (e) { settle(q[0][3], e); } }\r\n function step(r) { r.value instanceof __await ? Promise.resolve(r.value.v).then(fulfill, reject) : settle(q[0][2], r); }\r\n function fulfill(value) { resume(\"next\", value); }\r\n function reject(value) { resume(\"throw\", value); }\r\n function settle(f, v) { if (f(v), q.shift(), q.length) resume(q[0][0], q[0][1]); }\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __asyncDelegator(o) {\r\n var i, p;\r\n return i = {}, verb(\"next\"), verb(\"throw\", function (e) { throw e; }), verb(\"return\"), i[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this; }, i;\r\n function verb(n, f) { i[n] = o[n] ? function (v) { return (p = !p) ? { value: __await(o[n](v)), done: n === \"return\" } : f ? f(v) : v; } : f; }\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __asyncValues(o) {\r\n if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError(\"Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.\");\r\n var m = o[Symbol.asyncIterator], i;\r\n return m ? m.call(o) : (o = typeof __values === \"function\" ? __values(o) : o[Symbol.iterator](), i = {}, verb(\"next\"), verb(\"throw\"), verb(\"return\"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i);\r\n function verb(n) { i[n] = o[n] && function (v) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { v = o[n](v), settle(resolve, reject, v.done, v.value); }); }; }\r\n function settle(resolve, reject, d, v) { Promise.resolve(v).then(function(v) { resolve({ value: v, done: d }); }, reject); }\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __makeTemplateObject(cooked, raw) {\r\n if (Object.defineProperty) { Object.defineProperty(cooked, \"raw\", { value: raw }); } else { cooked.raw = raw; }\r\n return cooked;\r\n};\r\n\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport function __importStar(mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== \"default\" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __importDefault(mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { default: mod };\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __classPrivateFieldGet(receiver, state, kind, f) {\r\n if (kind === \"a\" && !f) throw new TypeError(\"Private accessor was defined without a getter\");\r\n if (typeof state === \"function\" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError(\"Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it\");\r\n return kind === \"m\" ? f : kind === \"a\" ? f.call(receiver) : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver);\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __classPrivateFieldSet(receiver, state, value, kind, f) {\r\n if (kind === \"m\") throw new TypeError(\"Private method is not writable\");\r\n if (kind === \"a\" && !f) throw new TypeError(\"Private accessor was defined without a setter\");\r\n if (typeof state === \"function\" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError(\"Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it\");\r\n return (kind === \"a\" ? f.call(receiver, value) : f ? f.value = value : state.set(receiver, value)), value;\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __classPrivateFieldIn(state, receiver) {\r\n if (receiver === null || (typeof receiver !== \"object\" && typeof receiver !== \"function\")) throw new TypeError(\"Cannot use 'in' operator on non-object\");\r\n return typeof state === \"function\" ? receiver === state : state.has(receiver);\r\n}\r\n","/**\n * Browser-safe usage of process\n */\nvar defaultEnvironment = \"production\";\nvar env = typeof process === \"undefined\" || process.env === undefined\n ? defaultEnvironment\n : process.env.NODE_ENV || defaultEnvironment;\n\nexport { env };\n","var createDefinition = function (propNames) { return ({\n isEnabled: function (props) { return propNames.some(function (name) { return !!props[name]; }); },\n}); };\nvar featureDefinitions = {\n measureLayout: createDefinition([\"layout\", \"layoutId\", \"drag\"]),\n animation: createDefinition([\n \"animate\",\n \"exit\",\n \"variants\",\n \"whileHover\",\n \"whileTap\",\n \"whileFocus\",\n \"whileDrag\",\n \"whileInView\",\n ]),\n exit: createDefinition([\"exit\"]),\n drag: createDefinition([\"drag\", \"dragControls\"]),\n focus: createDefinition([\"whileFocus\"]),\n hover: createDefinition([\"whileHover\", \"onHoverStart\", \"onHoverEnd\"]),\n tap: createDefinition([\"whileTap\", \"onTap\", \"onTapStart\", \"onTapCancel\"]),\n pan: createDefinition([\n \"onPan\",\n \"onPanStart\",\n \"onPanSessionStart\",\n \"onPanEnd\",\n ]),\n inView: createDefinition([\n \"whileInView\",\n \"onViewportEnter\",\n \"onViewportLeave\",\n ]),\n};\nfunction loadFeatures(features) {\n for (var key in features) {\n if (features[key] === null)\n continue;\n if (key === \"projectionNodeConstructor\") {\n featureDefinitions.projectionNodeConstructor = features[key];\n }\n else {\n featureDefinitions[key].Component = features[key];\n }\n }\n}\n\nexport { featureDefinitions, loadFeatures };\n","import { createContext } from 'react';\n\nvar LazyContext = createContext({ strict: false });\n\nexport { LazyContext };\n","import { __assign } from 'tslib';\nimport * as React from 'react';\nimport { useContext } from 'react';\nimport { env } from '../../utils/process.mjs';\nimport { featureDefinitions } from './definitions.mjs';\nimport { invariant } from 'hey-listen';\nimport { LazyContext } from '../../context/LazyContext.mjs';\n\nvar featureNames = Object.keys(featureDefinitions);\nvar numFeatures = featureNames.length;\n/**\n * Load features via renderless components based on the provided MotionProps.\n */\nfunction useFeatures(props, visualElement, preloadedFeatures) {\n var features = [];\n var lazyContext = useContext(LazyContext);\n if (!visualElement)\n return null;\n /**\n * If we're in development mode, check to make sure we're not rendering a motion component\n * as a child of LazyMotion, as this will break the file-size benefits of using it.\n */\n if (env !== \"production\" && preloadedFeatures && lazyContext.strict) {\n invariant(false, \"You have rendered a `motion` component within a `LazyMotion` component. This will break tree shaking. Import and render a `m` component instead.\");\n }\n for (var i = 0; i < numFeatures; i++) {\n var name_1 = featureNames[i];\n var _a = featureDefinitions[name_1], isEnabled = _a.isEnabled, Component = _a.Component;\n /**\n * It might be possible in the future to use this moment to\n * dynamically request functionality. In initial tests this\n * was producing a lot of duplication amongst bundles.\n */\n if (isEnabled(props) && Component) {\n features.push(React.createElement(Component, __assign({ key: name_1 }, props, { visualElement: visualElement })));\n }\n }\n return features;\n}\n\nexport { useFeatures };\n","import { createContext } from 'react';\n\n/**\n * @public\n */\nvar MotionConfigContext = createContext({\n transformPagePoint: function (p) { return p; },\n isStatic: false,\n reducedMotion: \"never\",\n});\n\nexport { MotionConfigContext };\n","import { createContext, useContext } from 'react';\n\nvar MotionContext = createContext({});\nfunction useVisualElementContext() {\n return useContext(MotionContext).visualElement;\n}\n\nexport { MotionContext, useVisualElementContext };\n","import { createContext } from 'react';\n\n/**\n * @public\n */\nvar PresenceContext = createContext(null);\n\nexport { PresenceContext };\n","var isBrowser = typeof document !== \"undefined\";\n\nexport { isBrowser };\n","import { useLayoutEffect, useEffect } from 'react';\nimport { isBrowser } from './is-browser.mjs';\n\nvar useIsomorphicLayoutEffect = isBrowser ? useLayoutEffect : useEffect;\n\nexport { useIsomorphicLayoutEffect };\n","import { __read } from 'tslib';\nimport { useState, useContext } from 'react';\nimport { MotionConfigContext } from '../context/MotionConfigContext.mjs';\nimport { isBrowser } from './is-browser.mjs';\n\n// Does this device prefer reduced motion? Returns `null` server-side.\nvar prefersReducedMotion = { current: null };\nvar hasDetected = false;\nfunction initPrefersReducedMotion() {\n hasDetected = true;\n if (!isBrowser)\n return;\n if (window.matchMedia) {\n var motionMediaQuery_1 = window.matchMedia(\"(prefers-reduced-motion)\");\n var setReducedMotionPreferences = function () {\n return (prefersReducedMotion.current = motionMediaQuery_1.matches);\n };\n motionMediaQuery_1.addListener(setReducedMotionPreferences);\n setReducedMotionPreferences();\n }\n else {\n prefersReducedMotion.current = false;\n }\n}\n/**\n * A hook that returns `true` if we should be using reduced motion based on the current device's Reduced Motion setting.\n *\n * This can be used to implement changes to your UI based on Reduced Motion. For instance, replacing motion-sickness inducing\n * `x`/`y` animations with `opacity`, disabling the autoplay of background videos, or turning off parallax motion.\n *\n * It will actively respond to changes and re-render your components with the latest setting.\n *\n * ```jsx\n * export function Sidebar({ isOpen }) {\n * const shouldReduceMotion = useReducedMotion()\n * const closedX = shouldReduceMotion ? 0 : \"-100%\"\n *\n * return (\n * \n * )\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * @return boolean\n *\n * @public\n */\nfunction useReducedMotion() {\n /**\n * Lazy initialisation of prefersReducedMotion\n */\n !hasDetected && initPrefersReducedMotion();\n var _a = __read(useState(prefersReducedMotion.current), 1), shouldReduceMotion = _a[0];\n /**\n * TODO See if people miss automatically updating shouldReduceMotion setting\n */\n return shouldReduceMotion;\n}\nfunction useReducedMotionConfig() {\n var reducedMotionPreference = useReducedMotion();\n var reducedMotion = useContext(MotionConfigContext).reducedMotion;\n if (reducedMotion === \"never\") {\n return false;\n }\n else if (reducedMotion === \"always\") {\n return true;\n }\n else {\n return reducedMotionPreference;\n }\n}\n\nexport { useReducedMotion, useReducedMotionConfig };\n","import { useContext, useRef, useEffect } from 'react';\nimport { PresenceContext } from '../../context/PresenceContext.mjs';\nimport { useVisualElementContext } from '../../context/MotionContext/index.mjs';\nimport { useIsomorphicLayoutEffect } from '../../utils/use-isomorphic-effect.mjs';\nimport { LazyContext } from '../../context/LazyContext.mjs';\nimport { useReducedMotionConfig } from '../../utils/use-reduced-motion.mjs';\n\nfunction useVisualElement(Component, visualState, props, createVisualElement) {\n var lazyContext = useContext(LazyContext);\n var parent = useVisualElementContext();\n var presenceContext = useContext(PresenceContext);\n var shouldReduceMotion = useReducedMotionConfig();\n var visualElementRef = useRef(undefined);\n /**\n * If we haven't preloaded a renderer, check to see if we have one lazy-loaded\n */\n if (!createVisualElement)\n createVisualElement = lazyContext.renderer;\n if (!visualElementRef.current && createVisualElement) {\n visualElementRef.current = createVisualElement(Component, {\n visualState: visualState,\n parent: parent,\n props: props,\n presenceId: presenceContext === null || presenceContext === void 0 ? void 0 : presenceContext.id,\n blockInitialAnimation: (presenceContext === null || presenceContext === void 0 ? void 0 : presenceContext.initial) === false,\n shouldReduceMotion: shouldReduceMotion,\n });\n }\n var visualElement = visualElementRef.current;\n useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(function () {\n visualElement === null || visualElement === void 0 ? void 0 : visualElement.syncRender();\n });\n useEffect(function () {\n var _a;\n (_a = visualElement === null || visualElement === void 0 ? void 0 : visualElement.animationState) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.animateChanges();\n });\n useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(function () { return function () { return visualElement === null || visualElement === void 0 ? void 0 : visualElement.notifyUnmount(); }; }, []);\n return visualElement;\n}\n\nexport { useVisualElement };\n","function isRefObject(ref) {\n return (typeof ref === \"object\" &&\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(ref, \"current\"));\n}\n\nexport { isRefObject };\n","/**\n * Decides if the supplied variable is an array of variant labels\n */\nfunction isVariantLabels(v) {\n return Array.isArray(v);\n}\n/**\n * Decides if the supplied variable is variant label\n */\nfunction isVariantLabel(v) {\n return typeof v === \"string\" || isVariantLabels(v);\n}\n/**\n * Creates an object containing the latest state of every MotionValue on a VisualElement\n */\nfunction getCurrent(visualElement) {\n var current = {};\n visualElement.forEachValue(function (value, key) { return (current[key] = value.get()); });\n return current;\n}\n/**\n * Creates an object containing the latest velocity of every MotionValue on a VisualElement\n */\nfunction getVelocity(visualElement) {\n var velocity = {};\n visualElement.forEachValue(function (value, key) { return (velocity[key] = value.getVelocity()); });\n return velocity;\n}\nfunction resolveVariantFromProps(props, definition, custom, currentValues, currentVelocity) {\n var _a;\n if (currentValues === void 0) { currentValues = {}; }\n if (currentVelocity === void 0) { currentVelocity = {}; }\n /**\n * If the variant definition is a function, resolve.\n */\n if (typeof definition === \"function\") {\n definition = definition(custom !== null && custom !== void 0 ? custom : props.custom, currentValues, currentVelocity);\n }\n /**\n * If the variant definition is a variant label, or\n * the function returned a variant label, resolve.\n */\n if (typeof definition === \"string\") {\n definition = (_a = props.variants) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[definition];\n }\n /**\n * At this point we've resolved both functions and variant labels,\n * but the resolved variant label might itself have been a function.\n * If so, resolve. This can only have returned a valid target object.\n */\n if (typeof definition === \"function\") {\n definition = definition(custom !== null && custom !== void 0 ? custom : props.custom, currentValues, currentVelocity);\n }\n return definition;\n}\nfunction resolveVariant(visualElement, definition, custom) {\n var props = visualElement.getProps();\n return resolveVariantFromProps(props, definition, custom !== null && custom !== void 0 ? custom : props.custom, getCurrent(visualElement), getVelocity(visualElement));\n}\nfunction checkIfControllingVariants(props) {\n var _a;\n return (typeof ((_a = props.animate) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.start) === \"function\" ||\n isVariantLabel(props.initial) ||\n isVariantLabel(props.animate) ||\n isVariantLabel(props.whileHover) ||\n isVariantLabel(props.whileDrag) ||\n isVariantLabel(props.whileTap) ||\n isVariantLabel(props.whileFocus) ||\n isVariantLabel(props.exit));\n}\nfunction checkIfVariantNode(props) {\n return Boolean(checkIfControllingVariants(props) || props.variants);\n}\n\nexport { checkIfControllingVariants, checkIfVariantNode, isVariantLabel, isVariantLabels, resolveVariant, resolveVariantFromProps };\n","import { useMemo, useContext } from 'react';\nimport { MotionContext } from './index.mjs';\nimport { getCurrentTreeVariants } from './utils.mjs';\n\nfunction useCreateMotionContext(props) {\n var _a = getCurrentTreeVariants(props, useContext(MotionContext)), initial = _a.initial, animate = _a.animate;\n return useMemo(function () { return ({ initial: initial, animate: animate }); }, [variantLabelsAsDependency(initial), variantLabelsAsDependency(animate)]);\n}\nfunction variantLabelsAsDependency(prop) {\n return Array.isArray(prop) ? prop.join(\" \") : prop;\n}\n\nexport { useCreateMotionContext };\n","import { useRef } from 'react';\n\n/**\n * Creates a constant value over the lifecycle of a component.\n *\n * Even if `useMemo` is provided an empty array as its final argument, it doesn't offer\n * a guarantee that it won't re-run for performance reasons later on. By using `useConstant`\n * you can ensure that initialisers don't execute twice or more.\n */\nfunction useConstant(init) {\n var ref = useRef(null);\n if (ref.current === null) {\n ref.current = init();\n }\n return ref.current;\n}\n\nexport { useConstant };\n","/**\n * This should only ever be modified on the client otherwise it'll\n * persist through server requests. If we need instanced states we\n * could lazy-init via root.\n */\nvar globalProjectionState = {\n /**\n * Global flag as to whether the tree has animated since the last time\n * we resized the window\n */\n hasAnimatedSinceResize: true,\n /**\n * We set this to true once, on the first update. Any nodes added to the tree beyond that\n * update will be given a `data-projection-id` attribute.\n */\n hasEverUpdated: false,\n};\n\nexport { globalProjectionState };\n","import { useConstant } from '../../utils/use-constant.mjs';\nimport { globalProjectionState } from './state.mjs';\n\nvar id = 1;\nfunction useProjectionId() {\n return useConstant(function () {\n if (globalProjectionState.hasEverUpdated) {\n return id++;\n }\n });\n}\n\nexport { useProjectionId };\n","import { createContext } from 'react';\n\nvar LayoutGroupContext = createContext({});\n\nexport { LayoutGroupContext };\n","import { createContext } from 'react';\n\n/**\n * Internal, exported only for usage in Framer\n */\nvar SwitchLayoutGroupContext = createContext({});\n\nexport { SwitchLayoutGroupContext };\n","import { __extends } from 'tslib';\nimport React__default from 'react';\n\nvar VisualElementHandler = /** @class */ (function (_super) {\n __extends(VisualElementHandler, _super);\n function VisualElementHandler() {\n return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;\n }\n /**\n * Update visual element props as soon as we know this update is going to be commited.\n */\n VisualElementHandler.prototype.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate = function () {\n this.updateProps();\n return null;\n };\n VisualElementHandler.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function () { };\n VisualElementHandler.prototype.updateProps = function () {\n var _a = this.props, visualElement = _a.visualElement, props = _a.props;\n if (visualElement)\n visualElement.setProps(props);\n };\n VisualElementHandler.prototype.render = function () {\n return this.props.children;\n };\n return VisualElementHandler;\n}(React__default.Component));\n\nexport { VisualElementHandler };\n","import { __assign } from 'tslib';\nimport * as React from 'react';\nimport { forwardRef, useContext } from 'react';\nimport { useFeatures } from './features/use-features.mjs';\nimport { MotionConfigContext } from '../context/MotionConfigContext.mjs';\nimport { MotionContext } from '../context/MotionContext/index.mjs';\nimport { useVisualElement } from './utils/use-visual-element.mjs';\nimport { useMotionRef } from './utils/use-motion-ref.mjs';\nimport { useCreateMotionContext } from '../context/MotionContext/create.mjs';\nimport { loadFeatures, featureDefinitions } from './features/definitions.mjs';\nimport { isBrowser } from '../utils/is-browser.mjs';\nimport { useProjectionId } from '../projection/node/id.mjs';\nimport { LayoutGroupContext } from '../context/LayoutGroupContext.mjs';\nimport { useProjection } from './features/use-projection.mjs';\nimport { VisualElementHandler } from './utils/VisualElementHandler.mjs';\n\n/**\n * Create a `motion` component.\n *\n * This function accepts a Component argument, which can be either a string (ie \"div\"\n * for `motion.div`), or an actual React component.\n *\n * Alongside this is a config option which provides a way of rendering the provided\n * component \"offline\", or outside the React render cycle.\n */\nfunction createMotionComponent(_a) {\n var preloadedFeatures = _a.preloadedFeatures, createVisualElement = _a.createVisualElement, projectionNodeConstructor = _a.projectionNodeConstructor, useRender = _a.useRender, useVisualState = _a.useVisualState, Component = _a.Component;\n preloadedFeatures && loadFeatures(preloadedFeatures);\n function MotionComponent(props, externalRef) {\n var layoutId = useLayoutId(props);\n props = __assign(__assign({}, props), { layoutId: layoutId });\n /**\n * If we're rendering in a static environment, we only visually update the component\n * as a result of a React-rerender rather than interactions or animations. This\n * means we don't need to load additional memory structures like VisualElement,\n * or any gesture/animation features.\n */\n var config = useContext(MotionConfigContext);\n var features = null;\n var context = useCreateMotionContext(props);\n /**\n * Create a unique projection ID for this component. If a new component is added\n * during a layout animation we'll use this to query the DOM and hydrate its ref early, allowing\n * us to measure it as soon as any layout effect flushes pending layout animations.\n *\n * Performance note: It'd be better not to have to search the DOM for these elements.\n * For newly-entering components it could be enough to only correct treeScale, in which\n * case we could mount in a scale-correction mode. This wouldn't be enough for\n * shared element transitions however. Perhaps for those we could revert to a root node\n * that gets forceRendered and layout animations are triggered on its layout effect.\n */\n var projectionId = config.isStatic ? undefined : useProjectionId();\n /**\n *\n */\n var visualState = useVisualState(props, config.isStatic);\n if (!config.isStatic && isBrowser) {\n /**\n * Create a VisualElement for this component. A VisualElement provides a common\n * interface to renderer-specific APIs (ie DOM/Three.js etc) as well as\n * providing a way of rendering to these APIs outside of the React render loop\n * for more performant animations and interactions\n */\n context.visualElement = useVisualElement(Component, visualState, __assign(__assign({}, config), props), createVisualElement);\n useProjection(projectionId, props, context.visualElement, projectionNodeConstructor ||\n featureDefinitions.projectionNodeConstructor);\n /**\n * Load Motion gesture and animation features. These are rendered as renderless\n * components so each feature can optionally make use of React lifecycle methods.\n */\n features = useFeatures(props, context.visualElement, preloadedFeatures);\n }\n /**\n * The mount order and hierarchy is specific to ensure our element ref\n * is hydrated by the time features fire their effects.\n */\n return (React.createElement(VisualElementHandler, { visualElement: context.visualElement, props: __assign(__assign({}, config), props) },\n features,\n React.createElement(MotionContext.Provider, { value: context }, useRender(Component, props, projectionId, useMotionRef(visualState, context.visualElement, externalRef), visualState, config.isStatic, context.visualElement))));\n }\n return forwardRef(MotionComponent);\n}\nfunction useLayoutId(_a) {\n var _b;\n var layoutId = _a.layoutId;\n var layoutGroupId = (_b = useContext(LayoutGroupContext)) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.id;\n return layoutGroupId && layoutId !== undefined\n ? layoutGroupId + \"-\" + layoutId\n : layoutId;\n}\n\nexport { createMotionComponent };\n","import { checkIfControllingVariants, isVariantLabel } from '../../render/utils/variants.mjs';\n\nfunction getCurrentTreeVariants(props, context) {\n if (checkIfControllingVariants(props)) {\n var initial = props.initial, animate = props.animate;\n return {\n initial: initial === false || isVariantLabel(initial)\n ? initial\n : undefined,\n animate: isVariantLabel(animate) ? animate : undefined,\n };\n }\n return props.inherit !== false ? context : {};\n}\n\nexport { getCurrentTreeVariants };\n","import { isRefObject } from '../../utils/is-ref-object.mjs';\nimport { useContext } from 'react';\nimport { SwitchLayoutGroupContext } from '../../context/SwitchLayoutGroupContext.mjs';\n\nfunction useProjection(projectionId, _a, visualElement, ProjectionNodeConstructor) {\n var _b;\n var layoutId = _a.layoutId, layout = _a.layout, drag = _a.drag, dragConstraints = _a.dragConstraints, layoutScroll = _a.layoutScroll;\n var initialPromotionConfig = useContext(SwitchLayoutGroupContext);\n if (!ProjectionNodeConstructor ||\n !visualElement ||\n (visualElement === null || visualElement === void 0 ? void 0 : visualElement.projection)) {\n return;\n }\n visualElement.projection = new ProjectionNodeConstructor(projectionId, visualElement.getLatestValues(), (_b = visualElement.parent) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.projection);\n visualElement.projection.setOptions({\n layoutId: layoutId,\n layout: layout,\n alwaysMeasureLayout: Boolean(drag) || (dragConstraints && isRefObject(dragConstraints)),\n visualElement: visualElement,\n scheduleRender: function () { return visualElement.scheduleRender(); },\n /**\n * TODO: Update options in an effect. This could be tricky as it'll be too late\n * to update by the time layout animations run.\n * We also need to fix this safeToRemove by linking it up to the one returned by usePresence,\n * ensuring it gets called if there's no potential layout animations.\n *\n */\n animationType: typeof layout === \"string\" ? layout : \"both\",\n initialPromotionConfig: initialPromotionConfig,\n layoutScroll: layoutScroll,\n });\n}\n\nexport { useProjection };\n","import { useCallback } from 'react';\nimport { isRefObject } from '../../utils/is-ref-object.mjs';\n\n/**\n * Creates a ref function that, when called, hydrates the provided\n * external ref and VisualElement.\n */\nfunction useMotionRef(visualState, visualElement, externalRef) {\n return useCallback(function (instance) {\n var _a;\n instance && ((_a = visualState.mount) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(visualState, instance));\n if (visualElement) {\n instance\n ? visualElement.mount(instance)\n : visualElement.unmount();\n }\n if (externalRef) {\n if (typeof externalRef === \"function\") {\n externalRef(instance);\n }\n else if (isRefObject(externalRef)) {\n externalRef.current = instance;\n }\n }\n }, \n /**\n * Only pass a new ref callback to React if we've received a visual element\n * factory. Otherwise we'll be mounting/remounting every time externalRef\n * or other dependencies change.\n */\n [visualElement]);\n}\n\nexport { useMotionRef };\n","import { createMotionComponent } from '../../motion/index.mjs';\n\n/**\n * Convert any React component into a `motion` component. The provided component\n * **must** use `React.forwardRef` to the underlying DOM component you want to animate.\n *\n * ```jsx\n * const Component = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {\n * return \n * })\n *\n * const MotionComponent = motion(Component)\n * ```\n *\n * @public\n */\nfunction createMotionProxy(createConfig) {\n function custom(Component, customMotionComponentConfig) {\n if (customMotionComponentConfig === void 0) { customMotionComponentConfig = {}; }\n return createMotionComponent(createConfig(Component, customMotionComponentConfig));\n }\n if (typeof Proxy === \"undefined\") {\n return custom;\n }\n /**\n * A cache of generated `motion` components, e.g `motion.div`, `motion.input` etc.\n * Rather than generating them anew every render.\n */\n var componentCache = new Map();\n return new Proxy(custom, {\n /**\n * Called when `motion` is referenced with a prop: `motion.div`, `motion.input` etc.\n * The prop name is passed through as `key` and we can use that to generate a `motion`\n * DOM component with that name.\n */\n get: function (_target, key) {\n /**\n * If this element doesn't exist in the component cache, create it and cache.\n */\n if (!componentCache.has(key)) {\n componentCache.set(key, custom(key));\n }\n return componentCache.get(key);\n },\n });\n}\n\nexport { createMotionProxy };\n","/**\n * We keep these listed seperately as we use the lowercase tag names as part\n * of the runtime bundle to detect SVG components\n */\nvar lowercaseSVGElements = [\n \"animate\",\n \"circle\",\n \"defs\",\n \"desc\",\n \"ellipse\",\n \"g\",\n \"image\",\n \"line\",\n \"filter\",\n \"marker\",\n \"mask\",\n \"metadata\",\n \"path\",\n \"pattern\",\n \"polygon\",\n \"polyline\",\n \"rect\",\n \"stop\",\n \"svg\",\n \"switch\",\n \"symbol\",\n \"text\",\n \"tspan\",\n \"use\",\n \"view\",\n];\n\nexport { lowercaseSVGElements };\n","import { lowercaseSVGElements } from '../../svg/lowercase-elements.mjs';\n\nfunction isSVGComponent(Component) {\n if (\n /**\n * If it's not a string, it's a custom React component. Currently we only support\n * HTML custom React components.\n */\n typeof Component !== \"string\" ||\n /**\n * If it contains a dash, the element is a custom HTML webcomponent.\n */\n Component.includes(\"-\")) {\n return false;\n }\n else if (\n /**\n * If it's in our list of lowercase SVG tags, it's an SVG component\n */\n lowercaseSVGElements.indexOf(Component) > -1 ||\n /**\n * If it contains a capital letter, it's an SVG component\n */\n /[A-Z]/.test(Component)) {\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n}\n\nexport { isSVGComponent };\n","var scaleCorrectors = {};\nfunction addScaleCorrector(correctors) {\n Object.assign(scaleCorrectors, correctors);\n}\n\nexport { addScaleCorrector, scaleCorrectors };\n","/**\n * A list of all transformable axes. We'll use this list to generated a version\n * of each axes for each transform.\n */\nvar transformAxes = [\"\", \"X\", \"Y\", \"Z\"];\n/**\n * An ordered array of each transformable value. By default, transform values\n * will be sorted to this order.\n */\nvar order = [\"translate\", \"scale\", \"rotate\", \"skew\"];\n/**\n * Generate a list of every possible transform key.\n */\nvar transformProps = [\"transformPerspective\", \"x\", \"y\", \"z\"];\norder.forEach(function (operationKey) {\n return transformAxes.forEach(function (axesKey) {\n return transformProps.push(operationKey + axesKey);\n });\n});\n/**\n * A function to use with Array.sort to sort transform keys by their default order.\n */\nfunction sortTransformProps(a, b) {\n return transformProps.indexOf(a) - transformProps.indexOf(b);\n}\n/**\n * A quick lookup for transform props.\n */\nvar transformPropSet = new Set(transformProps);\nfunction isTransformProp(key) {\n return transformPropSet.has(key);\n}\n/**\n * A quick lookup for transform origin props\n */\nvar transformOriginProps = new Set([\"originX\", \"originY\", \"originZ\"]);\nfunction isTransformOriginProp(key) {\n return transformOriginProps.has(key);\n}\n\nexport { isTransformOriginProp, isTransformProp, sortTransformProps, transformAxes, transformProps };\n","import { scaleCorrectors } from '../../projection/styles/scale-correction.mjs';\nimport { isTransformProp, isTransformOriginProp } from '../../render/html/utils/transform.mjs';\n\nfunction isForcedMotionValue(key, _a) {\n var layout = _a.layout, layoutId = _a.layoutId;\n return (isTransformProp(key) ||\n isTransformOriginProp(key) ||\n ((layout || layoutId !== undefined) &&\n (!!scaleCorrectors[key] || key === \"opacity\")));\n}\n\nexport { isForcedMotionValue };\n","var isMotionValue = function (value) {\n return Boolean(value !== null && typeof value === \"object\" && value.getVelocity);\n};\n\nexport { isMotionValue };\n","import { sortTransformProps } from './transform.mjs';\n\nvar translateAlias = {\n x: \"translateX\",\n y: \"translateY\",\n z: \"translateZ\",\n transformPerspective: \"perspective\",\n};\n/**\n * Build a CSS transform style from individual x/y/scale etc properties.\n *\n * This outputs with a default order of transforms/scales/rotations, this can be customised by\n * providing a transformTemplate function.\n */\nfunction buildTransform(_a, _b, transformIsDefault, transformTemplate) {\n var transform = _a.transform, transformKeys = _a.transformKeys;\n var _c = _b.enableHardwareAcceleration, enableHardwareAcceleration = _c === void 0 ? true : _c, _d = _b.allowTransformNone, allowTransformNone = _d === void 0 ? true : _d;\n // The transform string we're going to build into.\n var transformString = \"\";\n // Transform keys into their default order - this will determine the output order.\n transformKeys.sort(sortTransformProps);\n // Track whether the defined transform has a defined z so we don't add a\n // second to enable hardware acceleration\n var transformHasZ = false;\n // Loop over each transform and build them into transformString\n var numTransformKeys = transformKeys.length;\n for (var i = 0; i < numTransformKeys; i++) {\n var key = transformKeys[i];\n transformString += \"\".concat(translateAlias[key] || key, \"(\").concat(transform[key], \") \");\n if (key === \"z\")\n transformHasZ = true;\n }\n if (!transformHasZ && enableHardwareAcceleration) {\n transformString += \"translateZ(0)\";\n }\n else {\n transformString = transformString.trim();\n }\n // If we have a custom `transform` template, pass our transform values and\n // generated transformString to that before returning\n if (transformTemplate) {\n transformString = transformTemplate(transform, transformIsDefault ? \"\" : transformString);\n }\n else if (allowTransformNone && transformIsDefault) {\n transformString = \"none\";\n }\n return transformString;\n}\n/**\n * Build a transformOrigin style. Uses the same defaults as the browser for\n * undefined origins.\n */\nfunction buildTransformOrigin(_a) {\n var _b = _a.originX, originX = _b === void 0 ? \"50%\" : _b, _c = _a.originY, originY = _c === void 0 ? \"50%\" : _c, _d = _a.originZ, originZ = _d === void 0 ? 0 : _d;\n return \"\".concat(originX, \" \").concat(originY, \" \").concat(originZ);\n}\n\nexport { buildTransform, buildTransformOrigin };\n","/**\n * Returns true if the provided key is a CSS variable\n */\nfunction isCSSVariable(key) {\n return key.startsWith(\"--\");\n}\n\nexport { isCSSVariable };\n","/**\n * Provided a value and a ValueType, returns the value as that value type.\n */\nvar getValueAsType = function (value, type) {\n return type && typeof value === \"number\"\n ? type.transform(value)\n : value;\n};\n\nexport { getValueAsType };\n","const clamp = (min, max) => (v) => Math.max(Math.min(v, max), min);\nconst sanitize = (v) => (v % 1 ? Number(v.toFixed(5)) : v);\nconst floatRegex = /(-)?([\\d]*\\.?[\\d])+/g;\nconst colorRegex = /(#[0-9a-f]{6}|#[0-9a-f]{3}|#(?:[0-9a-f]{2}){2,4}|(rgb|hsl)a?\\((-?[\\d\\.]+%?[,\\s]+){2,3}\\s*\\/*\\s*[\\d\\.]+%?\\))/gi;\nconst singleColorRegex = /^(#[0-9a-f]{3}|#(?:[0-9a-f]{2}){2,4}|(rgb|hsl)a?\\((-?[\\d\\.]+%?[,\\s]+){2,3}\\s*\\/*\\s*[\\d\\.]+%?\\))$/i;\nfunction isString(v) {\n return typeof v === 'string';\n}\n\nexport { clamp, colorRegex, floatRegex, isString, sanitize, singleColorRegex };\n","import { isString } from '../utils.mjs';\n\nconst createUnitType = (unit) => ({\n test: (v) => isString(v) && v.endsWith(unit) && v.split(' ').length === 1,\n parse: parseFloat,\n transform: (v) => `${v}${unit}`,\n});\nconst degrees = createUnitType('deg');\nconst percent = createUnitType('%');\nconst px = createUnitType('px');\nconst vh = createUnitType('vh');\nconst vw = createUnitType('vw');\nconst progressPercentage = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, percent), { parse: (v) => percent.parse(v) / 100, transform: (v) => percent.transform(v * 100) });\n\nexport { degrees, percent, progressPercentage, px, vh, vw };\n","import { clamp } from '../utils.mjs';\n\nconst number = {\n test: (v) => typeof v === 'number',\n parse: parseFloat,\n transform: (v) => v,\n};\nconst alpha = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, number), { transform: clamp(0, 1) });\nconst scale = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, number), { default: 1 });\n\nexport { alpha, number, scale };\n","import { __assign } from 'tslib';\nimport { number } from 'style-value-types';\n\nvar int = __assign(__assign({}, number), { transform: Math.round });\n\nexport { int };\n","import { px, degrees, scale, alpha, progressPercentage } from 'style-value-types';\nimport { int } from './type-int.mjs';\n\nvar numberValueTypes = {\n // Border props\n borderWidth: px,\n borderTopWidth: px,\n borderRightWidth: px,\n borderBottomWidth: px,\n borderLeftWidth: px,\n borderRadius: px,\n radius: px,\n borderTopLeftRadius: px,\n borderTopRightRadius: px,\n borderBottomRightRadius: px,\n borderBottomLeftRadius: px,\n // Positioning props\n width: px,\n maxWidth: px,\n height: px,\n maxHeight: px,\n size: px,\n top: px,\n right: px,\n bottom: px,\n left: px,\n // Spacing props\n padding: px,\n paddingTop: px,\n paddingRight: px,\n paddingBottom: px,\n paddingLeft: px,\n margin: px,\n marginTop: px,\n marginRight: px,\n marginBottom: px,\n marginLeft: px,\n // Transform props\n rotate: degrees,\n rotateX: degrees,\n rotateY: degrees,\n rotateZ: degrees,\n scale: scale,\n scaleX: scale,\n scaleY: scale,\n scaleZ: scale,\n skew: degrees,\n skewX: degrees,\n skewY: degrees,\n distance: px,\n translateX: px,\n translateY: px,\n translateZ: px,\n x: px,\n y: px,\n z: px,\n perspective: px,\n transformPerspective: px,\n opacity: alpha,\n originX: progressPercentage,\n originY: progressPercentage,\n originZ: px,\n // Misc\n zIndex: int,\n // SVG\n fillOpacity: alpha,\n strokeOpacity: alpha,\n numOctaves: int,\n};\n\nexport { numberValueTypes };\n","import { buildTransform, buildTransformOrigin } from './build-transform.mjs';\nimport { isCSSVariable } from '../../dom/utils/is-css-variable.mjs';\nimport { isTransformProp, isTransformOriginProp } from './transform.mjs';\nimport { getValueAsType } from '../../dom/value-types/get-as-type.mjs';\nimport { numberValueTypes } from '../../dom/value-types/number.mjs';\n\nfunction buildHTMLStyles(state, latestValues, options, transformTemplate) {\n var _a;\n var style = state.style, vars = state.vars, transform = state.transform, transformKeys = state.transformKeys, transformOrigin = state.transformOrigin;\n // Empty the transformKeys array. As we're throwing out refs to its items\n // this might not be as cheap as suspected. Maybe using the array as a buffer\n // with a manual incrementation would be better.\n transformKeys.length = 0;\n // Track whether we encounter any transform or transformOrigin values.\n var hasTransform = false;\n var hasTransformOrigin = false;\n // Does the calculated transform essentially equal \"none\"?\n var transformIsNone = true;\n /**\n * Loop over all our latest animated values and decide whether to handle them\n * as a style or CSS variable.\n *\n * Transforms and transform origins are kept seperately for further processing.\n */\n for (var key in latestValues) {\n var value = latestValues[key];\n /**\n * If this is a CSS variable we don't do any further processing.\n */\n if (isCSSVariable(key)) {\n vars[key] = value;\n continue;\n }\n // Convert the value to its default value type, ie 0 -> \"0px\"\n var valueType = numberValueTypes[key];\n var valueAsType = getValueAsType(value, valueType);\n if (isTransformProp(key)) {\n // If this is a transform, flag to enable further transform processing\n hasTransform = true;\n transform[key] = valueAsType;\n transformKeys.push(key);\n // If we already know we have a non-default transform, early return\n if (!transformIsNone)\n continue;\n // Otherwise check to see if this is a default transform\n if (value !== ((_a = valueType.default) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0))\n transformIsNone = false;\n }\n else if (isTransformOriginProp(key)) {\n transformOrigin[key] = valueAsType;\n // If this is a transform origin, flag and enable further transform-origin processing\n hasTransformOrigin = true;\n }\n else {\n style[key] = valueAsType;\n }\n }\n if (hasTransform) {\n style.transform = buildTransform(state, options, transformIsNone, transformTemplate);\n }\n else if (transformTemplate) {\n style.transform = transformTemplate({}, \"\");\n }\n else if (!latestValues.transform && style.transform) {\n style.transform = \"none\";\n }\n if (hasTransformOrigin) {\n style.transformOrigin = buildTransformOrigin(transformOrigin);\n }\n}\n\nexport { buildHTMLStyles };\n","import { __assign } from 'tslib';\nimport { useMemo } from 'react';\nimport { isForcedMotionValue } from '../../motion/utils/is-forced-motion-value.mjs';\nimport { isMotionValue } from '../../value/utils/is-motion-value.mjs';\nimport { buildHTMLStyles } from './utils/build-styles.mjs';\nimport { createHtmlRenderState } from './utils/create-render-state.mjs';\n\nfunction copyRawValuesOnly(target, source, props) {\n for (var key in source) {\n if (!isMotionValue(source[key]) && !isForcedMotionValue(key, props)) {\n target[key] = source[key];\n }\n }\n}\nfunction useInitialMotionValues(_a, visualState, isStatic) {\n var transformTemplate = _a.transformTemplate;\n return useMemo(function () {\n var state = createHtmlRenderState();\n buildHTMLStyles(state, visualState, { enableHardwareAcceleration: !isStatic }, transformTemplate);\n var vars = state.vars, style = state.style;\n return __assign(__assign({}, vars), style);\n }, [visualState]);\n}\nfunction useStyle(props, visualState, isStatic) {\n var styleProp = props.style || {};\n var style = {};\n /**\n * Copy non-Motion Values straight into style\n */\n copyRawValuesOnly(style, styleProp, props);\n Object.assign(style, useInitialMotionValues(props, visualState, isStatic));\n if (props.transformValues) {\n style = props.transformValues(style);\n }\n return style;\n}\nfunction useHTMLProps(props, visualState, isStatic) {\n // The `any` isn't ideal but it is the type of createElement props argument\n var htmlProps = {};\n var style = useStyle(props, visualState, isStatic);\n if (Boolean(props.drag) && props.dragListener !== false) {\n // Disable the ghost element when a user drags\n htmlProps.draggable = false;\n // Disable text selection\n style.userSelect =\n style.WebkitUserSelect =\n style.WebkitTouchCallout =\n \"none\";\n // Disable scrolling on the draggable direction\n style.touchAction =\n props.drag === true\n ? \"none\"\n : \"pan-\".concat(props.drag === \"x\" ? \"y\" : \"x\");\n }\n htmlProps.style = style;\n return htmlProps;\n}\n\nexport { copyRawValuesOnly, useHTMLProps, useStyle };\n","var createHtmlRenderState = function () { return ({\n style: {},\n transform: {},\n transformKeys: [],\n transformOrigin: {},\n vars: {},\n}); };\n\nexport { createHtmlRenderState };\n","/**\n * A list of all valid MotionProps.\n *\n * @privateRemarks\n * This doesn't throw if a `MotionProp` name is missing - it should.\n */\nvar validMotionProps = new Set([\n \"initial\",\n \"animate\",\n \"exit\",\n \"style\",\n \"variants\",\n \"transition\",\n \"transformTemplate\",\n \"transformValues\",\n \"custom\",\n \"inherit\",\n \"layout\",\n \"layoutId\",\n \"layoutDependency\",\n \"onLayoutAnimationStart\",\n \"onLayoutAnimationComplete\",\n \"onLayoutMeasure\",\n \"onBeforeLayoutMeasure\",\n \"onAnimationStart\",\n \"onAnimationComplete\",\n \"onUpdate\",\n \"onDragStart\",\n \"onDrag\",\n \"onDragEnd\",\n \"onMeasureDragConstraints\",\n \"onDirectionLock\",\n \"onDragTransitionEnd\",\n \"drag\",\n \"dragControls\",\n \"dragListener\",\n \"dragConstraints\",\n \"dragDirectionLock\",\n \"dragSnapToOrigin\",\n \"_dragX\",\n \"_dragY\",\n \"dragElastic\",\n \"dragMomentum\",\n \"dragPropagation\",\n \"dragTransition\",\n \"whileDrag\",\n \"onPan\",\n \"onPanStart\",\n \"onPanEnd\",\n \"onPanSessionStart\",\n \"onTap\",\n \"onTapStart\",\n \"onTapCancel\",\n \"onHoverStart\",\n \"onHoverEnd\",\n \"whileFocus\",\n \"whileTap\",\n \"whileHover\",\n \"whileInView\",\n \"onViewportEnter\",\n \"onViewportLeave\",\n \"viewport\",\n \"layoutScroll\",\n]);\n/**\n * Check whether a prop name is a valid `MotionProp` key.\n *\n * @param key - Name of the property to check\n * @returns `true` is key is a valid `MotionProp`.\n *\n * @public\n */\nfunction isValidMotionProp(key) {\n return validMotionProps.has(key);\n}\n\nexport { isValidMotionProp };\n","import { isValidMotionProp } from '../../../motion/utils/valid-prop.mjs';\n\nvar shouldForward = function (key) { return !isValidMotionProp(key); };\nfunction loadExternalIsValidProp(isValidProp) {\n if (!isValidProp)\n return;\n // Explicitly filter our events\n shouldForward = function (key) {\n return key.startsWith(\"on\") ? !isValidMotionProp(key) : isValidProp(key);\n };\n}\n/**\n * Emotion and Styled Components both allow users to pass through arbitrary props to their components\n * to dynamically generate CSS. They both use the `@emotion/is-prop-valid` package to determine which\n * of these should be passed to the underlying DOM node.\n *\n * However, when styling a Motion component `styled(motion.div)`, both packages pass through *all* props\n * as it's seen as an arbitrary component rather than a DOM node. Motion only allows arbitrary props\n * passed through the `custom` prop so it doesn't *need* the payload or computational overhead of\n * `@emotion/is-prop-valid`, however to fix this problem we need to use it.\n *\n * By making it an optionalDependency we can offer this functionality only in the situations where it's\n * actually required.\n */\ntry {\n /**\n * We attempt to import this package but require won't be defined in esm environments, in that case\n * isPropValid will have to be provided via `MotionContext`. In a 6.0.0 this should probably be removed\n * in favour of explicit injection.\n */\n loadExternalIsValidProp(require(\"@emotion/is-prop-valid\").default);\n}\ncatch (_a) {\n // We don't need to actually do anything here - the fallback is the existing `isPropValid`.\n}\nfunction filterProps(props, isDom, forwardMotionProps) {\n var filteredProps = {};\n for (var key in props) {\n if (shouldForward(key) ||\n (forwardMotionProps === true && isValidMotionProp(key)) ||\n (!isDom && !isValidMotionProp(key)) ||\n // If trying to use native HTML drag events, forward drag listeners\n (props[\"draggable\"] && key.startsWith(\"onDrag\"))) {\n filteredProps[key] = props[key];\n }\n }\n return filteredProps;\n}\n\nexport { filterProps, loadExternalIsValidProp };\n","import { px } from 'style-value-types';\n\nfunction calcOrigin(origin, offset, size) {\n return typeof origin === \"string\"\n ? origin\n : px.transform(offset + size * origin);\n}\n/**\n * The SVG transform origin defaults are different to CSS and is less intuitive,\n * so we use the measured dimensions of the SVG to reconcile these.\n */\nfunction calcSVGTransformOrigin(dimensions, originX, originY) {\n var pxOriginX = calcOrigin(originX, dimensions.x, dimensions.width);\n var pxOriginY = calcOrigin(originY, dimensions.y, dimensions.height);\n return \"\".concat(pxOriginX, \" \").concat(pxOriginY);\n}\n\nexport { calcSVGTransformOrigin };\n","import { px } from 'style-value-types';\n\nvar dashKeys = {\n offset: \"stroke-dashoffset\",\n array: \"stroke-dasharray\",\n};\nvar camelKeys = {\n offset: \"strokeDashoffset\",\n array: \"strokeDasharray\",\n};\n/**\n * Build SVG path properties. Uses the path's measured length to convert\n * our custom pathLength, pathSpacing and pathOffset into stroke-dashoffset\n * and stroke-dasharray attributes.\n *\n * This function is mutative to reduce per-frame GC.\n */\nfunction buildSVGPath(attrs, length, spacing, offset, useDashCase) {\n if (spacing === void 0) { spacing = 1; }\n if (offset === void 0) { offset = 0; }\n if (useDashCase === void 0) { useDashCase = true; }\n // Normalise path length by setting SVG attribute pathLength to 1\n attrs.pathLength = 1;\n // We use dash case when setting attributes directly to the DOM node and camel case\n // when defining props on a React component.\n var keys = useDashCase ? dashKeys : camelKeys;\n // Build the dash offset\n attrs[keys.offset] = px.transform(-offset);\n // Build the dash array\n var pathLength = px.transform(length);\n var pathSpacing = px.transform(spacing);\n attrs[keys.array] = \"\".concat(pathLength, \" \").concat(pathSpacing);\n}\n\nexport { buildSVGPath };\n","import { __rest } from 'tslib';\nimport { buildHTMLStyles } from '../../html/utils/build-styles.mjs';\nimport { calcSVGTransformOrigin } from './transform-origin.mjs';\nimport { buildSVGPath } from './path.mjs';\n\n/**\n * Build SVG visual attrbutes, like cx and style.transform\n */\nfunction buildSVGAttrs(state, _a, options, transformTemplate) {\n var attrX = _a.attrX, attrY = _a.attrY, originX = _a.originX, originY = _a.originY, pathLength = _a.pathLength, _b = _a.pathSpacing, pathSpacing = _b === void 0 ? 1 : _b, _c = _a.pathOffset, pathOffset = _c === void 0 ? 0 : _c, \n // This is object creation, which we try to avoid per-frame.\n latest = __rest(_a, [\"attrX\", \"attrY\", \"originX\", \"originY\", \"pathLength\", \"pathSpacing\", \"pathOffset\"]);\n buildHTMLStyles(state, latest, options, transformTemplate);\n state.attrs = state.style;\n state.style = {};\n var attrs = state.attrs, style = state.style, dimensions = state.dimensions;\n /**\n * However, we apply transforms as CSS transforms. So if we detect a transform we take it from attrs\n * and copy it into style.\n */\n if (attrs.transform) {\n if (dimensions)\n style.transform = attrs.transform;\n delete attrs.transform;\n }\n // Parse transformOrigin\n if (dimensions &&\n (originX !== undefined || originY !== undefined || style.transform)) {\n style.transformOrigin = calcSVGTransformOrigin(dimensions, originX !== undefined ? originX : 0.5, originY !== undefined ? originY : 0.5);\n }\n // Treat x/y not as shortcuts but as actual attributes\n if (attrX !== undefined)\n attrs.x = attrX;\n if (attrY !== undefined)\n attrs.y = attrY;\n // Build SVG path if one has been defined\n if (pathLength !== undefined) {\n buildSVGPath(attrs, pathLength, pathSpacing, pathOffset, false);\n }\n}\n\nexport { buildSVGAttrs };\n","import { __assign } from 'tslib';\nimport { createHtmlRenderState } from '../../html/utils/create-render-state.mjs';\n\nvar createSvgRenderState = function () { return (__assign(__assign({}, createHtmlRenderState()), { attrs: {} })); };\n\nexport { createSvgRenderState };\n","import { __assign } from 'tslib';\nimport { useMemo } from 'react';\nimport { copyRawValuesOnly } from '../html/use-props.mjs';\nimport { buildSVGAttrs } from './utils/build-attrs.mjs';\nimport { createSvgRenderState } from './utils/create-render-state.mjs';\n\nfunction useSVGProps(props, visualState) {\n var visualProps = useMemo(function () {\n var state = createSvgRenderState();\n buildSVGAttrs(state, visualState, { enableHardwareAcceleration: false }, props.transformTemplate);\n return __assign(__assign({}, state.attrs), { style: __assign({}, state.style) });\n }, [visualState]);\n if (props.style) {\n var rawStyles = {};\n copyRawValuesOnly(rawStyles, props.style, props);\n visualProps.style = __assign(__assign({}, rawStyles), visualProps.style);\n }\n return visualProps;\n}\n\nexport { useSVGProps };\n","import { __assign } from 'tslib';\nimport { createElement } from 'react';\nimport { useHTMLProps } from '../html/use-props.mjs';\nimport { filterProps } from './utils/filter-props.mjs';\nimport { isSVGComponent } from './utils/is-svg-component.mjs';\nimport { useSVGProps } from '../svg/use-props.mjs';\n\nfunction createUseRender(forwardMotionProps) {\n if (forwardMotionProps === void 0) { forwardMotionProps = false; }\n var useRender = function (Component, props, projectionId, ref, _a, isStatic) {\n var latestValues = _a.latestValues;\n var useVisualProps = isSVGComponent(Component)\n ? useSVGProps\n : useHTMLProps;\n var visualProps = useVisualProps(props, latestValues, isStatic);\n var filteredProps = filterProps(props, typeof Component === \"string\", forwardMotionProps);\n var elementProps = __assign(__assign(__assign({}, filteredProps), visualProps), { ref: ref });\n if (projectionId) {\n elementProps[\"data-projection-id\"] = projectionId;\n }\n return createElement(Component, elementProps);\n };\n return useRender;\n}\n\nexport { createUseRender };\n","var CAMEL_CASE_PATTERN = /([a-z])([A-Z])/g;\nvar REPLACE_TEMPLATE = \"$1-$2\";\n/**\n * Convert camelCase to dash-case properties.\n */\nvar camelToDash = function (str) {\n return str.replace(CAMEL_CASE_PATTERN, REPLACE_TEMPLATE).toLowerCase();\n};\n\nexport { camelToDash };\n","function renderHTML(element, _a, styleProp, projection) {\n var style = _a.style, vars = _a.vars;\n Object.assign(element.style, style, projection && projection.getProjectionStyles(styleProp));\n // Loop over any CSS variables and assign those.\n for (var key in vars) {\n element.style.setProperty(key, vars[key]);\n }\n}\n\nexport { renderHTML };\n","/**\n * A set of attribute names that are always read/written as camel case.\n */\nvar camelCaseAttributes = new Set([\n \"baseFrequency\",\n \"diffuseConstant\",\n \"kernelMatrix\",\n \"kernelUnitLength\",\n \"keySplines\",\n \"keyTimes\",\n \"limitingConeAngle\",\n \"markerHeight\",\n \"markerWidth\",\n \"numOctaves\",\n \"targetX\",\n \"targetY\",\n \"surfaceScale\",\n \"specularConstant\",\n \"specularExponent\",\n \"stdDeviation\",\n \"tableValues\",\n \"viewBox\",\n \"gradientTransform\",\n \"pathLength\",\n]);\n\nexport { camelCaseAttributes };\n","import { camelToDash } from '../../dom/utils/camel-to-dash.mjs';\nimport { renderHTML } from '../../html/utils/render.mjs';\nimport { camelCaseAttributes } from './camel-case-attrs.mjs';\n\nfunction renderSVG(element, renderState, _styleProp, projection) {\n renderHTML(element, renderState, undefined, projection);\n for (var key in renderState.attrs) {\n element.setAttribute(!camelCaseAttributes.has(key) ? camelToDash(key) : key, renderState.attrs[key]);\n }\n}\n\nexport { renderSVG };\n","import { isForcedMotionValue } from '../../../motion/utils/is-forced-motion-value.mjs';\nimport { isMotionValue } from '../../../value/utils/is-motion-value.mjs';\n\nfunction scrapeMotionValuesFromProps(props) {\n var style = props.style;\n var newValues = {};\n for (var key in style) {\n if (isMotionValue(style[key]) || isForcedMotionValue(key, props)) {\n newValues[key] = style[key];\n }\n }\n return newValues;\n}\n\nexport { scrapeMotionValuesFromProps };\n","import { isMotionValue } from '../../../value/utils/is-motion-value.mjs';\nimport { scrapeMotionValuesFromProps as scrapeMotionValuesFromProps$1 } from '../../html/utils/scrape-motion-values.mjs';\n\nfunction scrapeMotionValuesFromProps(props) {\n var newValues = scrapeMotionValuesFromProps$1(props);\n for (var key in props) {\n if (isMotionValue(props[key])) {\n var targetKey = key === \"x\" || key === \"y\" ? \"attr\" + key.toUpperCase() : key;\n newValues[targetKey] = props[key];\n }\n }\n return newValues;\n}\n\nexport { scrapeMotionValuesFromProps };\n","function isAnimationControls(v) {\n return typeof v === \"object\" && typeof v.start === \"function\";\n}\n\nexport { isAnimationControls };\n","var isKeyframesTarget = function (v) {\n return Array.isArray(v);\n};\n\nexport { isKeyframesTarget };\n","import { isKeyframesTarget } from '../animation/utils/is-keyframes-target.mjs';\n\nvar isCustomValue = function (v) {\n return Boolean(v && typeof v === \"object\" && v.mix && v.toValue);\n};\nvar resolveFinalValueInKeyframes = function (v) {\n // TODO maybe throw if v.length - 1 is placeholder token?\n return isKeyframesTarget(v) ? v[v.length - 1] || 0 : v;\n};\n\nexport { isCustomValue, resolveFinalValueInKeyframes };\n","import { isCustomValue } from '../../utils/resolve-value.mjs';\nimport { isMotionValue } from './is-motion-value.mjs';\n\n/**\n * If the provided value is a MotionValue, this returns the actual value, otherwise just the value itself\n *\n * TODO: Remove and move to library\n */\nfunction resolveMotionValue(value) {\n var unwrappedValue = isMotionValue(value) ? value.get() : value;\n return isCustomValue(unwrappedValue)\n ? unwrappedValue.toValue()\n : unwrappedValue;\n}\n\nexport { resolveMotionValue };\n","import { __rest } from 'tslib';\nimport { useContext } from 'react';\nimport { isAnimationControls } from '../../animation/utils/is-animation-controls.mjs';\nimport { PresenceContext } from '../../context/PresenceContext.mjs';\nimport { checkIfControllingVariants, checkIfVariantNode, resolveVariantFromProps } from '../../render/utils/variants.mjs';\nimport { useConstant } from '../../utils/use-constant.mjs';\nimport { resolveMotionValue } from '../../value/utils/resolve-motion-value.mjs';\nimport { MotionContext } from '../../context/MotionContext/index.mjs';\n\nfunction makeState(_a, props, context, presenceContext) {\n var scrapeMotionValuesFromProps = _a.scrapeMotionValuesFromProps, createRenderState = _a.createRenderState, onMount = _a.onMount;\n var state = {\n latestValues: makeLatestValues(props, context, presenceContext, scrapeMotionValuesFromProps),\n renderState: createRenderState(),\n };\n if (onMount) {\n state.mount = function (instance) { return onMount(props, instance, state); };\n }\n return state;\n}\nvar makeUseVisualState = function (config) {\n return function (props, isStatic) {\n var context = useContext(MotionContext);\n var presenceContext = useContext(PresenceContext);\n return isStatic\n ? makeState(config, props, context, presenceContext)\n : useConstant(function () {\n return makeState(config, props, context, presenceContext);\n });\n };\n};\nfunction makeLatestValues(props, context, presenceContext, scrapeMotionValues) {\n var values = {};\n var blockInitialAnimation = (presenceContext === null || presenceContext === void 0 ? void 0 : presenceContext.initial) === false;\n var motionValues = scrapeMotionValues(props);\n for (var key in motionValues) {\n values[key] = resolveMotionValue(motionValues[key]);\n }\n var initial = props.initial, animate = props.animate;\n var isControllingVariants = checkIfControllingVariants(props);\n var isVariantNode = checkIfVariantNode(props);\n if (context &&\n isVariantNode &&\n !isControllingVariants &&\n props.inherit !== false) {\n initial !== null && initial !== void 0 ? initial : (initial = context.initial);\n animate !== null && animate !== void 0 ? animate : (animate = context.animate);\n }\n var initialAnimationIsBlocked = blockInitialAnimation || initial === false;\n var variantToSet = initialAnimationIsBlocked ? animate : initial;\n if (variantToSet &&\n typeof variantToSet !== \"boolean\" &&\n !isAnimationControls(variantToSet)) {\n var list = Array.isArray(variantToSet) ? variantToSet : [variantToSet];\n list.forEach(function (definition) {\n var resolved = resolveVariantFromProps(props, definition);\n if (!resolved)\n return;\n var transitionEnd = resolved.transitionEnd; resolved.transition; var target = __rest(resolved, [\"transitionEnd\", \"transition\"]);\n for (var key in target) {\n var valueTarget = target[key];\n if (Array.isArray(valueTarget)) {\n /**\n * Take final keyframe if the initial animation is blocked because\n * we want to initialise at the end of that blocked animation.\n */\n var index = initialAnimationIsBlocked\n ? valueTarget.length - 1\n : 0;\n valueTarget = valueTarget[index];\n }\n if (valueTarget !== null) {\n values[key] = valueTarget;\n }\n }\n for (var key in transitionEnd)\n values[key] = transitionEnd[key];\n });\n }\n return values;\n}\n\nexport { makeUseVisualState };\n","import { renderSVG } from './utils/render.mjs';\nimport { scrapeMotionValuesFromProps } from './utils/scrape-motion-values.mjs';\nimport { makeUseVisualState } from '../../motion/utils/use-visual-state.mjs';\nimport { createSvgRenderState } from './utils/create-render-state.mjs';\nimport { buildSVGAttrs } from './utils/build-attrs.mjs';\n\nvar svgMotionConfig = {\n useVisualState: makeUseVisualState({\n scrapeMotionValuesFromProps: scrapeMotionValuesFromProps,\n createRenderState: createSvgRenderState,\n onMount: function (props, instance, _a) {\n var renderState = _a.renderState, latestValues = _a.latestValues;\n try {\n renderState.dimensions =\n typeof instance.getBBox ===\n \"function\"\n ? instance.getBBox()\n : instance.getBoundingClientRect();\n }\n catch (e) {\n // Most likely trying to measure an unrendered element under Firefox\n renderState.dimensions = {\n x: 0,\n y: 0,\n width: 0,\n height: 0,\n };\n }\n buildSVGAttrs(renderState, latestValues, { enableHardwareAcceleration: false }, props.transformTemplate);\n renderSVG(instance, renderState);\n },\n }),\n};\n\nexport { svgMotionConfig };\n","var AnimationType;\n(function (AnimationType) {\n AnimationType[\"Animate\"] = \"animate\";\n AnimationType[\"Hover\"] = \"whileHover\";\n AnimationType[\"Tap\"] = \"whileTap\";\n AnimationType[\"Drag\"] = \"whileDrag\";\n AnimationType[\"Focus\"] = \"whileFocus\";\n AnimationType[\"InView\"] = \"whileInView\";\n AnimationType[\"Exit\"] = \"exit\";\n})(AnimationType || (AnimationType = {}));\n\nexport { AnimationType };\n","import { makeUseVisualState } from '../../motion/utils/use-visual-state.mjs';\nimport { scrapeMotionValuesFromProps } from './utils/scrape-motion-values.mjs';\nimport { createHtmlRenderState } from './utils/create-render-state.mjs';\n\nvar htmlMotionConfig = {\n useVisualState: makeUseVisualState({\n scrapeMotionValuesFromProps: scrapeMotionValuesFromProps,\n createRenderState: createHtmlRenderState,\n }),\n};\n\nexport { htmlMotionConfig };\n","import { useEffect } from 'react';\n\nfunction addDomEvent(target, eventName, handler, options) {\n if (options === void 0) { options = { passive: true }; }\n target.addEventListener(eventName, handler, options);\n return function () { return target.removeEventListener(eventName, handler); };\n}\n/**\n * Attaches an event listener directly to the provided DOM element.\n *\n * Bypassing React's event system can be desirable, for instance when attaching non-passive\n * event handlers.\n *\n * ```jsx\n * const ref = useRef(null)\n *\n * useDomEvent(ref, 'wheel', onWheel, { passive: false })\n *\n * return \n * ```\n *\n * @param ref - React.RefObject that's been provided to the element you want to bind the listener to.\n * @param eventName - Name of the event you want listen for.\n * @param handler - Function to fire when receiving the event.\n * @param options - Options to pass to `Event.addEventListener`.\n *\n * @public\n */\nfunction useDomEvent(ref, eventName, handler, options) {\n useEffect(function () {\n var element = ref.current;\n if (handler && element) {\n return addDomEvent(element, eventName, handler, options);\n }\n }, [ref, eventName, handler, options]);\n}\n\nexport { addDomEvent, useDomEvent };\n","function isMouseEvent(event) {\n // PointerEvent inherits from MouseEvent so we can't use a straight instanceof check.\n if (typeof PointerEvent !== \"undefined\" && event instanceof PointerEvent) {\n return !!(event.pointerType === \"mouse\");\n }\n return event instanceof MouseEvent;\n}\nfunction isTouchEvent(event) {\n var hasTouches = !!event.touches;\n return hasTouches;\n}\n\nexport { isMouseEvent, isTouchEvent };\n","import { isTouchEvent } from '../gestures/utils/event-type.mjs';\n\n/**\n * Filters out events not attached to the primary pointer (currently left mouse button)\n * @param eventHandler\n */\nfunction filterPrimaryPointer(eventHandler) {\n return function (event) {\n var isMouseEvent = event instanceof MouseEvent;\n var isPrimaryPointer = !isMouseEvent ||\n (isMouseEvent && event.button === 0);\n if (isPrimaryPointer) {\n eventHandler(event);\n }\n };\n}\nvar defaultPagePoint = { pageX: 0, pageY: 0 };\nfunction pointFromTouch(e, pointType) {\n if (pointType === void 0) { pointType = \"page\"; }\n var primaryTouch = e.touches[0] || e.changedTouches[0];\n var point = primaryTouch || defaultPagePoint;\n return {\n x: point[pointType + \"X\"],\n y: point[pointType + \"Y\"],\n };\n}\nfunction pointFromMouse(point, pointType) {\n if (pointType === void 0) { pointType = \"page\"; }\n return {\n x: point[pointType + \"X\"],\n y: point[pointType + \"Y\"],\n };\n}\nfunction extractEventInfo(event, pointType) {\n if (pointType === void 0) { pointType = \"page\"; }\n return {\n point: isTouchEvent(event)\n ? pointFromTouch(event, pointType)\n : pointFromMouse(event, pointType),\n };\n}\nvar wrapHandler = function (handler, shouldFilterPrimaryPointer) {\n if (shouldFilterPrimaryPointer === void 0) { shouldFilterPrimaryPointer = false; }\n var listener = function (event) {\n return handler(event, extractEventInfo(event));\n };\n return shouldFilterPrimaryPointer\n ? filterPrimaryPointer(listener)\n : listener;\n};\n\nexport { extractEventInfo, wrapHandler };\n","import { addDomEvent, useDomEvent } from './use-dom-event.mjs';\nimport { wrapHandler } from './event-info.mjs';\nimport { supportsPointerEvents, supportsTouchEvents, supportsMouseEvents } from './utils.mjs';\n\nvar mouseEventNames = {\n pointerdown: \"mousedown\",\n pointermove: \"mousemove\",\n pointerup: \"mouseup\",\n pointercancel: \"mousecancel\",\n pointerover: \"mouseover\",\n pointerout: \"mouseout\",\n pointerenter: \"mouseenter\",\n pointerleave: \"mouseleave\",\n};\nvar touchEventNames = {\n pointerdown: \"touchstart\",\n pointermove: \"touchmove\",\n pointerup: \"touchend\",\n pointercancel: \"touchcancel\",\n};\nfunction getPointerEventName(name) {\n if (supportsPointerEvents()) {\n return name;\n }\n else if (supportsTouchEvents()) {\n return touchEventNames[name];\n }\n else if (supportsMouseEvents()) {\n return mouseEventNames[name];\n }\n return name;\n}\nfunction addPointerEvent(target, eventName, handler, options) {\n return addDomEvent(target, getPointerEventName(eventName), wrapHandler(handler, eventName === \"pointerdown\"), options);\n}\nfunction usePointerEvent(ref, eventName, handler, options) {\n return useDomEvent(ref, getPointerEventName(eventName), handler && wrapHandler(handler, eventName === \"pointerdown\"), options);\n}\n\nexport { addPointerEvent, usePointerEvent };\n","import { isBrowser } from '../utils/is-browser.mjs';\n\n// We check for event support via functions in case they've been mocked by a testing suite.\nvar supportsPointerEvents = function () {\n return isBrowser && window.onpointerdown === null;\n};\nvar supportsTouchEvents = function () {\n return isBrowser && window.ontouchstart === null;\n};\nvar supportsMouseEvents = function () {\n return isBrowser && window.onmousedown === null;\n};\n\nexport { supportsMouseEvents, supportsPointerEvents, supportsTouchEvents };\n","function createLock(name) {\n var lock = null;\n return function () {\n var openLock = function () {\n lock = null;\n };\n if (lock === null) {\n lock = name;\n return openLock;\n }\n return false;\n };\n}\nvar globalHorizontalLock = createLock(\"dragHorizontal\");\nvar globalVerticalLock = createLock(\"dragVertical\");\nfunction getGlobalLock(drag) {\n var lock = false;\n if (drag === \"y\") {\n lock = globalVerticalLock();\n }\n else if (drag === \"x\") {\n lock = globalHorizontalLock();\n }\n else {\n var openHorizontal_1 = globalHorizontalLock();\n var openVertical_1 = globalVerticalLock();\n if (openHorizontal_1 && openVertical_1) {\n lock = function () {\n openHorizontal_1();\n openVertical_1();\n };\n }\n else {\n // Release the locks because we don't use them\n if (openHorizontal_1)\n openHorizontal_1();\n if (openVertical_1)\n openVertical_1();\n }\n }\n return lock;\n}\nfunction isDragActive() {\n // Check the gesture lock - if we get it, it means no drag gesture is active\n // and we can safely fire the tap gesture.\n var openGestureLock = getGlobalLock(true);\n if (!openGestureLock)\n return true;\n openGestureLock();\n return false;\n}\n\nexport { createLock, getGlobalLock, isDragActive };\n","import { isMouseEvent } from './utils/event-type.mjs';\nimport { AnimationType } from '../render/utils/types.mjs';\nimport { usePointerEvent } from '../events/use-pointer-event.mjs';\nimport { isDragActive } from './drag/utils/lock.mjs';\n\nfunction createHoverEvent(visualElement, isActive, callback) {\n return function (event, info) {\n var _a;\n if (!isMouseEvent(event) || isDragActive())\n return;\n /**\n * Ensure we trigger animations before firing event callback\n */\n (_a = visualElement.animationState) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.setActive(AnimationType.Hover, isActive);\n callback === null || callback === void 0 ? void 0 : callback(event, info);\n };\n}\nfunction useHoverGesture(_a) {\n var onHoverStart = _a.onHoverStart, onHoverEnd = _a.onHoverEnd, whileHover = _a.whileHover, visualElement = _a.visualElement;\n usePointerEvent(visualElement, \"pointerenter\", onHoverStart || whileHover\n ? createHoverEvent(visualElement, true, onHoverStart)\n : undefined, { passive: !onHoverStart });\n usePointerEvent(visualElement, \"pointerleave\", onHoverEnd || whileHover\n ? createHoverEvent(visualElement, false, onHoverEnd)\n : undefined, { passive: !onHoverEnd });\n}\n\nexport { useHoverGesture };\n","/**\n * Recursively traverse up the tree to check whether the provided child node\n * is the parent or a descendant of it.\n *\n * @param parent - Element to find\n * @param child - Element to test against parent\n */\nvar isNodeOrChild = function (parent, child) {\n if (!child) {\n return false;\n }\n else if (parent === child) {\n return true;\n }\n else {\n return isNodeOrChild(parent, child.parentElement);\n }\n};\n\nexport { isNodeOrChild };\n","import { useEffect } from 'react';\n\nfunction useUnmountEffect(callback) {\n return useEffect(function () { return function () { return callback(); }; }, []);\n}\n\nexport { useUnmountEffect };\n","const combineFunctions = (a, b) => (v) => b(a(v));\nconst pipe = (...transformers) => transformers.reduce(combineFunctions);\n\nexport { pipe };\n","var warned = new Set();\nfunction warnOnce(condition, message, element) {\n if (condition || warned.has(message))\n return;\n console.warn(message);\n if (element)\n console.warn(element);\n warned.add(message);\n}\n\nexport { warnOnce };\n","import { __rest, __assign } from 'tslib';\n\n/**\n * Map an IntersectionHandler callback to an element. We only ever make one handler for one\n * element, so even though these handlers might all be triggered by different\n * observers, we can keep them in the same map.\n */\nvar observerCallbacks = new WeakMap();\n/**\n * Multiple observers can be created for multiple element/document roots. Each with\n * different settings. So here we store dictionaries of observers to each root,\n * using serialised settings (threshold/margin) as lookup keys.\n */\nvar observers = new WeakMap();\nvar fireObserverCallback = function (entry) {\n var _a;\n (_a = observerCallbacks.get(entry.target)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a(entry);\n};\nvar fireAllObserverCallbacks = function (entries) {\n entries.forEach(fireObserverCallback);\n};\nfunction initIntersectionObserver(_a) {\n var root = _a.root, options = __rest(_a, [\"root\"]);\n var lookupRoot = root || document;\n /**\n * If we don't have an observer lookup map for this root, create one.\n */\n if (!observers.has(lookupRoot)) {\n observers.set(lookupRoot, {});\n }\n var rootObservers = observers.get(lookupRoot);\n var key = JSON.stringify(options);\n /**\n * If we don't have an observer for this combination of root and settings,\n * create one.\n */\n if (!rootObservers[key]) {\n rootObservers[key] = new IntersectionObserver(fireAllObserverCallbacks, __assign({ root: root }, options));\n }\n return rootObservers[key];\n}\nfunction observeIntersection(element, options, callback) {\n var rootInteresectionObserver = initIntersectionObserver(options);\n observerCallbacks.set(element, callback);\n rootInteresectionObserver.observe(element);\n return function () {\n observerCallbacks.delete(element);\n rootInteresectionObserver.unobserve(element);\n };\n}\n\nexport { observeIntersection };\n","import { env } from '../../../utils/process.mjs';\nimport { useRef, useEffect } from 'react';\nimport { AnimationType } from '../../../render/utils/types.mjs';\nimport { warnOnce } from '../../../utils/warn-once.mjs';\nimport { observeIntersection } from './observers.mjs';\n\nfunction useViewport(_a) {\n var visualElement = _a.visualElement, whileInView = _a.whileInView, onViewportEnter = _a.onViewportEnter, onViewportLeave = _a.onViewportLeave, _b = _a.viewport, viewport = _b === void 0 ? {} : _b;\n var state = useRef({\n hasEnteredView: false,\n isInView: false,\n });\n var shouldObserve = Boolean(whileInView || onViewportEnter || onViewportLeave);\n if (viewport.once && state.current.hasEnteredView)\n shouldObserve = false;\n var useObserver = typeof IntersectionObserver === \"undefined\"\n ? useMissingIntersectionObserver\n : useIntersectionObserver;\n useObserver(shouldObserve, state.current, visualElement, viewport);\n}\nvar thresholdNames = {\n some: 0,\n all: 1,\n};\nfunction useIntersectionObserver(shouldObserve, state, visualElement, _a) {\n var root = _a.root, rootMargin = _a.margin, _b = _a.amount, amount = _b === void 0 ? \"some\" : _b, once = _a.once;\n useEffect(function () {\n if (!shouldObserve)\n return;\n var options = {\n root: root === null || root === void 0 ? void 0 : root.current,\n rootMargin: rootMargin,\n threshold: typeof amount === \"number\" ? amount : thresholdNames[amount],\n };\n var intersectionCallback = function (entry) {\n var _a;\n var isIntersecting = entry.isIntersecting;\n /**\n * If there's been no change in the viewport state, early return.\n */\n if (state.isInView === isIntersecting)\n return;\n state.isInView = isIntersecting;\n /**\n * Handle hasEnteredView. If this is only meant to run once, and\n * element isn't visible, early return. Otherwise set hasEnteredView to true.\n */\n if (once && !isIntersecting && state.hasEnteredView) {\n return;\n }\n else if (isIntersecting) {\n state.hasEnteredView = true;\n }\n (_a = visualElement.animationState) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.setActive(AnimationType.InView, isIntersecting);\n /**\n * Use the latest committed props rather than the ones in scope\n * when this observer is created\n */\n var props = visualElement.getProps();\n var callback = isIntersecting\n ? props.onViewportEnter\n : props.onViewportLeave;\n callback === null || callback === void 0 ? void 0 : callback(entry);\n };\n return observeIntersection(visualElement.getInstance(), options, intersectionCallback);\n }, [shouldObserve, root, rootMargin, amount]);\n}\n/**\n * If IntersectionObserver is missing, we activate inView and fire onViewportEnter\n * on mount. This way, the page will be in the state the author expects users\n * to see it in for everyone.\n */\nfunction useMissingIntersectionObserver(shouldObserve, state, visualElement, _a) {\n var _b = _a.fallback, fallback = _b === void 0 ? true : _b;\n useEffect(function () {\n if (!shouldObserve || !fallback)\n return;\n if (env !== \"production\") {\n warnOnce(false, \"IntersectionObserver not available on this device. whileInView animations will trigger on mount.\");\n }\n /**\n * Fire this in an rAF because, at this point, the animation state\n * won't have flushed for the first time and there's certain logic in\n * there that behaves differently on the initial animation.\n *\n * This hook should be quite rarely called so setting this in an rAF\n * is preferred to changing the behaviour of the animation state.\n */\n requestAnimationFrame(function () {\n var _a;\n state.hasEnteredView = true;\n var onViewportEnter = visualElement.getProps().onViewportEnter;\n onViewportEnter === null || onViewportEnter === void 0 ? void 0 : onViewportEnter(null);\n (_a = visualElement.animationState) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.setActive(AnimationType.InView, true);\n });\n }, [shouldObserve]);\n}\n\nexport { useViewport };\n","var makeRenderlessComponent = function (hook) { return function (props) {\n hook(props);\n return null;\n}; };\n\nexport { makeRenderlessComponent };\n","import { useFocusGesture } from '../../gestures/use-focus-gesture.mjs';\nimport { useHoverGesture } from '../../gestures/use-hover-gesture.mjs';\nimport { useTapGesture } from '../../gestures/use-tap-gesture.mjs';\nimport { useViewport } from './viewport/use-viewport.mjs';\nimport { makeRenderlessComponent } from '../utils/make-renderless-component.mjs';\n\nvar gestureAnimations = {\n inView: makeRenderlessComponent(useViewport),\n tap: makeRenderlessComponent(useTapGesture),\n focus: makeRenderlessComponent(useFocusGesture),\n hover: makeRenderlessComponent(useHoverGesture),\n};\n\nexport { gestureAnimations };\n","import { useRef } from 'react';\nimport { isNodeOrChild } from './utils/is-node-or-child.mjs';\nimport { usePointerEvent, addPointerEvent } from '../events/use-pointer-event.mjs';\nimport { useUnmountEffect } from '../utils/use-unmount-effect.mjs';\nimport { pipe } from 'popmotion';\nimport { AnimationType } from '../render/utils/types.mjs';\nimport { isDragActive } from './drag/utils/lock.mjs';\n\n/**\n * @param handlers -\n * @internal\n */\nfunction useTapGesture(_a) {\n var onTap = _a.onTap, onTapStart = _a.onTapStart, onTapCancel = _a.onTapCancel, whileTap = _a.whileTap, visualElement = _a.visualElement;\n var hasPressListeners = onTap || onTapStart || onTapCancel || whileTap;\n var isPressing = useRef(false);\n var cancelPointerEndListeners = useRef(null);\n /**\n * Only set listener to passive if there are no external listeners.\n */\n var eventOptions = {\n passive: !(onTapStart || onTap || onTapCancel || onPointerDown),\n };\n function removePointerEndListener() {\n var _a;\n (_a = cancelPointerEndListeners.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(cancelPointerEndListeners);\n cancelPointerEndListeners.current = null;\n }\n function checkPointerEnd() {\n var _a;\n removePointerEndListener();\n isPressing.current = false;\n (_a = visualElement.animationState) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.setActive(AnimationType.Tap, false);\n return !isDragActive();\n }\n function onPointerUp(event, info) {\n if (!checkPointerEnd())\n return;\n /**\n * We only count this as a tap gesture if the event.target is the same\n * as, or a child of, this component's element\n */\n !isNodeOrChild(visualElement.getInstance(), event.target)\n ? onTapCancel === null || onTapCancel === void 0 ? void 0 : onTapCancel(event, info)\n : onTap === null || onTap === void 0 ? void 0 : onTap(event, info);\n }\n function onPointerCancel(event, info) {\n if (!checkPointerEnd())\n return;\n onTapCancel === null || onTapCancel === void 0 ? void 0 : onTapCancel(event, info);\n }\n function onPointerDown(event, info) {\n var _a;\n removePointerEndListener();\n if (isPressing.current)\n return;\n isPressing.current = true;\n cancelPointerEndListeners.current = pipe(addPointerEvent(window, \"pointerup\", onPointerUp, eventOptions), addPointerEvent(window, \"pointercancel\", onPointerCancel, eventOptions));\n /**\n * Ensure we trigger animations before firing event callback\n */\n (_a = visualElement.animationState) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.setActive(AnimationType.Tap, true);\n onTapStart === null || onTapStart === void 0 ? void 0 : onTapStart(event, info);\n }\n usePointerEvent(visualElement, \"pointerdown\", hasPressListeners ? onPointerDown : undefined, eventOptions);\n useUnmountEffect(removePointerEndListener);\n}\n\nexport { useTapGesture };\n","import { AnimationType } from '../render/utils/types.mjs';\nimport { useDomEvent } from '../events/use-dom-event.mjs';\n\n/**\n *\n * @param props\n * @param ref\n * @internal\n */\nfunction useFocusGesture(_a) {\n var whileFocus = _a.whileFocus, visualElement = _a.visualElement;\n var onFocus = function () {\n var _a;\n (_a = visualElement.animationState) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.setActive(AnimationType.Focus, true);\n };\n var onBlur = function () {\n var _a;\n (_a = visualElement.animationState) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.setActive(AnimationType.Focus, false);\n };\n useDomEvent(visualElement, \"focus\", whileFocus ? onFocus : undefined);\n useDomEvent(visualElement, \"blur\", whileFocus ? onBlur : undefined);\n}\n\nexport { useFocusGesture };\n","import { useConstant } from './use-constant.mjs';\n\nvar counter = 0;\nvar incrementId = function () { return counter++; };\nvar useId = function () { return useConstant(incrementId); };\n/**\n * Ideally we'd use the following code to support React 18 optionally.\n * But this fairly fails in Webpack (otherwise treeshaking wouldn't work at all).\n * Need to come up with a different way of figuring this out.\n */\n// export const useId = (React as any).useId\n// ? (React as any).useId\n// : () => useConstant(incrementId)\n\nexport { useId };\n","import { useContext, useEffect } from 'react';\nimport { PresenceContext } from '../../context/PresenceContext.mjs';\nimport { useId } from '../../utils/use-id.mjs';\n\n/**\n * When a component is the child of `AnimatePresence`, it can use `usePresence`\n * to access information about whether it's still present in the React tree.\n *\n * ```jsx\n * import { usePresence } from \"framer-motion\"\n *\n * export const Component = () => {\n * const [isPresent, safeToRemove] = usePresence()\n *\n * useEffect(() => {\n * !isPresent && setTimeout(safeToRemove, 1000)\n * }, [isPresent])\n *\n * return \n * }\n * ```\n *\n * If `isPresent` is `false`, it means that a component has been removed the tree, but\n * `AnimatePresence` won't really remove it until `safeToRemove` has been called.\n *\n * @public\n */\nfunction usePresence() {\n var context = useContext(PresenceContext);\n if (context === null)\n return [true, null];\n var isPresent = context.isPresent, onExitComplete = context.onExitComplete, register = context.register;\n // It's safe to call the following hooks conditionally (after an early return) because the context will always\n // either be null or non-null for the lifespan of the component.\n // Replace with useId when released in React\n var id = useId();\n useEffect(function () { return register(id); }, []);\n var safeToRemove = function () { return onExitComplete === null || onExitComplete === void 0 ? void 0 : onExitComplete(id); };\n return !isPresent && onExitComplete ? [false, safeToRemove] : [true];\n}\n/**\n * Similar to `usePresence`, except `useIsPresent` simply returns whether or not the component is present.\n * There is no `safeToRemove` function.\n *\n * ```jsx\n * import { useIsPresent } from \"framer-motion\"\n *\n * export const Component = () => {\n * const isPresent = useIsPresent()\n *\n * useEffect(() => {\n * !isPresent && console.log(\"I've been removed!\")\n * }, [isPresent])\n *\n * return \n * }\n * ```\n *\n * @public\n */\nfunction useIsPresent() {\n return isPresent(useContext(PresenceContext));\n}\nfunction isPresent(context) {\n return context === null ? true : context.isPresent;\n}\n\nexport { isPresent, useIsPresent, usePresence };\n","function shallowCompare(next, prev) {\n if (!Array.isArray(prev))\n return false;\n var prevLength = prev.length;\n if (prevLength !== next.length)\n return false;\n for (var i = 0; i < prevLength; i++) {\n if (prev[i] !== next[i])\n return false;\n }\n return true;\n}\n\nexport { shallowCompare };\n","const clamp = (min, max, v) => Math.min(Math.max(v, min), max);\n\nexport { clamp };\n","import { warning } from 'hey-listen';\nimport { clamp } from '../../utils/clamp.mjs';\n\nconst safeMin = 0.001;\nconst minDuration = 0.01;\nconst maxDuration = 10.0;\nconst minDamping = 0.05;\nconst maxDamping = 1;\nfunction findSpring({ duration = 800, bounce = 0.25, velocity = 0, mass = 1, }) {\n let envelope;\n let derivative;\n warning(duration <= maxDuration * 1000, \"Spring duration must be 10 seconds or less\");\n let dampingRatio = 1 - bounce;\n dampingRatio = clamp(minDamping, maxDamping, dampingRatio);\n duration = clamp(minDuration, maxDuration, duration / 1000);\n if (dampingRatio < 1) {\n envelope = (undampedFreq) => {\n const exponentialDecay = undampedFreq * dampingRatio;\n const delta = exponentialDecay * duration;\n const a = exponentialDecay - velocity;\n const b = calcAngularFreq(undampedFreq, dampingRatio);\n const c = Math.exp(-delta);\n return safeMin - (a / b) * c;\n };\n derivative = (undampedFreq) => {\n const exponentialDecay = undampedFreq * dampingRatio;\n const delta = exponentialDecay * duration;\n const d = delta * velocity + velocity;\n const e = Math.pow(dampingRatio, 2) * Math.pow(undampedFreq, 2) * duration;\n const f = Math.exp(-delta);\n const g = calcAngularFreq(Math.pow(undampedFreq, 2), dampingRatio);\n const factor = -envelope(undampedFreq) + safeMin > 0 ? -1 : 1;\n return (factor * ((d - e) * f)) / g;\n };\n }\n else {\n envelope = (undampedFreq) => {\n const a = Math.exp(-undampedFreq * duration);\n const b = (undampedFreq - velocity) * duration + 1;\n return -safeMin + a * b;\n };\n derivative = (undampedFreq) => {\n const a = Math.exp(-undampedFreq * duration);\n const b = (velocity - undampedFreq) * (duration * duration);\n return a * b;\n };\n }\n const initialGuess = 5 / duration;\n const undampedFreq = approximateRoot(envelope, derivative, initialGuess);\n duration = duration * 1000;\n if (isNaN(undampedFreq)) {\n return {\n stiffness: 100,\n damping: 10,\n duration,\n };\n }\n else {\n const stiffness = Math.pow(undampedFreq, 2) * mass;\n return {\n stiffness,\n damping: dampingRatio * 2 * Math.sqrt(mass * stiffness),\n duration,\n };\n }\n}\nconst rootIterations = 12;\nfunction approximateRoot(envelope, derivative, initialGuess) {\n let result = initialGuess;\n for (let i = 1; i < rootIterations; i++) {\n result = result - envelope(result) / derivative(result);\n }\n return result;\n}\nfunction calcAngularFreq(undampedFreq, dampingRatio) {\n return undampedFreq * Math.sqrt(1 - dampingRatio * dampingRatio);\n}\n\nexport { calcAngularFreq, findSpring, maxDamping, maxDuration, minDamping, minDuration };\n","import { __rest } from 'tslib';\nimport { findSpring, calcAngularFreq } from '../utils/find-spring.mjs';\n\nconst durationKeys = [\"duration\", \"bounce\"];\nconst physicsKeys = [\"stiffness\", \"damping\", \"mass\"];\nfunction isSpringType(options, keys) {\n return keys.some((key) => options[key] !== undefined);\n}\nfunction getSpringOptions(options) {\n let springOptions = Object.assign({ velocity: 0.0, stiffness: 100, damping: 10, mass: 1.0, isResolvedFromDuration: false }, options);\n if (!isSpringType(options, physicsKeys) &&\n isSpringType(options, durationKeys)) {\n const derived = findSpring(options);\n springOptions = Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, springOptions), derived), { velocity: 0.0, mass: 1.0 });\n springOptions.isResolvedFromDuration = true;\n }\n return springOptions;\n}\nfunction spring(_a) {\n var { from = 0.0, to = 1.0, restSpeed = 2, restDelta } = _a, options = __rest(_a, [\"from\", \"to\", \"restSpeed\", \"restDelta\"]);\n const state = { done: false, value: from };\n let { stiffness, damping, mass, velocity, duration, isResolvedFromDuration, } = getSpringOptions(options);\n let resolveSpring = zero;\n let resolveVelocity = zero;\n function createSpring() {\n const initialVelocity = velocity ? -(velocity / 1000) : 0.0;\n const initialDelta = to - from;\n const dampingRatio = damping / (2 * Math.sqrt(stiffness * mass));\n const undampedAngularFreq = Math.sqrt(stiffness / mass) / 1000;\n if (restDelta === undefined) {\n restDelta = Math.min(Math.abs(to - from) / 100, 0.4);\n }\n if (dampingRatio < 1) {\n const angularFreq = calcAngularFreq(undampedAngularFreq, dampingRatio);\n resolveSpring = (t) => {\n const envelope = Math.exp(-dampingRatio * undampedAngularFreq * t);\n return (to -\n envelope *\n (((initialVelocity +\n dampingRatio * undampedAngularFreq * initialDelta) /\n angularFreq) *\n Math.sin(angularFreq * t) +\n initialDelta * Math.cos(angularFreq * t)));\n };\n resolveVelocity = (t) => {\n const envelope = Math.exp(-dampingRatio * undampedAngularFreq * t);\n return (dampingRatio *\n undampedAngularFreq *\n envelope *\n ((Math.sin(angularFreq * t) *\n (initialVelocity +\n dampingRatio *\n undampedAngularFreq *\n initialDelta)) /\n angularFreq +\n initialDelta * Math.cos(angularFreq * t)) -\n envelope *\n (Math.cos(angularFreq * t) *\n (initialVelocity +\n dampingRatio *\n undampedAngularFreq *\n initialDelta) -\n angularFreq *\n initialDelta *\n Math.sin(angularFreq * t)));\n };\n }\n else if (dampingRatio === 1) {\n resolveSpring = (t) => to -\n Math.exp(-undampedAngularFreq * t) *\n (initialDelta +\n (initialVelocity + undampedAngularFreq * initialDelta) *\n t);\n }\n else {\n const dampedAngularFreq = undampedAngularFreq * Math.sqrt(dampingRatio * dampingRatio - 1);\n resolveSpring = (t) => {\n const envelope = Math.exp(-dampingRatio * undampedAngularFreq * t);\n const freqForT = Math.min(dampedAngularFreq * t, 300);\n return (to -\n (envelope *\n ((initialVelocity +\n dampingRatio * undampedAngularFreq * initialDelta) *\n Math.sinh(freqForT) +\n dampedAngularFreq *\n initialDelta *\n Math.cosh(freqForT))) /\n dampedAngularFreq);\n };\n }\n }\n createSpring();\n return {\n next: (t) => {\n const current = resolveSpring(t);\n if (!isResolvedFromDuration) {\n const currentVelocity = resolveVelocity(t) * 1000;\n const isBelowVelocityThreshold = Math.abs(currentVelocity) <= restSpeed;\n const isBelowDisplacementThreshold = Math.abs(to - current) <= restDelta;\n state.done =\n isBelowVelocityThreshold && isBelowDisplacementThreshold;\n }\n else {\n state.done = t >= duration;\n }\n state.value = state.done ? to : current;\n return state;\n },\n flipTarget: () => {\n velocity = -velocity;\n [from, to] = [to, from];\n createSpring();\n },\n };\n}\nspring.needsInterpolation = (a, b) => typeof a === \"string\" || typeof b === \"string\";\nconst zero = (_t) => 0;\n\nexport { spring };\n","const progress = (from, to, value) => {\n const toFromDifference = to - from;\n return toFromDifference === 0 ? 1 : (value - from) / toFromDifference;\n};\n\nexport { progress };\n","const mix = (from, to, progress) => -progress * from + progress * to + from;\n\nexport { mix };\n","import { isString, singleColorRegex, floatRegex } from '../utils.mjs';\n\nconst isColorString = (type, testProp) => (v) => {\n return Boolean((isString(v) && singleColorRegex.test(v) && v.startsWith(type)) ||\n (testProp && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(v, testProp)));\n};\nconst splitColor = (aName, bName, cName) => (v) => {\n if (!isString(v))\n return v;\n const [a, b, c, alpha] = v.match(floatRegex);\n return {\n [aName]: parseFloat(a),\n [bName]: parseFloat(b),\n [cName]: parseFloat(c),\n alpha: alpha !== undefined ? parseFloat(alpha) : 1,\n };\n};\n\nexport { isColorString, splitColor };\n","import { number, alpha } from '../numbers/index.mjs';\nimport { sanitize, clamp } from '../utils.mjs';\nimport { isColorString, splitColor } from './utils.mjs';\n\nconst clampRgbUnit = clamp(0, 255);\nconst rgbUnit = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, number), { transform: (v) => Math.round(clampRgbUnit(v)) });\nconst rgba = {\n test: isColorString('rgb', 'red'),\n parse: splitColor('red', 'green', 'blue'),\n transform: ({ red, green, blue, alpha: alpha$1 = 1 }) => 'rgba(' +\n rgbUnit.transform(red) +\n ', ' +\n rgbUnit.transform(green) +\n ', ' +\n rgbUnit.transform(blue) +\n ', ' +\n sanitize(alpha.transform(alpha$1)) +\n ')',\n};\n\nexport { rgbUnit, rgba };\n","import { rgba } from './rgba.mjs';\nimport { isColorString } from './utils.mjs';\n\nfunction parseHex(v) {\n let r = '';\n let g = '';\n let b = '';\n let a = '';\n if (v.length > 5) {\n r = v.substr(1, 2);\n g = v.substr(3, 2);\n b = v.substr(5, 2);\n a = v.substr(7, 2);\n }\n else {\n r = v.substr(1, 1);\n g = v.substr(2, 1);\n b = v.substr(3, 1);\n a = v.substr(4, 1);\n r += r;\n g += g;\n b += b;\n a += a;\n }\n return {\n red: parseInt(r, 16),\n green: parseInt(g, 16),\n blue: parseInt(b, 16),\n alpha: a ? parseInt(a, 16) / 255 : 1,\n };\n}\nconst hex = {\n test: isColorString('#'),\n parse: parseHex,\n transform: rgba.transform,\n};\n\nexport { hex };\n","import { alpha } from '../numbers/index.mjs';\nimport { percent } from '../numbers/units.mjs';\nimport { sanitize } from '../utils.mjs';\nimport { isColorString, splitColor } from './utils.mjs';\n\nconst hsla = {\n test: isColorString('hsl', 'hue'),\n parse: splitColor('hue', 'saturation', 'lightness'),\n transform: ({ hue, saturation, lightness, alpha: alpha$1 = 1 }) => {\n return ('hsla(' +\n Math.round(hue) +\n ', ' +\n percent.transform(sanitize(saturation)) +\n ', ' +\n percent.transform(sanitize(lightness)) +\n ', ' +\n sanitize(alpha.transform(alpha$1)) +\n ')');\n },\n};\n\nexport { hsla };\n","function hueToRgb(p, q, t) {\n if (t < 0)\n t += 1;\n if (t > 1)\n t -= 1;\n if (t < 1 / 6)\n return p + (q - p) * 6 * t;\n if (t < 1 / 2)\n return q;\n if (t < 2 / 3)\n return p + (q - p) * (2 / 3 - t) * 6;\n return p;\n}\nfunction hslaToRgba({ hue, saturation, lightness, alpha }) {\n hue /= 360;\n saturation /= 100;\n lightness /= 100;\n let red = 0;\n let green = 0;\n let blue = 0;\n if (!saturation) {\n red = green = blue = lightness;\n }\n else {\n const q = lightness < 0.5\n ? lightness * (1 + saturation)\n : lightness + saturation - lightness * saturation;\n const p = 2 * lightness - q;\n red = hueToRgb(p, q, hue + 1 / 3);\n green = hueToRgb(p, q, hue);\n blue = hueToRgb(p, q, hue - 1 / 3);\n }\n return {\n red: Math.round(red * 255),\n green: Math.round(green * 255),\n blue: Math.round(blue * 255),\n alpha,\n };\n}\n\nexport { hslaToRgba };\n","import { mix } from './mix.mjs';\nimport { hsla, rgba, hex } from 'style-value-types';\nimport { invariant } from 'hey-listen';\nimport { hslaToRgba } from './hsla-to-rgba.mjs';\n\nconst mixLinearColor = (from, to, v) => {\n const fromExpo = from * from;\n const toExpo = to * to;\n return Math.sqrt(Math.max(0, v * (toExpo - fromExpo) + fromExpo));\n};\nconst colorTypes = [hex, rgba, hsla];\nconst getColorType = (v) => colorTypes.find((type) => type.test(v));\nconst notAnimatable = (color) => `'${color}' is not an animatable color. Use the equivalent color code instead.`;\nconst mixColor = (from, to) => {\n let fromColorType = getColorType(from);\n let toColorType = getColorType(to);\n invariant(!!fromColorType, notAnimatable(from));\n invariant(!!toColorType, notAnimatable(to));\n let fromColor = fromColorType.parse(from);\n let toColor = toColorType.parse(to);\n if (fromColorType === hsla) {\n fromColor = hslaToRgba(fromColor);\n fromColorType = rgba;\n }\n if (toColorType === hsla) {\n toColor = hslaToRgba(toColor);\n toColorType = rgba;\n }\n const blended = Object.assign({}, fromColor);\n return (v) => {\n for (const key in blended) {\n if (key !== \"alpha\") {\n blended[key] = mixLinearColor(fromColor[key], toColor[key], v);\n }\n }\n blended.alpha = mix(fromColor.alpha, toColor.alpha, v);\n return fromColorType.transform(blended);\n };\n};\n\nexport { mixColor, mixLinearColor };\n","import { isString } from '../utils.mjs';\nimport { hex } from './hex.mjs';\nimport { hsla } from './hsla.mjs';\nimport { rgba } from './rgba.mjs';\n\nconst color = {\n test: (v) => rgba.test(v) || hex.test(v) || hsla.test(v),\n parse: (v) => {\n if (rgba.test(v)) {\n return rgba.parse(v);\n }\n else if (hsla.test(v)) {\n return hsla.parse(v);\n }\n else {\n return hex.parse(v);\n }\n },\n transform: (v) => {\n return isString(v)\n ? v\n : v.hasOwnProperty('red')\n ? rgba.transform(v)\n : hsla.transform(v);\n },\n};\n\nexport { color };\n","import { color } from '../color/index.mjs';\nimport { number } from '../numbers/index.mjs';\nimport { isString, floatRegex, colorRegex, sanitize } from '../utils.mjs';\n\nconst colorToken = '${c}';\nconst numberToken = '${n}';\nfunction test(v) {\n var _a, _b, _c, _d;\n return (isNaN(v) &&\n isString(v) &&\n ((_b = (_a = v.match(floatRegex)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0) + ((_d = (_c = v.match(colorRegex)) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.length) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : 0) > 0);\n}\nfunction analyse(v) {\n if (typeof v === 'number')\n v = `${v}`;\n const values = [];\n let numColors = 0;\n const colors = v.match(colorRegex);\n if (colors) {\n numColors = colors.length;\n v = v.replace(colorRegex, colorToken);\n values.push(...colors.map(color.parse));\n }\n const numbers = v.match(floatRegex);\n if (numbers) {\n v = v.replace(floatRegex, numberToken);\n values.push(...numbers.map(number.parse));\n }\n return { values, numColors, tokenised: v };\n}\nfunction parse(v) {\n return analyse(v).values;\n}\nfunction createTransformer(v) {\n const { values, numColors, tokenised } = analyse(v);\n const numValues = values.length;\n return (v) => {\n let output = tokenised;\n for (let i = 0; i < numValues; i++) {\n output = output.replace(i < numColors ? colorToken : numberToken, i < numColors ? color.transform(v[i]) : sanitize(v[i]));\n }\n return output;\n };\n}\nconst convertNumbersToZero = (v) => typeof v === 'number' ? 0 : v;\nfunction getAnimatableNone(v) {\n const parsed = parse(v);\n const transformer = createTransformer(v);\n return transformer(parsed.map(convertNumbersToZero));\n}\nconst complex = { test, parse, createTransformer, getAnimatableNone };\n\nexport { complex };\n","const zeroPoint = {\n x: 0,\n y: 0,\n z: 0\n};\nconst isNum = (v) => typeof v === 'number';\n\nexport { isNum, zeroPoint };\n","import { complex, color } from 'style-value-types';\nimport { mix } from './mix.mjs';\nimport { mixColor } from './mix-color.mjs';\nimport { isNum } from './inc.mjs';\nimport { pipe } from './pipe.mjs';\nimport { warning } from 'hey-listen';\n\nfunction getMixer(origin, target) {\n if (isNum(origin)) {\n return (v) => mix(origin, target, v);\n }\n else if (color.test(origin)) {\n return mixColor(origin, target);\n }\n else {\n return mixComplex(origin, target);\n }\n}\nconst mixArray = (from, to) => {\n const output = [...from];\n const numValues = output.length;\n const blendValue = from.map((fromThis, i) => getMixer(fromThis, to[i]));\n return (v) => {\n for (let i = 0; i < numValues; i++) {\n output[i] = blendValue[i](v);\n }\n return output;\n };\n};\nconst mixObject = (origin, target) => {\n const output = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, origin), target);\n const blendValue = {};\n for (const key in output) {\n if (origin[key] !== undefined && target[key] !== undefined) {\n blendValue[key] = getMixer(origin[key], target[key]);\n }\n }\n return (v) => {\n for (const key in blendValue) {\n output[key] = blendValue[key](v);\n }\n return output;\n };\n};\nfunction analyse(value) {\n const parsed = complex.parse(value);\n const numValues = parsed.length;\n let numNumbers = 0;\n let numRGB = 0;\n let numHSL = 0;\n for (let i = 0; i < numValues; i++) {\n if (numNumbers || typeof parsed[i] === \"number\") {\n numNumbers++;\n }\n else {\n if (parsed[i].hue !== undefined) {\n numHSL++;\n }\n else {\n numRGB++;\n }\n }\n }\n return { parsed, numNumbers, numRGB, numHSL };\n}\nconst mixComplex = (origin, target) => {\n const template = complex.createTransformer(target);\n const originStats = analyse(origin);\n const targetStats = analyse(target);\n const canInterpolate = originStats.numHSL === targetStats.numHSL &&\n originStats.numRGB === targetStats.numRGB &&\n originStats.numNumbers >= targetStats.numNumbers;\n if (canInterpolate) {\n return pipe(mixArray(originStats.parsed, targetStats.parsed), template);\n }\n else {\n warning(true, `Complex values '${origin}' and '${target}' too different to mix. Ensure all colors are of the same type, and that each contains the same quantity of number and color values. Falling back to instant transition.`);\n return (p) => `${p > 0 ? target : origin}`;\n }\n};\n\nexport { mixArray, mixComplex, mixObject };\n","import { progress } from './progress.mjs';\nimport { mix } from './mix.mjs';\nimport { mixColor } from './mix-color.mjs';\nimport { mixComplex, mixArray, mixObject } from './mix-complex.mjs';\nimport { color } from 'style-value-types';\nimport { clamp } from './clamp.mjs';\nimport { pipe } from './pipe.mjs';\nimport { invariant } from 'hey-listen';\n\nconst mixNumber = (from, to) => (p) => mix(from, to, p);\nfunction detectMixerFactory(v) {\n if (typeof v === 'number') {\n return mixNumber;\n }\n else if (typeof v === 'string') {\n if (color.test(v)) {\n return mixColor;\n }\n else {\n return mixComplex;\n }\n }\n else if (Array.isArray(v)) {\n return mixArray;\n }\n else if (typeof v === 'object') {\n return mixObject;\n }\n}\nfunction createMixers(output, ease, customMixer) {\n const mixers = [];\n const mixerFactory = customMixer || detectMixerFactory(output[0]);\n const numMixers = output.length - 1;\n for (let i = 0; i < numMixers; i++) {\n let mixer = mixerFactory(output[i], output[i + 1]);\n if (ease) {\n const easingFunction = Array.isArray(ease) ? ease[i] : ease;\n mixer = pipe(easingFunction, mixer);\n }\n mixers.push(mixer);\n }\n return mixers;\n}\nfunction fastInterpolate([from, to], [mixer]) {\n return (v) => mixer(progress(from, to, v));\n}\nfunction slowInterpolate(input, mixers) {\n const inputLength = input.length;\n const lastInputIndex = inputLength - 1;\n return (v) => {\n let mixerIndex = 0;\n let foundMixerIndex = false;\n if (v <= input[0]) {\n foundMixerIndex = true;\n }\n else if (v >= input[lastInputIndex]) {\n mixerIndex = lastInputIndex - 1;\n foundMixerIndex = true;\n }\n if (!foundMixerIndex) {\n let i = 1;\n for (; i < inputLength; i++) {\n if (input[i] > v || i === lastInputIndex) {\n break;\n }\n }\n mixerIndex = i - 1;\n }\n const progressInRange = progress(input[mixerIndex], input[mixerIndex + 1], v);\n return mixers[mixerIndex](progressInRange);\n };\n}\nfunction interpolate(input, output, { clamp: isClamp = true, ease, mixer } = {}) {\n const inputLength = input.length;\n invariant(inputLength === output.length, 'Both input and output ranges must be the same length');\n invariant(!ease || !Array.isArray(ease) || ease.length === inputLength - 1, 'Array of easing functions must be of length `input.length - 1`, as it applies to the transitions **between** the defined values.');\n if (input[0] > input[inputLength - 1]) {\n input = [].concat(input);\n output = [].concat(output);\n input.reverse();\n output.reverse();\n }\n const mixers = createMixers(output, ease, mixer);\n const interpolator = inputLength === 2\n ? fastInterpolate(input, mixers)\n : slowInterpolate(input, mixers);\n return isClamp\n ? (v) => interpolator(clamp(input[0], input[inputLength - 1], v))\n : interpolator;\n}\n\nexport { interpolate };\n","const reverseEasing = easing => p => 1 - easing(1 - p);\nconst mirrorEasing = easing => p => p <= 0.5 ? easing(2 * p) / 2 : (2 - easing(2 * (1 - p))) / 2;\nconst createExpoIn = (power) => p => Math.pow(p, power);\nconst createBackIn = (power) => p => p * p * ((power + 1) * p - power);\nconst createAnticipate = (power) => {\n const backEasing = createBackIn(power);\n return p => (p *= 2) < 1\n ? 0.5 * backEasing(p)\n : 0.5 * (2 - Math.pow(2, -10 * (p - 1)));\n};\n\nexport { createAnticipate, createBackIn, createExpoIn, mirrorEasing, reverseEasing };\n","import { createExpoIn, reverseEasing, mirrorEasing, createBackIn, createAnticipate } from './utils.mjs';\n\nconst DEFAULT_OVERSHOOT_STRENGTH = 1.525;\nconst BOUNCE_FIRST_THRESHOLD = 4.0 / 11.0;\nconst BOUNCE_SECOND_THRESHOLD = 8.0 / 11.0;\nconst BOUNCE_THIRD_THRESHOLD = 9.0 / 10.0;\nconst linear = p => p;\nconst easeIn = createExpoIn(2);\nconst easeOut = reverseEasing(easeIn);\nconst easeInOut = mirrorEasing(easeIn);\nconst circIn = p => 1 - Math.sin(Math.acos(p));\nconst circOut = reverseEasing(circIn);\nconst circInOut = mirrorEasing(circOut);\nconst backIn = createBackIn(DEFAULT_OVERSHOOT_STRENGTH);\nconst backOut = reverseEasing(backIn);\nconst backInOut = mirrorEasing(backIn);\nconst anticipate = createAnticipate(DEFAULT_OVERSHOOT_STRENGTH);\nconst ca = 4356.0 / 361.0;\nconst cb = 35442.0 / 1805.0;\nconst cc = 16061.0 / 1805.0;\nconst bounceOut = (p) => {\n if (p === 1 || p === 0)\n return p;\n const p2 = p * p;\n return p < BOUNCE_FIRST_THRESHOLD\n ? 7.5625 * p2\n : p < BOUNCE_SECOND_THRESHOLD\n ? 9.075 * p2 - 9.9 * p + 3.4\n : p < BOUNCE_THIRD_THRESHOLD\n ? ca * p2 - cb * p + cc\n : 10.8 * p * p - 20.52 * p + 10.72;\n};\nconst bounceIn = reverseEasing(bounceOut);\nconst bounceInOut = (p) => p < 0.5\n ? 0.5 * (1.0 - bounceOut(1.0 - p * 2.0))\n : 0.5 * bounceOut(p * 2.0 - 1.0) + 0.5;\n\nexport { anticipate, backIn, backInOut, backOut, bounceIn, bounceInOut, bounceOut, circIn, circInOut, circOut, easeIn, easeInOut, easeOut, linear };\n","import { interpolate } from '../../utils/interpolate.mjs';\nimport { easeInOut } from '../../easing/index.mjs';\n\nfunction defaultEasing(values, easing) {\n return values.map(() => easing || easeInOut).splice(0, values.length - 1);\n}\nfunction defaultOffset(values) {\n const numValues = values.length;\n return values.map((_value, i) => i !== 0 ? i / (numValues - 1) : 0);\n}\nfunction convertOffsetToTimes(offset, duration) {\n return offset.map((o) => o * duration);\n}\nfunction keyframes({ from = 0, to = 1, ease, offset, duration = 300, }) {\n const state = { done: false, value: from };\n const values = Array.isArray(to) ? to : [from, to];\n const times = convertOffsetToTimes(offset && offset.length === values.length\n ? offset\n : defaultOffset(values), duration);\n function createInterpolator() {\n return interpolate(times, values, {\n ease: Array.isArray(ease) ? ease : defaultEasing(values, ease),\n });\n }\n let interpolator = createInterpolator();\n return {\n next: (t) => {\n state.value = interpolator(t);\n state.done = t >= duration;\n return state;\n },\n flipTarget: () => {\n values.reverse();\n interpolator = createInterpolator();\n },\n };\n}\n\nexport { convertOffsetToTimes, defaultEasing, defaultOffset, keyframes };\n","import { spring } from '../generators/spring.mjs';\nimport { keyframes } from '../generators/keyframes.mjs';\nimport { decay } from '../generators/decay.mjs';\n\nconst types = { keyframes, spring, decay };\nfunction detectAnimationFromOptions(config) {\n if (Array.isArray(config.to)) {\n return keyframes;\n }\n else if (types[config.type]) {\n return types[config.type];\n }\n const keys = new Set(Object.keys(config));\n if (keys.has(\"ease\") ||\n (keys.has(\"duration\") && !keys.has(\"dampingRatio\"))) {\n return keyframes;\n }\n else if (keys.has(\"dampingRatio\") ||\n keys.has(\"stiffness\") ||\n keys.has(\"mass\") ||\n keys.has(\"damping\") ||\n keys.has(\"restSpeed\") ||\n keys.has(\"restDelta\")) {\n return spring;\n }\n return keyframes;\n}\n\nexport { detectAnimationFromOptions };\n","function decay({ velocity = 0, from = 0, power = 0.8, timeConstant = 350, restDelta = 0.5, modifyTarget, }) {\n const state = { done: false, value: from };\n let amplitude = power * velocity;\n const ideal = from + amplitude;\n const target = modifyTarget === undefined ? ideal : modifyTarget(ideal);\n if (target !== ideal)\n amplitude = target - from;\n return {\n next: (t) => {\n const delta = -amplitude * Math.exp(-t / timeConstant);\n state.done = !(delta > restDelta || delta < -restDelta);\n state.value = state.done ? target : target + delta;\n return state;\n },\n flipTarget: () => { },\n };\n}\n\nexport { decay };\n","const defaultTimestep = (1 / 60) * 1000;\nconst getCurrentTime = typeof performance !== \"undefined\"\n ? () => performance.now()\n : () => Date.now();\nconst onNextFrame = typeof window !== \"undefined\"\n ? (callback) => window.requestAnimationFrame(callback)\n : (callback) => setTimeout(() => callback(getCurrentTime()), defaultTimestep);\n\nexport { defaultTimestep, onNextFrame };\n","import { onNextFrame, defaultTimestep } from './on-next-frame.mjs';\nimport { createRenderStep } from './create-render-step.mjs';\n\nconst maxElapsed = 40;\nlet useDefaultElapsed = true;\nlet runNextFrame = false;\nlet isProcessing = false;\nconst frame = {\n delta: 0,\n timestamp: 0,\n};\nconst stepsOrder = [\n \"read\",\n \"update\",\n \"preRender\",\n \"render\",\n \"postRender\",\n];\nconst steps = stepsOrder.reduce((acc, key) => {\n acc[key] = createRenderStep(() => (runNextFrame = true));\n return acc;\n}, {});\nconst sync = stepsOrder.reduce((acc, key) => {\n const step = steps[key];\n acc[key] = (process, keepAlive = false, immediate = false) => {\n if (!runNextFrame)\n startLoop();\n return step.schedule(process, keepAlive, immediate);\n };\n return acc;\n}, {});\nconst cancelSync = stepsOrder.reduce((acc, key) => {\n acc[key] = steps[key].cancel;\n return acc;\n}, {});\nconst flushSync = stepsOrder.reduce((acc, key) => {\n acc[key] = () => steps[key].process(frame);\n return acc;\n}, {});\nconst processStep = (stepId) => steps[stepId].process(frame);\nconst processFrame = (timestamp) => {\n runNextFrame = false;\n frame.delta = useDefaultElapsed\n ? defaultTimestep\n : Math.max(Math.min(timestamp - frame.timestamp, maxElapsed), 1);\n frame.timestamp = timestamp;\n isProcessing = true;\n stepsOrder.forEach(processStep);\n isProcessing = false;\n if (runNextFrame) {\n useDefaultElapsed = false;\n onNextFrame(processFrame);\n }\n};\nconst startLoop = () => {\n runNextFrame = true;\n useDefaultElapsed = true;\n if (!isProcessing)\n onNextFrame(processFrame);\n};\nconst getFrameData = () => frame;\n\nexport default sync;\nexport { cancelSync, flushSync, getFrameData };\n","function createRenderStep(runNextFrame) {\n let toRun = [];\n let toRunNextFrame = [];\n let numToRun = 0;\n let isProcessing = false;\n let flushNextFrame = false;\n const toKeepAlive = new WeakSet();\n const step = {\n schedule: (callback, keepAlive = false, immediate = false) => {\n const addToCurrentFrame = immediate && isProcessing;\n const buffer = addToCurrentFrame ? toRun : toRunNextFrame;\n if (keepAlive)\n toKeepAlive.add(callback);\n if (buffer.indexOf(callback) === -1) {\n buffer.push(callback);\n if (addToCurrentFrame && isProcessing)\n numToRun = toRun.length;\n }\n return callback;\n },\n cancel: (callback) => {\n const index = toRunNextFrame.indexOf(callback);\n if (index !== -1)\n toRunNextFrame.splice(index, 1);\n toKeepAlive.delete(callback);\n },\n process: (frameData) => {\n if (isProcessing) {\n flushNextFrame = true;\n return;\n }\n isProcessing = true;\n [toRun, toRunNextFrame] = [toRunNextFrame, toRun];\n toRunNextFrame.length = 0;\n numToRun = toRun.length;\n if (numToRun) {\n for (let i = 0; i < numToRun; i++) {\n const callback = toRun[i];\n callback(frameData);\n if (toKeepAlive.has(callback)) {\n step.schedule(callback);\n runNextFrame();\n }\n }\n }\n isProcessing = false;\n if (flushNextFrame) {\n flushNextFrame = false;\n step.process(frameData);\n }\n },\n };\n return step;\n}\n\nexport { createRenderStep };\n","function loopElapsed(elapsed, duration, delay = 0) {\n return elapsed - duration - delay;\n}\nfunction reverseElapsed(elapsed, duration, delay = 0, isForwardPlayback = true) {\n return isForwardPlayback\n ? loopElapsed(duration + -elapsed, duration, delay)\n : duration - (elapsed - duration) + delay;\n}\nfunction hasRepeatDelayElapsed(elapsed, duration, delay, isForwardPlayback) {\n return isForwardPlayback ? elapsed >= duration + delay : elapsed <= -delay;\n}\n\nexport { hasRepeatDelayElapsed, loopElapsed, reverseElapsed };\n","import { __rest } from 'tslib';\nimport { detectAnimationFromOptions } from './utils/detect-animation-from-options.mjs';\nimport sync, { cancelSync } from 'framesync';\nimport { interpolate } from '../utils/interpolate.mjs';\nimport { hasRepeatDelayElapsed, reverseElapsed, loopElapsed } from './utils/elapsed.mjs';\n\nconst framesync = (update) => {\n const passTimestamp = ({ delta }) => update(delta);\n return {\n start: () => sync.update(passTimestamp, true),\n stop: () => cancelSync.update(passTimestamp),\n };\n};\nfunction animate(_a) {\n var _b, _c;\n var { from, autoplay = true, driver = framesync, elapsed = 0, repeat: repeatMax = 0, repeatType = \"loop\", repeatDelay = 0, onPlay, onStop, onComplete, onRepeat, onUpdate } = _a, options = __rest(_a, [\"from\", \"autoplay\", \"driver\", \"elapsed\", \"repeat\", \"repeatType\", \"repeatDelay\", \"onPlay\", \"onStop\", \"onComplete\", \"onRepeat\", \"onUpdate\"]);\n let { to } = options;\n let driverControls;\n let repeatCount = 0;\n let computedDuration = options.duration;\n let latest;\n let isComplete = false;\n let isForwardPlayback = true;\n let interpolateFromNumber;\n const animator = detectAnimationFromOptions(options);\n if ((_c = (_b = animator).needsInterpolation) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.call(_b, from, to)) {\n interpolateFromNumber = interpolate([0, 100], [from, to], {\n clamp: false,\n });\n from = 0;\n to = 100;\n }\n const animation = animator(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { from, to }));\n function repeat() {\n repeatCount++;\n if (repeatType === \"reverse\") {\n isForwardPlayback = repeatCount % 2 === 0;\n elapsed = reverseElapsed(elapsed, computedDuration, repeatDelay, isForwardPlayback);\n }\n else {\n elapsed = loopElapsed(elapsed, computedDuration, repeatDelay);\n if (repeatType === \"mirror\")\n animation.flipTarget();\n }\n isComplete = false;\n onRepeat && onRepeat();\n }\n function complete() {\n driverControls.stop();\n onComplete && onComplete();\n }\n function update(delta) {\n if (!isForwardPlayback)\n delta = -delta;\n elapsed += delta;\n if (!isComplete) {\n const state = animation.next(Math.max(0, elapsed));\n latest = state.value;\n if (interpolateFromNumber)\n latest = interpolateFromNumber(latest);\n isComplete = isForwardPlayback ? state.done : elapsed <= 0;\n }\n onUpdate === null || onUpdate === void 0 ? void 0 : onUpdate(latest);\n if (isComplete) {\n if (repeatCount === 0)\n computedDuration !== null && computedDuration !== void 0 ? computedDuration : (computedDuration = elapsed);\n if (repeatCount < repeatMax) {\n hasRepeatDelayElapsed(elapsed, computedDuration, repeatDelay, isForwardPlayback) && repeat();\n }\n else {\n complete();\n }\n }\n }\n function play() {\n onPlay === null || onPlay === void 0 ? void 0 : onPlay();\n driverControls = driver(update);\n driverControls.start();\n }\n autoplay && play();\n return {\n stop: () => {\n onStop === null || onStop === void 0 ? void 0 : onStop();\n driverControls.stop();\n },\n };\n}\n\nexport { animate };\n","function velocityPerSecond(velocity, frameDuration) {\n return frameDuration ? velocity * (1000 / frameDuration) : 0;\n}\n\nexport { velocityPerSecond };\n","/**\n * Converts seconds to milliseconds\n *\n * @param seconds - Time in seconds.\n * @return milliseconds - Converted time in milliseconds.\n */\nvar secondsToMilliseconds = function (seconds) { return seconds * 1000; };\n\nexport { secondsToMilliseconds };\n","import { linear } from './index.mjs';\n\nconst a = (a1, a2) => 1.0 - 3.0 * a2 + 3.0 * a1;\nconst b = (a1, a2) => 3.0 * a2 - 6.0 * a1;\nconst c = (a1) => 3.0 * a1;\nconst calcBezier = (t, a1, a2) => ((a(a1, a2) * t + b(a1, a2)) * t + c(a1)) * t;\nconst getSlope = (t, a1, a2) => 3.0 * a(a1, a2) * t * t + 2.0 * b(a1, a2) * t + c(a1);\nconst subdivisionPrecision = 0.0000001;\nconst subdivisionMaxIterations = 10;\nfunction binarySubdivide(aX, aA, aB, mX1, mX2) {\n let currentX;\n let currentT;\n let i = 0;\n do {\n currentT = aA + (aB - aA) / 2.0;\n currentX = calcBezier(currentT, mX1, mX2) - aX;\n if (currentX > 0.0) {\n aB = currentT;\n }\n else {\n aA = currentT;\n }\n } while (Math.abs(currentX) > subdivisionPrecision &&\n ++i < subdivisionMaxIterations);\n return currentT;\n}\nconst newtonIterations = 8;\nconst newtonMinSlope = 0.001;\nfunction newtonRaphsonIterate(aX, aGuessT, mX1, mX2) {\n for (let i = 0; i < newtonIterations; ++i) {\n const currentSlope = getSlope(aGuessT, mX1, mX2);\n if (currentSlope === 0.0) {\n return aGuessT;\n }\n const currentX = calcBezier(aGuessT, mX1, mX2) - aX;\n aGuessT -= currentX / currentSlope;\n }\n return aGuessT;\n}\nconst kSplineTableSize = 11;\nconst kSampleStepSize = 1.0 / (kSplineTableSize - 1.0);\nfunction cubicBezier(mX1, mY1, mX2, mY2) {\n if (mX1 === mY1 && mX2 === mY2)\n return linear;\n const sampleValues = new Float32Array(kSplineTableSize);\n for (let i = 0; i < kSplineTableSize; ++i) {\n sampleValues[i] = calcBezier(i * kSampleStepSize, mX1, mX2);\n }\n function getTForX(aX) {\n let intervalStart = 0.0;\n let currentSample = 1;\n const lastSample = kSplineTableSize - 1;\n for (; currentSample !== lastSample && sampleValues[currentSample] <= aX; ++currentSample) {\n intervalStart += kSampleStepSize;\n }\n --currentSample;\n const dist = (aX - sampleValues[currentSample]) /\n (sampleValues[currentSample + 1] - sampleValues[currentSample]);\n const guessForT = intervalStart + dist * kSampleStepSize;\n const initialSlope = getSlope(guessForT, mX1, mX2);\n if (initialSlope >= newtonMinSlope) {\n return newtonRaphsonIterate(aX, guessForT, mX1, mX2);\n }\n else if (initialSlope === 0.0) {\n return guessForT;\n }\n else {\n return binarySubdivide(aX, intervalStart, intervalStart + kSampleStepSize, mX1, mX2);\n }\n }\n return (t) => t === 0 || t === 1 ? t : calcBezier(getTForX(t), mY1, mY2);\n}\n\nexport { cubicBezier };\n","import { __read } from 'tslib';\nimport { invariant } from 'hey-listen';\nimport { cubicBezier, linear, easeIn, easeInOut, easeOut, circIn, circInOut, circOut, backIn, backInOut, backOut, anticipate, bounceIn, bounceInOut, bounceOut } from 'popmotion';\n\nvar easingLookup = {\n linear: linear,\n easeIn: easeIn,\n easeInOut: easeInOut,\n easeOut: easeOut,\n circIn: circIn,\n circInOut: circInOut,\n circOut: circOut,\n backIn: backIn,\n backInOut: backInOut,\n backOut: backOut,\n anticipate: anticipate,\n bounceIn: bounceIn,\n bounceInOut: bounceInOut,\n bounceOut: bounceOut,\n};\nvar easingDefinitionToFunction = function (definition) {\n if (Array.isArray(definition)) {\n // If cubic bezier definition, create bezier curve\n invariant(definition.length === 4, \"Cubic bezier arrays must contain four numerical values.\");\n var _a = __read(definition, 4), x1 = _a[0], y1 = _a[1], x2 = _a[2], y2 = _a[3];\n return cubicBezier(x1, y1, x2, y2);\n }\n else if (typeof definition === \"string\") {\n // Else lookup from table\n invariant(easingLookup[definition] !== undefined, \"Invalid easing type '\".concat(definition, \"'\"));\n return easingLookup[definition];\n }\n return definition;\n};\nvar isEasingArray = function (ease) {\n return Array.isArray(ease) && typeof ease[0] !== \"number\";\n};\n\nexport { easingDefinitionToFunction, isEasingArray };\n","import { complex } from 'style-value-types';\n\n/**\n * Check if a value is animatable. Examples:\n *\n * ✅: 100, \"100px\", \"#fff\"\n * ❌: \"block\", \"url(2.jpg)\"\n * @param value\n *\n * @internal\n */\nvar isAnimatable = function (key, value) {\n // If the list of keys tat might be non-animatable grows, replace with Set\n if (key === \"zIndex\")\n return false;\n // If it's a number or a keyframes array, we can animate it. We might at some point\n // need to do a deep isAnimatable check of keyframes, or let Popmotion handle this,\n // but for now lets leave it like this for performance reasons\n if (typeof value === \"number\" || Array.isArray(value))\n return true;\n if (typeof value === \"string\" && // It's animatable if we have a string\n complex.test(value) && // And it contains numbers and/or colors\n !value.startsWith(\"url(\") // Unless it starts with \"url(\"\n ) {\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n};\n\nexport { isAnimatable };\n","import { __assign } from 'tslib';\nimport { isKeyframesTarget } from './is-keyframes-target.mjs';\n\nvar underDampedSpring = function () { return ({\n type: \"spring\",\n stiffness: 500,\n damping: 25,\n restSpeed: 10,\n}); };\nvar criticallyDampedSpring = function (to) { return ({\n type: \"spring\",\n stiffness: 550,\n damping: to === 0 ? 2 * Math.sqrt(550) : 30,\n restSpeed: 10,\n}); };\nvar linearTween = function () { return ({\n type: \"keyframes\",\n ease: \"linear\",\n duration: 0.3,\n}); };\nvar keyframes = function (values) { return ({\n type: \"keyframes\",\n duration: 0.8,\n values: values,\n}); };\nvar defaultTransitions = {\n x: underDampedSpring,\n y: underDampedSpring,\n z: underDampedSpring,\n rotate: underDampedSpring,\n rotateX: underDampedSpring,\n rotateY: underDampedSpring,\n rotateZ: underDampedSpring,\n scaleX: criticallyDampedSpring,\n scaleY: criticallyDampedSpring,\n scale: criticallyDampedSpring,\n opacity: linearTween,\n backgroundColor: linearTween,\n color: linearTween,\n default: criticallyDampedSpring,\n};\nvar getDefaultTransition = function (valueKey, to) {\n var transitionFactory;\n if (isKeyframesTarget(to)) {\n transitionFactory = keyframes;\n }\n else {\n transitionFactory =\n defaultTransitions[valueKey] || defaultTransitions.default;\n }\n return __assign({ to: to }, transitionFactory(to));\n};\n\nexport { criticallyDampedSpring, getDefaultTransition, linearTween, underDampedSpring };\n","import { complex } from './index.mjs';\nimport { floatRegex } from '../utils.mjs';\n\nconst maxDefaults = new Set(['brightness', 'contrast', 'saturate', 'opacity']);\nfunction applyDefaultFilter(v) {\n let [name, value] = v.slice(0, -1).split('(');\n if (name === 'drop-shadow')\n return v;\n const [number] = value.match(floatRegex) || [];\n if (!number)\n return v;\n const unit = value.replace(number, '');\n let defaultValue = maxDefaults.has(name) ? 1 : 0;\n if (number !== value)\n defaultValue *= 100;\n return name + '(' + defaultValue + unit + ')';\n}\nconst functionRegex = /([a-z-]*)\\(.*?\\)/g;\nconst filter = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, complex), { getAnimatableNone: (v) => {\n const functions = v.match(functionRegex);\n return functions ? functions.map(applyDefaultFilter).join(' ') : v;\n } });\n\nexport { filter };\n","import { __assign } from 'tslib';\nimport { color, filter } from 'style-value-types';\nimport { numberValueTypes } from './number.mjs';\n\n/**\n * A map of default value types for common values\n */\nvar defaultValueTypes = __assign(__assign({}, numberValueTypes), { \n // Color props\n color: color, backgroundColor: color, outlineColor: color, fill: color, stroke: color, \n // Border props\n borderColor: color, borderTopColor: color, borderRightColor: color, borderBottomColor: color, borderLeftColor: color, filter: filter, WebkitFilter: filter });\n/**\n * Gets the default ValueType for the provided value key\n */\nvar getDefaultValueType = function (key) { return defaultValueTypes[key]; };\n\nexport { defaultValueTypes, getDefaultValueType };\n","import { filter, complex } from 'style-value-types';\nimport { getDefaultValueType } from './defaults.mjs';\n\nfunction getAnimatableNone(key, value) {\n var _a;\n var defaultValueType = getDefaultValueType(key);\n if (defaultValueType !== filter)\n defaultValueType = complex;\n // If value is not recognised as animatable, ie \"none\", create an animatable version origin based on the target\n return (_a = defaultValueType.getAnimatableNone) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(defaultValueType, value);\n}\n\nexport { getAnimatableNone };\n","import { __assign, __rest, __spreadArray, __read } from 'tslib';\nimport { inertia, animate } from 'popmotion';\nimport { secondsToMilliseconds } from '../../utils/time-conversion.mjs';\nimport { isEasingArray, easingDefinitionToFunction } from './easing.mjs';\nimport { isAnimatable } from './is-animatable.mjs';\nimport { getDefaultTransition } from './default-transitions.mjs';\nimport { warning } from 'hey-listen';\nimport { getAnimatableNone } from '../../render/dom/value-types/animatable-none.mjs';\nimport { instantAnimationState } from '../../utils/use-instant-transition-state.mjs';\nimport { resolveFinalValueInKeyframes } from '../../utils/resolve-value.mjs';\n\n/**\n * Decide whether a transition is defined on a given Transition.\n * This filters out orchestration options and returns true\n * if any options are left.\n */\nfunction isTransitionDefined(_a) {\n _a.when; _a.delay; _a.delayChildren; _a.staggerChildren; _a.staggerDirection; _a.repeat; _a.repeatType; _a.repeatDelay; _a.from; var transition = __rest(_a, [\"when\", \"delay\", \"delayChildren\", \"staggerChildren\", \"staggerDirection\", \"repeat\", \"repeatType\", \"repeatDelay\", \"from\"]);\n return !!Object.keys(transition).length;\n}\nvar legacyRepeatWarning = false;\n/**\n * Convert Framer Motion's Transition type into Popmotion-compatible options.\n */\nfunction convertTransitionToAnimationOptions(_a) {\n var ease = _a.ease, times = _a.times, yoyo = _a.yoyo, flip = _a.flip, loop = _a.loop, transition = __rest(_a, [\"ease\", \"times\", \"yoyo\", \"flip\", \"loop\"]);\n var options = __assign({}, transition);\n if (times)\n options[\"offset\"] = times;\n /**\n * Convert any existing durations from seconds to milliseconds\n */\n if (transition.duration)\n options[\"duration\"] = secondsToMilliseconds(transition.duration);\n if (transition.repeatDelay)\n options.repeatDelay = secondsToMilliseconds(transition.repeatDelay);\n /**\n * Map easing names to Popmotion's easing functions\n */\n if (ease) {\n options[\"ease\"] = isEasingArray(ease)\n ? ease.map(easingDefinitionToFunction)\n : easingDefinitionToFunction(ease);\n }\n /**\n * Support legacy transition API\n */\n if (transition.type === \"tween\")\n options.type = \"keyframes\";\n /**\n * TODO: These options are officially removed from the API.\n */\n if (yoyo || loop || flip) {\n warning(!legacyRepeatWarning, \"yoyo, loop and flip have been removed from the API. Replace with repeat and repeatType options.\");\n legacyRepeatWarning = true;\n if (yoyo) {\n options.repeatType = \"reverse\";\n }\n else if (loop) {\n options.repeatType = \"loop\";\n }\n else if (flip) {\n options.repeatType = \"mirror\";\n }\n options.repeat = loop || yoyo || flip || transition.repeat;\n }\n /**\n * TODO: Popmotion 9 has the ability to automatically detect whether to use\n * a keyframes or spring animation, but does so by detecting velocity and other spring options.\n * It'd be good to introduce a similar thing here.\n */\n if (transition.type !== \"spring\")\n options.type = \"keyframes\";\n return options;\n}\n/**\n * Get the delay for a value by checking Transition with decreasing specificity.\n */\nfunction getDelayFromTransition(transition, key) {\n var _a, _b;\n var valueTransition = getValueTransition(transition, key) || {};\n return (_b = (_a = valueTransition.delay) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : transition.delay) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0;\n}\nfunction hydrateKeyframes(options) {\n if (Array.isArray(options.to) && options.to[0] === null) {\n options.to = __spreadArray([], __read(options.to), false);\n options.to[0] = options.from;\n }\n return options;\n}\nfunction getPopmotionAnimationOptions(transition, options, key) {\n var _a;\n if (Array.isArray(options.to)) {\n (_a = transition.duration) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (transition.duration = 0.8);\n }\n hydrateKeyframes(options);\n /**\n * Get a default transition if none is determined to be defined.\n */\n if (!isTransitionDefined(transition)) {\n transition = __assign(__assign({}, transition), getDefaultTransition(key, options.to));\n }\n return __assign(__assign({}, options), convertTransitionToAnimationOptions(transition));\n}\n/**\n *\n */\nfunction getAnimation(key, value, target, transition, onComplete) {\n var _a;\n var valueTransition = getValueTransition(transition, key);\n var origin = (_a = valueTransition.from) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : value.get();\n var isTargetAnimatable = isAnimatable(key, target);\n if (origin === \"none\" && isTargetAnimatable && typeof target === \"string\") {\n /**\n * If we're trying to animate from \"none\", try and get an animatable version\n * of the target. This could be improved to work both ways.\n */\n origin = getAnimatableNone(key, target);\n }\n else if (isZero(origin) && typeof target === \"string\") {\n origin = getZeroUnit(target);\n }\n else if (!Array.isArray(target) &&\n isZero(target) &&\n typeof origin === \"string\") {\n target = getZeroUnit(origin);\n }\n var isOriginAnimatable = isAnimatable(key, origin);\n warning(isOriginAnimatable === isTargetAnimatable, \"You are trying to animate \".concat(key, \" from \\\"\").concat(origin, \"\\\" to \\\"\").concat(target, \"\\\". \").concat(origin, \" is not an animatable value - to enable this animation set \").concat(origin, \" to a value animatable to \").concat(target, \" via the `style` property.\"));\n function start() {\n var options = {\n from: origin,\n to: target,\n velocity: value.getVelocity(),\n onComplete: onComplete,\n onUpdate: function (v) { return value.set(v); },\n };\n return valueTransition.type === \"inertia\" ||\n valueTransition.type === \"decay\"\n ? inertia(__assign(__assign({}, options), valueTransition))\n : animate(__assign(__assign({}, getPopmotionAnimationOptions(valueTransition, options, key)), { onUpdate: function (v) {\n var _a;\n options.onUpdate(v);\n (_a = valueTransition.onUpdate) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(valueTransition, v);\n }, onComplete: function () {\n var _a;\n options.onComplete();\n (_a = valueTransition.onComplete) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(valueTransition);\n } }));\n }\n function set() {\n var _a, _b;\n var finalTarget = resolveFinalValueInKeyframes(target);\n value.set(finalTarget);\n onComplete();\n (_a = valueTransition === null || valueTransition === void 0 ? void 0 : valueTransition.onUpdate) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(valueTransition, finalTarget);\n (_b = valueTransition === null || valueTransition === void 0 ? void 0 : valueTransition.onComplete) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(valueTransition);\n return { stop: function () { } };\n }\n return !isOriginAnimatable ||\n !isTargetAnimatable ||\n valueTransition.type === false\n ? set\n : start;\n}\nfunction isZero(value) {\n return (value === 0 ||\n (typeof value === \"string\" &&\n parseFloat(value) === 0 &&\n value.indexOf(\" \") === -1));\n}\nfunction getZeroUnit(potentialUnitType) {\n return typeof potentialUnitType === \"number\"\n ? 0\n : getAnimatableNone(\"\", potentialUnitType);\n}\nfunction getValueTransition(transition, key) {\n return transition[key] || transition[\"default\"] || transition;\n}\n/**\n * Start animation on a MotionValue. This function is an interface between\n * Framer Motion and Popmotion\n */\nfunction startAnimation(key, value, target, transition) {\n if (transition === void 0) { transition = {}; }\n if (instantAnimationState.current) {\n transition = { type: false };\n }\n return value.start(function (onComplete) {\n var delayTimer;\n var controls;\n var animation = getAnimation(key, value, target, transition, onComplete);\n var delay = getDelayFromTransition(transition, key);\n var start = function () { return (controls = animation()); };\n if (delay) {\n delayTimer = window.setTimeout(start, secondsToMilliseconds(delay));\n }\n else {\n start();\n }\n return function () {\n clearTimeout(delayTimer);\n controls === null || controls === void 0 ? void 0 : controls.stop();\n };\n });\n}\n\nexport { convertTransitionToAnimationOptions, getDelayFromTransition, getPopmotionAnimationOptions, getValueTransition, getZeroUnit, hydrateKeyframes, isTransitionDefined, isZero, startAnimation };\n","import { animate } from './index.mjs';\nimport { velocityPerSecond } from '../utils/velocity-per-second.mjs';\nimport { getFrameData } from 'framesync';\n\nfunction inertia({ from = 0, velocity = 0, min, max, power = 0.8, timeConstant = 750, bounceStiffness = 500, bounceDamping = 10, restDelta = 1, modifyTarget, driver, onUpdate, onComplete, onStop, }) {\n let currentAnimation;\n function isOutOfBounds(v) {\n return (min !== undefined && v < min) || (max !== undefined && v > max);\n }\n function boundaryNearest(v) {\n if (min === undefined)\n return max;\n if (max === undefined)\n return min;\n return Math.abs(min - v) < Math.abs(max - v) ? min : max;\n }\n function startAnimation(options) {\n currentAnimation === null || currentAnimation === void 0 ? void 0 : currentAnimation.stop();\n currentAnimation = animate(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { driver, onUpdate: (v) => {\n var _a;\n onUpdate === null || onUpdate === void 0 ? void 0 : onUpdate(v);\n (_a = options.onUpdate) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(options, v);\n }, onComplete,\n onStop }));\n }\n function startSpring(options) {\n startAnimation(Object.assign({ type: \"spring\", stiffness: bounceStiffness, damping: bounceDamping, restDelta }, options));\n }\n if (isOutOfBounds(from)) {\n startSpring({ from, velocity, to: boundaryNearest(from) });\n }\n else {\n let target = power * velocity + from;\n if (typeof modifyTarget !== \"undefined\")\n target = modifyTarget(target);\n const boundary = boundaryNearest(target);\n const heading = boundary === min ? -1 : 1;\n let prev;\n let current;\n const checkBoundary = (v) => {\n prev = current;\n current = v;\n velocity = velocityPerSecond(v - prev, getFrameData().delta);\n if ((heading === 1 && v > boundary) ||\n (heading === -1 && v < boundary)) {\n startSpring({ from: v, to: boundary, velocity });\n }\n };\n startAnimation({\n type: \"decay\",\n from,\n velocity,\n timeConstant,\n power,\n restDelta,\n modifyTarget,\n onUpdate: isOutOfBounds(target) ? checkBoundary : undefined,\n });\n }\n return {\n stop: () => currentAnimation === null || currentAnimation === void 0 ? void 0 : currentAnimation.stop(),\n };\n}\n\nexport { inertia };\n","import { __read } from 'tslib';\n\nfunction addUniqueItem(arr, item) {\n arr.indexOf(item) === -1 && arr.push(item);\n}\nfunction removeItem(arr, item) {\n var index = arr.indexOf(item);\n index > -1 && arr.splice(index, 1);\n}\n// Adapted from array-move\nfunction moveItem(_a, fromIndex, toIndex) {\n var _b = __read(_a), arr = _b.slice(0);\n var startIndex = fromIndex < 0 ? arr.length + fromIndex : fromIndex;\n if (startIndex >= 0 && startIndex < arr.length) {\n var endIndex = toIndex < 0 ? arr.length + toIndex : toIndex;\n var _c = __read(arr.splice(fromIndex, 1), 1), item = _c[0];\n arr.splice(endIndex, 0, item);\n }\n return arr;\n}\n\nexport { addUniqueItem, moveItem, removeItem };\n","import { addUniqueItem, removeItem } from './array.mjs';\n\nvar SubscriptionManager = /** @class */ (function () {\n function SubscriptionManager() {\n this.subscriptions = [];\n }\n SubscriptionManager.prototype.add = function (handler) {\n var _this = this;\n addUniqueItem(this.subscriptions, handler);\n return function () { return removeItem(_this.subscriptions, handler); };\n };\n SubscriptionManager.prototype.notify = function (a, b, c) {\n var numSubscriptions = this.subscriptions.length;\n if (!numSubscriptions)\n return;\n if (numSubscriptions === 1) {\n /**\n * If there's only a single handler we can just call it without invoking a loop.\n */\n this.subscriptions[0](a, b, c);\n }\n else {\n for (var i = 0; i < numSubscriptions; i++) {\n /**\n * Check whether the handler exists before firing as it's possible\n * the subscriptions were modified during this loop running.\n */\n var handler = this.subscriptions[i];\n handler && handler(a, b, c);\n }\n }\n };\n SubscriptionManager.prototype.getSize = function () {\n return this.subscriptions.length;\n };\n SubscriptionManager.prototype.clear = function () {\n this.subscriptions.length = 0;\n };\n return SubscriptionManager;\n}());\n\nexport { SubscriptionManager };\n","import sync, { getFrameData } from 'framesync';\nimport { velocityPerSecond } from 'popmotion';\nimport { SubscriptionManager } from '../utils/subscription-manager.mjs';\n\nvar isFloat = function (value) {\n return !isNaN(parseFloat(value));\n};\n/**\n * `MotionValue` is used to track the state and velocity of motion values.\n *\n * @public\n */\nvar MotionValue = /** @class */ (function () {\n /**\n * @param init - The initiating value\n * @param config - Optional configuration options\n *\n * - `transformer`: A function to transform incoming values with.\n *\n * @internal\n */\n function MotionValue(init) {\n var _this = this;\n /**\n * This will be replaced by the build step with the latest version number.\n * When MotionValues are provided to motion components, warn if versions are mixed.\n */\n this.version = \"6.5.1\";\n /**\n * Duration, in milliseconds, since last updating frame.\n *\n * @internal\n */\n this.timeDelta = 0;\n /**\n * Timestamp of the last time this `MotionValue` was updated.\n *\n * @internal\n */\n this.lastUpdated = 0;\n /**\n * Functions to notify when the `MotionValue` updates.\n *\n * @internal\n */\n this.updateSubscribers = new SubscriptionManager();\n /**\n * Functions to notify when the velocity updates.\n *\n * @internal\n */\n this.velocityUpdateSubscribers = new SubscriptionManager();\n /**\n * Functions to notify when the `MotionValue` updates and `render` is set to `true`.\n *\n * @internal\n */\n this.renderSubscribers = new SubscriptionManager();\n /**\n * Tracks whether this value can output a velocity. Currently this is only true\n * if the value is numerical, but we might be able to widen the scope here and support\n * other value types.\n *\n * @internal\n */\n this.canTrackVelocity = false;\n this.updateAndNotify = function (v, render) {\n if (render === void 0) { render = true; }\n _this.prev = _this.current;\n _this.current = v;\n // Update timestamp\n var _a = getFrameData(), delta = _a.delta, timestamp = _a.timestamp;\n if (_this.lastUpdated !== timestamp) {\n _this.timeDelta = delta;\n _this.lastUpdated = timestamp;\n sync.postRender(_this.scheduleVelocityCheck);\n }\n // Update update subscribers\n if (_this.prev !== _this.current) {\n _this.updateSubscribers.notify(_this.current);\n }\n // Update velocity subscribers\n if (_this.velocityUpdateSubscribers.getSize()) {\n _this.velocityUpdateSubscribers.notify(_this.getVelocity());\n }\n // Update render subscribers\n if (render) {\n _this.renderSubscribers.notify(_this.current);\n }\n };\n /**\n * Schedule a velocity check for the next frame.\n *\n * This is an instanced and bound function to prevent generating a new\n * function once per frame.\n *\n * @internal\n */\n this.scheduleVelocityCheck = function () { return sync.postRender(_this.velocityCheck); };\n /**\n * Updates `prev` with `current` if the value hasn't been updated this frame.\n * This ensures velocity calculations return `0`.\n *\n * This is an instanced and bound function to prevent generating a new\n * function once per frame.\n *\n * @internal\n */\n this.velocityCheck = function (_a) {\n var timestamp = _a.timestamp;\n if (timestamp !== _this.lastUpdated) {\n _this.prev = _this.current;\n _this.velocityUpdateSubscribers.notify(_this.getVelocity());\n }\n };\n this.hasAnimated = false;\n this.prev = this.current = init;\n this.canTrackVelocity = isFloat(this.current);\n }\n /**\n * Adds a function that will be notified when the `MotionValue` is updated.\n *\n * It returns a function that, when called, will cancel the subscription.\n *\n * When calling `onChange` inside a React component, it should be wrapped with the\n * `useEffect` hook. As it returns an unsubscribe function, this should be returned\n * from the `useEffect` function to ensure you don't add duplicate subscribers..\n *\n * ```jsx\n * export const MyComponent = () => {\n * const x = useMotionValue(0)\n * const y = useMotionValue(0)\n * const opacity = useMotionValue(1)\n *\n * useEffect(() => {\n * function updateOpacity() {\n * const maxXY = Math.max(x.get(), y.get())\n * const newOpacity = transform(maxXY, [0, 100], [1, 0])\n * opacity.set(newOpacity)\n * }\n *\n * const unsubscribeX = x.onChange(updateOpacity)\n * const unsubscribeY = y.onChange(updateOpacity)\n *\n * return () => {\n * unsubscribeX()\n * unsubscribeY()\n * }\n * }, [])\n *\n * return \n * }\n * ```\n *\n * @privateRemarks\n *\n * We could look into a `useOnChange` hook if the above lifecycle management proves confusing.\n *\n * ```jsx\n * useOnChange(x, () => {})\n * ```\n *\n * @param subscriber - A function that receives the latest value.\n * @returns A function that, when called, will cancel this subscription.\n *\n * @public\n */\n MotionValue.prototype.onChange = function (subscription) {\n return this.updateSubscribers.add(subscription);\n };\n MotionValue.prototype.clearListeners = function () {\n this.updateSubscribers.clear();\n };\n /**\n * Adds a function that will be notified when the `MotionValue` requests a render.\n *\n * @param subscriber - A function that's provided the latest value.\n * @returns A function that, when called, will cancel this subscription.\n *\n * @internal\n */\n MotionValue.prototype.onRenderRequest = function (subscription) {\n // Render immediately\n subscription(this.get());\n return this.renderSubscribers.add(subscription);\n };\n /**\n * Attaches a passive effect to the `MotionValue`.\n *\n * @internal\n */\n MotionValue.prototype.attach = function (passiveEffect) {\n this.passiveEffect = passiveEffect;\n };\n /**\n * Sets the state of the `MotionValue`.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * ```jsx\n * const x = useMotionValue(0)\n * x.set(10)\n * ```\n *\n * @param latest - Latest value to set.\n * @param render - Whether to notify render subscribers. Defaults to `true`\n *\n * @public\n */\n MotionValue.prototype.set = function (v, render) {\n if (render === void 0) { render = true; }\n if (!render || !this.passiveEffect) {\n this.updateAndNotify(v, render);\n }\n else {\n this.passiveEffect(v, this.updateAndNotify);\n }\n };\n /**\n * Returns the latest state of `MotionValue`\n *\n * @returns - The latest state of `MotionValue`\n *\n * @public\n */\n MotionValue.prototype.get = function () {\n return this.current;\n };\n /**\n * @public\n */\n MotionValue.prototype.getPrevious = function () {\n return this.prev;\n };\n /**\n * Returns the latest velocity of `MotionValue`\n *\n * @returns - The latest velocity of `MotionValue`. Returns `0` if the state is non-numerical.\n *\n * @public\n */\n MotionValue.prototype.getVelocity = function () {\n // This could be isFloat(this.prev) && isFloat(this.current), but that would be wasteful\n return this.canTrackVelocity\n ? // These casts could be avoided if parseFloat would be typed better\n velocityPerSecond(parseFloat(this.current) -\n parseFloat(this.prev), this.timeDelta)\n : 0;\n };\n /**\n * Registers a new animation to control this `MotionValue`. Only one\n * animation can drive a `MotionValue` at one time.\n *\n * ```jsx\n * value.start()\n * ```\n *\n * @param animation - A function that starts the provided animation\n *\n * @internal\n */\n MotionValue.prototype.start = function (animation) {\n var _this = this;\n this.stop();\n return new Promise(function (resolve) {\n _this.hasAnimated = true;\n _this.stopAnimation = animation(resolve);\n }).then(function () { return _this.clearAnimation(); });\n };\n /**\n * Stop the currently active animation.\n *\n * @public\n */\n MotionValue.prototype.stop = function () {\n if (this.stopAnimation)\n this.stopAnimation();\n this.clearAnimation();\n };\n /**\n * Returns `true` if this value is currently animating.\n *\n * @public\n */\n MotionValue.prototype.isAnimating = function () {\n return !!this.stopAnimation;\n };\n MotionValue.prototype.clearAnimation = function () {\n this.stopAnimation = null;\n };\n /**\n * Destroy and clean up subscribers to this `MotionValue`.\n *\n * The `MotionValue` hooks like `useMotionValue` and `useTransform` automatically\n * handle the lifecycle of the returned `MotionValue`, so this method is only necessary if you've manually\n * created a `MotionValue` via the `motionValue` function.\n *\n * @public\n */\n MotionValue.prototype.destroy = function () {\n this.updateSubscribers.clear();\n this.renderSubscribers.clear();\n this.stop();\n };\n return MotionValue;\n}());\nfunction motionValue(init) {\n return new MotionValue(init);\n}\n\nexport { MotionValue, motionValue };\n","/**\n * Tests a provided value against a ValueType\n */\nvar testValueType = function (v) { return function (type) { return type.test(v); }; };\n\nexport { testValueType };\n","import { number, px, percent, degrees, vw, vh } from 'style-value-types';\nimport { testValueType } from './test.mjs';\nimport { auto } from './type-auto.mjs';\n\n/**\n * A list of value types commonly used for dimensions\n */\nvar dimensionValueTypes = [number, px, percent, degrees, vw, vh, auto];\n/**\n * Tests a dimensional value against the list of dimension ValueTypes\n */\nvar findDimensionValueType = function (v) {\n return dimensionValueTypes.find(testValueType(v));\n};\n\nexport { dimensionValueTypes, findDimensionValueType };\n","/**\n * ValueType for \"auto\"\n */\nvar auto = {\n test: function (v) { return v === \"auto\"; },\n parse: function (v) { return v; },\n};\n\nexport { auto };\n","import { __spreadArray, __read } from 'tslib';\nimport { color, complex } from 'style-value-types';\nimport { dimensionValueTypes } from './dimensions.mjs';\nimport { testValueType } from './test.mjs';\n\n/**\n * A list of all ValueTypes\n */\nvar valueTypes = __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], __read(dimensionValueTypes), false), [color, complex], false);\n/**\n * Tests a value against the list of ValueTypes\n */\nvar findValueType = function (v) { return valueTypes.find(testValueType(v)); };\n\nexport { findValueType };\n","import { __rest, __assign, __spreadArray, __read } from 'tslib';\nimport { complex } from 'style-value-types';\nimport { isNumericalString } from '../../utils/is-numerical-string.mjs';\nimport { isZeroValueString } from '../../utils/is-zero-value-string.mjs';\nimport { resolveFinalValueInKeyframes } from '../../utils/resolve-value.mjs';\nimport { motionValue } from '../../value/index.mjs';\nimport { getAnimatableNone } from '../dom/value-types/animatable-none.mjs';\nimport { findValueType } from '../dom/value-types/find.mjs';\nimport { resolveVariant } from './variants.mjs';\n\n/**\n * Set VisualElement's MotionValue, creating a new MotionValue for it if\n * it doesn't exist.\n */\nfunction setMotionValue(visualElement, key, value) {\n if (visualElement.hasValue(key)) {\n visualElement.getValue(key).set(value);\n }\n else {\n visualElement.addValue(key, motionValue(value));\n }\n}\nfunction setTarget(visualElement, definition) {\n var resolved = resolveVariant(visualElement, definition);\n var _a = resolved ? visualElement.makeTargetAnimatable(resolved, false) : {}, _b = _a.transitionEnd, transitionEnd = _b === void 0 ? {} : _b; _a.transition; var target = __rest(_a, [\"transitionEnd\", \"transition\"]);\n target = __assign(__assign({}, target), transitionEnd);\n for (var key in target) {\n var value = resolveFinalValueInKeyframes(target[key]);\n setMotionValue(visualElement, key, value);\n }\n}\nfunction setVariants(visualElement, variantLabels) {\n var reversedLabels = __spreadArray([], __read(variantLabels), false).reverse();\n reversedLabels.forEach(function (key) {\n var _a;\n var variant = visualElement.getVariant(key);\n variant && setTarget(visualElement, variant);\n (_a = visualElement.variantChildren) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.forEach(function (child) {\n setVariants(child, variantLabels);\n });\n });\n}\nfunction setValues(visualElement, definition) {\n if (Array.isArray(definition)) {\n return setVariants(visualElement, definition);\n }\n else if (typeof definition === \"string\") {\n return setVariants(visualElement, [definition]);\n }\n else {\n setTarget(visualElement, definition);\n }\n}\nfunction checkTargetForNewValues(visualElement, target, origin) {\n var _a, _b, _c;\n var _d;\n var newValueKeys = Object.keys(target).filter(function (key) { return !visualElement.hasValue(key); });\n var numNewValues = newValueKeys.length;\n if (!numNewValues)\n return;\n for (var i = 0; i < numNewValues; i++) {\n var key = newValueKeys[i];\n var targetValue = target[key];\n var value = null;\n /**\n * If the target is a series of keyframes, we can use the first value\n * in the array. If this first value is null, we'll still need to read from the DOM.\n */\n if (Array.isArray(targetValue)) {\n value = targetValue[0];\n }\n /**\n * If the target isn't keyframes, or the first keyframe was null, we need to\n * first check if an origin value was explicitly defined in the transition as \"from\",\n * if not read the value from the DOM. As an absolute fallback, take the defined target value.\n */\n if (value === null) {\n value = (_b = (_a = origin[key]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : visualElement.readValue(key)) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : target[key];\n }\n /**\n * If value is still undefined or null, ignore it. Preferably this would throw,\n * but this was causing issues in Framer.\n */\n if (value === undefined || value === null)\n continue;\n if (typeof value === \"string\" &&\n (isNumericalString(value) || isZeroValueString(value))) {\n // If this is a number read as a string, ie \"0\" or \"200\", convert it to a number\n value = parseFloat(value);\n }\n else if (!findValueType(value) && complex.test(targetValue)) {\n value = getAnimatableNone(key, targetValue);\n }\n visualElement.addValue(key, motionValue(value));\n (_c = (_d = origin)[key]) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : (_d[key] = value);\n visualElement.setBaseTarget(key, value);\n }\n}\nfunction getOriginFromTransition(key, transition) {\n if (!transition)\n return;\n var valueTransition = transition[key] || transition[\"default\"] || transition;\n return valueTransition.from;\n}\nfunction getOrigin(target, transition, visualElement) {\n var _a, _b;\n var origin = {};\n for (var key in target) {\n origin[key] =\n (_a = getOriginFromTransition(key, transition)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (_b = visualElement.getValue(key)) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.get();\n }\n return origin;\n}\n\nexport { checkTargetForNewValues, getOrigin, getOriginFromTransition, setTarget, setValues };\n","import { __read, __rest, __assign } from 'tslib';\nimport { startAnimation } from '../../animation/utils/transitions.mjs';\nimport { setTarget } from './setters.mjs';\nimport { resolveVariant } from './variants.mjs';\nimport { isTransformProp } from '../html/utils/transform.mjs';\n\nfunction animateVisualElement(visualElement, definition, options) {\n if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }\n visualElement.notifyAnimationStart(definition);\n var animation;\n if (Array.isArray(definition)) {\n var animations = definition.map(function (variant) {\n return animateVariant(visualElement, variant, options);\n });\n animation = Promise.all(animations);\n }\n else if (typeof definition === \"string\") {\n animation = animateVariant(visualElement, definition, options);\n }\n else {\n var resolvedDefinition = typeof definition === \"function\"\n ? resolveVariant(visualElement, definition, options.custom)\n : definition;\n animation = animateTarget(visualElement, resolvedDefinition, options);\n }\n return animation.then(function () {\n return visualElement.notifyAnimationComplete(definition);\n });\n}\nfunction animateVariant(visualElement, variant, options) {\n var _a;\n if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }\n var resolved = resolveVariant(visualElement, variant, options.custom);\n var _b = (resolved || {}).transition, transition = _b === void 0 ? visualElement.getDefaultTransition() || {} : _b;\n if (options.transitionOverride) {\n transition = options.transitionOverride;\n }\n /**\n * If we have a variant, create a callback that runs it as an animation.\n * Otherwise, we resolve a Promise immediately for a composable no-op.\n */\n var getAnimation = resolved\n ? function () { return animateTarget(visualElement, resolved, options); }\n : function () { return Promise.resolve(); };\n /**\n * If we have children, create a callback that runs all their animations.\n * Otherwise, we resolve a Promise immediately for a composable no-op.\n */\n var getChildAnimations = ((_a = visualElement.variantChildren) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.size)\n ? function (forwardDelay) {\n if (forwardDelay === void 0) { forwardDelay = 0; }\n var _a = transition.delayChildren, delayChildren = _a === void 0 ? 0 : _a, staggerChildren = transition.staggerChildren, staggerDirection = transition.staggerDirection;\n return animateChildren(visualElement, variant, delayChildren + forwardDelay, staggerChildren, staggerDirection, options);\n }\n : function () { return Promise.resolve(); };\n /**\n * If the transition explicitly defines a \"when\" option, we need to resolve either\n * this animation or all children animations before playing the other.\n */\n var when = transition.when;\n if (when) {\n var _c = __read(when === \"beforeChildren\"\n ? [getAnimation, getChildAnimations]\n : [getChildAnimations, getAnimation], 2), first = _c[0], last = _c[1];\n return first().then(last);\n }\n else {\n return Promise.all([getAnimation(), getChildAnimations(options.delay)]);\n }\n}\n/**\n * @internal\n */\nfunction animateTarget(visualElement, definition, _a) {\n var _b;\n var _c = _a === void 0 ? {} : _a, _d = _c.delay, delay = _d === void 0 ? 0 : _d, transitionOverride = _c.transitionOverride, type = _c.type;\n var _e = visualElement.makeTargetAnimatable(definition), _f = _e.transition, transition = _f === void 0 ? visualElement.getDefaultTransition() : _f, transitionEnd = _e.transitionEnd, target = __rest(_e, [\"transition\", \"transitionEnd\"]);\n if (transitionOverride)\n transition = transitionOverride;\n var animations = [];\n var animationTypeState = type && ((_b = visualElement.animationState) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.getState()[type]);\n for (var key in target) {\n var value = visualElement.getValue(key);\n var valueTarget = target[key];\n if (!value ||\n valueTarget === undefined ||\n (animationTypeState &&\n shouldBlockAnimation(animationTypeState, key))) {\n continue;\n }\n var valueTransition = __assign({ delay: delay }, transition);\n /**\n * Make animation instant if this is a transform prop and we should reduce motion.\n */\n if (visualElement.shouldReduceMotion && isTransformProp(key)) {\n valueTransition = __assign(__assign({}, valueTransition), { type: false, delay: 0 });\n }\n var animation = startAnimation(key, value, valueTarget, valueTransition);\n animations.push(animation);\n }\n return Promise.all(animations).then(function () {\n transitionEnd && setTarget(visualElement, transitionEnd);\n });\n}\nfunction animateChildren(visualElement, variant, delayChildren, staggerChildren, staggerDirection, options) {\n if (delayChildren === void 0) { delayChildren = 0; }\n if (staggerChildren === void 0) { staggerChildren = 0; }\n if (staggerDirection === void 0) { staggerDirection = 1; }\n var animations = [];\n var maxStaggerDuration = (visualElement.variantChildren.size - 1) * staggerChildren;\n var generateStaggerDuration = staggerDirection === 1\n ? function (i) {\n if (i === void 0) { i = 0; }\n return i * staggerChildren;\n }\n : function (i) {\n if (i === void 0) { i = 0; }\n return maxStaggerDuration - i * staggerChildren;\n };\n Array.from(visualElement.variantChildren)\n .sort(sortByTreeOrder)\n .forEach(function (child, i) {\n animations.push(animateVariant(child, variant, __assign(__assign({}, options), { delay: delayChildren + generateStaggerDuration(i) })).then(function () { return child.notifyAnimationComplete(variant); }));\n });\n return Promise.all(animations);\n}\nfunction stopAnimation(visualElement) {\n visualElement.forEachValue(function (value) { return value.stop(); });\n}\nfunction sortByTreeOrder(a, b) {\n return a.sortNodePosition(b);\n}\n/**\n * Decide whether we should block this animation. Previously, we achieved this\n * just by checking whether the key was listed in protectedKeys, but this\n * posed problems if an animation was triggered by afterChildren and protectedKeys\n * had been set to true in the meantime.\n */\nfunction shouldBlockAnimation(_a, key) {\n var protectedKeys = _a.protectedKeys, needsAnimating = _a.needsAnimating;\n var shouldBlock = protectedKeys.hasOwnProperty(key) && needsAnimating[key] !== true;\n needsAnimating[key] = false;\n return shouldBlock;\n}\n\nexport { animateVisualElement, sortByTreeOrder, stopAnimation };\n","import { __spreadArray, __read, __assign, __rest } from 'tslib';\nimport { isAnimationControls } from '../../animation/utils/is-animation-controls.mjs';\nimport { isKeyframesTarget } from '../../animation/utils/is-keyframes-target.mjs';\nimport { shallowCompare } from '../../utils/shallow-compare.mjs';\nimport { animateVisualElement } from './animation.mjs';\nimport { AnimationType } from './types.mjs';\nimport { isVariantLabels, resolveVariant, isVariantLabel } from './variants.mjs';\n\nvar variantPriorityOrder = [\n AnimationType.Animate,\n AnimationType.InView,\n AnimationType.Focus,\n AnimationType.Hover,\n AnimationType.Tap,\n AnimationType.Drag,\n AnimationType.Exit,\n];\nvar reversePriorityOrder = __spreadArray([], __read(variantPriorityOrder), false).reverse();\nvar numAnimationTypes = variantPriorityOrder.length;\nfunction animateList(visualElement) {\n return function (animations) {\n return Promise.all(animations.map(function (_a) {\n var animation = _a.animation, options = _a.options;\n return animateVisualElement(visualElement, animation, options);\n }));\n };\n}\nfunction createAnimationState(visualElement) {\n var animate = animateList(visualElement);\n var state = createState();\n var allAnimatedKeys = {};\n var isInitialRender = true;\n /**\n * This function will be used to reduce the animation definitions for\n * each active animation type into an object of resolved values for it.\n */\n var buildResolvedTypeValues = function (acc, definition) {\n var resolved = resolveVariant(visualElement, definition);\n if (resolved) {\n resolved.transition; var transitionEnd = resolved.transitionEnd, target = __rest(resolved, [\"transition\", \"transitionEnd\"]);\n acc = __assign(__assign(__assign({}, acc), target), transitionEnd);\n }\n return acc;\n };\n function isAnimated(key) {\n return allAnimatedKeys[key] !== undefined;\n }\n /**\n * This just allows us to inject mocked animation functions\n * @internal\n */\n function setAnimateFunction(makeAnimator) {\n animate = makeAnimator(visualElement);\n }\n /**\n * When we receive new props, we need to:\n * 1. Create a list of protected keys for each type. This is a directory of\n * value keys that are currently being \"handled\" by types of a higher priority\n * so that whenever an animation is played of a given type, these values are\n * protected from being animated.\n * 2. Determine if an animation type needs animating.\n * 3. Determine if any values have been removed from a type and figure out\n * what to animate those to.\n */\n function animateChanges(options, changedActiveType) {\n var _a;\n var props = visualElement.getProps();\n var context = visualElement.getVariantContext(true) || {};\n /**\n * A list of animations that we'll build into as we iterate through the animation\n * types. This will get executed at the end of the function.\n */\n var animations = [];\n /**\n * Keep track of which values have been removed. Then, as we hit lower priority\n * animation types, we can check if they contain removed values and animate to that.\n */\n var removedKeys = new Set();\n /**\n * A dictionary of all encountered keys. This is an object to let us build into and\n * copy it without iteration. Each time we hit an animation type we set its protected\n * keys - the keys its not allowed to animate - to the latest version of this object.\n */\n var encounteredKeys = {};\n /**\n * If a variant has been removed at a given index, and this component is controlling\n * variant animations, we want to ensure lower-priority variants are forced to animate.\n */\n var removedVariantIndex = Infinity;\n var _loop_1 = function (i) {\n var type = reversePriorityOrder[i];\n var typeState = state[type];\n var prop = (_a = props[type]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : context[type];\n var propIsVariant = isVariantLabel(prop);\n /**\n * If this type has *just* changed isActive status, set activeDelta\n * to that status. Otherwise set to null.\n */\n var activeDelta = type === changedActiveType ? typeState.isActive : null;\n if (activeDelta === false)\n removedVariantIndex = i;\n /**\n * If this prop is an inherited variant, rather than been set directly on the\n * component itself, we want to make sure we allow the parent to trigger animations.\n *\n * TODO: Can probably change this to a !isControllingVariants check\n */\n var isInherited = prop === context[type] && prop !== props[type] && propIsVariant;\n /**\n *\n */\n if (isInherited &&\n isInitialRender &&\n visualElement.manuallyAnimateOnMount) {\n isInherited = false;\n }\n /**\n * Set all encountered keys so far as the protected keys for this type. This will\n * be any key that has been animated or otherwise handled by active, higher-priortiy types.\n */\n typeState.protectedKeys = __assign({}, encounteredKeys);\n // Check if we can skip analysing this prop early\n if (\n // If it isn't active and hasn't *just* been set as inactive\n (!typeState.isActive && activeDelta === null) ||\n // If we didn't and don't have any defined prop for this animation type\n (!prop && !typeState.prevProp) ||\n // Or if the prop doesn't define an animation\n isAnimationControls(prop) ||\n typeof prop === \"boolean\") {\n return \"continue\";\n }\n /**\n * As we go look through the values defined on this type, if we detect\n * a changed value or a value that was removed in a higher priority, we set\n * this to true and add this prop to the animation list.\n */\n var variantDidChange = checkVariantsDidChange(typeState.prevProp, prop);\n var shouldAnimateType = variantDidChange ||\n // If we're making this variant active, we want to always make it active\n (type === changedActiveType &&\n typeState.isActive &&\n !isInherited &&\n propIsVariant) ||\n // If we removed a higher-priority variant (i is in reverse order)\n (i > removedVariantIndex && propIsVariant);\n /**\n * As animations can be set as variant lists, variants or target objects, we\n * coerce everything to an array if it isn't one already\n */\n var definitionList = Array.isArray(prop) ? prop : [prop];\n /**\n * Build an object of all the resolved values. We'll use this in the subsequent\n * animateChanges calls to determine whether a value has changed.\n */\n var resolvedValues = definitionList.reduce(buildResolvedTypeValues, {});\n if (activeDelta === false)\n resolvedValues = {};\n /**\n * Now we need to loop through all the keys in the prev prop and this prop,\n * and decide:\n * 1. If the value has changed, and needs animating\n * 2. If it has been removed, and needs adding to the removedKeys set\n * 3. If it has been removed in a higher priority type and needs animating\n * 4. If it hasn't been removed in a higher priority but hasn't changed, and\n * needs adding to the type's protectedKeys list.\n */\n var _b = typeState.prevResolvedValues, prevResolvedValues = _b === void 0 ? {} : _b;\n var allKeys = __assign(__assign({}, prevResolvedValues), resolvedValues);\n var markToAnimate = function (key) {\n shouldAnimateType = true;\n removedKeys.delete(key);\n typeState.needsAnimating[key] = true;\n };\n for (var key in allKeys) {\n var next = resolvedValues[key];\n var prev = prevResolvedValues[key];\n // If we've already handled this we can just skip ahead\n if (encounteredKeys.hasOwnProperty(key))\n continue;\n /**\n * If the value has changed, we probably want to animate it.\n */\n if (next !== prev) {\n /**\n * If both values are keyframes, we need to shallow compare them to\n * detect whether any value has changed. If it has, we animate it.\n */\n if (isKeyframesTarget(next) && isKeyframesTarget(prev)) {\n if (!shallowCompare(next, prev) || variantDidChange) {\n markToAnimate(key);\n }\n else {\n /**\n * If it hasn't changed, we want to ensure it doesn't animate by\n * adding it to the list of protected keys.\n */\n typeState.protectedKeys[key] = true;\n }\n }\n else if (next !== undefined) {\n // If next is defined and doesn't equal prev, it needs animating\n markToAnimate(key);\n }\n else {\n // If it's undefined, it's been removed.\n removedKeys.add(key);\n }\n }\n else if (next !== undefined && removedKeys.has(key)) {\n /**\n * If next hasn't changed and it isn't undefined, we want to check if it's\n * been removed by a higher priority\n */\n markToAnimate(key);\n }\n else {\n /**\n * If it hasn't changed, we add it to the list of protected values\n * to ensure it doesn't get animated.\n */\n typeState.protectedKeys[key] = true;\n }\n }\n /**\n * Update the typeState so next time animateChanges is called we can compare the\n * latest prop and resolvedValues to these.\n */\n typeState.prevProp = prop;\n typeState.prevResolvedValues = resolvedValues;\n /**\n *\n */\n if (typeState.isActive) {\n encounteredKeys = __assign(__assign({}, encounteredKeys), resolvedValues);\n }\n if (isInitialRender && visualElement.blockInitialAnimation) {\n shouldAnimateType = false;\n }\n /**\n * If this is an inherited prop we want to hard-block animations\n * TODO: Test as this should probably still handle animations triggered\n * by removed values?\n */\n if (shouldAnimateType && !isInherited) {\n animations.push.apply(animations, __spreadArray([], __read(definitionList.map(function (animation) { return ({\n animation: animation,\n options: __assign({ type: type }, options),\n }); })), false));\n }\n };\n /**\n * Iterate through all animation types in reverse priority order. For each, we want to\n * detect which values it's handling and whether or not they've changed (and therefore\n * need to be animated). If any values have been removed, we want to detect those in\n * lower priority props and flag for animation.\n */\n for (var i = 0; i < numAnimationTypes; i++) {\n _loop_1(i);\n }\n allAnimatedKeys = __assign({}, encounteredKeys);\n /**\n * If there are some removed value that haven't been dealt with,\n * we need to create a new animation that falls back either to the value\n * defined in the style prop, or the last read value.\n */\n if (removedKeys.size) {\n var fallbackAnimation_1 = {};\n removedKeys.forEach(function (key) {\n var fallbackTarget = visualElement.getBaseTarget(key);\n if (fallbackTarget !== undefined) {\n fallbackAnimation_1[key] = fallbackTarget;\n }\n });\n animations.push({ animation: fallbackAnimation_1 });\n }\n var shouldAnimate = Boolean(animations.length);\n if (isInitialRender &&\n props.initial === false &&\n !visualElement.manuallyAnimateOnMount) {\n shouldAnimate = false;\n }\n isInitialRender = false;\n return shouldAnimate ? animate(animations) : Promise.resolve();\n }\n /**\n * Change whether a certain animation type is active.\n */\n function setActive(type, isActive, options) {\n var _a;\n // If the active state hasn't changed, we can safely do nothing here\n if (state[type].isActive === isActive)\n return Promise.resolve();\n // Propagate active change to children\n (_a = visualElement.variantChildren) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.forEach(function (child) { var _a; return (_a = child.animationState) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.setActive(type, isActive); });\n state[type].isActive = isActive;\n var animations = animateChanges(options, type);\n for (var key in state) {\n state[key].protectedKeys = {};\n }\n return animations;\n }\n return {\n isAnimated: isAnimated,\n animateChanges: animateChanges,\n setActive: setActive,\n setAnimateFunction: setAnimateFunction,\n getState: function () { return state; },\n };\n}\nfunction checkVariantsDidChange(prev, next) {\n if (typeof next === \"string\") {\n return next !== prev;\n }\n else if (isVariantLabels(next)) {\n return !shallowCompare(next, prev);\n }\n return false;\n}\nfunction createTypeState(isActive) {\n if (isActive === void 0) { isActive = false; }\n return {\n isActive: isActive,\n protectedKeys: {},\n needsAnimating: {},\n prevResolvedValues: {},\n };\n}\nfunction createState() {\n var _a;\n return _a = {},\n _a[AnimationType.Animate] = createTypeState(true),\n _a[AnimationType.InView] = createTypeState(),\n _a[AnimationType.Hover] = createTypeState(),\n _a[AnimationType.Tap] = createTypeState(),\n _a[AnimationType.Drag] = createTypeState(),\n _a[AnimationType.Focus] = createTypeState(),\n _a[AnimationType.Exit] = createTypeState(),\n _a;\n}\n\nexport { checkVariantsDidChange, createAnimationState, variantPriorityOrder };\n","import { __read } from 'tslib';\nimport { useEffect, useContext } from 'react';\nimport { isAnimationControls } from '../../animation/utils/is-animation-controls.mjs';\nimport { usePresence } from '../../components/AnimatePresence/use-presence.mjs';\nimport { PresenceContext } from '../../context/PresenceContext.mjs';\nimport { createAnimationState } from '../../render/utils/animation-state.mjs';\nimport { AnimationType } from '../../render/utils/types.mjs';\nimport { makeRenderlessComponent } from '../utils/make-renderless-component.mjs';\n\nvar animations = {\n animation: makeRenderlessComponent(function (_a) {\n var visualElement = _a.visualElement, animate = _a.animate;\n /**\n * We dynamically generate the AnimationState manager as it contains a reference\n * to the underlying animation library. We only want to load that if we load this,\n * so people can optionally code split it out using the `m` component.\n */\n visualElement.animationState || (visualElement.animationState = createAnimationState(visualElement));\n /**\n * Subscribe any provided AnimationControls to the component's VisualElement\n */\n if (isAnimationControls(animate)) {\n useEffect(function () { return animate.subscribe(visualElement); }, [animate]);\n }\n }),\n exit: makeRenderlessComponent(function (props) {\n var custom = props.custom, visualElement = props.visualElement;\n var _a = __read(usePresence(), 2), isPresent = _a[0], safeToRemove = _a[1];\n var presenceContext = useContext(PresenceContext);\n useEffect(function () {\n var _a, _b;\n visualElement.isPresent = isPresent;\n var animation = (_a = visualElement.animationState) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.setActive(AnimationType.Exit, !isPresent, { custom: (_b = presenceContext === null || presenceContext === void 0 ? void 0 : presenceContext.custom) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : custom });\n !isPresent && (animation === null || animation === void 0 ? void 0 : animation.then(safeToRemove));\n }, [isPresent]);\n }),\n};\n\nexport { animations };\n","const isPoint = (point) => point.hasOwnProperty('x') && point.hasOwnProperty('y');\n\nexport { isPoint };\n","import { isPoint } from './is-point.mjs';\n\nconst isPoint3D = (point) => isPoint(point) && point.hasOwnProperty('z');\n\nexport { isPoint3D };\n","import { isPoint } from './is-point.mjs';\nimport { isPoint3D } from './is-point-3d.mjs';\nimport { isNum } from './inc.mjs';\n\nconst distance1D = (a, b) => Math.abs(a - b);\nfunction distance(a, b) {\n if (isNum(a) && isNum(b)) {\n return distance1D(a, b);\n }\n else if (isPoint(a) && isPoint(b)) {\n const xDelta = distance1D(a.x, b.x);\n const yDelta = distance1D(a.y, b.y);\n const zDelta = isPoint3D(a) && isPoint3D(b) ? distance1D(a.z, b.z) : 0;\n return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(xDelta, 2) + Math.pow(yDelta, 2) + Math.pow(zDelta, 2));\n }\n}\n\nexport { distance };\n","import { __assign } from 'tslib';\nimport { isMouseEvent, isTouchEvent } from './utils/event-type.mjs';\nimport { extractEventInfo } from '../events/event-info.mjs';\nimport sync, { getFrameData, cancelSync } from 'framesync';\nimport { secondsToMilliseconds } from '../utils/time-conversion.mjs';\nimport { addPointerEvent } from '../events/use-pointer-event.mjs';\nimport { distance, pipe } from 'popmotion';\n\n/**\n * @internal\n */\nvar PanSession = /** @class */ (function () {\n function PanSession(event, handlers, _a) {\n var _this = this;\n var _b = _a === void 0 ? {} : _a, transformPagePoint = _b.transformPagePoint;\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n this.startEvent = null;\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n this.lastMoveEvent = null;\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n this.lastMoveEventInfo = null;\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n this.handlers = {};\n this.updatePoint = function () {\n if (!(_this.lastMoveEvent && _this.lastMoveEventInfo))\n return;\n var info = getPanInfo(_this.lastMoveEventInfo, _this.history);\n var isPanStarted = _this.startEvent !== null;\n // Only start panning if the offset is larger than 3 pixels. If we make it\n // any larger than this we'll want to reset the pointer history\n // on the first update to avoid visual snapping to the cursoe.\n var isDistancePastThreshold = distance(info.offset, { x: 0, y: 0 }) >= 3;\n if (!isPanStarted && !isDistancePastThreshold)\n return;\n var point = info.point;\n var timestamp = getFrameData().timestamp;\n _this.history.push(__assign(__assign({}, point), { timestamp: timestamp }));\n var _a = _this.handlers, onStart = _a.onStart, onMove = _a.onMove;\n if (!isPanStarted) {\n onStart && onStart(_this.lastMoveEvent, info);\n _this.startEvent = _this.lastMoveEvent;\n }\n onMove && onMove(_this.lastMoveEvent, info);\n };\n this.handlePointerMove = function (event, info) {\n _this.lastMoveEvent = event;\n _this.lastMoveEventInfo = transformPoint(info, _this.transformPagePoint);\n // Because Safari doesn't trigger mouseup events when it's above a `
\n\t\t\t\n\t\t>\n\t);\n};\n\nSlide.propTypes = {\n\tslide: PropTypes.object,\n\tcurrentIndex: PropTypes.number,\n\tlength: PropTypes.number,\n};\n\nexport default Slide;\n\nconst ImageContainer = styled.div`\n\tposition: relative;\n\twidth: 100%;\n\n\timg {\n\t\twidth: 100%;\n\t\theight: 100%;\n\t}\n\n\t@media only screen and (min-width: ${Sizes.screens.medium}) {\n\t\theight: 0;\n\t\toverflow: hidden;\n\t\tpadding-top: calc(514.38 / 966 * 100%);\n\n\t\timg {\n\t\t\tposition: absolute;\n\t\t\ttop: 0;\n\t\t\tleft: 0;\n\t\t\tobject-fit: contain;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n`;\n\n// adding min-height to medicate the arrows shifting position\n// when the content is not all the same size\nconst TextContainer = styled.div`\n\tpadding-top: 4rem;\n\tmin-height: 130px;\n\tdisplay: flex;\n\tflex-direction: column-reverse;\n\tgap: 3rem;\n\n\t@media only screen and (min-width: ${Sizes.screens.medium}) {\n\t\tflex-direction: row;\n\t\tgap: 6rem;\n\t}\n`;\n\nconst Title = styled.h4`\n\tfont-size: 1.8rem;\n\tline-height: 2.4rem;\n\ttext-transform: uppercase;\n\tcolor: ${Colors.base.white};\n\tword-break: break-all;\n`;\n\nconst Text = styled.p`\n\tcolor: ${Colors.base.white};\n\tpadding-top: 1rem;\n`;\n","/* global mainScript */\nimport React, { useRef, useState } from \"react\";\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\";\nimport styled from \"@emotion/styled\";\nimport { motion } from \"framer-motion\";\n\nimport Slide from \"./Slide\";\n\nimport { Sizes } from \"../../styles\";\n\nconst LargeCarousel = ({ slidesJson }) => {\n\tconst [slides] = useState(JSON.parse(slidesJson));\n\tconst [length] = useState(slides.length);\n\tconst [currentIndex, setCurrentIndex] = useState(0);\n\n\t// used for animating the slides on toggle\n\tconst ref = useRef(0);\n\n\tconst toggleNexSlide = () => {\n\t\tif (currentIndex < length - 1) {\n\t\t\tref.current++; // used for triggering animation\n\t\t\treturn setCurrentIndex((prevState) => prevState + 1);\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\n\tconst togglePrevSlide = () => {\n\t\tif (currentIndex > 0) {\n\t\t\tref.current++; // used for triggering animation\n\t\t\treturn setCurrentIndex((prevState) => prevState - 1);\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\n\tif (!slides) return null;\n\n\treturn (\n\t\t\n\t\t\t {\n\t\t\t\t\te.preventDefault();\n\t\t\t\t\ttogglePrevSlide();\n\t\t\t\t}}\n\t\t\t/>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t length - 1}\n\t\t\t\tonKeyPress={toggleNexSlide}\n\t\t\t\tonMouseDown={(e) => {\n\t\t\t\t\te.preventDefault();\n\t\t\t\t\ttoggleNexSlide();\n\t\t\t\t}}\n\t\t\t/>\n\t\t\n\t);\n};\n\nLargeCarousel.propTypes = {\n\tslidesJson: PropTypes.string,\n};\n\nconst Carousel = styled(motion.div)`\n\tdisplay: flex;\n\talign-items: center;\n\tjustify-content: center;\n\tgap: 2.3rem;\n\tmin-height: 431px;\n\n\t@media only screen and (min-width: ${Sizes.screens.medium}) {\n\t\tgap: 4.3rem;\n\t\tmin-height: unset;\n\t}\n`;\n\nconst SlideContainer = styled(motion.div)`\n\n\t@media only screen and (min-width: ${Sizes.screens.medium}) {\n\t\tflex: 1;\n\t\tmax-width: 966px;\n\t}\n`;\n\n/* \nthe important flags are added here purely for the editor experience\nWordPress forces button styles to show up on the editor side\nas of now !important is the only thing that stops that from happening \n*/\nconst Arrow = styled.button`\n\tbackground: none !important;\n\tpadding: 0;\n\theight: 3rem;\n\twidth: 5rem;\n\tdisplay: flex;\n\talign-items: center;\n\tposition: relative;\n\ttop: -90px;\n\n\topacity: ${(props) => (props.isDisabled ? \"0.5\" : \"1\")};\n\tcursor: ${(props) => (props.isDisabled ? \"default\" : \"pointer\")};\n\n\t@media only screen and (min-width: ${Sizes.screens.medium}) {\n\t\ttop: -90px;\n\t}\n\n\t&:hover,\n\t&:focus {\n\t\tbackground: none !important;\n\t\tbox-shadow: none !important;\n\t}\n\n\t&:focus {\n\t\tborder: 1px solid blue;\n\t}\n`;\n\nconst PrevArrow = styled(Arrow)`\n\tjustify-content: flex-end;\n\t&::after {\n\t\tcontent: url(${mainScript.assetPath +\n\t\t\"images/svg/icons/icon-chevron-left.svg\"});\n\t\ttransition: all 0.2s ease-in;\n\t\tmargin-top: 4px;\n\t}\n`;\n\nconst NextArrow = styled(Arrow)`\n\tjustify-content: flex-start;\n\n\t&::after {\n\t\tcontent: url(${mainScript.assetPath +\n\t\t\"images/svg/icons/icon-chevron-right.svg\"});\n\t\ttransition: all 0.2s ease-in;\n\t\tmargin-top: 4px;\n\t}\n`;\n\nexport default LargeCarousel;\n","\n import API from \"!../../style-loader/dist/runtime/injectStylesIntoStyleTag.js\";\n import domAPI from \"!../../style-loader/dist/runtime/styleDomAPI.js\";\n import insertFn from \"!../../style-loader/dist/runtime/insertBySelector.js\";\n import setAttributes from \"!../../style-loader/dist/runtime/setAttributesWithoutAttributes.js\";\n import insertStyleElement from \"!../../style-loader/dist/runtime/insertStyleElement.js\";\n import styleTagTransformFn from \"!../../style-loader/dist/runtime/styleTagTransform.js\";\n import content, * as namedExport from \"!!../../css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./slick.css\";\n \n \n\nvar options = {};\n\noptions.styleTagTransform = styleTagTransformFn;\noptions.setAttributes = setAttributes;\n\n options.insert = insertFn.bind(null, \"head\");\n \noptions.domAPI = domAPI;\noptions.insertStyleElement = insertStyleElement;\n\nvar update = API(content, options);\n\n\n\nexport * from \"!!../../css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./slick.css\";\n export default content && content.locals ? content.locals : undefined;\n","\n import API from \"!../../style-loader/dist/runtime/injectStylesIntoStyleTag.js\";\n import domAPI from \"!../../style-loader/dist/runtime/styleDomAPI.js\";\n import insertFn from \"!../../style-loader/dist/runtime/insertBySelector.js\";\n import setAttributes from \"!../../style-loader/dist/runtime/setAttributesWithoutAttributes.js\";\n import insertStyleElement from \"!../../style-loader/dist/runtime/insertStyleElement.js\";\n import styleTagTransformFn from \"!../../style-loader/dist/runtime/styleTagTransform.js\";\n import content, * as namedExport from \"!!../../css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./slick-theme.css\";\n \n \n\nvar options = {};\n\noptions.styleTagTransform = styleTagTransformFn;\noptions.setAttributes = setAttributes;\n\n options.insert = insertFn.bind(null, \"head\");\n \noptions.domAPI = domAPI;\noptions.insertStyleElement = insertStyleElement;\n\nvar update = API(content, options);\n\n\n\nexport * from \"!!../../css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./slick-theme.css\";\n export default content && content.locals ? content.locals : undefined;\n","/* global mainScript */\nimport React from \"react\";\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\";\nimport styled from \"@emotion/styled\";\n\nimport { Colors, Sizes } from \"../../styles\";\n\nconst SliderToggles = ({\n\tslidesCount,\n\tcurrentSlide,\n\ttoggleNexSlide,\n\ttogglePrevSlide,\n\tisMobile\n}) => {\n\n\treturn (\n\t\t\n\t\t\t {\n\t\t\t\t\te.preventDefault();\n\t\t\t\t\ttogglePrevSlide();\n\t\t\t\t}}\n\t\t\t/>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t{currentSlide}\n\t\t\t\t
\n\t\t\t\t{slidesCount}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t slidesCount - 1}\n\t\t\t\tonKeyPress={toggleNexSlide}\n\t\t\t\tonMouseDown={(e) => {\n\t\t\t\t\te.preventDefault();\n\t\t\t\t\ttoggleNexSlide();\n\t\t\t\t}}\n\t\t\t/>\n\t\t\n\t);\n};\n\nSliderToggles.propTypes = {\n\tslidesCount: PropTypes.number,\n\tcurrentSlide: PropTypes.number,\n\ttoggleNexSlide: PropTypes.func,\n\ttogglePrevSlide: PropTypes.func,\n\tisMobile: PropTypes.bool\n};\n\nexport default SliderToggles;\n\nconst Toggles = styled.div`\n\tdisplay: flex;\n\tpadding-top: 5.5rem;\n\tjustify-content: flex-end;\n\talign-items: center;\n\n\t@media only screen and (min-width: ${Sizes.screens.medium}) {\n\t\tpadding-top: 2.4rem;\n\t}\n`;\n\n/* \nthe important flags are added here purely for the editor experience\nWordPress forces button styles to show up on the editor side\nas of now !important is the only thing that stops that from happening \n*/\nconst Arrow = styled.button`\n\tbackground: none !important;\n\tpadding: 0;\n\theight: 3rem;\n\twidth: 5rem;\n\tdisplay: flex;\n\talign-items: center;\n\tpointer-events: ${(props) => (props.isDisabled ? \"none\" : \"all\")};\n\tcursor: ${(props) => (props.isDisabled ? \"default\" : \"pointer\")};\n\topacity: ${(props) => (props.isDisabled ? \"0.5\" : \"1\")};\n\n\t&:hover,\n\t&:focus {\n\t\tbackground: none !important;\n\t\tbox-shadow: none !important;\n\t}\n\n\t&:focus {\n\t\tborder: 1px solid blue;\n\t}\n`;\n\nconst PrevArrow = styled(Arrow)`\n\t&::after {\n\t\tcontent: url(${mainScript.assetPath +\n\t\t\"images/svg/icons/icon-chevron-left.svg\"});\n\t\ttransition: all 0.2s ease-in;\n\t\tmargin-top: 4px;\n\t}\n`;\n\nconst NextArrow = styled(Arrow)`\n\tjustify-content: center;\n\n\t&::after {\n\t\tcontent: url(${mainScript.assetPath +\n\t\t\"images/svg/icons/icon-chevron-right.svg\"});\n\t\ttransition: all 0.2s ease-in;\n\t\tmargin-top: 4px;\n\t}\n`;\n\nconst Numbers = styled.div`\n\tdisplay: flex;\n\talign-items: center;\n\tgap: 2.2rem;\n\theight: 22px;\n\n\thr {\n\t\twidth: 101px;\n\t\tmargin: 0;\n\t}\n`;\nconst Number = styled.span`\n\twidth: 2rem;\n\tfont-weight: 500;\n\tfont-size: 2.1rem;\n\tline-height: 2.6rem;\n\tcolor: ${Colors.base.white};\n`;\n","import axios from \"axios\";\nimport { useEffect, useState } from \"react\";\nimport { pageArray } from \"../components/pagination/helpers\";\n\nconst useAxios = (endPoint) => {\n\tlet baseUrl = window.origin;\n\tlet reqUrl = `${baseUrl}/wp-json/americanrivers/v1/${endPoint}`;\n\tconst [response, setResponse] = useState([]);\n\tconst [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(true);\n\tconst [totalPages, setTotalPages] = useState([]);\n\n\tuseEffect(() => {\n\t\tconst getResponse = async () => {\n\t\t\tsetIsLoading(true);\n\t\t\ttry {\n\t\t\t\tconst response = await axios.get(reqUrl);\n\t\t\t\tlet dataArray = response.data.data;\n\n\t\t\t\tsetIsLoading(false);\n\t\t\t\tif (dataArray.length) {\n\t\t\t\t\tsetResponse([...dataArray]);\n\t\t\t\t\t// not all responses will have postCount so we check for it here\n\t\t\t\t\tif (response.data.postCount) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsetTotalPages(pageArray(Math.ceil(response.data.postCount / 12)));\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\tsetResponse([]);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} catch (error) {\n\t\t\t\tsetIsLoading(false);\n\t\t\t\tthrow new Error(\"Api request failed\", { cause: error });\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t};\n\t\tgetResponse();\n\t}, [endPoint]);\n\n\treturn { response, isLoading, totalPages };\n};\n\nexport default useAxios;\n","export const pageArray = (number) => {\n\treturn [...Array(number + 1).keys()].slice(1);\n\t// this is a helper function for the Pagination Station\n\t// it creates an array of the total number of pages, so that we can map over it to display the pagination buttons.\n};\n","import { React, useState, useRef, useEffect } from \"react\";\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\";\nimport { useMediaQuery } from \"react-responsive\";\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\nimport styled from \"@emotion/styled\";\nimport \"slick-carousel/slick/slick.css\";\nimport \"slick-carousel/slick/slick-theme.css\";\nimport RiverCard from \"../Rivers/RiverCard\";\nimport SliderToggles from \"../Rivers/SliderToggles\";\nimport useAxios from \"../../hooks/useAxios\";\nimport { Colors, Sizes } from \"../../styles\";\n\nconst CardSlider = ({ pageTitle, regionsJson, regionSlugs }) => {\n\tconst [title] = useState(pageTitle ? pageTitle : \"\");\n\tconst [regions] = useState(regionsJson ? JSON.parse(regionsJson) : []);\n\tconst [endPoint] = useState(\n\t\t`rivers?region=${JSON.parse(regionSlugs).join()}`\n\t);\n\tconst [currentSlides, setCurrentSlides] = useState(0);\n\n\tconst isMobile = useMediaQuery({\n\t\tquery: \"(max-width: 781px)\",\n\t});\n\n\tconst sliderRef = useRef();\n\n\tconst { response: rivers } = useAxios(endPoint);\n\n\tconst filteredRivers =\n\t\trivers &&\n\t\trivers.length > 0 &&\n\t\trivers.filter((river) => river.title !== title);\n\tconst total = filteredRivers && filteredRivers.length;\n\n\t// universal variable that controls number of slides that we want to show\n\tlet numberOfSlides = isMobile ? 1.2 : 4.2;\n\n\tconst settings = {\n\t\tinfinite: false,\n\t\tdots: false,\n\t\tslidesToShow: numberOfSlides,\n\t\tslidesToScroll: 1,\n\t\tlazyLoad: false,\n\t\tautoplay: false,\n\t\tautoplaySpeed: 2000,\n\t\tarrows: false,\n\t\tbeforeChange: (current, next) => {\n\t\t\thandleCurrentSlidesChange(current, next);\n\t\t},\n\t};\n\n\tuseEffect(() => {\n\t\tsetCurrentSlides(numberOfSlides - 0.2);\n\t}, [numberOfSlides]);\n\n\tconst handleCurrentSlidesChange = (current, next) => {\n\t\t// right direction\n\t\tif (current < next) {\n\t\t\treturn setCurrentSlides((prev) => {\n\t\t\t\treturn prev + sliderRef.current.props.slidesToScroll;\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t// left direction\n\t\t\treturn setCurrentSlides((prev) => {\n\t\t\t\treturn prev - sliderRef.current.props.slidesToScroll;\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\n\tconst renderTitle = () => {\n\t\t// formatting title depending on how many tagged regions river has\n\t\tif (regions.length > 1) {\n\t\t\treturn regions.map((region, index) => {\n\t\t\t\tif (index === 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn {region.name};\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn & {region.name} regions;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn regions.map((region) => {\n\t\t\t// ternary operator accounting for the fact that slider is used on single rivers page (since a river can be part of multiple regions) and single region (since a region is associated to only one region)\n\t\t\treturn (\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t{region.name ? region.name : JSON.parse(regionSlugs)[0]}{\" \"}\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t});\n\t};\n\n\tconst renderRiversSlider = () => {\n\t\tif (filteredRivers) {\n\t\t\treturn filteredRivers.map((riverItem) => {\n\t\t\t\treturn (\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\n\treturn (\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tExplore the rivers of the {renderTitle()}\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t{renderRiversSlider()}\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t{sliderRef.current && total && (\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t)}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t);\n};\n\nexport default CardSlider;\n\nCardSlider.propTypes = {\n\tpageTitle: PropTypes.object,\n\tregionsJson: PropTypes.any,\n\tregionSlugs: PropTypes.any,\n};\n\nconst Container = styled.div`\n\tmargin-top: 4rem;\n\n\t@media only screen and (min-width: ${Sizes.screens.medium}) {\n\t\tmargin-top: 6rem;\n\t}\n`;\n\nconst SliderContainer = styled.div`\n\tpadding: 11rem 0 26rem 2.4rem;\n\twidth: 100%;\n\tcolor: #333;\n\tposition: relative;\n\n\t@media only screen and (min-width: ${Sizes.screens.medium}) {\n\t\tpadding: 12.2rem 0 18.2rem 8.3rem;\n\t}\n`;\n\nconst Title = styled.h3`\n\tfont-size: 3rem;\n\tline-height: 3.3rem;\n\tmargin-bottom: 5rem;\n\tpadding-right: 5rem;\n\tcolor: ${Colors.base.white};\n\n\t@media only screen and (min-width: ${Sizes.screens.medium}) {\n\t\tfont-size: 3.6rem;\n\t\tline-height: 4.6rem;\n\t\tmargin-bottom: 4.1rem;\n\t}\n`;\n","import React from \"react\";\nimport { createRoot } from \"react-dom/client\";\nimport CardSlider from \"../components/Slider/CardSlider\";\n\nconst renderImageSlider = ($) => {\n\tconst imageSlider = $(\"#js-image-slider\")[0];\n\n\tlet props = {\n\t\t...(imageSlider && imageSlider.dataset),\n\t};\n\n\tif (imageSlider) {\n\t\tconst root = createRoot(imageSlider);\n\t\troot.render();\n\t}\n};\n\nexport default renderImageSlider;\n","const peakABooHeader = ($) => {\n\tlet doc = document.documentElement;\n\tlet w = window;\n\n\tlet prevScroll = w.scrollY || doc.scrollTop;\n\tlet curScroll;\n\tlet direction = 0;\n\tlet prevDirection = 0;\n\tlet header = $(\"#header\");\n\t// px value of when we slide the header up\n\tlet trigger = 35;\n\n\tconst checkScroll = () => {\n\t\t/*\n\t\t ** Find the direction of scroll\n\t\t ** 0 - initial, 1 - up, 2 - down\n\t\t */\n\n\t\tcurScroll = w.scrollY || doc.scrollTop;\n\t\tif (curScroll > prevScroll) {\n\t\t\t//scrolled up\n\t\t\tdirection = 2;\n\t\t} else if (curScroll < prevScroll) {\n\t\t\t//scrolled down\n\t\t\tdirection = 1;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (direction !== prevDirection) {\n\t\t\ttoggleHeader(direction, curScroll);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tprevScroll = curScroll;\n\t};\n\n\tconst toggleHeader = (direction, curScroll) => {\n\t\tif (direction === 2 && curScroll > trigger) {\n\t\t\theader.addClass(\"nav-up\");\n\t\t\tprevDirection = direction;\n\t\t} else if (direction === 1) {\n\t\t\theader.removeClass(\"nav-up\");\n\t\t\tprevDirection = direction;\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\n\twindow.addEventListener(\"scroll\", checkScroll);\n};\n\nexport default peakABooHeader;\n","// toggle the submenu items in the mobile menu\nconst subMenuToggle = ($) => {\n\t$('.menu-item-has-children').on('click', function(){\n\t\t// the dropdown trigger should not be clickable so we disable it here\n\t\t/// close other menus if they are open \n\t\t$('.menu-item-has-children').not(this).removeClass('js-open-sub-menu');\n\t\t\n\t\t// open the menu the user clicked on\n\t\t$(this).toggleClass('js-open-sub-menu');\n\t\n\t})\n\n}\n\nexport default subMenuToggle;","import { useRef } from 'react';\nimport { useIsomorphicLayoutEffect } from './use-isomorphic-effect.mjs';\n\nfunction useIsMounted() {\n var isMounted = useRef(false);\n useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(function () {\n isMounted.current = true;\n return function () {\n isMounted.current = false;\n };\n }, []);\n return isMounted;\n}\n\nexport { useIsMounted };\n","import { __values } from 'tslib';\nimport * as React from 'react';\nimport { useMemo } from 'react';\nimport { PresenceContext } from '../../context/PresenceContext.mjs';\nimport { useConstant } from '../../utils/use-constant.mjs';\nimport { useId } from '../../utils/use-id.mjs';\n\nvar PresenceChild = function (_a) {\n var children = _a.children, initial = _a.initial, isPresent = _a.isPresent, onExitComplete = _a.onExitComplete, custom = _a.custom, presenceAffectsLayout = _a.presenceAffectsLayout;\n var presenceChildren = useConstant(newChildrenMap);\n var id = useId();\n var context = useMemo(function () { return ({\n id: id,\n initial: initial,\n isPresent: isPresent,\n custom: custom,\n onExitComplete: function (childId) {\n var e_1, _a;\n presenceChildren.set(childId, true);\n try {\n for (var _b = __values(presenceChildren.values()), _c = _b.next(); !_c.done; _c = _b.next()) {\n var isComplete = _c.value;\n if (!isComplete)\n return; // can stop searching when any is incomplete\n }\n }\n catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }\n finally {\n try {\n if (_c && !_c.done && (_a = _b.return)) _a.call(_b);\n }\n finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }\n }\n onExitComplete === null || onExitComplete === void 0 ? void 0 : onExitComplete();\n },\n register: function (childId) {\n presenceChildren.set(childId, false);\n return function () { return presenceChildren.delete(childId); };\n },\n }); }, \n /**\n * If the presence of a child affects the layout of the components around it,\n * we want to make a new context value to ensure they get re-rendered\n * so they can detect that layout change.\n */\n presenceAffectsLayout ? undefined : [isPresent]);\n useMemo(function () {\n presenceChildren.forEach(function (_, key) { return presenceChildren.set(key, false); });\n }, [isPresent]);\n /**\n * If there's no `motion` components to fire exit animations, we want to remove this\n * component immediately.\n */\n React.useEffect(function () {\n !isPresent && !presenceChildren.size && (onExitComplete === null || onExitComplete === void 0 ? void 0 : onExitComplete());\n }, [isPresent]);\n return (React.createElement(PresenceContext.Provider, { value: context }, children));\n};\nfunction newChildrenMap() {\n return new Map();\n}\n\nexport { PresenceChild };\n","import { __read, __spreadArray } from 'tslib';\nimport * as React from 'react';\nimport { useContext, useRef, cloneElement, Children, isValidElement } from 'react';\nimport { env } from '../../utils/process.mjs';\nimport { useForceUpdate } from '../../utils/use-force-update.mjs';\nimport { useIsMounted } from '../../utils/use-is-mounted.mjs';\nimport { PresenceChild } from './PresenceChild.mjs';\nimport { LayoutGroupContext } from '../../context/LayoutGroupContext.mjs';\nimport { useIsomorphicLayoutEffect } from '../../utils/use-isomorphic-effect.mjs';\nimport { useUnmountEffect } from '../../utils/use-unmount-effect.mjs';\n\nvar getChildKey = function (child) { return child.key || \"\"; };\nfunction updateChildLookup(children, allChildren) {\n children.forEach(function (child) {\n var key = getChildKey(child);\n allChildren.set(key, child);\n });\n}\nfunction onlyElements(children) {\n var filtered = [];\n // We use forEach here instead of map as map mutates the component key by preprending `.$`\n Children.forEach(children, function (child) {\n if (isValidElement(child))\n filtered.push(child);\n });\n return filtered;\n}\n/**\n * `AnimatePresence` enables the animation of components that have been removed from the tree.\n *\n * When adding/removing more than a single child, every child **must** be given a unique `key` prop.\n *\n * Any `motion` components that have an `exit` property defined will animate out when removed from\n * the tree.\n *\n * ```jsx\n * import { motion, AnimatePresence } from 'framer-motion'\n *\n * export const Items = ({ items }) => (\n * \n * {items.map(item => (\n * \n * ))}\n * \n * )\n * ```\n *\n * You can sequence exit animations throughout a tree using variants.\n *\n * If a child contains multiple `motion` components with `exit` props, it will only unmount the child\n * once all `motion` components have finished animating out. Likewise, any components using\n * `usePresence` all need to call `safeToRemove`.\n *\n * @public\n */\nvar AnimatePresence = function (_a) {\n var children = _a.children, custom = _a.custom, _b = _a.initial, initial = _b === void 0 ? true : _b, onExitComplete = _a.onExitComplete, exitBeforeEnter = _a.exitBeforeEnter, _c = _a.presenceAffectsLayout, presenceAffectsLayout = _c === void 0 ? true : _c;\n // We want to force a re-render once all exiting animations have finished. We\n // either use a local forceRender function, or one from a parent context if it exists.\n var _d = __read(useForceUpdate(), 1), forceRender = _d[0];\n var forceRenderLayoutGroup = useContext(LayoutGroupContext).forceRender;\n if (forceRenderLayoutGroup)\n forceRender = forceRenderLayoutGroup;\n var isMounted = useIsMounted();\n // Filter out any children that aren't ReactElements. We can only track ReactElements with a props.key\n var filteredChildren = onlyElements(children);\n var childrenToRender = filteredChildren;\n var exiting = new Set();\n // Keep a living record of the children we're actually rendering so we\n // can diff to figure out which are entering and exiting\n var presentChildren = useRef(childrenToRender);\n // A lookup table to quickly reference components by key\n var allChildren = useRef(new Map()).current;\n // If this is the initial component render, just deal with logic surrounding whether\n // we play onMount animations or not.\n var isInitialRender = useRef(true);\n useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(function () {\n isInitialRender.current = false;\n updateChildLookup(filteredChildren, allChildren);\n presentChildren.current = childrenToRender;\n });\n useUnmountEffect(function () {\n isInitialRender.current = true;\n allChildren.clear();\n exiting.clear();\n });\n if (isInitialRender.current) {\n return (React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, childrenToRender.map(function (child) { return (React.createElement(PresenceChild, { key: getChildKey(child), isPresent: true, initial: initial ? undefined : false, presenceAffectsLayout: presenceAffectsLayout }, child)); })));\n }\n // If this is a subsequent render, deal with entering and exiting children\n childrenToRender = __spreadArray([], __read(childrenToRender), false);\n // Diff the keys of the currently-present and target children to update our\n // exiting list.\n var presentKeys = presentChildren.current.map(getChildKey);\n var targetKeys = filteredChildren.map(getChildKey);\n // Diff the present children with our target children and mark those that are exiting\n var numPresent = presentKeys.length;\n for (var i = 0; i < numPresent; i++) {\n var key = presentKeys[i];\n if (targetKeys.indexOf(key) === -1) {\n exiting.add(key);\n }\n }\n // If we currently have exiting children, and we're deferring rendering incoming children\n // until after all current children have exiting, empty the childrenToRender array\n if (exitBeforeEnter && exiting.size) {\n childrenToRender = [];\n }\n // Loop through all currently exiting components and clone them to overwrite `animate`\n // with any `exit` prop they might have defined.\n exiting.forEach(function (key) {\n // If this component is actually entering again, early return\n if (targetKeys.indexOf(key) !== -1)\n return;\n var child = allChildren.get(key);\n if (!child)\n return;\n var insertionIndex = presentKeys.indexOf(key);\n var onExit = function () {\n allChildren.delete(key);\n exiting.delete(key);\n // Remove this child from the present children\n var removeIndex = presentChildren.current.findIndex(function (presentChild) { return presentChild.key === key; });\n presentChildren.current.splice(removeIndex, 1);\n // Defer re-rendering until all exiting children have indeed left\n if (!exiting.size) {\n presentChildren.current = filteredChildren;\n if (isMounted.current === false)\n return;\n forceRender();\n onExitComplete && onExitComplete();\n }\n };\n childrenToRender.splice(insertionIndex, 0, React.createElement(PresenceChild, { key: getChildKey(child), isPresent: false, onExitComplete: onExit, custom: custom, presenceAffectsLayout: presenceAffectsLayout }, child));\n });\n // Add `MotionContext` even to children that don't need it to ensure we're rendering\n // the same tree between renders\n childrenToRender = childrenToRender.map(function (child) {\n var key = child.key;\n return exiting.has(key) ? (child) : (React.createElement(PresenceChild, { key: getChildKey(child), isPresent: true, presenceAffectsLayout: presenceAffectsLayout }, child));\n });\n if (env !== \"production\" &&\n exitBeforeEnter &&\n childrenToRender.length > 1) {\n console.warn(\"You're attempting to animate multiple children within AnimatePresence, but its exitBeforeEnter prop is set to true. This will lead to odd visual behaviour.\");\n }\n return (React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, exiting.size\n ? childrenToRender\n : childrenToRender.map(function (child) { return cloneElement(child); })));\n};\n\nexport { AnimatePresence };\n","import { __read } from 'tslib';\nimport sync from 'framesync';\nimport { useState, useCallback } from 'react';\nimport { useIsMounted } from './use-is-mounted.mjs';\n\nfunction useForceUpdate() {\n var isMounted = useIsMounted();\n var _a = __read(useState(0), 2), forcedRenderCount = _a[0], setForcedRenderCount = _a[1];\n var forceRender = useCallback(function () {\n isMounted.current && setForcedRenderCount(forcedRenderCount + 1);\n }, [forcedRenderCount]);\n /**\n * Defer this to the end of the next animation frame in case there are multiple\n * synchronous calls.\n */\n var deferredForceRender = useCallback(function () { return sync.postRender(forceRender); }, [forceRender]);\n return [deferredForceRender, forcedRenderCount];\n}\n\nexport { useForceUpdate };\n","/* global mainScript */\nimport React, { useState, useRef } from \"react\";\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types';\nimport styled from \"@emotion/styled\";\nimport { AnimatePresence, motion } from \"framer-motion\";\nimport { useMediaQuery } from \"react-responsive\";\n\n//style rules\nimport { Sizes, Typography } from \"../styles\";\n\nconst SiteSearch = ({ isWhiteIcon }) => {\n\tconst [isSearchOpen, setIsSearchOpen] = useState(false);\n\tconst inputRef = useRef(null);\n\tconst isDesktopOrLaptop = useMediaQuery({\n\t\tquery: `(min-width: ${Sizes.screens.large})`,\n\t});\n\n\tconst renderIcon = (icon) => (\n\t\t
\n\t);\n\n\tconst toggleSearch = () => setIsSearchOpen((currentValue) => !currentValue);\n\n\tconst focusInput = () => inputRef.current.focus();\n\n\treturn (\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t{renderIcon(isWhiteIcon || !isDesktopOrLaptop ? \"search-white\" : \"search-black\")}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t{isSearchOpen && (\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t)}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t);\n};\n\nSiteSearch.propTypes = {\n\tisWhiteIcon: PropTypes.bool\n};\n\nexport default SiteSearch;\n\n\nconst SearchContainer = styled.div`\n\tpadding: 0 0 2.7rem;\n\n\t@media only screen and (min-width: 1330px) {\n\t\tpadding: 0 3.4rem 0;\n\t}\n`;\n\nconst Icon = styled.div`\n\twidth: 25.31px;\n\theight: 25.31px;\n\tcursor: pointer;\n`;\n\nconst Form = styled(motion.form)`\n\twidth: 100%;\n\tposition: absolute;\n\tright: 0px;\n\ttop: -18px;\n\tz-index: 11;\n\theight: 118px;\n\talign-items: baseline;\n\n\t@media only screen and (min-width: ${Sizes.screens.large}) {\n\t\twidth: 745px;\n\t\ttop: -4px;\n\t\tright: 0;\n\t}\n`;\n\nconst InputContainer = styled.div`\n\twidth: 100%;\n\tdisplay: flex;\n\talign-items: center;\n\tposition: relative;\n`;\n\nconst Input = styled.input`\n\theight: 61px;\n\tpadding: 0.8rem 0.8rem 0.8rem 6rem !important;\n\tborder-radius: 4px !important;\n\tmargin-bottom: 0 !important;\n\n\t&::placeholder {\n\t\tfont-size: 1.6rem;\n\t\tline-height: 2.7rem;\n\t\tfont-weight: ${Typography.fontWeight.regular};\n\t}\n`;\n\nconst InputLabel = styled.label`\n\tposition: absolute;\n\ttop: -22px;\n\tvisibility: hidden;\n`;\n\nconst InputIcon = styled(Icon)`\n\tposition: absolute;\n\tleft: 20px;\n\tcursor: default;\n`;\n\nconst IconClose = styled(Icon)`\n\tposition: absolute;\n\tright: 20px;\n\twidth: 18px;\n\theight: 18px;\n`;\n","import React from \"react\";\nimport { createRoot } from \"react-dom/client\";\nimport SiteSearch from \"../components/SiteSearch\";\n\nconst renderSiteSearch = ($) => {\n\tconst searchElement = $(\"#js-site-search\")[0];\n\n\tlet isWhiteIcon =\n\t\t$(\"body\").hasClass(\"page-template-rivers-index\") ||\n\t\t$(\"body\").hasClass(\"home\") ||\n\t\t$(\"body\").hasClass(\"page-template-regions-index\") ||\n\t\t$(\"body\").hasClass(\"error404\") || \n\t\t$(\"body\").hasClass(\"page-template-take-action\");\n\n\tlet props = {\n\t\t...(searchElement && searchElement.dataset),\n\t\tisWhiteIcon,\n\t};\n\n\tif (searchElement) {\n\t\tconst root = createRoot(searchElement);\n\t\troot.render();\n\t}\n};\n\nexport default renderSiteSearch;\n","import { Buffer } from \"buffer\";\n\n// function that will format query string to be\n// taxonomy=filter,filter&taxonomy=filter,filter\nexport const FormatFiltersQuery = (selectedFilters) => {\n\tlet filtersQuery = \"&\";\n\n\tselectedFilters.map((taxonomyObj) => {\n\t\tfiltersQuery = filtersQuery.concat(`${taxonomyObj.taxonomy}=`);\n\n\t\ttaxonomyObj.filters.map((filter) => {\n\t\t\tfiltersQuery = filtersQuery.concat(`${filter.slug},`);\n\t\t});\n\t\tfiltersQuery = filtersQuery.slice(0, -1);\n\t\tfiltersQuery = filtersQuery.concat(\"&\");\n\t});\n\tfiltersQuery = filtersQuery.slice(0, -1);\n\n\treturn filtersQuery;\n};\n\n// this has nothing to do with actual request, what we're doing here is encoding the entire filters object and passing it to the url\n// this allows for shareable url and will help us show relevant UI aka selected filters\nexport const updateUrlParams = (selectedFilters, currentPageNumber) => {\n\tlet urlParams =\n\t\t\"?\" + Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(selectedFilters)).toString(\"base64\");\n\tif (currentPageNumber) {\n\t\turlParams = urlParams + \"#\" + currentPageNumber;\n\t}\n\treturn window.history.pushState(null, \"\", urlParams);\n};\n\n// this parse the Buffer string we get from the URL and transform it into the selectedFilters object\nexport const parseUrlParams = (urlParam) => {\n\n\tconst isPreview = urlParam.includes(\"page_id\");\n\tif(isPreview) return []; // if index is in preview mode, return empty array\n\t\n\treturn JSON.parse(\n\t\tBuffer.from(urlParam.replace(\"?\", \"\"), \"base64\").toString(\"ascii\")\n\t);\n};","import React, { createContext, useState, useEffect } from \"react\";\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\";\nimport useAxios from \"../../hooks/useAxios\";\n\n//helpers and hooks\nimport { FormatFiltersQuery, updateUrlParams, parseUrlParams } from \"../Filters/FilteringHelpers\";\n\nconst NewsContext = createContext();\n\n//Filters API:\n//https://americanrivers.local/wp-json/cneheritage/v1/filters?type=post\n\n// Handles global states and state updates for the entire News index app\n\nexport const AppProvider = ({ children }) => {\n\t// used to display the selected filters, it also accounts for sharable filters\n\tconst [selectedFilters, setSelectedFilters] = useState(\n\t\tlocation.search ? parseUrlParams(location.search) : []\n\t);\n\tconst [currentPageNumber, setCurrentPageNumber] = useState(\n\t\tlocation.hash ? parseInt(window.location.hash.replace(\"#\", \"\")) : 1\n\t);\n\tconst [newsItemUrl, setNewsItemUrl] = useState(\n\t\t`news?page=${currentPageNumber}${FormatFiltersQuery(selectedFilters)}`\n\t);\n\n\t// fetch all the filters from the API\n\tconst { response: filters } = useAxios(\"filters?type=post\");\n\tconst { response: newsItems, totalPages, isLoading } = useAxios(newsItemUrl);\n\n\tuseEffect(() => {\n\t\t// request doesnt get called twice on initial because the string should match the\n\t\tsetNewsItemUrl(\n\t\t\t`news?page=${currentPageNumber}${FormatFiltersQuery(selectedFilters)}`\n\t\t);\n\t}, [selectedFilters, currentPageNumber]);\n\n\tuseEffect(() => {\n\t\tconst isPreview = location.search.includes(\"page_id\");\n\t\t\n\t\t// don't execute when page is in preview mode\n\t\tif (isPreview) return;\n\n\t\t// every time the selectedFilters update we update the browser URL to match\n\t\tupdateUrlParams(selectedFilters, currentPageNumber);\n\t}, [selectedFilters, currentPageNumber]);\n\n\t// onClick handler for selecting and deselecting a filter\n\t// this function formats the selectedFilters into a specific data structure\n\t// that we'll use for the constructing the filters query for the api call\n\tconst handleFilterSelect = (filter) => {\n\t\tlet selectedFiltersCopy = [...selectedFilters];\n\n\t\t// we get the taxonomy index in the array\n\t\tlet existingTaxonomyIndex = selectedFiltersCopy.findIndex(\n\t\t\t(t) => t.taxonomy == filter.taxonomy\n\t\t);\n\n\t\t// check if taxonomy exists\n\t\tif (existingTaxonomyIndex >= 0) {\n\t\t\t// get index of the child filter\n\t\t\tlet existingFilterIndex = selectedFiltersCopy[\n\t\t\t\texistingTaxonomyIndex\n\t\t\t].filters.findIndex((f) => f.slug === filter.filters[0].slug);\n\n\t\t\tlet childFilters = selectedFiltersCopy[existingTaxonomyIndex].filters;\n\n\t\t\t// check if child filter exists\n\t\t\tif (existingFilterIndex >= 0) {\n\t\t\t\t// if child filter exists we remove it using the index\n\t\t\t\tchildFilters.splice(existingFilterIndex, 1);\n\n\t\t\t\t// if there's no child filters left we remove the whole taxonomy\n\t\t\t\tif (childFilters.length === 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\tselectedFiltersCopy.splice(existingTaxonomyIndex, 1);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t// we dont have the child filter so we push it into the array of child filters inside taxonomy object\n\t\t\t\tchildFilters.push(filter.filters[0]);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tselectedFiltersCopy = [...selectedFiltersCopy, filter];\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// we reset the page everytime a filter is selected and deselected\n\t\tsetCurrentPageNumber(1);\n\t\tsetSelectedFilters(selectedFiltersCopy);\n\t};\n\n\t// onClick handler for selecting and deselecting a filter\n\tconst clearAllFilters = () => {\n\t\tsetSelectedFilters([]);\n\t\tsetCurrentPageNumber(1);\n\t\twindow.history.pushState({}, \"\", window.location.pathname);\n\t};\n\n\tconst scrollToTop = () => {\n\t\treturn window.scrollTo({ top: 0, left: 0, behaviour: \"smooth\" });\n\t};\n\n\t// Pagination helpers actions\n\tconst handleIncrementPage = () => {\n\t\tif (currentPageNumber < totalPages.length) {\n\t\t\tsetCurrentPageNumber((currentNumber) => currentNumber + 1);\n\t\t\tscrollToTop();\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\tconst handleDecrementPage = () => {\n\t\tif (currentPageNumber > 1) {\n\t\t\tsetCurrentPageNumber((currentNumber) => currentNumber - 1);\n\t\t\tscrollToTop();\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\tconst handleButtonPageSelect = (buttonNumber) => {\n\t\tsetCurrentPageNumber(buttonNumber);\n\t\tscrollToTop();\n\t};\n\n\tconst data = {\n\t\tselectedFilters,\n\t\tfilters,\n\t\tnewsItems,\n\t\ttotalPages,\n\t\tcurrentPageNumber,\n\t\tisLoading\n\t};\n\n\tconst actions = {\n\t\thandleFilterSelect,\n\t\tclearAllFilters,\n\t\thandleIncrementPage,\n\t\thandleDecrementPage,\n\t\thandleButtonPageSelect,\n\t};\n\n\treturn (\n\t\t{children}\n\t);\n};\n\nAppProvider.propTypes = {\n\tchildren: PropTypes.node,\n};\nexport default NewsContext;\n","/* global mainScript */\nimport React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from \"react\";\nimport styled from \"@emotion/styled\";\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\";\n\n//style rules\nimport { Colors, Typography } from \"../../styles\";\n\nconst DropDown = ({\n\tDropDownLabel,\n\tdropDownFilters,\n\tfilterKey,\n\thandleFilterSelect,\n\tselectedFilters,\n}) => {\n\tconst [openFiltersDropDown, setOpenFiltersDropDown] = useState(false);\n\n\tconst dropDownNode = useRef();\n\n\tconst handleOutsideClick = (e) => {\n\t\tif (dropDownNode.current && !dropDownNode.current.contains(e.target)) {\n\t\t\ttoggleDropDown();\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\n\tuseEffect(() => {\n\t\tif (openFiltersDropDown) {\n\t\t\tdocument.addEventListener(\"mousedown\", handleOutsideClick);\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn () => {\n\t\t\tdocument.removeEventListener(\"mousedown\", handleOutsideClick);\n\t\t};\n\t}, [openFiltersDropDown]);\n\n\tconst toggleDropDown = () => {\n\t\tsetOpenFiltersDropDown((currentValue) => !currentValue);\n\t};\n\n\t// Helper function that compares the input filter against the selectedFilters array\n\tconst isChecked = (filter) => {\n\t\tif (selectedFilters.length === 0) return;\n\n\t\treturn selectedFilters.some((taxonomyObj) =>\n\t\t\ttaxonomyObj.filters.some((f) => f.slug === filter.slug)\n\t\t);\n\t};\n\n\tconst renderFilters = () => {\n\t\t// we only run the function when the dropdown is triggered\n\t\tif (!openFiltersDropDown) return;\n\n\t\treturn (\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t{dropDownFilters &&\n\t\t\t\t\tdropDownFilters.length > 0 &&\n\t\t\t\t\tdropDownFilters.map((filter) => {\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\thandleFilterSelect({ taxonomy: filterKey, filters: [filter] })\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t\t\t})}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t);\n\t};\n\n\treturn (\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t{DropDownLabel}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t{renderFilters()}\n\t\t\n\t);\n};\n\nexport default DropDown;\n\nDropDown.propTypes = {\n\tDropDownLabel: PropTypes.string,\n\tdropDownFilters: PropTypes.array,\n\tfilterKey: PropTypes.string,\n\thandleFilterSelect: PropTypes.func,\n\tselectedFilters: PropTypes.array,\n};\n\nconst DropDownContainer = styled.div`\n\twidth: 100%;\n\tposition: relative;\n\tbackground-color: ${Colors.lightBeige.base};\n`;\n\nconst DropDownTrigger = styled.button`\n\twidth: 100%;\n\tpadding: 1.9rem 2.1rem;\n\ttext-transform: capitalize;\n\tborder: 1px solid ${Colors.base.black};\n\tcolor: ${Colors.base.black};\n\tfont-weight: ${Typography.fontWeight.regular};\n\tfont-size: 1.4rem;\n\tline-height: 1.7rem;\n\tborder-radius: 5px;\n\tcursor: pointer;\n\tdisplay: flex;\n\tjustify-content: space-between;\n\theight: unset;\n\tbackground: none;\n\ttransition: all 0.5s;\n\n\t&:hover,\n\t&:focus {\n\t\tbackground: unset;\n\t}\n\n\t&::after {\n\t\tcontent: url(${mainScript.assetPath +\n\t\t\"images/svg/icons/icon-arrow-down.svg\"});\n\t}\n`;\n\nconst DropDownList = styled.ul`\n\twidth: 100%;\n\theight: 194px;\n\toverflow-y: scroll;\n\tdisplay: flex;\n\tflex-direction: column;\n\tgap: 1.6rem;\n\tmargin: 0;\n\tpadding: 1.6rem 1.5rem 2rem;\n\tposition: absolute;\n\ttop: 52px;\n\tz-index: 3;\n\tbackground-color: ${Colors.lightBeige.base};\n\tborder-bottom: 1px solid ${Colors.base.black};\n\tborder-left: 1px solid ${Colors.base.black};\n\tborder-right: 1px solid ${Colors.base.black};\n`;\n\nconst DropDownListItem = styled.li`\n\tmargin: 0;\n\tpadding: 0;\n\tlist-style: none;\n\tdisplay: flex;\n\tflex-direction: row;\n\tjustify-content: space-between;\n\tcursor: pointer;\n\n\tinput[type=\"checkbox\"] {\n\t\tmin-width: 15px;\n\t\theight: 15px;\n\t\tmargin: 0;\n\t\tborder-radius: 3px;\n\n\t\t&:before {\n\t\t\tcontent: \"✓\";\n\t\t\tdisplay: block;\n\t\t\ttransform: translateX(-100%);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t&:checked::before {\n\t\t\ttransform: translateY(-14%);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n`;\n\nconst CheckboxLabel = styled.label`\n\tfont-size: 1rem !important;\n\tline-height: 1.6rem;\n\tfont-weight: ${Typography.fontWeight.regular};\n\tcursor: pointer;\n`;\n","import React from \"react\";\nimport styled from \"@emotion/styled\";\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\";\n\n// style rules\nimport { Typography, Colors } from \"../../styles\";\n\nconst SelectedFilters = ({selectedFilters, clearAllFilters, handleFilterSelect}) => {\n\treturn (\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t{selectedFilters.map((taxonomyObj) => {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn taxonomyObj.filters.map((filter) => {\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\thandleFilterSelect({\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttaxonomy: taxonomyObj.taxonomy,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfilters: [filter],\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t})\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tkey={filter.slug}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t/>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t})}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tClear Filters\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t
\n\t\t\n\t);\n};\n\nSelectedFilters.propTypes = {\n\tselectedFilters: PropTypes.array,\n\tclearAllFilters: PropTypes.func,\n\thandleFilterSelect: PropTypes.func\n};\n\nexport default SelectedFilters;\n\nconst Container = styled.div`\n\tdisplay: flex;\n\tgap: 0.9rem;\n\tjustify-content: space-between;\n\talign-items: center;\n\tpadding-top: 4rem;\n\tpadding-bottom: 2.3rem;\n`;\n\nconst FlexRow = styled.div`\n\tdisplay: flex;\n\tgap: 0.9rem;\n`;\n\nconst Selected = styled.button`\n\tbackground: rgba(31, 31, 31, 0.9);\n\tborder-radius: 0;\n\tpadding: 0.3rem 0.7rem;\n\theight: fit-content;\n\tcolor: ${Colors.base.white};\n\n\tfont-weight: ${Typography.fontWeight.black};\n\tfont-size: 1.4rem;\n\tline-height: 2.2rem;\n\tletter-spacing: -0.001em;\n\ttext-transform: uppercase;\n\n\tspan {\n\t\tfont-weight: ${Typography.fontWeight.regular};\n\t}\n`;\n\nconst ClearFiltersButton = styled.button`\n\tposition: relative;\n\tz-index: 2;\n\tborder-radius: 10px;\n\tborder: 0;\n\tcolor: ${Colors.base.black};\n\tdisplay: inline-block;\n\tfont-weight: ${Typography.fontWeight.demiBold};\n\tfont-family: ${Typography.fontFamily.base};\n\ttext-decoration: none;\n\ttext-align: center;\n\tfont-size: 1.4rem;\n\tline-height: 1.7rem;\n\ttext-transform: uppercase;\n\tpadding: 1.9rem 3.7rem;\n\ttransition: ease-out 0.7s;\n\tcursor: pointer;\n\tbackground-color: ${Colors.goldenSun.base};\n\tletter-spacing: normal;\n\twhite-space: nowrap;\n\n\t&:hover,\n\t&:focus {\n\t\tbackground-color: ${Colors.riverBlue};\n\t}\n\tspan {\n\t\tfont-weight: ${Typography.fontWeight.regular};\n\t}\n`;\n","import React, { useContext } from \"react\";\nimport styled from \"@emotion/styled\";\n\nimport DropDown from \"../Filters/DropDown\";\nimport SelectedFilters from \"../Filters/SelectedFilters\";\n\n//style rules\nimport { Typography, Sizes } from \"../../styles\";\nimport NewsContext from \"./NewsContext\";\n\nconst NewsFilters = () => {\n\tconst {\n\t\tdata: { filters, selectedFilters },\n\t\tactions: { handleFilterSelect, clearAllFilters },\n\t} = useContext(NewsContext);\n\n\tconst renderDropDowns = () => {\n\t\tif (filters.length === 0) return;\n\n\t\treturn filters.map((dropDown) => {\n\t\t\treturn (\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t});\n\t};\n\n\tconst renderSelectedFilters = () => {\n\t\tif (selectedFilters.length === 0) return;\n\n\t\treturn (\n\t\t\t\n\t\t);\n\t};\n\n\treturn (\n\t\t\n\t\t\tFilters
\n\t\t\t{renderDropDowns()}\n\t\t\t{renderSelectedFilters()}\n\t\t\n\t);\n};\n\nexport default NewsFilters;\n\nconst Container = styled.div`\n\tpadding-top: 8rem;\n\n\tp {\n\t\tfont-weight: ${Typography.fontWeight.demiBold};\n\t\tfont-size: 1.4rem;\n\t\tline-height: 1.7rem;\n\t\ttext-transform: uppercase;\n\t}\n`;\n\n// the width of the drop down gets decided here\n// we know that each dorpdown needs to have a width of 216px so we time that by number of dropdowns\nconst FiltersContainer = styled.div`\n\tpadding-top: 1.8rem;\n\tdisplay: flex;\n\tflex-direction: column;\n\tgap: 2.4rem;\n\tmax-width: 604px;\n\n\t@media only screen and (min-width: ${Sizes.screens.medium}) {\n\t\talign-items: center;\n\t\tflex-direction: row;\n\t}\n`;\n","/* global mainScript */\nimport React from \"react\";\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\";\nimport styled from \"@emotion/styled\";\nimport { motion } from \"framer-motion\";\n\n// style rules\nimport { Animation, Typography, Sizes } from \"../../styles\";\n\nconst NewsCard = ({ newsItem }) => {\n\treturn (\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t{newsItem.image ? (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t
\n\t\t\t\t\t) : (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t
\n\t\t\t\t\t)}\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t{newsItem.date && {newsItem.date}}\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t);\n};\n\nexport default NewsCard;\n\nNewsCard.propTypes = {\n\tnewsItem: PropTypes.object,\n};\n\nconst Card = styled(motion.li)`\n\tlist-style: none;\n\tcursor: pointer;\n\n\ta {\n\t\t&::after {\n\t\t\tcontent: unset;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\t&:hover {\n\t\timg {\n\t\t\ttransition: all 0.5s;\n\t\t\ttransform: scale(1.1);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n`;\n\nconst AspectRatioBox = styled.div`\n\tposition: relative;\n\twidth: 100%;\n\tdisplay: block;\n\toverflow: hidden;\n\tpadding-top: calc(252 / 410 * 100%);\n border-radius: 20px;\n\n\t> img {\n\t\tposition: absolute;\n\t\ttop: 0;\n\t\tleft: 0;\n\t\twidth: 100%;\n\t\theight: 100%;\n\t\tobject-fit: cover;\n\t\tobject-position: center center;\n\t\ttransition: all 0.5s;\n\t}\n`;\n\nconst Date = styled.span`\n display: block;\n padding-top: 1.3rem;\n\tfont-weight: ${Typography.fontWeight.regular};\n\tfont-size: 1.4rem;\n\tline-height: 1.7rem;\n\ttext-transform: capitalize;\n\n\t@media only screen and (min-width: ${Sizes.screens.large}) {\n\t\tpadding-top: 1.9rem;\n\t}\n`;\n\nconst Title = styled.h3`\n\tpadding-top: 1rem;\n font-size: 1.6rem;\n line-height: 2.1rem;\n`;\n","import React from \"react\";\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\";\n\nconst TruncatedPages = ({\n\ttruncatedPages,\n\thandleButtonPageSelect,\n\tcurrentPageNumber,\n}) => {\n\treturn (\n\t\t\n\t);\n};\n\nTruncatedPages.propTypes = {\n\ttruncatedPages: PropTypes.array,\n\thandleButtonPageSelect: PropTypes.func,\n\tcurrentPageNumber: PropTypes.number,\n};\n\nexport default TruncatedPages;\n","import React, { useEffect, useState } from \"react\";\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\";\nimport TruncatedPages from \"./TruncatedPages\"; // eslint-disable-line\nimport { useMediaQuery } from \"react-responsive\";\n\n/*\n ** Station for pagination\n */\n\nconst Pagination = ({\n\thandleDecrementPage,\n\thandleIncrementPage,\n\ttotalPages,\n\thandleButtonPageSelect,\n\tcurrentPageNumber,\n}) => {\n\tconst [truncatedPages, setTruncatedPages] = useState([]);\n\n\tconst isDesktopOrLaptop = useMediaQuery({\n\t\tquery: \"(min-width: 1224px)\",\n\t});\n\n\tconst delta = isDesktopOrLaptop ? 2 : 1;\n\tconst truncatePages = (current, last, delta) => {\n\t\tlet left = current - delta,\n\t\t\tright = current + delta + 1,\n\t\t\trange = [],\n\t\t\trangeWithDots = [],\n\t\t\tl;\n\n\t\tfor (let i = 1; i <= last; i++) {\n\t\t\tif (i === 1 || i === last || (i >= left && i < right)) {\n\t\t\t\trange.push(i);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tfor (let i of range) {\n\t\t\tif (l) {\n\t\t\t\tif (i - l === 2) {\n\t\t\t\t\trangeWithDots.push(l + 1);\n\t\t\t\t} else if (i - l !== 1) {\n\t\t\t\t\trangeWithDots.push(\"...\");\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\trangeWithDots.push(i);\n\t\t\tl = i;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn rangeWithDots;\n\t};\n\n\tuseEffect(() => {\n\t\tconst lastPage = totalPages.slice(-1).pop();\n\t\tsetTruncatedPages(truncatePages(currentPageNumber, lastPage, delta));\n\t}, [totalPages, currentPageNumber]);\n\n\treturn (\n\t\t\n\t);\n};\n\nPagination.propTypes = {\n\thandleDecrementPage: PropTypes.func,\n\thandleIncrementPage: PropTypes.func,\n\ttotalPages: PropTypes.array,\n\thandleButtonPageSelect: PropTypes.func,\n\tcurrentPageNumber: PropTypes.number,\n};\n\nexport default Pagination;\n","import React from \"react\";\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types';\n\n/*\n ** Loading => gentle fade in/out animated shape for loading\n */\n\nconst Loading = ({color}) => {\n\t\n\t// add colors to helper stylesheet as needed. Default is white\n\treturn (\n\t\t\n\t);\n};\nLoading.propTypes = {\n\tcolor: PropTypes.any\n};\n\n\nexport default Loading;","import React, { useContext } from \"react\";\nimport styled from \"@emotion/styled\";\n\nimport NewsContext from \"./NewsContext\";\n\n// style rules\nimport { Sizes, Colors } from \"../../styles\";\nimport NewsCard from \"./NewsCard\";\nimport NoResults from \"../NoResults\";\nimport Pagination from \"../pagination/Pagination\";\nimport Loading from \"../Loading\";\n\nconst NewsGrid = () => {\n\tconst {\n\t\tdata: { newsItems, totalPages, currentPageNumber, isLoading },\n\t\tactions: {\n\t\t\thandleButtonPageSelect,\n\t\t\thandleDecrementPage,\n\t\t\thandleIncrementPage,\n\t\t},\n\t} = useContext(NewsContext);\n\n\tconst renderNewsCard = () => {\n\t\tif (isLoading) {\n\t\t\treturn ;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (newsItems.length === 0) {\n\t\t\treturn ;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn (\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t{newsItems.map((item) => {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn ;\n\t\t\t\t})}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t);\n\t};\n\n\treturn (\n\t\t\n\t\t\t{renderNewsCard()}\n\t\t\t{totalPages && totalPages.length > 0 && (\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t)}\n\t\t\n\t);\n};\n\nexport default NewsGrid;\n\nconst Container = styled.div`\n\tpadding: 5.4rem 0 8rem 0;\n`;\n\nconst Grid = styled.ul`\n\tdisplay: ${(props) => (props.isEmpty ? \"block\" : \"grid\")};\n\tgrid-template-columns: 1fr;\n\tgap: 2.5rem;\n\tmargin: 0;\n\tpadding: 0;\n\tmax-width: unset;\n\n\t@media only screen and (min-width: ${Sizes.screens.medium}) {\n\t\tgrid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(35rem, 1fr));\n\t}\n`;\n","import React from \"react\";\n\n// state\nimport { AppProvider } from \"./NewsContext\";\n\n// comps\nimport NewsFilters from \"./NewsFilters\";\nimport NewsGrid from \"./NewsGrid\";\n\n// all the logic of the app is handles in the app context file\n\nconst App = () => {\n\treturn (\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t);\n};\n\nexport default App;\n","import React, { useState, Suspense, useEffect } from \"react\";\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\";\n\n//hooks & helpers\nimport useAxios from \"../../hooks/useAxios\";\nimport { updateUrlParams, parseUrlParams } from \"../Filters/FilteringHelpers\";\n\n// components\nconst Filters = React.lazy(() => import(\"./Filters\"));\nconst RiverCard = React.lazy(() => import(\"./RiverCard\"));\nconst ContentGrid = React.lazy(() => import(\"../ContentGrid\"));\nconst NoResults = React.lazy(() => import(\"../NoResults\"));\nimport Loading from \"../Loading\";\n\nconst App = ({ filtersJson }) => {\n\t// filters, slicing to remove the \"all\" filter\n\tconst [filters] = useState(\n\t\tfiltersJson ? JSON.parse(filtersJson).slice(1) : []\n\t);\n\t// selected filters\n\tconst [selectedFilters, setSelectedFilters] = useState(\n\t\tlocation.search ? parseUrlParams(location.search) : []\n\t);\n\tconst [endPoint] = useState(\"rivers\");\n\tconst { response: rivers, isLoading } = useAxios(endPoint);\n\n\tuseEffect(() => {\n\t\tconst isPreview = location.search.includes(\"page_id\");\n\t\t\n\t\t// don't execute when page is in preview mode\n\t\tif (isPreview) return;\n\n\t\tupdateUrlParams(selectedFilters);\n\t}, [selectedFilters]);\n\n\tconst handleSelectedFilter = (filter, event) => {\n\t\t// deselecting filter\n\t\tif (!event.target.checked) {\n\t\t\treturn setSelectedFilters((selectFilter) =>\n\t\t\t\tselectFilter.filter((f) => f.slug !== filter.slug)\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn setSelectedFilters([...selectedFilters, filter]);\n\t};\n\n\tconst filterRiver = () => {\n\t\treturn rivers.filter((river) => {\n\t\t\tif (river.regions.length > 0) {\n\t\t\t\treturn selectedFilters.some((sf) => {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn river.regions.some((region) => sf.slug === region.slug);\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t};\n\n\tconst renderCorrectCards = () => {\n\t\t//if not filters selected\n\t\tif (rivers.length !== 0 && selectedFilters.length === 0) {\n\t\t\treturn renderRiverCards(rivers);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// if no river data\n\t\tif (rivers.length === 0) {\n\t\t\treturn ;\n\t\t}\n\t\t// if filters selected\n\t\tconst filteredRivers = filterRiver();\n\n\t\t// if no results available\n\t\tif (filteredRivers.length === 0) {\n\t\t\treturn ;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn renderRiverCards(filteredRivers);\n\t};\n\n\tconst renderRiverCards = (riversArray) => {\n\t\treturn riversArray.map((river) => {\n\t\t\treturn ;\n\t\t});\n\t};\n\n\treturn (\n\t\t\n\t\t\t}>\n\t\t\t\t{filters && (\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t)}\n\t\t\t\t{isLoading ? (\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t) : (\n\t\t\t\t\t{renderCorrectCards()}\n\t\t\t\t)}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t);\n};\n\nexport default App;\n\nApp.propTypes = {\n\tfiltersJson: PropTypes.any,\n\tfiltersTaxonomy: PropTypes.string,\n};\n","export const renderFullName = (staffMember) => {\n\treturn `${staffMember.first_name} ${staffMember.last_name}`;\n};\n","/* global mainScript */\nimport React from \"react\";\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\";\nimport styled from \"@emotion/styled\";\nimport { motion } from \"framer-motion\";\n\n//helpers\nimport { renderFullName } from \"./staffHelpers\";\n\n// style rules\nimport { Animation, Typography } from \"../../styles\";\n\nconst StaffCard = ({ toggleModal, staffMember }) => {\n\treturn (\n\t\t toggleModal(staffMember)}\n\t\t>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t{staffMember.image ? (\n\t\t\t\t\t
\n\t\t\t\t) : (\n\t\t\t\t\t
\n\t\t\t\t)}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t{staffMember.job_title && {staffMember.job_title}}\n\t\t\n\t);\n};\n\nexport default StaffCard;\n\nStaffCard.propTypes = {\n\tstaffMember: PropTypes.object,\n\ttoggleModal: PropTypes.func,\n};\n\nconst Card = styled(motion.li)`\n\tlist-style: none;\n\tcursor: pointer;\n\n\t&:hover {\n\t\timg {\n\t\t\ttransition: all 0.5s;\n\t\t\ttransform: scale(1.1);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n`;\n\nconst AspectRatioBox = styled.div`\n\tposition: relative;\n\twidth: 100%;\n\tdisplay: block;\n\toverflow: hidden;\n\tpadding-top: calc(302 / 302 * 100%);\n\tborder-radius: 20px;\n\n\t> img {\n\t\tposition: absolute;\n\t\ttop: 0;\n\t\tleft: 0;\n\t\twidth: 100%;\n\t\theight: 100%;\n\t\tobject-fit: cover;\n\t\tobject-position: center center;\n\t\ttransition: all 0.5s;\n\t}\n`;\n\nconst JobTitle = styled.span`\n\tdisplay: block;\n\tpadding-top: 0.5rem;\n\tfont-weight: ${Typography.fontWeight.regular};\n\tfont-size: 1.6rem;\n\tline-height: 2rem;\n\ttext-transform: capitalize;\n`;\n\nconst Title = styled.h3`\n\tpadding-top: 1.1rem;\n\tfont-size: 1.8rem;\n\tline-height: 2.4rem;\n`;\n","import React, { lazy, Suspense } from \"react\";\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\";\n\n// Components\nimport Loading from \"./Loading\";\nconst YouTubePlayer = lazy(() => import(\"react-player/youtube\"));\nconst VimeoPlayer = lazy((() => import(\"react-player/vimeo\")));\n\n/**\n * React Video Player\n */\n\nconst VideoPlayer = ({ videoUrl}) => {\n\n\tconst renderLoader = ;\n\n\treturn (\n\t\t<>\n\t\t\t{videoUrl?.includes('vimeo') ? (\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t) : videoUrl?.includes('youtu') ? (\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t):\n\t\t\t\tSorry this video format is not supported.
\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t>\n\t);\n};\n\nVideoPlayer.propTypes = {\n\tvideoUrl: PropTypes.string\n};\n\nexport default VideoPlayer;\n","/* global mainScript */\nimport React from \"react\";\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\";\nimport { motion } from \"framer-motion\";\nimport styled from \"@emotion/styled\";\n\n//helpers\nimport { renderFullName } from \"./staffHelpers\";\n\n//style rules\nimport { Sizes, Animation, Colors } from \"../../styles\";\nimport VideoPlayer from \"../VideoPlayer\";\n\nconst StaffModal = ({ toggleModal, staffMember }) => {\n\tconst staffFullName = renderFullName(staffMember);\n\n\tconst renderImage = () => {\n\t\tif (!staffMember.image) {\n\t\t\treturn (\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t
\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn (\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t
\n\t\t\t\n\t\t);\n\t};\n\n\tconst renderArticles = () => {\n\t\treturn (\n\t\t\tstaffMember.articles &&\n\t\t\tstaffMember.articles.length > 0 && (\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t{`See ${staffFullName} latest articles:`}
\n\t\t\t\t\t{staffMember.articles.map((article) => {\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{article.title}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t\t\t})}\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tView all\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t);\n\t};\n\treturn (\n\t\t toggleModal()}\n\t\t>\n\t\t\t e.stopPropagation()}\n\t\t\t>\n\t\t\t\t toggleModal()}\n\t\t\t\t/>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{renderImage()}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{staffMember.job_title && (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{staffMember.job_title}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t)}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{staffMember.email && (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{staffMember.email}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t)}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{staffMember.facebook && (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{staffMember.twitter && (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{staffMember.instagram && (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{staffMember.bio && (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t)}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{staffMember.video && (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t)}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{renderArticles()}\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t);\n};\n\nexport default StaffModal;\n\nStaffModal.propTypes = {\n\tstaffMember: PropTypes.object,\n\ttoggleModal: PropTypes.func,\n};\n\nconst Overlay = styled(motion.div)`\n\tposition: fixed;\n\ttop: 0;\n\tleft: 0;\n\twidth: 100%;\n\theight: 100%;\n\tbackground: #00000050;\n\tz-index: 1000;\n\tcursor: pointer;\n`;\n\nconst Modal = styled(motion.div)`\n\tposition: relative;\n\twidth: calc(100% - 10px);\n\theight: 90%;\n\tmargin: 3.3rem auto;\n\tpadding: 9rem 3rem 0 3rem;\n\tbackground: white;\n\tcursor: default;\n\tborder-radius: 20px;\n\toverflow: scroll;\n\n\t@media only screen and (min-width: ${Sizes.screens.large}) {\n\t\toverflow: unset;\n\t\theight: 618px;\n\t\tpadding: 6.4rem;\n\t\twidth: unset;\n\t\tmax-width: ${Sizes.grids.maxWidth};\n\t}\n`;\n\nconst FlexContainer = styled.div`\n\tdisplay: flex;\n\tgap: 4rem;\n\tflex-direction: column;\n\talign-items: center;\n\n\t@media only screen and (min-width: ${Sizes.screens.large}) {\n\t\tflex-direction: row;\n\t\tgap: 8rem;\n\t\talign-items: flex-start;\n\t}\n`;\n\nconst LeftSide = styled.div`\n\tdisplay: flex;\n\tflex-direction: column;\n\tmax-width: 500px;\n\twidth: 100%;\n\n\t@media only screen and (min-width: ${Sizes.screens.large}) {\n\t\tmax-width: 366px;\n\t}\n`;\n\nconst ImageContainer = styled.div`\n\theight: 0;\n\tpadding-top: calc(366 / 366 * 100%);\n\tposition: relative;\n\twidth: 100%;\n\tborder-radius: 20px;\n\toverflow: hidden;\n\ttransition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;\n\tborder-radius: 20px;\n\n\timg {\n\t\tposition: absolute;\n\t\ttop: 0;\n\t\tleft: 0;\n\t\twidth: 100%;\n\t\theight: 100%;\n\t\tobject-fit: cover;\n\t}\n`;\n\nconst Name = styled.h3`\n\tpadding-top: 1.5rem;\n\tfont-size: 2rem;\n\tline-height: 3rem;\n`;\n\nconst JobTitle = styled.p`\n\tfont-size: 1.6rem;\n\tline-height: 2.4rem;\n`;\n\nconst Socials = styled.div`\n\tdisplay: flex;\n\talign-items: center;\n\tgap: 3rem;\n\tpadding-top: 2.1rem;\n`;\n\nconst SocialIcon = styled.a`\n\t&:after {\n\t\tcontent: unset;\n\t}\n\n\t&:hover,\n\t&:focus {\n\t\ttransition: all 0.3s;\n\t\ttransform: translateY(-5px);\n\t}\n`;\n\nconst Email = styled.a`\n\tpadding-top: 1rem;\n\tfont-size: 1.3rem;\n\tline-height: 2.4rem;\n\tcolor: ${Colors.base.black};\n\twidth: fit-content;\n`;\n\nconst RightSide = styled.div`\n\tpadding-bottom: 4rem;\n\tmax-width: 664px;\n\n\t@media only screen and (min-width: ${Sizes.screens.large}) {\n\t\theight: 550px;\n\t\toverflow: scroll;\n\t}\n`;\nconst Bio = styled.div`\n\tp:not(:last-child) {\n\t\tmargin-bottom: 4rem;\n\t}\n`;\n\nconst Articles = styled.ul`\n\tmargin: 4rem 0 0 0;\n\tpadding: 4rem 0 0 0;\n\tdisplay: flex;\n\tflex-direction: column;\n\tborder-top: 1px solid #d9d9d9;\n`;\n\nconst Article = styled.li`\n\tmargin: 0;\n\tlist-style: none;\n`;\n\nconst ViewAllArticles = styled.div`\n\tpadding-top: 2rem;\n\ta {\n\t\twidth: fit-content;\n\t}\n`;\n\nconst CloseIcon = styled.svg`\n\tcontent: \"\";\n\tbackground: url(${(props) => props.icon && props.icon}) no-repeat;\n\twidth: 30px;\n\theight: 30px;\n\tmargin: 0.4rem 0 0 0.5rem;\n\tcursor: pointer;\n\tposition: absolute;\n\ttop: 36px;\n\tright: 36px;\n`;\n\nconst VideoContainer = styled.div`\n\theight: 0;\n\tpadding-top: calc(372 / 661 * 100%);\n\tposition: relative;\n\twidth: 100%;\n\toverflow: hidden;\n\tmargin: 4rem 0;\n\n\tiframe {\n\t\tposition: absolute;\n\t\ttop: 0;\n\t\tleft: 0;\n\t\twidth: 100%;\n\t\theight: 100%;\n\t\tobject-fit: cover;\n\t}\n`;\n","import React, { useState, useEffect } from \"react\";\nimport styled from \"@emotion/styled\";\nimport { AnimatePresence } from \"framer-motion\";\n\n// comps\nimport StaffCard from \"./StaffCard\";\nimport StaffModal from \"./StaffModal\";\n\n//hooks\nimport useAxios from \"../../hooks/useAxios\";\n\n// Style rules\nimport { Sizes } from \"../../styles\";\n\nconst App = () => {\n\tconst [isModalOpen, setIsModalOpen] = useState(false);\n\tconst [selectedStaffMember, setSelectedStaffMember] = useState(null);\n\n\tconst { response: staffMembers } = useAxios(\"staff\");\n\n\t// handles the scroll behaviour on open and closing of the Modal\n\tuseEffect(() => {\n\t\tif (isModalOpen) {\n\t\t\tdocument.body.style.overflow = \"hidden\";\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tdocument.body.style.overflow = \"scroll\";\n\t\t}\n\t}, [isModalOpen]);\n\n\t// useEffect responsible for displaying the modal from a sharable url\n\tuseEffect(() => {\n\t\tif (staffMembers.length > 0 && window.location.hash) {\n\t\t\t// we extract the staff member id from the Hash\n\t\t\tlet trimmedIncomingStaffId = parseInt(\n\t\t\t\twindow.location.hash.replace(\"#\", \"\")\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t// find the member we want from the staff members array using the trimmed hash\n\t\t\tlet selectedMember = staffMembers.find(\n\t\t\t\t(member) => member.id == trimmedIncomingStaffId\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t// we open the modal\n\t\t\tif (selectedMember) {\n\t\t\t\ttoggleModal(selectedMember);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}, [staffMembers]);\n\n\tconst toggleModal = (staffMember) => {\n\t\tif (staffMember) {\n\t\t\tsetSelectedStaffMember(staffMember);\n\t\t\tupdateUrl(staffMember.id);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tsetSelectedStaffMember(null);\n\t\t\twindow.history.pushState({}, \"\", window.location.pathname);\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn setIsModalOpen((currentState) => !currentState);\n\t};\n\n\tconst renderStaffCards = () => {\n\t\treturn (\n\t\t\tstaffMembers &&\n\t\t\tstaffMembers.length > 0 &&\n\t\t\tstaffMembers.map((staffMember) => {\n\t\t\t\treturn (\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t})\n\t\t);\n\t};\n\n\tconst updateUrl = (staffMemberId) => {\n\t\tlet urlParams;\n\t\tif (staffMemberId) {\n\t\t\t// we use the hash param in window.location to store the staff ID\n\t\t\turlParams = \"#\" + staffMemberId;\n\t\t}\n\t\twindow.history.pushState(null, \"\", urlParams);\n\t};\n\n\treturn (\n\t\t<>\n\t\t\t{renderStaffCards()}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t{isModalOpen && selectedStaffMember && (\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t)}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t>\n\t);\n};\n\nexport default App;\n\nconst Grid = styled.ul`\n\tdisplay: ${(props) => (props.isEmpty ? \"block\" : \"grid\")};\n\tgrid-template-columns: 1fr;\n\tgap: 2.5rem;\n\tmargin: 0;\n\tpadding: 5.9rem 0 8rem 0;\n\tmax-width: unset;\n\n\t@media only screen and (min-width: ${Sizes.screens.medium}) {\n\t\tgrid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(30rem, 1fr));\n\t}\n`;\n","import React, { createContext, useState, useEffect } from \"react\";\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\";\nimport useAxios from \"../../hooks/useAxios\";\n\n//helpers and hooks\nimport { FormatFiltersQuery, updateUrlParams, parseUrlParams } from \"../Filters/FilteringHelpers\";\n\nconst MediaCentreContext = createContext();\n\n//Filters API:\n//https://americanrivers.local/wp-json/cneheritage/v1/filters?type=media-items\n\n// Handles global states and state updates for the entire Media Center index app\n\nexport const AppProvider = ({ children }) => {\n\t// used to display the selected filters, it also accounts for sharable filters\n\tconst [selectedFilters, setSelectedFilters] = useState(\n\t\tlocation.search ? parseUrlParams(location.search) : []\n\t);\n\tconst [currentPageNumber, setCurrentPageNumber] = useState(\n\t\tlocation.hash ? parseInt(window.location.hash.replace(\"#\", \"\")) : 1\n\t);\n\tconst [mediaItemUrl, setMediaItemUrl] = useState(\n\t\t`media-items?page=${currentPageNumber}${FormatFiltersQuery(selectedFilters)}`\n\t);\n\n\t// fetch all the filters from the API\n\tconst { response: filters } = useAxios(\"filters?type=media-item\");\n\tconst { response: mediaItems, totalPages } = useAxios(mediaItemUrl);\n\n\tuseEffect(() => {\n\t\t// request doesnt get called twice on initial because the string should match the\n\t\tsetMediaItemUrl(\n\t\t\t`media-items?page=${currentPageNumber}${FormatFiltersQuery(selectedFilters)}`\n\t\t);\n\t}, [selectedFilters, currentPageNumber]);\n\n\tuseEffect(() => {\n\t\tconst isPreview = location.search.includes(\"page_id\");\n\t\t\n\t\t// don't execute when page is in preview mode\n\t\tif (isPreview) return;\n\n\t\t// every time the selectedFilters update we update the browser URL to match\n\t\tupdateUrlParams(selectedFilters, currentPageNumber);\n\t}, [selectedFilters, currentPageNumber]);\n\n\t// onClick handler for selecting and deselecting a filter\n\t// this function formats the selectedFilters into a specific data structure\n\t// that we'll use for the constructing the filters query for the api call\n\tconst handleFilterSelect = (filter) => {\n\t\tlet selectedFiltersCopy = [...selectedFilters];\n\n\t\t// we get the taxonomy index in the array\n\t\tlet existingTaxonomyIndex = selectedFiltersCopy.findIndex(\n\t\t\t(t) => t.taxonomy == filter.taxonomy\n\t\t);\n\n\t\t// check if taxonomy exists\n\t\tif (existingTaxonomyIndex >= 0) {\n\t\t\t// get index of the child filter\n\t\t\tlet existingFilterIndex = selectedFiltersCopy[\n\t\t\t\texistingTaxonomyIndex\n\t\t\t].filters.findIndex((f) => f.slug === filter.filters[0].slug);\n\n\t\t\tlet childFilters = selectedFiltersCopy[existingTaxonomyIndex].filters;\n\n\t\t\t// check if child filter exists\n\t\t\tif (existingFilterIndex >= 0) {\n\t\t\t\t// if child filter exists we remove it using the index\n\t\t\t\tchildFilters.splice(existingFilterIndex, 1);\n\n\t\t\t\t// if there's no child filters left we remove the whole taxonomy\n\t\t\t\tif (childFilters.length === 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\tselectedFiltersCopy.splice(existingTaxonomyIndex, 1);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t// we dont have the child filter so we push it into the array of child filters inside taxonomy object\n\t\t\t\tchildFilters.push(filter.filters[0]);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tselectedFiltersCopy = [...selectedFiltersCopy, filter];\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// we reset the page everytime a filter is selected and deselected\n\t\tsetCurrentPageNumber(1);\n\t\tsetSelectedFilters(selectedFiltersCopy);\n\t};\n\n\t// onClick handler for selecting and deselecting a filter\n\tconst clearAllFilters = () => {\n\t\tsetSelectedFilters([]);\n\t\tsetCurrentPageNumber(1);\n\t\twindow.history.pushState({}, \"\", window.location.pathname);\n\t};\n\n\tconst scrollToTop = () => {\n\t\treturn window.scrollTo({ top: 0, left: 0, behaviour: \"smooth\" });\n\t};\n\n\t// Pagination helpers actions\n\tconst handleIncrementPage = () => {\n\t\tif (currentPageNumber < totalPages.length) {\n\t\t\tsetCurrentPageNumber((currentNumber) => currentNumber + 1);\n\t\t\tscrollToTop();\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\tconst handleDecrementPage = () => {\n\t\tif (currentPageNumber > 1) {\n\t\t\tsetCurrentPageNumber((currentNumber) => currentNumber - 1);\n\t\t\tscrollToTop();\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\tconst handleButtonPageSelect = (buttonNumber) => {\n\t\tsetCurrentPageNumber(buttonNumber);\n\t\tscrollToTop();\n\t};\n\n\tconst data = {\n\t\tselectedFilters,\n\t\tfilters,\n\t\tmediaItems,\n\t\ttotalPages,\n\t\tcurrentPageNumber,\n\t};\n\n\tconst actions = {\n\t\thandleFilterSelect,\n\t\tclearAllFilters,\n\t\thandleIncrementPage,\n\t\thandleDecrementPage,\n\t\thandleButtonPageSelect,\n\t};\n\n\treturn (\n\t\t{children}\n\t);\n};\n\nAppProvider.propTypes = {\n\tchildren: PropTypes.node,\n};\nexport default MediaCentreContext;\n","import React, { useContext } from \"react\";\nimport styled from \"@emotion/styled\";\n\nimport DropDown from \"../Filters/DropDown\";\nimport SelectedFilters from \"../Filters/SelectedFilters\";\n\n//style rules\nimport { Typography, Sizes } from \"../../styles\";\nimport Context from \"./MediaCentreContext\";\n\nconst MediaCentreFilters = () => {\n\tconst {\n\t\tdata: { filters, selectedFilters },\n\t\tactions: { handleFilterSelect, clearAllFilters },\n\t} = useContext(Context);\n\n\tconst renderDropDowns = () => {\n\t\tif (filters.length === 0) return;\n\n\t\treturn filters.map((dropDown) => {\n\t\t\treturn (\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t});\n\t};\n\n\tconst renderSelectedFilters = () => {\n\t\tif (selectedFilters.length === 0) return;\n\n\t\treturn (\n\t\t\t\n\t\t);\n\t};\n\n\treturn (\n\t\t\n\t\t\tFilters
\n\t\t\t{renderDropDowns()}\n\t\t\t{renderSelectedFilters()}\n\t\t\n\t);\n};\n\nexport default MediaCentreFilters;\n\nconst Container = styled.div`\n\tpadding-top: 4rem;\n\n\tp {\n\t\tfont-weight: ${Typography.fontWeight.demiBold};\n\t\tfont-size: 1.4rem;\n\t\tline-height: 1.7rem;\n\t\ttext-transform: uppercase;\n\t}\n`;\n\n// the width of the drop down gets decided here\n// we know that each dorpdown needs to have a width of 216px so we time that by number of dropdowns\nconst FiltersContainer = styled.div`\n\tpadding-top: 1.8rem;\n\tdisplay: flex;\n\tflex-direction: column;\n\tgap: 2.4rem;\n\tmax-width: 604px;\n\n\t@media only screen and (min-width: ${Sizes.screens.medium}) {\n\t\talign-items: center;\n\t\tflex-direction: row;\n\t}\n`;\n","import React from \"react\";\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\";\nimport styled from \"@emotion/styled\";\nimport { motion } from \"framer-motion\";\n\n// style rules\nimport { Animation, Colors, Typography } from \"../../styles\";\n\nconst MediaItemCard = ({ mediaItem }) => {\n\treturn (\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t{mediaItem.date && {mediaItem.date}}\n\t\t\t{mediaItem.contact && (\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t)}\n\t\t\t{mediaItem.excerpt && (\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t)}\n\t\t\tRead more\n\t\t\n\t);\n};\n\nexport default MediaItemCard;\n\nMediaItemCard.propTypes = {\n\tmediaItem: PropTypes.object,\n};\n\nconst ReadMore = styled.div`\n\tpadding-top: 3rem;\n\tdisplay: flex;\n\n\tspan {\n\t\tcolor: ${Colors.base.black};\n\t\tfont-size: 1.4rem;\n\t\tline-height: 1.7rem;\n\t}\n`;\n\nconst Card = styled(motion.li)`\n\tlist-style: none;\n\tborder-top: 1px #d9d9d9 solid;\n\tpadding-top: 4rem;\n\tmargin: 0;\n\tposition: relative;\n\tcursor: pointer;\n\n\t&:hover {\n\t\tbackground-color: ${Colors.base.lightGray};\n\n\t\t${ReadMore} {\n\t\t\tspan {\n\t\t\t\t&::after {\n\t\t\t\t\twidth: 100%;\n\t\t\t\t\ttransition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\t> a {\n\t\tposition: unset;\n\t\t&::after {\n\t\t\tdisplay: none;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t&::before {\n\t\t\tcontent: \"\";\n\t\t\tposition: absolute;\n\t\t\tbottom: 0;\n\t\t\tleft: 0;\n\t\t\ttop: 0;\n\t\t\tright: 0;\n\t\t\tz-index: 1;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n`;\n\nconst Date = styled.span`\n\tdisplay: block;\n\tpadding-top: 1rem;\n\tfont-weight: ${Typography.fontWeight.regular};\n\tfont-size: 1.6rem;\n\tline-height: 2.8rem;\n`;\n\nconst Title = styled.h3`\n\tfont-size: 1.6rem;\n\tline-height: 2.1rem;\n\ttext-transform: uppercase;\n`;\n\nconst Contact = styled.p`\n\tfont-weight: ${Typography.fontWeight.demiBold};\n`;\n\nconst Excerpt = styled.p`\n\tpadding-top: 2.6rem;\n`;\n","import React, { useContext } from \"react\";\nimport styled from \"@emotion/styled\";\n\nimport Context from \"./MediaCentreContext\";\n\n// style rules\nimport { Sizes, Colors } from \"../../styles\";\n\nimport MediaItemCard from \"./MediaItemCard\";\nimport NoResults from \"../NoResults\";\nimport Pagination from \"../pagination/Pagination\";\n\nconst MediaItemsList = () => {\n\tconst {\n\t\tdata: { mediaItems, totalPages, currentPageNumber },\n\t\tactions: {\n\t\t\thandleButtonPageSelect,\n\t\t\thandleDecrementPage,\n\t\t\thandleIncrementPage,\n\t\t},\n\t} = useContext(Context);\n\n\tconst renderMediaItemCard = () => {\n\t\tif (mediaItems.length === 0) {\n\t\t\treturn ;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn mediaItems.map((item) => {\n\t\t\treturn ;\n\t\t});\n\t};\n\n\treturn (\n\t\t\n\t\t\t{renderMediaItemCard()}
\n\t\t\t{totalPages && totalPages.length > 0 && (\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t)}\n\t\t\n\t);\n};\n\nexport default MediaItemsList;\n\nconst Container = styled.div`\n\tpadding: 6rem 0 8rem 0;\n\tmax-width: ${Sizes.grids.insetWidthMedium};\n\tmargin: 0 auto;\n`;\n\nconst List = styled.ul`\n\tdisplay: flex;\n\tflex-direction: column;\n\tgap: 4rem;\n\tmargin: 0;\n\tpadding: 0;\n\tmax-width: unset;\n`;\n","import React from \"react\";\n\n// state\nimport { AppProvider } from \"./MediaCentreContext\";\n\nimport MediaCentreFilters from \"./MediaCentreFilters\";\nimport MediaItemsList from \"./MediaItemsList\";\n\n// all the logic of the app is handles in the app context file\n\nconst App = () => {\n\treturn (\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t);\n};\n\nexport default App;\n","import React, { createContext, useState, useEffect } from \"react\";\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\";\nimport useAxios from \"../../hooks/useAxios\";\n\n//helpers and hooks\nimport { FormatFiltersQuery, updateUrlParams, parseUrlParams } from \"../Filters/FilteringHelpers\";\n\nconst ResourcesContext = createContext();\n\n//Filters API:\n//https://americanrivers.local/wp-json/cneheritage/v1/filters?type=resource\n\n// Handles global states and state updates for the entire Reports & Publications index app\n\nexport const AppProvider = ({ children }) => {\n\t// used to display the selected filters, it also accounts for sharable filters\n\tconst [selectedFilters, setSelectedFilters] = useState(\n\t\tlocation.search ? parseUrlParams(location.search) : []\n\t);\n\tconst [currentPageNumber, setCurrentPageNumber] = useState(\n\t\tlocation.hash ? parseInt(window.location.hash.replace(\"#\", \"\")) : 1\n\t);\n\tconst [resourcesUrl, setResourcesUrl] = useState(\n\t\t`resources?page=${currentPageNumber}${FormatFiltersQuery(selectedFilters)}`\n\t);\n\n\t// fetch all the filters from the API\n\tconst { response: filters } = useAxios(\"filters?type=resource\");\n\tconst { response: resources, totalPages, isLoading } = useAxios(resourcesUrl);\n\n\tuseEffect(() => {\n\t\t// request doesnt get called twice on initial because the string should match the\n\t\tsetResourcesUrl(\n\t\t\t`resources?page=${currentPageNumber}${FormatFiltersQuery(selectedFilters)}`\n\t\t);\n\t}, [selectedFilters, currentPageNumber]);\n\n\tuseEffect(() => {\n\t\tconst isPreview = location.search.includes(\"page_id\");\n\t\t\n\t\t// don't execute when page is in preview mode\n\t\tif (isPreview) return;\n\n\t\t// every time the selectedFilters update we update the browser URL to match\n\t\tupdateUrlParams(selectedFilters, currentPageNumber);\n\t}, [selectedFilters, currentPageNumber]);\n\n\t// onClick handler for selecting and deselecting a filter\n\t// this function formats the selectedFilters into a specific data structure\n\t// that we'll use for the constructing the filters query for the api call\n\tconst handleFilterSelect = (filter) => {\n\t\tlet selectedFiltersCopy = [...selectedFilters];\n\n\t\t// we get the taxonomy index in the array\n\t\tlet existingTaxonomyIndex = selectedFiltersCopy.findIndex(\n\t\t\t(t) => t.taxonomy == filter.taxonomy\n\t\t);\n\n\t\t// check if taxonomy exists\n\t\tif (existingTaxonomyIndex >= 0) {\n\t\t\t// get index of the child filter\n\t\t\tlet existingFilterIndex = selectedFiltersCopy[\n\t\t\t\texistingTaxonomyIndex\n\t\t\t].filters.findIndex((f) => f.slug === filter.filters[0].slug);\n\n\t\t\tlet childFilters = selectedFiltersCopy[existingTaxonomyIndex].filters;\n\n\t\t\t// check if child filter exists\n\t\t\tif (existingFilterIndex >= 0) {\n\t\t\t\t// if child filter exists we remove it using the index\n\t\t\t\tchildFilters.splice(existingFilterIndex, 1);\n\n\t\t\t\t// if there's no child filters left we remove the whole taxonomy\n\t\t\t\tif (childFilters.length === 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\tselectedFiltersCopy.splice(existingTaxonomyIndex, 1);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t// we dont have the child filter so we push it into the array of child filters inside taxonomy object\n\t\t\t\tchildFilters.push(filter.filters[0]);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tselectedFiltersCopy = [...selectedFiltersCopy, filter];\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// we reset the page everytime a filter is selected and deselected\n\t\tsetCurrentPageNumber(1);\n\t\tsetSelectedFilters(selectedFiltersCopy);\n\t};\n\n\t// onClick handler for selecting and deselecting a filter\n\tconst clearAllFilters = () => {\n\t\tsetSelectedFilters([]);\n\t\tsetCurrentPageNumber(1);\n\t\twindow.history.pushState({}, \"\", window.location.pathname);\n\t};\n\n\tconst scrollToTop = () => {\n\t\treturn window.scrollTo({ top: 0, left: 0, behaviour: \"smooth\" });\n\t};\n\n\t// Pagination helpers actions\n\tconst handleIncrementPage = () => {\n\t\tif (currentPageNumber < totalPages.length) {\n\t\t\tsetCurrentPageNumber((currentNumber) => currentNumber + 1);\n\t\t\tscrollToTop();\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\tconst handleDecrementPage = () => {\n\t\tif (currentPageNumber > 1) {\n\t\t\tsetCurrentPageNumber((currentNumber) => currentNumber - 1);\n\t\t\tscrollToTop();\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\tconst handleButtonPageSelect = (buttonNumber) => {\n\t\tsetCurrentPageNumber(buttonNumber);\n\t\tscrollToTop();\n\t};\n\n\tconst data = {\n\t\tselectedFilters,\n\t\tfilters,\n\t\tresources,\n\t\ttotalPages,\n\t\tcurrentPageNumber,\n\t\tisLoading\n\t};\n\n\tconst actions = {\n\t\thandleFilterSelect,\n\t\tclearAllFilters,\n\t\thandleIncrementPage,\n\t\thandleDecrementPage,\n\t\thandleButtonPageSelect,\n\t};\n\n\treturn (\n\t\t{children}\n\t);\n};\n\nAppProvider.propTypes = {\n\tchildren: PropTypes.node,\n};\nexport default ResourcesContext;\n","import React, { useContext } from \"react\";\nimport styled from \"@emotion/styled\";\n\nimport DropDown from \"../Filters/DropDown\";\nimport SelectedFilters from \"../Filters/SelectedFilters\";\n\n//style rules\nimport { Typography, Sizes } from \"../../styles\";\nimport Context from \"./ResourcesContext\";\n\nconst MediaCentreFilters = () => {\n\tconst {\n\t\tdata: { filters, selectedFilters },\n\t\tactions: { handleFilterSelect, clearAllFilters },\n\t} = useContext(Context);\n\n\tconst renderDropDowns = () => {\n\t\tif (filters.length === 0) return;\n\n\t\treturn filters.map((dropDown) => {\n\t\t\treturn (\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t});\n\t};\n\n\tconst renderSelectedFilters = () => {\n\t\tif (selectedFilters.length === 0) return;\n\n\t\treturn (\n\t\t\t\n\t\t);\n\t};\n\n\treturn (\n\t\t\n\t\t\tFilters
\n\t\t\t{renderDropDowns()}\n\t\t\t{renderSelectedFilters()}\n\t\t\n\t);\n};\n\nexport default MediaCentreFilters;\n\nconst Container = styled.div`\n\tpadding-top: 8rem;\n\n\tp {\n\t\tfont-weight: ${Typography.fontWeight.demiBold};\n\t\tfont-size: 1.4rem;\n\t\tline-height: 1.7rem;\n\t\ttext-transform: uppercase;\n\t}\n`;\n\n// the width of the drop down gets decided here\n// we know that each dorpdown needs to have a width of 216px so we time that by number of dropdowns\nconst FiltersContainer = styled.div`\n\tpadding-top: 1.8rem;\n\tdisplay: flex;\n\tflex-direction: column;\n\tgap: 2.4rem;\n\tmax-width: 302px;\n\n\t@media only screen and (min-width: ${Sizes.screens.medium}) {\n\t\talign-items: center;\n\t\tflex-direction: row;\n\t}\n`;\n","/* global mainScript */\nimport React from \"react\";\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\";\nimport styled from \"@emotion/styled\";\nimport { motion } from \"framer-motion\";\n\n// style rules\nimport { Animation } from \"../../styles\";\n\nconst ResourceCard = ({ resource }) => {\n\tconst renderCategories = () => {\n\t\tconst categoryTitles = resource.categories.map(\n\t\t\t(category) => category.title\n\t\t);\n\t\tconst categoriesParagraph = categoryTitles.join(\", \");\n\n\t\treturn (\n\t\t\t{categoriesParagraph}
\n\t\t);\n\t};\n\treturn (\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t{resource.image ? (\n\t\t\t\t\t

\n\t\t\t\t) : (\n\t\t\t\t\t
\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t);\n};\n\nexport default ResourceCard;\n\nResourceCard.propTypes = {\n\tresource: PropTypes.object,\n};\n\nconst Card = styled(motion.li)``;\n","import React, { useContext } from \"react\";\nimport styled from \"@emotion/styled\";\n\nimport Context from \"./ResourcesContext\";\n\n// style rules\nimport { Sizes, Colors } from \"../../styles\";\n\nimport ResourceCard from \"./ResourceCard\";\nimport NoResults from \"../NoResults\";\nimport Pagination from \"../pagination/Pagination\";\nimport Loading from \"../Loading\";\n\nconst ResourcesGrid = () => {\n\tconst {\n\t\tdata: { resources, totalPages, currentPageNumber, isLoading },\n\t\tactions: {\n\t\t\thandleButtonPageSelect,\n\t\t\thandleDecrementPage,\n\t\t\thandleIncrementPage,\n\t\t},\n\t} = useContext(Context);\n\n\tconst renderResourceCards = () => {\n\t\tif (isLoading) {\n\t\t\treturn ;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (resources.length === 0) {\n\t\t\treturn (\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn (\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t{resources.map((item) => {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn ;\n\t\t\t\t})}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t);\n\t};\n\n\treturn (\n\t\t\n\t\t\t{renderResourceCards()}\n\t\t\t{totalPages && totalPages.length > 0 && (\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t)}\n\t\t\n\t);\n};\n\nexport default ResourcesGrid;\n\nconst Container = styled.div`\n\tpadding: 5.4rem 0 8rem 0;\n`;\n\nconst Grid = styled.ul`\n\tdisplay: ${(props) => (props.isEmpty ? \"block\" : \"grid\")};\n\tgrid-template-columns: 1fr;\n\tgap: 2.5rem;\n\tmargin: 0;\n\tpadding: 0;\n\tmax-width: unset;\n\n\t@media only screen and (min-width: ${Sizes.screens.medium}) {\n\t\tgrid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr;\n\t\tgrid-template-rows: repeat(autofill, minmax(0, 33.2rem));\n\t\tgap: 2.3rem;\n\t}\n`;\n","import React from \"react\";\n\n// state\nimport { AppProvider } from \"./ResourcesContext\";\n\nimport ResourcesFilters from \"./ResourcesFilters\";\nimport ResourcesGrid from \"./ResourcesGrid\";\n\n// all the logic of the app is handles in the app context file\n\nconst App = () => {\n\treturn (\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t);\n};\n\nexport default App;\n","function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError(\"this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called\"); } return self; }\n\nfunction _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) { subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype); subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass; subClass.__proto__ = superClass; }\n\n/*!\n * GSAP 3.11.4\n * https://greensock.com\n *\n * @license Copyright 2008-2022, GreenSock. All rights reserved.\n * Subject to the terms at https://greensock.com/standard-license or for\n * Club GreenSock members, the agreement issued with that membership.\n * @author: Jack Doyle, jack@greensock.com\n*/\n\n/* eslint-disable */\nvar _config = {\n autoSleep: 120,\n force3D: \"auto\",\n nullTargetWarn: 1,\n units: {\n lineHeight: \"\"\n }\n},\n _defaults = {\n duration: .5,\n overwrite: false,\n delay: 0\n},\n _suppressOverwrites,\n _reverting,\n _context,\n _bigNum = 1e8,\n _tinyNum = 1 / _bigNum,\n _2PI = Math.PI * 2,\n _HALF_PI = _2PI / 4,\n _gsID = 0,\n _sqrt = Math.sqrt,\n _cos = Math.cos,\n _sin = Math.sin,\n _isString = function _isString(value) {\n return typeof value === \"string\";\n},\n _isFunction = function _isFunction(value) {\n return typeof value === \"function\";\n},\n _isNumber = function _isNumber(value) {\n return typeof value === \"number\";\n},\n _isUndefined = function _isUndefined(value) {\n return typeof value === \"undefined\";\n},\n _isObject = function _isObject(value) {\n return typeof value === \"object\";\n},\n _isNotFalse = function _isNotFalse(value) {\n return value !== false;\n},\n _windowExists = function _windowExists() {\n return typeof window !== \"undefined\";\n},\n _isFuncOrString = function _isFuncOrString(value) {\n return _isFunction(value) || _isString(value);\n},\n _isTypedArray = typeof ArrayBuffer === \"function\" && ArrayBuffer.isView || function () {},\n // note: IE10 has ArrayBuffer, but NOT ArrayBuffer.isView().\n_isArray = Array.isArray,\n _strictNumExp = /(?:-?\\.?\\d|\\.)+/gi,\n //only numbers (including negatives and decimals) but NOT relative values.\n_numExp = /[-+=.]*\\d+[.e\\-+]*\\d*[e\\-+]*\\d*/g,\n //finds any numbers, including ones that start with += or -=, negative numbers, and ones in scientific notation like 1e-8.\n_numWithUnitExp = /[-+=.]*\\d+[.e-]*\\d*[a-z%]*/g,\n _complexStringNumExp = /[-+=.]*\\d+\\.?\\d*(?:e-|e\\+)?\\d*/gi,\n //duplicate so that while we're looping through matches from exec(), it doesn't contaminate the lastIndex of _numExp which we use to search for colors too.\n_relExp = /[+-]=-?[.\\d]+/,\n _delimitedValueExp = /[^,'\"\\[\\]\\s]+/gi,\n // previously /[#\\-+.]*\\b[a-z\\d\\-=+%.]+/gi but didn't catch special characters.\n_unitExp = /^[+\\-=e\\s\\d]*\\d+[.\\d]*([a-z]*|%)\\s*$/i,\n _globalTimeline,\n _win,\n _coreInitted,\n _doc,\n _globals = {},\n _installScope = {},\n _coreReady,\n _install = function _install(scope) {\n return (_installScope = _merge(scope, _globals)) && gsap;\n},\n _missingPlugin = function _missingPlugin(property, value) {\n return console.warn(\"Invalid property\", property, \"set to\", value, \"Missing plugin? gsap.registerPlugin()\");\n},\n _warn = function _warn(message, suppress) {\n return !suppress && console.warn(message);\n},\n _addGlobal = function _addGlobal(name, obj) {\n return name && (_globals[name] = obj) && _installScope && (_installScope[name] = obj) || _globals;\n},\n _emptyFunc = function _emptyFunc() {\n return 0;\n},\n _startAtRevertConfig = {\n suppressEvents: true,\n isStart: true,\n kill: false\n},\n _revertConfigNoKill = {\n suppressEvents: true,\n kill: false\n},\n _revertConfig = {\n suppressEvents: true\n},\n _reservedProps = {},\n _lazyTweens = [],\n _lazyLookup = {},\n _lastRenderedFrame,\n _plugins = {},\n _effects = {},\n _nextGCFrame = 30,\n _harnessPlugins = [],\n _callbackNames = \"\",\n _harness = function _harness(targets) {\n var target = targets[0],\n harnessPlugin,\n i;\n _isObject(target) || _isFunction(target) || (targets = [targets]);\n\n if (!(harnessPlugin = (target._gsap || {}).harness)) {\n // find the first target with a harness. We assume targets passed into an animation will be of similar type, meaning the same kind of harness can be used for them all (performance optimization)\n i = _harnessPlugins.length;\n\n while (i-- && !_harnessPlugins[i].targetTest(target)) {}\n\n harnessPlugin = _harnessPlugins[i];\n }\n\n i = targets.length;\n\n while (i--) {\n targets[i] && (targets[i]._gsap || (targets[i]._gsap = new GSCache(targets[i], harnessPlugin))) || targets.splice(i, 1);\n }\n\n return targets;\n},\n _getCache = function _getCache(target) {\n return target._gsap || _harness(toArray(target))[0]._gsap;\n},\n _getProperty = function _getProperty(target, property, v) {\n return (v = target[property]) && _isFunction(v) ? target[property]() : _isUndefined(v) && target.getAttribute && target.getAttribute(property) || v;\n},\n _forEachName = function _forEachName(names, func) {\n return (names = names.split(\",\")).forEach(func) || names;\n},\n //split a comma-delimited list of names into an array, then run a forEach() function and return the split array (this is just a way to consolidate/shorten some code).\n_round = function _round(value) {\n return Math.round(value * 100000) / 100000 || 0;\n},\n _roundPrecise = function _roundPrecise(value) {\n return Math.round(value * 10000000) / 10000000 || 0;\n},\n // increased precision mostly for timing values.\n_parseRelative = function _parseRelative(start, value) {\n var operator = value.charAt(0),\n end = parseFloat(value.substr(2));\n start = parseFloat(start);\n return operator === \"+\" ? start + end : operator === \"-\" ? start - end : operator === \"*\" ? start * end : start / end;\n},\n _arrayContainsAny = function _arrayContainsAny(toSearch, toFind) {\n //searches one array to find matches for any of the items in the toFind array. As soon as one is found, it returns true. It does NOT return all the matches; it's simply a boolean search.\n var l = toFind.length,\n i = 0;\n\n for (; toSearch.indexOf(toFind[i]) < 0 && ++i < l;) {}\n\n return i < l;\n},\n _lazyRender = function _lazyRender() {\n var l = _lazyTweens.length,\n a = _lazyTweens.slice(0),\n i,\n tween;\n\n _lazyLookup = {};\n _lazyTweens.length = 0;\n\n for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {\n tween = a[i];\n tween && tween._lazy && (tween.render(tween._lazy[0], tween._lazy[1], true)._lazy = 0);\n }\n},\n _lazySafeRender = function _lazySafeRender(animation, time, suppressEvents, force) {\n _lazyTweens.length && !_reverting && _lazyRender();\n animation.render(time, suppressEvents, force || _reverting && time < 0 && (animation._initted || animation._startAt));\n _lazyTweens.length && !_reverting && _lazyRender(); //in case rendering caused any tweens to lazy-init, we should render them because typically when someone calls seek() or time() or progress(), they expect an immediate render.\n},\n _numericIfPossible = function _numericIfPossible(value) {\n var n = parseFloat(value);\n return (n || n === 0) && (value + \"\").match(_delimitedValueExp).length < 2 ? n : _isString(value) ? value.trim() : value;\n},\n _passThrough = function _passThrough(p) {\n return p;\n},\n _setDefaults = function _setDefaults(obj, defaults) {\n for (var p in defaults) {\n p in obj || (obj[p] = defaults[p]);\n }\n\n return obj;\n},\n _setKeyframeDefaults = function _setKeyframeDefaults(excludeDuration) {\n return function (obj, defaults) {\n for (var p in defaults) {\n p in obj || p === \"duration\" && excludeDuration || p === \"ease\" || (obj[p] = defaults[p]);\n }\n };\n},\n _merge = function _merge(base, toMerge) {\n for (var p in toMerge) {\n base[p] = toMerge[p];\n }\n\n return base;\n},\n _mergeDeep = function _mergeDeep(base, toMerge) {\n for (var p in toMerge) {\n p !== \"__proto__\" && p !== \"constructor\" && p !== \"prototype\" && (base[p] = _isObject(toMerge[p]) ? _mergeDeep(base[p] || (base[p] = {}), toMerge[p]) : toMerge[p]);\n }\n\n return base;\n},\n _copyExcluding = function _copyExcluding(obj, excluding) {\n var copy = {},\n p;\n\n for (p in obj) {\n p in excluding || (copy[p] = obj[p]);\n }\n\n return copy;\n},\n _inheritDefaults = function _inheritDefaults(vars) {\n var parent = vars.parent || _globalTimeline,\n func = vars.keyframes ? _setKeyframeDefaults(_isArray(vars.keyframes)) : _setDefaults;\n\n if (_isNotFalse(vars.inherit)) {\n while (parent) {\n func(vars, parent.vars.defaults);\n parent = parent.parent || parent._dp;\n }\n }\n\n return vars;\n},\n _arraysMatch = function _arraysMatch(a1, a2) {\n var i = a1.length,\n match = i === a2.length;\n\n while (match && i-- && a1[i] === a2[i]) {}\n\n return i < 0;\n},\n _addLinkedListItem = function _addLinkedListItem(parent, child, firstProp, lastProp, sortBy) {\n if (firstProp === void 0) {\n firstProp = \"_first\";\n }\n\n if (lastProp === void 0) {\n lastProp = \"_last\";\n }\n\n var prev = parent[lastProp],\n t;\n\n if (sortBy) {\n t = child[sortBy];\n\n while (prev && prev[sortBy] > t) {\n prev = prev._prev;\n }\n }\n\n if (prev) {\n child._next = prev._next;\n prev._next = child;\n } else {\n child._next = parent[firstProp];\n parent[firstProp] = child;\n }\n\n if (child._next) {\n child._next._prev = child;\n } else {\n parent[lastProp] = child;\n }\n\n child._prev = prev;\n child.parent = child._dp = parent;\n return child;\n},\n _removeLinkedListItem = function _removeLinkedListItem(parent, child, firstProp, lastProp) {\n if (firstProp === void 0) {\n firstProp = \"_first\";\n }\n\n if (lastProp === void 0) {\n lastProp = \"_last\";\n }\n\n var prev = child._prev,\n next = child._next;\n\n if (prev) {\n prev._next = next;\n } else if (parent[firstProp] === child) {\n parent[firstProp] = next;\n }\n\n if (next) {\n next._prev = prev;\n } else if (parent[lastProp] === child) {\n parent[lastProp] = prev;\n }\n\n child._next = child._prev = child.parent = null; // don't delete the _dp just so we can revert if necessary. But parent should be null to indicate the item isn't in a linked list.\n},\n _removeFromParent = function _removeFromParent(child, onlyIfParentHasAutoRemove) {\n child.parent && (!onlyIfParentHasAutoRemove || child.parent.autoRemoveChildren) && child.parent.remove(child);\n child._act = 0;\n},\n _uncache = function _uncache(animation, child) {\n if (animation && (!child || child._end > animation._dur || child._start < 0)) {\n // performance optimization: if a child animation is passed in we should only uncache if that child EXTENDS the animation (its end time is beyond the end)\n var a = animation;\n\n while (a) {\n a._dirty = 1;\n a = a.parent;\n }\n }\n\n return animation;\n},\n _recacheAncestors = function _recacheAncestors(animation) {\n var parent = animation.parent;\n\n while (parent && parent.parent) {\n //sometimes we must force a re-sort of all children and update the duration/totalDuration of all ancestor timelines immediately in case, for example, in the middle of a render loop, one tween alters another tween's timeScale which shoves its startTime before 0, forcing the parent timeline to shift around and shiftChildren() which could affect that next tween's render (startTime). Doesn't matter for the root timeline though.\n parent._dirty = 1;\n parent.totalDuration();\n parent = parent.parent;\n }\n\n return animation;\n},\n _rewindStartAt = function _rewindStartAt(tween, totalTime, suppressEvents, force) {\n return tween._startAt && (_reverting ? tween._startAt.revert(_revertConfigNoKill) : tween.vars.immediateRender && !tween.vars.autoRevert || tween._startAt.render(totalTime, true, force));\n},\n _hasNoPausedAncestors = function _hasNoPausedAncestors(animation) {\n return !animation || animation._ts && _hasNoPausedAncestors(animation.parent);\n},\n _elapsedCycleDuration = function _elapsedCycleDuration(animation) {\n return animation._repeat ? _animationCycle(animation._tTime, animation = animation.duration() + animation._rDelay) * animation : 0;\n},\n // feed in the totalTime and cycleDuration and it'll return the cycle (iteration minus 1) and if the playhead is exactly at the very END, it will NOT bump up to the next cycle.\n_animationCycle = function _animationCycle(tTime, cycleDuration) {\n var whole = Math.floor(tTime /= cycleDuration);\n return tTime && whole === tTime ? whole - 1 : whole;\n},\n _parentToChildTotalTime = function _parentToChildTotalTime(parentTime, child) {\n return (parentTime - child._start) * child._ts + (child._ts >= 0 ? 0 : child._dirty ? child.totalDuration() : child._tDur);\n},\n _setEnd = function _setEnd(animation) {\n return animation._end = _roundPrecise(animation._start + (animation._tDur / Math.abs(animation._ts || animation._rts || _tinyNum) || 0));\n},\n _alignPlayhead = function _alignPlayhead(animation, totalTime) {\n // adjusts the animation's _start and _end according to the provided totalTime (only if the parent's smoothChildTiming is true and the animation isn't paused). It doesn't do any rendering or forcing things back into parent timelines, etc. - that's what totalTime() is for.\n var parent = animation._dp;\n\n if (parent && parent.smoothChildTiming && animation._ts) {\n animation._start = _roundPrecise(parent._time - (animation._ts > 0 ? totalTime / animation._ts : ((animation._dirty ? animation.totalDuration() : animation._tDur) - totalTime) / -animation._ts));\n\n _setEnd(animation);\n\n parent._dirty || _uncache(parent, animation); //for performance improvement. If the parent's cache is already dirty, it already took care of marking the ancestors as dirty too, so skip the function call here.\n }\n\n return animation;\n},\n\n/*\n_totalTimeToTime = (clampedTotalTime, duration, repeat, repeatDelay, yoyo) => {\n\tlet cycleDuration = duration + repeatDelay,\n\t\ttime = _round(clampedTotalTime % cycleDuration);\n\tif (time > duration) {\n\t\ttime = duration;\n\t}\n\treturn (yoyo && (~~(clampedTotalTime / cycleDuration) & 1)) ? duration - time : time;\n},\n*/\n_postAddChecks = function _postAddChecks(timeline, child) {\n var t;\n\n if (child._time || child._initted && !child._dur) {\n //in case, for example, the _start is moved on a tween that has already rendered. Imagine it's at its end state, then the startTime is moved WAY later (after the end of this timeline), it should render at its beginning.\n t = _parentToChildTotalTime(timeline.rawTime(), child);\n\n if (!child._dur || _clamp(0, child.totalDuration(), t) - child._tTime > _tinyNum) {\n child.render(t, true);\n }\n } //if the timeline has already ended but the inserted tween/timeline extends the duration, we should enable this timeline again so that it renders properly. We should also align the playhead with the parent timeline's when appropriate.\n\n\n if (_uncache(timeline, child)._dp && timeline._initted && timeline._time >= timeline._dur && timeline._ts) {\n //in case any of the ancestors had completed but should now be enabled...\n if (timeline._dur < timeline.duration()) {\n t = timeline;\n\n while (t._dp) {\n t.rawTime() >= 0 && t.totalTime(t._tTime); //moves the timeline (shifts its startTime) if necessary, and also enables it. If it's currently zero, though, it may not be scheduled to render until later so there's no need to force it to align with the current playhead position. Only move to catch up with the playhead.\n\n t = t._dp;\n }\n }\n\n timeline._zTime = -_tinyNum; // helps ensure that the next render() will be forced (crossingStart = true in render()), even if the duration hasn't changed (we're adding a child which would need to get rendered). Definitely an edge case. Note: we MUST do this AFTER the loop above where the totalTime() might trigger a render() because this _addToTimeline() method gets called from the Animation constructor, BEFORE tweens even record their targets, etc. so we wouldn't want things to get triggered in the wrong order.\n }\n},\n _addToTimeline = function _addToTimeline(timeline, child, position, skipChecks) {\n child.parent && _removeFromParent(child);\n child._start = _roundPrecise((_isNumber(position) ? position : position || timeline !== _globalTimeline ? _parsePosition(timeline, position, child) : timeline._time) + child._delay);\n child._end = _roundPrecise(child._start + (child.totalDuration() / Math.abs(child.timeScale()) || 0));\n\n _addLinkedListItem(timeline, child, \"_first\", \"_last\", timeline._sort ? \"_start\" : 0);\n\n _isFromOrFromStart(child) || (timeline._recent = child);\n skipChecks || _postAddChecks(timeline, child);\n timeline._ts < 0 && _alignPlayhead(timeline, timeline._tTime); // if the timeline is reversed and the new child makes it longer, we may need to adjust the parent's _start (push it back)\n\n return timeline;\n},\n _scrollTrigger = function _scrollTrigger(animation, trigger) {\n return (_globals.ScrollTrigger || _missingPlugin(\"scrollTrigger\", trigger)) && _globals.ScrollTrigger.create(trigger, animation);\n},\n _attemptInitTween = function _attemptInitTween(tween, time, force, suppressEvents, tTime) {\n _initTween(tween, time, tTime);\n\n if (!tween._initted) {\n return 1;\n }\n\n if (!force && tween._pt && !_reverting && (tween._dur && tween.vars.lazy !== false || !tween._dur && tween.vars.lazy) && _lastRenderedFrame !== _ticker.frame) {\n _lazyTweens.push(tween);\n\n tween._lazy = [tTime, suppressEvents];\n return 1;\n }\n},\n _parentPlayheadIsBeforeStart = function _parentPlayheadIsBeforeStart(_ref) {\n var parent = _ref.parent;\n return parent && parent._ts && parent._initted && !parent._lock && (parent.rawTime() < 0 || _parentPlayheadIsBeforeStart(parent));\n},\n // check parent's _lock because when a timeline repeats/yoyos and does its artificial wrapping, we shouldn't force the ratio back to 0\n_isFromOrFromStart = function _isFromOrFromStart(_ref2) {\n var data = _ref2.data;\n return data === \"isFromStart\" || data === \"isStart\";\n},\n _renderZeroDurationTween = function _renderZeroDurationTween(tween, totalTime, suppressEvents, force) {\n var prevRatio = tween.ratio,\n ratio = totalTime < 0 || !totalTime && (!tween._start && _parentPlayheadIsBeforeStart(tween) && !(!tween._initted && _isFromOrFromStart(tween)) || (tween._ts < 0 || tween._dp._ts < 0) && !_isFromOrFromStart(tween)) ? 0 : 1,\n // if the tween or its parent is reversed and the totalTime is 0, we should go to a ratio of 0. Edge case: if a from() or fromTo() stagger tween is placed later in a timeline, the \"startAt\" zero-duration tween could initially render at a time when the parent timeline's playhead is technically BEFORE where this tween is, so make sure that any \"from\" and \"fromTo\" startAt tweens are rendered the first time at a ratio of 1.\n repeatDelay = tween._rDelay,\n tTime = 0,\n pt,\n iteration,\n prevIteration;\n\n if (repeatDelay && tween._repeat) {\n // in case there's a zero-duration tween that has a repeat with a repeatDelay\n tTime = _clamp(0, tween._tDur, totalTime);\n iteration = _animationCycle(tTime, repeatDelay);\n tween._yoyo && iteration & 1 && (ratio = 1 - ratio);\n\n if (iteration !== _animationCycle(tween._tTime, repeatDelay)) {\n // if iteration changed\n prevRatio = 1 - ratio;\n tween.vars.repeatRefresh && tween._initted && tween.invalidate();\n }\n }\n\n if (ratio !== prevRatio || _reverting || force || tween._zTime === _tinyNum || !totalTime && tween._zTime) {\n if (!tween._initted && _attemptInitTween(tween, totalTime, force, suppressEvents, tTime)) {\n // if we render the very beginning (time == 0) of a fromTo(), we must force the render (normal tweens wouldn't need to render at a time of 0 when the prevTime was also 0). This is also mandatory to make sure overwriting kicks in immediately.\n return;\n }\n\n prevIteration = tween._zTime;\n tween._zTime = totalTime || (suppressEvents ? _tinyNum : 0); // when the playhead arrives at EXACTLY time 0 (right on top) of a zero-duration tween, we need to discern if events are suppressed so that when the playhead moves again (next time), it'll trigger the callback. If events are NOT suppressed, obviously the callback would be triggered in this render. Basically, the callback should fire either when the playhead ARRIVES or LEAVES this exact spot, not both. Imagine doing a timeline.seek(0) and there's a callback that sits at 0. Since events are suppressed on that seek() by default, nothing will fire, but when the playhead moves off of that position, the callback should fire. This behavior is what people intuitively expect.\n\n suppressEvents || (suppressEvents = totalTime && !prevIteration); // if it was rendered previously at exactly 0 (_zTime) and now the playhead is moving away, DON'T fire callbacks otherwise they'll seem like duplicates.\n\n tween.ratio = ratio;\n tween._from && (ratio = 1 - ratio);\n tween._time = 0;\n tween._tTime = tTime;\n pt = tween._pt;\n\n while (pt) {\n pt.r(ratio, pt.d);\n pt = pt._next;\n }\n\n totalTime < 0 && _rewindStartAt(tween, totalTime, suppressEvents, true);\n tween._onUpdate && !suppressEvents && _callback(tween, \"onUpdate\");\n tTime && tween._repeat && !suppressEvents && tween.parent && _callback(tween, \"onRepeat\");\n\n if ((totalTime >= tween._tDur || totalTime < 0) && tween.ratio === ratio) {\n ratio && _removeFromParent(tween, 1);\n\n if (!suppressEvents && !_reverting) {\n _callback(tween, ratio ? \"onComplete\" : \"onReverseComplete\", true);\n\n tween._prom && tween._prom();\n }\n }\n } else if (!tween._zTime) {\n tween._zTime = totalTime;\n }\n},\n _findNextPauseTween = function _findNextPauseTween(animation, prevTime, time) {\n var child;\n\n if (time > prevTime) {\n child = animation._first;\n\n while (child && child._start <= time) {\n if (child.data === \"isPause\" && child._start > prevTime) {\n return child;\n }\n\n child = child._next;\n }\n } else {\n child = animation._last;\n\n while (child && child._start >= time) {\n if (child.data === \"isPause\" && child._start < prevTime) {\n return child;\n }\n\n child = child._prev;\n }\n }\n},\n _setDuration = function _setDuration(animation, duration, skipUncache, leavePlayhead) {\n var repeat = animation._repeat,\n dur = _roundPrecise(duration) || 0,\n totalProgress = animation._tTime / animation._tDur;\n totalProgress && !leavePlayhead && (animation._time *= dur / animation._dur);\n animation._dur = dur;\n animation._tDur = !repeat ? dur : repeat < 0 ? 1e10 : _roundPrecise(dur * (repeat + 1) + animation._rDelay * repeat);\n totalProgress > 0 && !leavePlayhead && _alignPlayhead(animation, animation._tTime = animation._tDur * totalProgress);\n animation.parent && _setEnd(animation);\n skipUncache || _uncache(animation.parent, animation);\n return animation;\n},\n _onUpdateTotalDuration = function _onUpdateTotalDuration(animation) {\n return animation instanceof Timeline ? _uncache(animation) : _setDuration(animation, animation._dur);\n},\n _zeroPosition = {\n _start: 0,\n endTime: _emptyFunc,\n totalDuration: _emptyFunc\n},\n _parsePosition = function _parsePosition(animation, position, percentAnimation) {\n var labels = animation.labels,\n recent = animation._recent || _zeroPosition,\n clippedDuration = animation.duration() >= _bigNum ? recent.endTime(false) : animation._dur,\n //in case there's a child that infinitely repeats, users almost never intend for the insertion point of a new child to be based on a SUPER long value like that so we clip it and assume the most recently-added child's endTime should be used instead.\n i,\n offset,\n isPercent;\n\n if (_isString(position) && (isNaN(position) || position in labels)) {\n //if the string is a number like \"1\", check to see if there's a label with that name, otherwise interpret it as a number (absolute value).\n offset = position.charAt(0);\n isPercent = position.substr(-1) === \"%\";\n i = position.indexOf(\"=\");\n\n if (offset === \"<\" || offset === \">\") {\n i >= 0 && (position = position.replace(/=/, \"\"));\n return (offset === \"<\" ? recent._start : recent.endTime(recent._repeat >= 0)) + (parseFloat(position.substr(1)) || 0) * (isPercent ? (i < 0 ? recent : percentAnimation).totalDuration() / 100 : 1);\n }\n\n if (i < 0) {\n position in labels || (labels[position] = clippedDuration);\n return labels[position];\n }\n\n offset = parseFloat(position.charAt(i - 1) + position.substr(i + 1));\n\n if (isPercent && percentAnimation) {\n offset = offset / 100 * (_isArray(percentAnimation) ? percentAnimation[0] : percentAnimation).totalDuration();\n }\n\n return i > 1 ? _parsePosition(animation, position.substr(0, i - 1), percentAnimation) + offset : clippedDuration + offset;\n }\n\n return position == null ? clippedDuration : +position;\n},\n _createTweenType = function _createTweenType(type, params, timeline) {\n var isLegacy = _isNumber(params[1]),\n varsIndex = (isLegacy ? 2 : 1) + (type < 2 ? 0 : 1),\n vars = params[varsIndex],\n irVars,\n parent;\n\n isLegacy && (vars.duration = params[1]);\n vars.parent = timeline;\n\n if (type) {\n irVars = vars;\n parent = timeline;\n\n while (parent && !(\"immediateRender\" in irVars)) {\n // inheritance hasn't happened yet, but someone may have set a default in an ancestor timeline. We could do vars.immediateRender = _isNotFalse(_inheritDefaults(vars).immediateRender) but that'd exact a slight performance penalty because _inheritDefaults() also runs in the Tween constructor. We're paying a small kb price here to gain speed.\n irVars = parent.vars.defaults || {};\n parent = _isNotFalse(parent.vars.inherit) && parent.parent;\n }\n\n vars.immediateRender = _isNotFalse(irVars.immediateRender);\n type < 2 ? vars.runBackwards = 1 : vars.startAt = params[varsIndex - 1]; // \"from\" vars\n }\n\n return new Tween(params[0], vars, params[varsIndex + 1]);\n},\n _conditionalReturn = function _conditionalReturn(value, func) {\n return value || value === 0 ? func(value) : func;\n},\n _clamp = function _clamp(min, max, value) {\n return value < min ? min : value > max ? max : value;\n},\n getUnit = function getUnit(value, v) {\n return !_isString(value) || !(v = _unitExp.exec(value)) ? \"\" : v[1];\n},\n // note: protect against padded numbers as strings, like \"100.100\". That shouldn't return \"00\" as the unit. If it's numeric, return no unit.\nclamp = function clamp(min, max, value) {\n return _conditionalReturn(value, function (v) {\n return _clamp(min, max, v);\n });\n},\n _slice = [].slice,\n _isArrayLike = function _isArrayLike(value, nonEmpty) {\n return value && _isObject(value) && \"length\" in value && (!nonEmpty && !value.length || value.length - 1 in value && _isObject(value[0])) && !value.nodeType && value !== _win;\n},\n _flatten = function _flatten(ar, leaveStrings, accumulator) {\n if (accumulator === void 0) {\n accumulator = [];\n }\n\n return ar.forEach(function (value) {\n var _accumulator;\n\n return _isString(value) && !leaveStrings || _isArrayLike(value, 1) ? (_accumulator = accumulator).push.apply(_accumulator, toArray(value)) : accumulator.push(value);\n }) || accumulator;\n},\n //takes any value and returns an array. If it's a string (and leaveStrings isn't true), it'll use document.querySelectorAll() and convert that to an array. It'll also accept iterables like jQuery objects.\ntoArray = function toArray(value, scope, leaveStrings) {\n return _context && !scope && _context.selector ? _context.selector(value) : _isString(value) && !leaveStrings && (_coreInitted || !_wake()) ? _slice.call((scope || _doc).querySelectorAll(value), 0) : _isArray(value) ? _flatten(value, leaveStrings) : _isArrayLike(value) ? _slice.call(value, 0) : value ? [value] : [];\n},\n selector = function selector(value) {\n value = toArray(value)[0] || _warn(\"Invalid scope\") || {};\n return function (v) {\n var el = value.current || value.nativeElement || value;\n return toArray(v, el.querySelectorAll ? el : el === value ? _warn(\"Invalid scope\") || _doc.createElement(\"div\") : value);\n };\n},\n shuffle = function shuffle(a) {\n return a.sort(function () {\n return .5 - Math.random();\n });\n},\n // alternative that's a bit faster and more reliably diverse but bigger: for (let j, v, i = a.length; i; j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i), v = a[--i], a[i] = a[j], a[j] = v); return a;\n//for distributing values across an array. Can accept a number, a function or (most commonly) a function which can contain the following properties: {base, amount, from, ease, grid, axis, length, each}. Returns a function that expects the following parameters: index, target, array. Recognizes the following\ndistribute = function distribute(v) {\n if (_isFunction(v)) {\n return v;\n }\n\n var vars = _isObject(v) ? v : {\n each: v\n },\n //n:1 is just to indicate v was a number; we leverage that later to set v according to the length we get. If a number is passed in, we treat it like the old stagger value where 0.1, for example, would mean that things would be distributed with 0.1 between each element in the array rather than a total \"amount\" that's chunked out among them all.\n ease = _parseEase(vars.ease),\n from = vars.from || 0,\n base = parseFloat(vars.base) || 0,\n cache = {},\n isDecimal = from > 0 && from < 1,\n ratios = isNaN(from) || isDecimal,\n axis = vars.axis,\n ratioX = from,\n ratioY = from;\n\n if (_isString(from)) {\n ratioX = ratioY = {\n center: .5,\n edges: .5,\n end: 1\n }[from] || 0;\n } else if (!isDecimal && ratios) {\n ratioX = from[0];\n ratioY = from[1];\n }\n\n return function (i, target, a) {\n var l = (a || vars).length,\n distances = cache[l],\n originX,\n originY,\n x,\n y,\n d,\n j,\n max,\n min,\n wrapAt;\n\n if (!distances) {\n wrapAt = vars.grid === \"auto\" ? 0 : (vars.grid || [1, _bigNum])[1];\n\n if (!wrapAt) {\n max = -_bigNum;\n\n while (max < (max = a[wrapAt++].getBoundingClientRect().left) && wrapAt < l) {}\n\n wrapAt--;\n }\n\n distances = cache[l] = [];\n originX = ratios ? Math.min(wrapAt, l) * ratioX - .5 : from % wrapAt;\n originY = wrapAt === _bigNum ? 0 : ratios ? l * ratioY / wrapAt - .5 : from / wrapAt | 0;\n max = 0;\n min = _bigNum;\n\n for (j = 0; j < l; j++) {\n x = j % wrapAt - originX;\n y = originY - (j / wrapAt | 0);\n distances[j] = d = !axis ? _sqrt(x * x + y * y) : Math.abs(axis === \"y\" ? y : x);\n d > max && (max = d);\n d < min && (min = d);\n }\n\n from === \"random\" && shuffle(distances);\n distances.max = max - min;\n distances.min = min;\n distances.v = l = (parseFloat(vars.amount) || parseFloat(vars.each) * (wrapAt > l ? l - 1 : !axis ? Math.max(wrapAt, l / wrapAt) : axis === \"y\" ? l / wrapAt : wrapAt) || 0) * (from === \"edges\" ? -1 : 1);\n distances.b = l < 0 ? base - l : base;\n distances.u = getUnit(vars.amount || vars.each) || 0; //unit\n\n ease = ease && l < 0 ? _invertEase(ease) : ease;\n }\n\n l = (distances[i] - distances.min) / distances.max || 0;\n return _roundPrecise(distances.b + (ease ? ease(l) : l) * distances.v) + distances.u; //round in order to work around floating point errors\n };\n},\n _roundModifier = function _roundModifier(v) {\n //pass in 0.1 get a function that'll round to the nearest tenth, or 5 to round to the closest 5, or 0.001 to the closest 1000th, etc.\n var p = Math.pow(10, ((v + \"\").split(\".\")[1] || \"\").length); //to avoid floating point math errors (like 24 * 0.1 == 2.4000000000000004), we chop off at a specific number of decimal places (much faster than toFixed())\n\n return function (raw) {\n var n = _roundPrecise(Math.round(parseFloat(raw) / v) * v * p);\n\n return (n - n % 1) / p + (_isNumber(raw) ? 0 : getUnit(raw)); // n - n % 1 replaces Math.floor() in order to handle negative values properly. For example, Math.floor(-150.00000000000003) is 151!\n };\n},\n snap = function snap(snapTo, value) {\n var isArray = _isArray(snapTo),\n radius,\n is2D;\n\n if (!isArray && _isObject(snapTo)) {\n radius = isArray = snapTo.radius || _bigNum;\n\n if (snapTo.values) {\n snapTo = toArray(snapTo.values);\n\n if (is2D = !_isNumber(snapTo[0])) {\n radius *= radius; //performance optimization so we don't have to Math.sqrt() in the loop.\n }\n } else {\n snapTo = _roundModifier(snapTo.increment);\n }\n }\n\n return _conditionalReturn(value, !isArray ? _roundModifier(snapTo) : _isFunction(snapTo) ? function (raw) {\n is2D = snapTo(raw);\n return Math.abs(is2D - raw) <= radius ? is2D : raw;\n } : function (raw) {\n var x = parseFloat(is2D ? raw.x : raw),\n y = parseFloat(is2D ? raw.y : 0),\n min = _bigNum,\n closest = 0,\n i = snapTo.length,\n dx,\n dy;\n\n while (i--) {\n if (is2D) {\n dx = snapTo[i].x - x;\n dy = snapTo[i].y - y;\n dx = dx * dx + dy * dy;\n } else {\n dx = Math.abs(snapTo[i] - x);\n }\n\n if (dx < min) {\n min = dx;\n closest = i;\n }\n }\n\n closest = !radius || min <= radius ? snapTo[closest] : raw;\n return is2D || closest === raw || _isNumber(raw) ? closest : closest + getUnit(raw);\n });\n},\n random = function random(min, max, roundingIncrement, returnFunction) {\n return _conditionalReturn(_isArray(min) ? !max : roundingIncrement === true ? !!(roundingIncrement = 0) : !returnFunction, function () {\n return _isArray(min) ? min[~~(Math.random() * min.length)] : (roundingIncrement = roundingIncrement || 1e-5) && (returnFunction = roundingIncrement < 1 ? Math.pow(10, (roundingIncrement + \"\").length - 2) : 1) && Math.floor(Math.round((min - roundingIncrement / 2 + Math.random() * (max - min + roundingIncrement * .99)) / roundingIncrement) * roundingIncrement * returnFunction) / returnFunction;\n });\n},\n pipe = function pipe() {\n for (var _len = arguments.length, functions = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {\n functions[_key] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n return function (value) {\n return functions.reduce(function (v, f) {\n return f(v);\n }, value);\n };\n},\n unitize = function unitize(func, unit) {\n return function (value) {\n return func(parseFloat(value)) + (unit || getUnit(value));\n };\n},\n normalize = function normalize(min, max, value) {\n return mapRange(min, max, 0, 1, value);\n},\n _wrapArray = function _wrapArray(a, wrapper, value) {\n return _conditionalReturn(value, function (index) {\n return a[~~wrapper(index)];\n });\n},\n wrap = function wrap(min, max, value) {\n // NOTE: wrap() CANNOT be an arrow function! A very odd compiling bug causes problems (unrelated to GSAP).\n var range = max - min;\n return _isArray(min) ? _wrapArray(min, wrap(0, min.length), max) : _conditionalReturn(value, function (value) {\n return (range + (value - min) % range) % range + min;\n });\n},\n wrapYoyo = function wrapYoyo(min, max, value) {\n var range = max - min,\n total = range * 2;\n return _isArray(min) ? _wrapArray(min, wrapYoyo(0, min.length - 1), max) : _conditionalReturn(value, function (value) {\n value = (total + (value - min) % total) % total || 0;\n return min + (value > range ? total - value : value);\n });\n},\n _replaceRandom = function _replaceRandom(value) {\n //replaces all occurrences of random(...) in a string with the calculated random value. can be a range like random(-100, 100, 5) or an array like random([0, 100, 500])\n var prev = 0,\n s = \"\",\n i,\n nums,\n end,\n isArray;\n\n while (~(i = value.indexOf(\"random(\", prev))) {\n end = value.indexOf(\")\", i);\n isArray = value.charAt(i + 7) === \"[\";\n nums = value.substr(i + 7, end - i - 7).match(isArray ? _delimitedValueExp : _strictNumExp);\n s += value.substr(prev, i - prev) + random(isArray ? nums : +nums[0], isArray ? 0 : +nums[1], +nums[2] || 1e-5);\n prev = end + 1;\n }\n\n return s + value.substr(prev, value.length - prev);\n},\n mapRange = function mapRange(inMin, inMax, outMin, outMax, value) {\n var inRange = inMax - inMin,\n outRange = outMax - outMin;\n return _conditionalReturn(value, function (value) {\n return outMin + ((value - inMin) / inRange * outRange || 0);\n });\n},\n interpolate = function interpolate(start, end, progress, mutate) {\n var func = isNaN(start + end) ? 0 : function (p) {\n return (1 - p) * start + p * end;\n };\n\n if (!func) {\n var isString = _isString(start),\n master = {},\n p,\n i,\n interpolators,\n l,\n il;\n\n progress === true && (mutate = 1) && (progress = null);\n\n if (isString) {\n start = {\n p: start\n };\n end = {\n p: end\n };\n } else if (_isArray(start) && !_isArray(end)) {\n interpolators = [];\n l = start.length;\n il = l - 2;\n\n for (i = 1; i < l; i++) {\n interpolators.push(interpolate(start[i - 1], start[i])); //build the interpolators up front as a performance optimization so that when the function is called many times, it can just reuse them.\n }\n\n l--;\n\n func = function func(p) {\n p *= l;\n var i = Math.min(il, ~~p);\n return interpolators[i](p - i);\n };\n\n progress = end;\n } else if (!mutate) {\n start = _merge(_isArray(start) ? [] : {}, start);\n }\n\n if (!interpolators) {\n for (p in end) {\n _addPropTween.call(master, start, p, \"get\", end[p]);\n }\n\n func = function func(p) {\n return _renderPropTweens(p, master) || (isString ? start.p : start);\n };\n }\n }\n\n return _conditionalReturn(progress, func);\n},\n _getLabelInDirection = function _getLabelInDirection(timeline, fromTime, backward) {\n //used for nextLabel() and previousLabel()\n var labels = timeline.labels,\n min = _bigNum,\n p,\n distance,\n label;\n\n for (p in labels) {\n distance = labels[p] - fromTime;\n\n if (distance < 0 === !!backward && distance && min > (distance = Math.abs(distance))) {\n label = p;\n min = distance;\n }\n }\n\n return label;\n},\n _callback = function _callback(animation, type, executeLazyFirst) {\n var v = animation.vars,\n callback = v[type],\n prevContext = _context,\n context = animation._ctx,\n params,\n scope,\n result;\n\n if (!callback) {\n return;\n }\n\n params = v[type + \"Params\"];\n scope = v.callbackScope || animation;\n executeLazyFirst && _lazyTweens.length && _lazyRender(); //in case rendering caused any tweens to lazy-init, we should render them because typically when a timeline finishes, users expect things to have rendered fully. Imagine an onUpdate on a timeline that reports/checks tweened values.\n\n context && (_context = context);\n result = params ? callback.apply(scope, params) : callback.call(scope);\n _context = prevContext;\n return result;\n},\n _interrupt = function _interrupt(animation) {\n _removeFromParent(animation);\n\n animation.scrollTrigger && animation.scrollTrigger.kill(!!_reverting);\n animation.progress() < 1 && _callback(animation, \"onInterrupt\");\n return animation;\n},\n _quickTween,\n _createPlugin = function _createPlugin(config) {\n config = !config.name && config[\"default\"] || config; //UMD packaging wraps things oddly, so for example MotionPathHelper becomes {MotionPathHelper:MotionPathHelper, default:MotionPathHelper}.\n\n var name = config.name,\n isFunc = _isFunction(config),\n Plugin = name && !isFunc && config.init ? function () {\n this._props = [];\n } : config,\n //in case someone passes in an object that's not a plugin, like CustomEase\n instanceDefaults = {\n init: _emptyFunc,\n render: _renderPropTweens,\n add: _addPropTween,\n kill: _killPropTweensOf,\n modifier: _addPluginModifier,\n rawVars: 0\n },\n statics = {\n targetTest: 0,\n get: 0,\n getSetter: _getSetter,\n aliases: {},\n register: 0\n };\n\n _wake();\n\n if (config !== Plugin) {\n if (_plugins[name]) {\n return;\n }\n\n _setDefaults(Plugin, _setDefaults(_copyExcluding(config, instanceDefaults), statics)); //static methods\n\n\n _merge(Plugin.prototype, _merge(instanceDefaults, _copyExcluding(config, statics))); //instance methods\n\n\n _plugins[Plugin.prop = name] = Plugin;\n\n if (config.targetTest) {\n _harnessPlugins.push(Plugin);\n\n _reservedProps[name] = 1;\n }\n\n name = (name === \"css\" ? \"CSS\" : name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.substr(1)) + \"Plugin\"; //for the global name. \"motionPath\" should become MotionPathPlugin\n }\n\n _addGlobal(name, Plugin);\n\n config.register && config.register(gsap, Plugin, PropTween);\n},\n\n/*\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * COLORS\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n_255 = 255,\n _colorLookup = {\n aqua: [0, _255, _255],\n lime: [0, _255, 0],\n silver: [192, 192, 192],\n black: [0, 0, 0],\n maroon: [128, 0, 0],\n teal: [0, 128, 128],\n blue: [0, 0, _255],\n navy: [0, 0, 128],\n white: [_255, _255, _255],\n olive: [128, 128, 0],\n yellow: [_255, _255, 0],\n orange: [_255, 165, 0],\n gray: [128, 128, 128],\n purple: [128, 0, 128],\n green: [0, 128, 0],\n red: [_255, 0, 0],\n pink: [_255, 192, 203],\n cyan: [0, _255, _255],\n transparent: [_255, _255, _255, 0]\n},\n // possible future idea to replace the hard-coded color name values - put this in the ticker.wake() where we set the _doc:\n// let ctx = _doc.createElement(\"canvas\").getContext(\"2d\");\n// _forEachName(\"aqua,lime,silver,black,maroon,teal,blue,navy,white,olive,yellow,orange,gray,purple,green,red,pink,cyan\", color => {ctx.fillStyle = color; _colorLookup[color] = splitColor(ctx.fillStyle)});\n_hue = function _hue(h, m1, m2) {\n h += h < 0 ? 1 : h > 1 ? -1 : 0;\n return (h * 6 < 1 ? m1 + (m2 - m1) * h * 6 : h < .5 ? m2 : h * 3 < 2 ? m1 + (m2 - m1) * (2 / 3 - h) * 6 : m1) * _255 + .5 | 0;\n},\n splitColor = function splitColor(v, toHSL, forceAlpha) {\n var a = !v ? _colorLookup.black : _isNumber(v) ? [v >> 16, v >> 8 & _255, v & _255] : 0,\n r,\n g,\n b,\n h,\n s,\n l,\n max,\n min,\n d,\n wasHSL;\n\n if (!a) {\n if (v.substr(-1) === \",\") {\n //sometimes a trailing comma is included and we should chop it off (typically from a comma-delimited list of values like a textShadow:\"2px 2px 2px blue, 5px 5px 5px rgb(255,0,0)\" - in this example \"blue,\" has a trailing comma. We could strip it out inside parseComplex() but we'd need to do it to the beginning and ending values plus it wouldn't provide protection from other potential scenarios like if the user passes in a similar value.\n v = v.substr(0, v.length - 1);\n }\n\n if (_colorLookup[v]) {\n a = _colorLookup[v];\n } else if (v.charAt(0) === \"#\") {\n if (v.length < 6) {\n //for shorthand like #9F0 or #9F0F (could have alpha)\n r = v.charAt(1);\n g = v.charAt(2);\n b = v.charAt(3);\n v = \"#\" + r + r + g + g + b + b + (v.length === 5 ? v.charAt(4) + v.charAt(4) : \"\");\n }\n\n if (v.length === 9) {\n // hex with alpha, like #fd5e53ff\n a = parseInt(v.substr(1, 6), 16);\n return [a >> 16, a >> 8 & _255, a & _255, parseInt(v.substr(7), 16) / 255];\n }\n\n v = parseInt(v.substr(1), 16);\n a = [v >> 16, v >> 8 & _255, v & _255];\n } else if (v.substr(0, 3) === \"hsl\") {\n a = wasHSL = v.match(_strictNumExp);\n\n if (!toHSL) {\n h = +a[0] % 360 / 360;\n s = +a[1] / 100;\n l = +a[2] / 100;\n g = l <= .5 ? l * (s + 1) : l + s - l * s;\n r = l * 2 - g;\n a.length > 3 && (a[3] *= 1); //cast as number\n\n a[0] = _hue(h + 1 / 3, r, g);\n a[1] = _hue(h, r, g);\n a[2] = _hue(h - 1 / 3, r, g);\n } else if (~v.indexOf(\"=\")) {\n //if relative values are found, just return the raw strings with the relative prefixes in place.\n a = v.match(_numExp);\n forceAlpha && a.length < 4 && (a[3] = 1);\n return a;\n }\n } else {\n a = v.match(_strictNumExp) || _colorLookup.transparent;\n }\n\n a = a.map(Number);\n }\n\n if (toHSL && !wasHSL) {\n r = a[0] / _255;\n g = a[1] / _255;\n b = a[2] / _255;\n max = Math.max(r, g, b);\n min = Math.min(r, g, b);\n l = (max + min) / 2;\n\n if (max === min) {\n h = s = 0;\n } else {\n d = max - min;\n s = l > 0.5 ? d / (2 - max - min) : d / (max + min);\n h = max === r ? (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0) : max === g ? (b - r) / d + 2 : (r - g) / d + 4;\n h *= 60;\n }\n\n a[0] = ~~(h + .5);\n a[1] = ~~(s * 100 + .5);\n a[2] = ~~(l * 100 + .5);\n }\n\n forceAlpha && a.length < 4 && (a[3] = 1);\n return a;\n},\n _colorOrderData = function _colorOrderData(v) {\n // strips out the colors from the string, finds all the numeric slots (with units) and returns an array of those. The Array also has a \"c\" property which is an Array of the index values where the colors belong. This is to help work around issues where there's a mis-matched order of color/numeric data like drop-shadow(#f00 0px 1px 2px) and drop-shadow(0x 1px 2px #f00). This is basically a helper function used in _formatColors()\n var values = [],\n c = [],\n i = -1;\n v.split(_colorExp).forEach(function (v) {\n var a = v.match(_numWithUnitExp) || [];\n values.push.apply(values, a);\n c.push(i += a.length + 1);\n });\n values.c = c;\n return values;\n},\n _formatColors = function _formatColors(s, toHSL, orderMatchData) {\n var result = \"\",\n colors = (s + result).match(_colorExp),\n type = toHSL ? \"hsla(\" : \"rgba(\",\n i = 0,\n c,\n shell,\n d,\n l;\n\n if (!colors) {\n return s;\n }\n\n colors = colors.map(function (color) {\n return (color = splitColor(color, toHSL, 1)) && type + (toHSL ? color[0] + \",\" + color[1] + \"%,\" + color[2] + \"%,\" + color[3] : color.join(\",\")) + \")\";\n });\n\n if (orderMatchData) {\n d = _colorOrderData(s);\n c = orderMatchData.c;\n\n if (c.join(result) !== d.c.join(result)) {\n shell = s.replace(_colorExp, \"1\").split(_numWithUnitExp);\n l = shell.length - 1;\n\n for (; i < l; i++) {\n result += shell[i] + (~c.indexOf(i) ? colors.shift() || type + \"0,0,0,0)\" : (d.length ? d : colors.length ? colors : orderMatchData).shift());\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (!shell) {\n shell = s.split(_colorExp);\n l = shell.length - 1;\n\n for (; i < l; i++) {\n result += shell[i] + colors[i];\n }\n }\n\n return result + shell[l];\n},\n _colorExp = function () {\n var s = \"(?:\\\\b(?:(?:rgb|rgba|hsl|hsla)\\\\(.+?\\\\))|\\\\B#(?:[0-9a-f]{3,4}){1,2}\\\\b\",\n //we'll dynamically build this Regular Expression to conserve file size. After building it, it will be able to find rgb(), rgba(), # (hexadecimal), and named color values like red, blue, purple, etc.,\n p;\n\n for (p in _colorLookup) {\n s += \"|\" + p + \"\\\\b\";\n }\n\n return new RegExp(s + \")\", \"gi\");\n}(),\n _hslExp = /hsl[a]?\\(/,\n _colorStringFilter = function _colorStringFilter(a) {\n var combined = a.join(\" \"),\n toHSL;\n _colorExp.lastIndex = 0;\n\n if (_colorExp.test(combined)) {\n toHSL = _hslExp.test(combined);\n a[1] = _formatColors(a[1], toHSL);\n a[0] = _formatColors(a[0], toHSL, _colorOrderData(a[1])); // make sure the order of numbers/colors match with the END value.\n\n return true;\n }\n},\n\n/*\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * TICKER\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n_tickerActive,\n _ticker = function () {\n var _getTime = Date.now,\n _lagThreshold = 500,\n _adjustedLag = 33,\n _startTime = _getTime(),\n _lastUpdate = _startTime,\n _gap = 1000 / 240,\n _nextTime = _gap,\n _listeners = [],\n _id,\n _req,\n _raf,\n _self,\n _delta,\n _i,\n _tick = function _tick(v) {\n var elapsed = _getTime() - _lastUpdate,\n manual = v === true,\n overlap,\n dispatch,\n time,\n frame;\n\n elapsed > _lagThreshold && (_startTime += elapsed - _adjustedLag);\n _lastUpdate += elapsed;\n time = _lastUpdate - _startTime;\n overlap = time - _nextTime;\n\n if (overlap > 0 || manual) {\n frame = ++_self.frame;\n _delta = time - _self.time * 1000;\n _self.time = time = time / 1000;\n _nextTime += overlap + (overlap >= _gap ? 4 : _gap - overlap);\n dispatch = 1;\n }\n\n manual || (_id = _req(_tick)); //make sure the request is made before we dispatch the \"tick\" event so that timing is maintained. Otherwise, if processing the \"tick\" requires a bunch of time (like 15ms) and we're using a setTimeout() that's based on 16.7ms, it'd technically take 31.7ms between frames otherwise.\n\n if (dispatch) {\n for (_i = 0; _i < _listeners.length; _i++) {\n // use _i and check _listeners.length instead of a variable because a listener could get removed during the loop, and if that happens to an element less than the current index, it'd throw things off in the loop.\n _listeners[_i](time, _delta, frame, v);\n }\n }\n };\n\n _self = {\n time: 0,\n frame: 0,\n tick: function tick() {\n _tick(true);\n },\n deltaRatio: function deltaRatio(fps) {\n return _delta / (1000 / (fps || 60));\n },\n wake: function wake() {\n if (_coreReady) {\n if (!_coreInitted && _windowExists()) {\n _win = _coreInitted = window;\n _doc = _win.document || {};\n _globals.gsap = gsap;\n (_win.gsapVersions || (_win.gsapVersions = [])).push(gsap.version);\n\n _install(_installScope || _win.GreenSockGlobals || !_win.gsap && _win || {});\n\n _raf = _win.requestAnimationFrame;\n }\n\n _id && _self.sleep();\n\n _req = _raf || function (f) {\n return setTimeout(f, _nextTime - _self.time * 1000 + 1 | 0);\n };\n\n _tickerActive = 1;\n\n _tick(2);\n }\n },\n sleep: function sleep() {\n (_raf ? _win.cancelAnimationFrame : clearTimeout)(_id);\n _tickerActive = 0;\n _req = _emptyFunc;\n },\n lagSmoothing: function lagSmoothing(threshold, adjustedLag) {\n _lagThreshold = threshold || Infinity; // zero should be interpreted as basically unlimited\n\n _adjustedLag = Math.min(adjustedLag || 33, _lagThreshold);\n },\n fps: function fps(_fps) {\n _gap = 1000 / (_fps || 240);\n _nextTime = _self.time * 1000 + _gap;\n },\n add: function add(callback, once, prioritize) {\n var func = once ? function (t, d, f, v) {\n callback(t, d, f, v);\n\n _self.remove(func);\n } : callback;\n\n _self.remove(callback);\n\n _listeners[prioritize ? \"unshift\" : \"push\"](func);\n\n _wake();\n\n return func;\n },\n remove: function remove(callback, i) {\n ~(i = _listeners.indexOf(callback)) && _listeners.splice(i, 1) && _i >= i && _i--;\n },\n _listeners: _listeners\n };\n return _self;\n}(),\n _wake = function _wake() {\n return !_tickerActive && _ticker.wake();\n},\n //also ensures the core classes are initialized.\n\n/*\n* -------------------------------------------------\n* EASING\n* -------------------------------------------------\n*/\n_easeMap = {},\n _customEaseExp = /^[\\d.\\-M][\\d.\\-,\\s]/,\n _quotesExp = /[\"']/g,\n _parseObjectInString = function _parseObjectInString(value) {\n //takes a string like \"{wiggles:10, type:anticipate})\" and turns it into a real object. Notice it ends in \")\" and includes the {} wrappers. This is because we only use this function for parsing ease configs and prioritized optimization rather than reusability.\n var obj = {},\n split = value.substr(1, value.length - 3).split(\":\"),\n key = split[0],\n i = 1,\n l = split.length,\n index,\n val,\n parsedVal;\n\n for (; i < l; i++) {\n val = split[i];\n index = i !== l - 1 ? val.lastIndexOf(\",\") : val.length;\n parsedVal = val.substr(0, index);\n obj[key] = isNaN(parsedVal) ? parsedVal.replace(_quotesExp, \"\").trim() : +parsedVal;\n key = val.substr(index + 1).trim();\n }\n\n return obj;\n},\n _valueInParentheses = function _valueInParentheses(value) {\n var open = value.indexOf(\"(\") + 1,\n close = value.indexOf(\")\"),\n nested = value.indexOf(\"(\", open);\n return value.substring(open, ~nested && nested < close ? value.indexOf(\")\", close + 1) : close);\n},\n _configEaseFromString = function _configEaseFromString(name) {\n //name can be a string like \"elastic.out(1,0.5)\", and pass in _easeMap as obj and it'll parse it out and call the actual function like _easeMap.Elastic.easeOut.config(1,0.5). It will also parse custom ease strings as long as CustomEase is loaded and registered (internally as _easeMap._CE).\n var split = (name + \"\").split(\"(\"),\n ease = _easeMap[split[0]];\n return ease && split.length > 1 && ease.config ? ease.config.apply(null, ~name.indexOf(\"{\") ? [_parseObjectInString(split[1])] : _valueInParentheses(name).split(\",\").map(_numericIfPossible)) : _easeMap._CE && _customEaseExp.test(name) ? _easeMap._CE(\"\", name) : ease;\n},\n _invertEase = function _invertEase(ease) {\n return function (p) {\n return 1 - ease(1 - p);\n };\n},\n // allow yoyoEase to be set in children and have those affected when the parent/ancestor timeline yoyos.\n_propagateYoyoEase = function _propagateYoyoEase(timeline, isYoyo) {\n var child = timeline._first,\n ease;\n\n while (child) {\n if (child instanceof Timeline) {\n _propagateYoyoEase(child, isYoyo);\n } else if (child.vars.yoyoEase && (!child._yoyo || !child._repeat) && child._yoyo !== isYoyo) {\n if (child.timeline) {\n _propagateYoyoEase(child.timeline, isYoyo);\n } else {\n ease = child._ease;\n child._ease = child._yEase;\n child._yEase = ease;\n child._yoyo = isYoyo;\n }\n }\n\n child = child._next;\n }\n},\n _parseEase = function _parseEase(ease, defaultEase) {\n return !ease ? defaultEase : (_isFunction(ease) ? ease : _easeMap[ease] || _configEaseFromString(ease)) || defaultEase;\n},\n _insertEase = function _insertEase(names, easeIn, easeOut, easeInOut) {\n if (easeOut === void 0) {\n easeOut = function easeOut(p) {\n return 1 - easeIn(1 - p);\n };\n }\n\n if (easeInOut === void 0) {\n easeInOut = function easeInOut(p) {\n return p < .5 ? easeIn(p * 2) / 2 : 1 - easeIn((1 - p) * 2) / 2;\n };\n }\n\n var ease = {\n easeIn: easeIn,\n easeOut: easeOut,\n easeInOut: easeInOut\n },\n lowercaseName;\n\n _forEachName(names, function (name) {\n _easeMap[name] = _globals[name] = ease;\n _easeMap[lowercaseName = name.toLowerCase()] = easeOut;\n\n for (var p in ease) {\n _easeMap[lowercaseName + (p === \"easeIn\" ? \".in\" : p === \"easeOut\" ? \".out\" : \".inOut\")] = _easeMap[name + \".\" + p] = ease[p];\n }\n });\n\n return ease;\n},\n _easeInOutFromOut = function _easeInOutFromOut(easeOut) {\n return function (p) {\n return p < .5 ? (1 - easeOut(1 - p * 2)) / 2 : .5 + easeOut((p - .5) * 2) / 2;\n };\n},\n _configElastic = function _configElastic(type, amplitude, period) {\n var p1 = amplitude >= 1 ? amplitude : 1,\n //note: if amplitude is < 1, we simply adjust the period for a more natural feel. Otherwise the math doesn't work right and the curve starts at 1.\n p2 = (period || (type ? .3 : .45)) / (amplitude < 1 ? amplitude : 1),\n p3 = p2 / _2PI * (Math.asin(1 / p1) || 0),\n easeOut = function easeOut(p) {\n return p === 1 ? 1 : p1 * Math.pow(2, -10 * p) * _sin((p - p3) * p2) + 1;\n },\n ease = type === \"out\" ? easeOut : type === \"in\" ? function (p) {\n return 1 - easeOut(1 - p);\n } : _easeInOutFromOut(easeOut);\n\n p2 = _2PI / p2; //precalculate to optimize\n\n ease.config = function (amplitude, period) {\n return _configElastic(type, amplitude, period);\n };\n\n return ease;\n},\n _configBack = function _configBack(type, overshoot) {\n if (overshoot === void 0) {\n overshoot = 1.70158;\n }\n\n var easeOut = function easeOut(p) {\n return p ? --p * p * ((overshoot + 1) * p + overshoot) + 1 : 0;\n },\n ease = type === \"out\" ? easeOut : type === \"in\" ? function (p) {\n return 1 - easeOut(1 - p);\n } : _easeInOutFromOut(easeOut);\n\n ease.config = function (overshoot) {\n return _configBack(type, overshoot);\n };\n\n return ease;\n}; // a cheaper (kb and cpu) but more mild way to get a parameterized weighted ease by feeding in a value between -1 (easeIn) and 1 (easeOut) where 0 is linear.\n// _weightedEase = ratio => {\n// \tlet y = 0.5 + ratio / 2;\n// \treturn p => (2 * (1 - p) * p * y + p * p);\n// },\n// a stronger (but more expensive kb/cpu) parameterized weighted ease that lets you feed in a value between -1 (easeIn) and 1 (easeOut) where 0 is linear.\n// _weightedEaseStrong = ratio => {\n// \tratio = .5 + ratio / 2;\n// \tlet o = 1 / 3 * (ratio < .5 ? ratio : 1 - ratio),\n// \t\tb = ratio - o,\n// \t\tc = ratio + o;\n// \treturn p => p === 1 ? p : 3 * b * (1 - p) * (1 - p) * p + 3 * c * (1 - p) * p * p + p * p * p;\n// };\n\n\n_forEachName(\"Linear,Quad,Cubic,Quart,Quint,Strong\", function (name, i) {\n var power = i < 5 ? i + 1 : i;\n\n _insertEase(name + \",Power\" + (power - 1), i ? function (p) {\n return Math.pow(p, power);\n } : function (p) {\n return p;\n }, function (p) {\n return 1 - Math.pow(1 - p, power);\n }, function (p) {\n return p < .5 ? Math.pow(p * 2, power) / 2 : 1 - Math.pow((1 - p) * 2, power) / 2;\n });\n});\n\n_easeMap.Linear.easeNone = _easeMap.none = _easeMap.Linear.easeIn;\n\n_insertEase(\"Elastic\", _configElastic(\"in\"), _configElastic(\"out\"), _configElastic());\n\n(function (n, c) {\n var n1 = 1 / c,\n n2 = 2 * n1,\n n3 = 2.5 * n1,\n easeOut = function easeOut(p) {\n return p < n1 ? n * p * p : p < n2 ? n * Math.pow(p - 1.5 / c, 2) + .75 : p < n3 ? n * (p -= 2.25 / c) * p + .9375 : n * Math.pow(p - 2.625 / c, 2) + .984375;\n };\n\n _insertEase(\"Bounce\", function (p) {\n return 1 - easeOut(1 - p);\n }, easeOut);\n})(7.5625, 2.75);\n\n_insertEase(\"Expo\", function (p) {\n return p ? Math.pow(2, 10 * (p - 1)) : 0;\n});\n\n_insertEase(\"Circ\", function (p) {\n return -(_sqrt(1 - p * p) - 1);\n});\n\n_insertEase(\"Sine\", function (p) {\n return p === 1 ? 1 : -_cos(p * _HALF_PI) + 1;\n});\n\n_insertEase(\"Back\", _configBack(\"in\"), _configBack(\"out\"), _configBack());\n\n_easeMap.SteppedEase = _easeMap.steps = _globals.SteppedEase = {\n config: function config(steps, immediateStart) {\n if (steps === void 0) {\n steps = 1;\n }\n\n var p1 = 1 / steps,\n p2 = steps + (immediateStart ? 0 : 1),\n p3 = immediateStart ? 1 : 0,\n max = 1 - _tinyNum;\n return function (p) {\n return ((p2 * _clamp(0, max, p) | 0) + p3) * p1;\n };\n }\n};\n_defaults.ease = _easeMap[\"quad.out\"];\n\n_forEachName(\"onComplete,onUpdate,onStart,onRepeat,onReverseComplete,onInterrupt\", function (name) {\n return _callbackNames += name + \",\" + name + \"Params,\";\n});\n/*\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * CACHE\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n\nexport var GSCache = function GSCache(target, harness) {\n this.id = _gsID++;\n target._gsap = this;\n this.target = target;\n this.harness = harness;\n this.get = harness ? harness.get : _getProperty;\n this.set = harness ? harness.getSetter : _getSetter;\n};\n/*\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * ANIMATION\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\nexport var Animation = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function Animation(vars) {\n this.vars = vars;\n this._delay = +vars.delay || 0;\n\n if (this._repeat = vars.repeat === Infinity ? -2 : vars.repeat || 0) {\n // TODO: repeat: Infinity on a timeline's children must flag that timeline internally and affect its totalDuration, otherwise it'll stop in the negative direction when reaching the start.\n this._rDelay = vars.repeatDelay || 0;\n this._yoyo = !!vars.yoyo || !!vars.yoyoEase;\n }\n\n this._ts = 1;\n\n _setDuration(this, +vars.duration, 1, 1);\n\n this.data = vars.data;\n\n if (_context) {\n this._ctx = _context;\n\n _context.data.push(this);\n }\n\n _tickerActive || _ticker.wake();\n }\n\n var _proto = Animation.prototype;\n\n _proto.delay = function delay(value) {\n if (value || value === 0) {\n this.parent && this.parent.smoothChildTiming && this.startTime(this._start + value - this._delay);\n this._delay = value;\n return this;\n }\n\n return this._delay;\n };\n\n _proto.duration = function duration(value) {\n return arguments.length ? this.totalDuration(this._repeat > 0 ? value + (value + this._rDelay) * this._repeat : value) : this.totalDuration() && this._dur;\n };\n\n _proto.totalDuration = function totalDuration(value) {\n if (!arguments.length) {\n return this._tDur;\n }\n\n this._dirty = 0;\n return _setDuration(this, this._repeat < 0 ? value : (value - this._repeat * this._rDelay) / (this._repeat + 1));\n };\n\n _proto.totalTime = function totalTime(_totalTime, suppressEvents) {\n _wake();\n\n if (!arguments.length) {\n return this._tTime;\n }\n\n var parent = this._dp;\n\n if (parent && parent.smoothChildTiming && this._ts) {\n _alignPlayhead(this, _totalTime);\n\n !parent._dp || parent.parent || _postAddChecks(parent, this); // edge case: if this is a child of a timeline that already completed, for example, we must re-activate the parent.\n //in case any of the ancestor timelines had completed but should now be enabled, we should reset their totalTime() which will also ensure that they're lined up properly and enabled. Skip for animations that are on the root (wasteful). Example: a TimelineLite.exportRoot() is performed when there's a paused tween on the root, the export will not complete until that tween is unpaused, but imagine a child gets restarted later, after all [unpaused] tweens have completed. The start of that child would get pushed out, but one of the ancestors may have completed.\n\n while (parent && parent.parent) {\n if (parent.parent._time !== parent._start + (parent._ts >= 0 ? parent._tTime / parent._ts : (parent.totalDuration() - parent._tTime) / -parent._ts)) {\n parent.totalTime(parent._tTime, true);\n }\n\n parent = parent.parent;\n }\n\n if (!this.parent && this._dp.autoRemoveChildren && (this._ts > 0 && _totalTime < this._tDur || this._ts < 0 && _totalTime > 0 || !this._tDur && !_totalTime)) {\n //if the animation doesn't have a parent, put it back into its last parent (recorded as _dp for exactly cases like this). Limit to parents with autoRemoveChildren (like globalTimeline) so that if the user manually removes an animation from a timeline and then alters its playhead, it doesn't get added back in.\n _addToTimeline(this._dp, this, this._start - this._delay);\n }\n }\n\n if (this._tTime !== _totalTime || !this._dur && !suppressEvents || this._initted && Math.abs(this._zTime) === _tinyNum || !_totalTime && !this._initted && (this.add || this._ptLookup)) {\n // check for _ptLookup on a Tween instance to ensure it has actually finished being instantiated, otherwise if this.reverse() gets called in the Animation constructor, it could trigger a render() here even though the _targets weren't populated, thus when _init() is called there won't be any PropTweens (it'll act like the tween is non-functional)\n this._ts || (this._pTime = _totalTime); // otherwise, if an animation is paused, then the playhead is moved back to zero, then resumed, it'd revert back to the original time at the pause\n //if (!this._lock) { // avoid endless recursion (not sure we need this yet or if it's worth the performance hit)\n // this._lock = 1;\n\n _lazySafeRender(this, _totalTime, suppressEvents); // this._lock = 0;\n //}\n\n }\n\n return this;\n };\n\n _proto.time = function time(value, suppressEvents) {\n return arguments.length ? this.totalTime(Math.min(this.totalDuration(), value + _elapsedCycleDuration(this)) % (this._dur + this._rDelay) || (value ? this._dur : 0), suppressEvents) : this._time; // note: if the modulus results in 0, the playhead could be exactly at the end or the beginning, and we always defer to the END with a non-zero value, otherwise if you set the time() to the very end (duration()), it would render at the START!\n };\n\n _proto.totalProgress = function totalProgress(value, suppressEvents) {\n return arguments.length ? this.totalTime(this.totalDuration() * value, suppressEvents) : this.totalDuration() ? Math.min(1, this._tTime / this._tDur) : this.ratio;\n };\n\n _proto.progress = function progress(value, suppressEvents) {\n return arguments.length ? this.totalTime(this.duration() * (this._yoyo && !(this.iteration() & 1) ? 1 - value : value) + _elapsedCycleDuration(this), suppressEvents) : this.duration() ? Math.min(1, this._time / this._dur) : this.ratio;\n };\n\n _proto.iteration = function iteration(value, suppressEvents) {\n var cycleDuration = this.duration() + this._rDelay;\n\n return arguments.length ? this.totalTime(this._time + (value - 1) * cycleDuration, suppressEvents) : this._repeat ? _animationCycle(this._tTime, cycleDuration) + 1 : 1;\n } // potential future addition:\n // isPlayingBackwards() {\n // \tlet animation = this,\n // \t\torientation = 1; // 1 = forward, -1 = backward\n // \twhile (animation) {\n // \t\torientation *= animation.reversed() || (animation.repeat() && !(animation.iteration() & 1)) ? -1 : 1;\n // \t\tanimation = animation.parent;\n // \t}\n // \treturn orientation < 0;\n // }\n ;\n\n _proto.timeScale = function timeScale(value) {\n if (!arguments.length) {\n return this._rts === -_tinyNum ? 0 : this._rts; // recorded timeScale. Special case: if someone calls reverse() on an animation with timeScale of 0, we assign it -_tinyNum to remember it's reversed.\n }\n\n if (this._rts === value) {\n return this;\n }\n\n var tTime = this.parent && this._ts ? _parentToChildTotalTime(this.parent._time, this) : this._tTime; // make sure to do the parentToChildTotalTime() BEFORE setting the new _ts because the old one must be used in that calculation.\n // future addition? Up side: fast and minimal file size. Down side: only works on this animation; if a timeline is reversed, for example, its childrens' onReverse wouldn't get called.\n //(+value < 0 && this._rts >= 0) && _callback(this, \"onReverse\", true);\n // prioritize rendering where the parent's playhead lines up instead of this._tTime because there could be a tween that's animating another tween's timeScale in the same rendering loop (same parent), thus if the timeScale tween renders first, it would alter _start BEFORE _tTime was set on that tick (in the rendering loop), effectively freezing it until the timeScale tween finishes.\n\n this._rts = +value || 0;\n this._ts = this._ps || value === -_tinyNum ? 0 : this._rts; // _ts is the functional timeScale which would be 0 if the animation is paused.\n\n this.totalTime(_clamp(-this._delay, this._tDur, tTime), true);\n\n _setEnd(this); // if parent.smoothChildTiming was false, the end time didn't get updated in the _alignPlayhead() method, so do it here.\n\n\n return _recacheAncestors(this);\n };\n\n _proto.paused = function paused(value) {\n if (!arguments.length) {\n return this._ps;\n }\n\n if (this._ps !== value) {\n this._ps = value;\n\n if (value) {\n this._pTime = this._tTime || Math.max(-this._delay, this.rawTime()); // if the pause occurs during the delay phase, make sure that's factored in when resuming.\n\n this._ts = this._act = 0; // _ts is the functional timeScale, so a paused tween would effectively have a timeScale of 0. We record the \"real\" timeScale as _rts (recorded time scale)\n } else {\n _wake();\n\n this._ts = this._rts; //only defer to _pTime (pauseTime) if tTime is zero. Remember, someone could pause() an animation, then scrub the playhead and resume(). If the parent doesn't have smoothChildTiming, we render at the rawTime() because the startTime won't get updated.\n\n this.totalTime(this.parent && !this.parent.smoothChildTiming ? this.rawTime() : this._tTime || this._pTime, this.progress() === 1 && Math.abs(this._zTime) !== _tinyNum && (this._tTime -= _tinyNum)); // edge case: animation.progress(1).pause().play() wouldn't render again because the playhead is already at the end, but the call to totalTime() below will add it back to its parent...and not remove it again (since removing only happens upon rendering at a new time). Offsetting the _tTime slightly is done simply to cause the final render in totalTime() that'll pop it off its timeline (if autoRemoveChildren is true, of course). Check to make sure _zTime isn't -_tinyNum to avoid an edge case where the playhead is pushed to the end but INSIDE a tween/callback, the timeline itself is paused thus halting rendering and leaving a few unrendered. When resuming, it wouldn't render those otherwise.\n }\n }\n\n return this;\n };\n\n _proto.startTime = function startTime(value) {\n if (arguments.length) {\n this._start = value;\n var parent = this.parent || this._dp;\n parent && (parent._sort || !this.parent) && _addToTimeline(parent, this, value - this._delay);\n return this;\n }\n\n return this._start;\n };\n\n _proto.endTime = function endTime(includeRepeats) {\n return this._start + (_isNotFalse(includeRepeats) ? this.totalDuration() : this.duration()) / Math.abs(this._ts || 1);\n };\n\n _proto.rawTime = function rawTime(wrapRepeats) {\n var parent = this.parent || this._dp; // _dp = detached parent\n\n return !parent ? this._tTime : wrapRepeats && (!this._ts || this._repeat && this._time && this.totalProgress() < 1) ? this._tTime % (this._dur + this._rDelay) : !this._ts ? this._tTime : _parentToChildTotalTime(parent.rawTime(wrapRepeats), this);\n };\n\n _proto.revert = function revert(config) {\n if (config === void 0) {\n config = _revertConfig;\n }\n\n var prevIsReverting = _reverting;\n _reverting = config;\n\n if (this._initted || this._startAt) {\n this.timeline && this.timeline.revert(config);\n this.totalTime(-0.01, config.suppressEvents);\n }\n\n this.data !== \"nested\" && config.kill !== false && this.kill();\n _reverting = prevIsReverting;\n return this;\n };\n\n _proto.globalTime = function globalTime(rawTime) {\n var animation = this,\n time = arguments.length ? rawTime : animation.rawTime();\n\n while (animation) {\n time = animation._start + time / (animation._ts || 1);\n animation = animation._dp;\n }\n\n return !this.parent && this._sat ? this._sat.vars.immediateRender ? -1 : this._sat.globalTime(rawTime) : time; // the _startAt tweens for .fromTo() and .from() that have immediateRender should always be FIRST in the timeline (important for context.revert()). \"_sat\" stands for _startAtTween, referring to the parent tween that created the _startAt. We must discern if that tween had immediateRender so that we can know whether or not to prioritize it in revert().\n };\n\n _proto.repeat = function repeat(value) {\n if (arguments.length) {\n this._repeat = value === Infinity ? -2 : value;\n return _onUpdateTotalDuration(this);\n }\n\n return this._repeat === -2 ? Infinity : this._repeat;\n };\n\n _proto.repeatDelay = function repeatDelay(value) {\n if (arguments.length) {\n var time = this._time;\n this._rDelay = value;\n\n _onUpdateTotalDuration(this);\n\n return time ? this.time(time) : this;\n }\n\n return this._rDelay;\n };\n\n _proto.yoyo = function yoyo(value) {\n if (arguments.length) {\n this._yoyo = value;\n return this;\n }\n\n return this._yoyo;\n };\n\n _proto.seek = function seek(position, suppressEvents) {\n return this.totalTime(_parsePosition(this, position), _isNotFalse(suppressEvents));\n };\n\n _proto.restart = function restart(includeDelay, suppressEvents) {\n return this.play().totalTime(includeDelay ? -this._delay : 0, _isNotFalse(suppressEvents));\n };\n\n _proto.play = function play(from, suppressEvents) {\n from != null && this.seek(from, suppressEvents);\n return this.reversed(false).paused(false);\n };\n\n _proto.reverse = function reverse(from, suppressEvents) {\n from != null && this.seek(from || this.totalDuration(), suppressEvents);\n return this.reversed(true).paused(false);\n };\n\n _proto.pause = function pause(atTime, suppressEvents) {\n atTime != null && this.seek(atTime, suppressEvents);\n return this.paused(true);\n };\n\n _proto.resume = function resume() {\n return this.paused(false);\n };\n\n _proto.reversed = function reversed(value) {\n if (arguments.length) {\n !!value !== this.reversed() && this.timeScale(-this._rts || (value ? -_tinyNum : 0)); // in case timeScale is zero, reversing would have no effect so we use _tinyNum.\n\n return this;\n }\n\n return this._rts < 0;\n };\n\n _proto.invalidate = function invalidate() {\n this._initted = this._act = 0;\n this._zTime = -_tinyNum;\n return this;\n };\n\n _proto.isActive = function isActive() {\n var parent = this.parent || this._dp,\n start = this._start,\n rawTime;\n return !!(!parent || this._ts && this._initted && parent.isActive() && (rawTime = parent.rawTime(true)) >= start && rawTime < this.endTime(true) - _tinyNum);\n };\n\n _proto.eventCallback = function eventCallback(type, callback, params) {\n var vars = this.vars;\n\n if (arguments.length > 1) {\n if (!callback) {\n delete vars[type];\n } else {\n vars[type] = callback;\n params && (vars[type + \"Params\"] = params);\n type === \"onUpdate\" && (this._onUpdate = callback);\n }\n\n return this;\n }\n\n return vars[type];\n };\n\n _proto.then = function then(onFulfilled) {\n var self = this;\n return new Promise(function (resolve) {\n var f = _isFunction(onFulfilled) ? onFulfilled : _passThrough,\n _resolve = function _resolve() {\n var _then = self.then;\n self.then = null; // temporarily null the then() method to avoid an infinite loop (see https://github.com/greensock/GSAP/issues/322)\n\n _isFunction(f) && (f = f(self)) && (f.then || f === self) && (self.then = _then);\n resolve(f);\n self.then = _then;\n };\n\n if (self._initted && self.totalProgress() === 1 && self._ts >= 0 || !self._tTime && self._ts < 0) {\n _resolve();\n } else {\n self._prom = _resolve;\n }\n });\n };\n\n _proto.kill = function kill() {\n _interrupt(this);\n };\n\n return Animation;\n}();\n\n_setDefaults(Animation.prototype, {\n _time: 0,\n _start: 0,\n _end: 0,\n _tTime: 0,\n _tDur: 0,\n _dirty: 0,\n _repeat: 0,\n _yoyo: false,\n parent: null,\n _initted: false,\n _rDelay: 0,\n _ts: 1,\n _dp: 0,\n ratio: 0,\n _zTime: -_tinyNum,\n _prom: 0,\n _ps: false,\n _rts: 1\n});\n/*\n * -------------------------------------------------\n * TIMELINE\n * -------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n\nexport var Timeline = /*#__PURE__*/function (_Animation) {\n _inheritsLoose(Timeline, _Animation);\n\n function Timeline(vars, position) {\n var _this;\n\n if (vars === void 0) {\n vars = {};\n }\n\n _this = _Animation.call(this, vars) || this;\n _this.labels = {};\n _this.smoothChildTiming = !!vars.smoothChildTiming;\n _this.autoRemoveChildren = !!vars.autoRemoveChildren;\n _this._sort = _isNotFalse(vars.sortChildren);\n _globalTimeline && _addToTimeline(vars.parent || _globalTimeline, _assertThisInitialized(_this), position);\n vars.reversed && _this.reverse();\n vars.paused && _this.paused(true);\n vars.scrollTrigger && _scrollTrigger(_assertThisInitialized(_this), vars.scrollTrigger);\n return _this;\n }\n\n var _proto2 = Timeline.prototype;\n\n _proto2.to = function to(targets, vars, position) {\n _createTweenType(0, arguments, this);\n\n return this;\n };\n\n _proto2.from = function from(targets, vars, position) {\n _createTweenType(1, arguments, this);\n\n return this;\n };\n\n _proto2.fromTo = function fromTo(targets, fromVars, toVars, position) {\n _createTweenType(2, arguments, this);\n\n return this;\n };\n\n _proto2.set = function set(targets, vars, position) {\n vars.duration = 0;\n vars.parent = this;\n _inheritDefaults(vars).repeatDelay || (vars.repeat = 0);\n vars.immediateRender = !!vars.immediateRender;\n new Tween(targets, vars, _parsePosition(this, position), 1);\n return this;\n };\n\n _proto2.call = function call(callback, params, position) {\n return _addToTimeline(this, Tween.delayedCall(0, callback, params), position);\n } //ONLY for backward compatibility! Maybe delete?\n ;\n\n _proto2.staggerTo = function staggerTo(targets, duration, vars, stagger, position, onCompleteAll, onCompleteAllParams) {\n vars.duration = duration;\n vars.stagger = vars.stagger || stagger;\n vars.onComplete = onCompleteAll;\n vars.onCompleteParams = onCompleteAllParams;\n vars.parent = this;\n new Tween(targets, vars, _parsePosition(this, position));\n return this;\n };\n\n _proto2.staggerFrom = function staggerFrom(targets, duration, vars, stagger, position, onCompleteAll, onCompleteAllParams) {\n vars.runBackwards = 1;\n _inheritDefaults(vars).immediateRender = _isNotFalse(vars.immediateRender);\n return this.staggerTo(targets, duration, vars, stagger, position, onCompleteAll, onCompleteAllParams);\n };\n\n _proto2.staggerFromTo = function staggerFromTo(targets, duration, fromVars, toVars, stagger, position, onCompleteAll, onCompleteAllParams) {\n toVars.startAt = fromVars;\n _inheritDefaults(toVars).immediateRender = _isNotFalse(toVars.immediateRender);\n return this.staggerTo(targets, duration, toVars, stagger, position, onCompleteAll, onCompleteAllParams);\n };\n\n _proto2.render = function render(totalTime, suppressEvents, force) {\n var prevTime = this._time,\n tDur = this._dirty ? this.totalDuration() : this._tDur,\n dur = this._dur,\n tTime = totalTime <= 0 ? 0 : _roundPrecise(totalTime),\n // if a paused timeline is resumed (or its _start is updated for another reason...which rounds it), that could result in the playhead shifting a **tiny** amount and a zero-duration child at that spot may get rendered at a different ratio, like its totalTime in render() may be 1e-17 instead of 0, for example.\n crossingStart = this._zTime < 0 !== totalTime < 0 && (this._initted || !dur),\n time,\n child,\n next,\n iteration,\n cycleDuration,\n prevPaused,\n pauseTween,\n timeScale,\n prevStart,\n prevIteration,\n yoyo,\n isYoyo;\n this !== _globalTimeline && tTime > tDur && totalTime >= 0 && (tTime = tDur);\n\n if (tTime !== this._tTime || force || crossingStart) {\n if (prevTime !== this._time && dur) {\n //if totalDuration() finds a child with a negative startTime and smoothChildTiming is true, things get shifted around internally so we need to adjust the time accordingly. For example, if a tween starts at -30 we must shift EVERYTHING forward 30 seconds and move this timeline's startTime backward by 30 seconds so that things align with the playhead (no jump).\n tTime += this._time - prevTime;\n totalTime += this._time - prevTime;\n }\n\n time = tTime;\n prevStart = this._start;\n timeScale = this._ts;\n prevPaused = !timeScale;\n\n if (crossingStart) {\n dur || (prevTime = this._zTime); //when the playhead arrives at EXACTLY time 0 (right on top) of a zero-duration timeline, we need to discern if events are suppressed so that when the playhead moves again (next time), it'll trigger the callback. If events are NOT suppressed, obviously the callback would be triggered in this render. Basically, the callback should fire either when the playhead ARRIVES or LEAVES this exact spot, not both. Imagine doing a timeline.seek(0) and there's a callback that sits at 0. Since events are suppressed on that seek() by default, nothing will fire, but when the playhead moves off of that position, the callback should fire. This behavior is what people intuitively expect.\n\n (totalTime || !suppressEvents) && (this._zTime = totalTime);\n }\n\n if (this._repeat) {\n //adjust the time for repeats and yoyos\n yoyo = this._yoyo;\n cycleDuration = dur + this._rDelay;\n\n if (this._repeat < -1 && totalTime < 0) {\n return this.totalTime(cycleDuration * 100 + totalTime, suppressEvents, force);\n }\n\n time = _roundPrecise(tTime % cycleDuration); //round to avoid floating point errors. (4 % 0.8 should be 0 but some browsers report it as 0.79999999!)\n\n if (tTime === tDur) {\n // the tDur === tTime is for edge cases where there's a lengthy decimal on the duration and it may reach the very end but the time is rendered as not-quite-there (remember, tDur is rounded to 4 decimals whereas dur isn't)\n iteration = this._repeat;\n time = dur;\n } else {\n iteration = ~~(tTime / cycleDuration);\n\n if (iteration && iteration === tTime / cycleDuration) {\n time = dur;\n iteration--;\n }\n\n time > dur && (time = dur);\n }\n\n prevIteration = _animationCycle(this._tTime, cycleDuration);\n !prevTime && this._tTime && prevIteration !== iteration && (prevIteration = iteration); // edge case - if someone does addPause() at the very beginning of a repeating timeline, that pause is technically at the same spot as the end which causes this._time to get set to 0 when the totalTime would normally place the playhead at the end. See https://greensock.com/forums/topic/23823-closing-nav-animation-not-working-on-ie-and-iphone-6-maybe-other-older-browser/?tab=comments#comment-113005\n\n if (yoyo && iteration & 1) {\n time = dur - time;\n isYoyo = 1;\n }\n /*\n make sure children at the end/beginning of the timeline are rendered properly. If, for example,\n a 3-second long timeline rendered at 2.9 seconds previously, and now renders at 3.2 seconds (which\n would get translated to 2.8 seconds if the timeline yoyos or 0.2 seconds if it just repeats), there\n could be a callback or a short tween that's at 2.95 or 3 seconds in which wouldn't render. So\n we need to push the timeline to the end (and/or beginning depending on its yoyo value). Also we must\n ensure that zero-duration tweens at the very beginning or end of the Timeline work.\n */\n\n\n if (iteration !== prevIteration && !this._lock) {\n var rewinding = yoyo && prevIteration & 1,\n doesWrap = rewinding === (yoyo && iteration & 1);\n iteration < prevIteration && (rewinding = !rewinding);\n prevTime = rewinding ? 0 : dur;\n this._lock = 1;\n this.render(prevTime || (isYoyo ? 0 : _roundPrecise(iteration * cycleDuration)), suppressEvents, !dur)._lock = 0;\n this._tTime = tTime; // if a user gets the iteration() inside the onRepeat, for example, it should be accurate.\n\n !suppressEvents && this.parent && _callback(this, \"onRepeat\");\n this.vars.repeatRefresh && !isYoyo && (this.invalidate()._lock = 1);\n\n if (prevTime && prevTime !== this._time || prevPaused !== !this._ts || this.vars.onRepeat && !this.parent && !this._act) {\n // if prevTime is 0 and we render at the very end, _time will be the end, thus won't match. So in this edge case, prevTime won't match _time but that's okay. If it gets killed in the onRepeat, eject as well.\n return this;\n }\n\n dur = this._dur; // in case the duration changed in the onRepeat\n\n tDur = this._tDur;\n\n if (doesWrap) {\n this._lock = 2;\n prevTime = rewinding ? dur : -0.0001;\n this.render(prevTime, true);\n this.vars.repeatRefresh && !isYoyo && this.invalidate();\n }\n\n this._lock = 0;\n\n if (!this._ts && !prevPaused) {\n return this;\n } //in order for yoyoEase to work properly when there's a stagger, we must swap out the ease in each sub-tween.\n\n\n _propagateYoyoEase(this, isYoyo);\n }\n }\n\n if (this._hasPause && !this._forcing && this._lock < 2) {\n pauseTween = _findNextPauseTween(this, _roundPrecise(prevTime), _roundPrecise(time));\n\n if (pauseTween) {\n tTime -= time - (time = pauseTween._start);\n }\n }\n\n this._tTime = tTime;\n this._time = time;\n this._act = !timeScale; //as long as it's not paused, force it to be active so that if the user renders independent of the parent timeline, it'll be forced to re-render on the next tick.\n\n if (!this._initted) {\n this._onUpdate = this.vars.onUpdate;\n this._initted = 1;\n this._zTime = totalTime;\n prevTime = 0; // upon init, the playhead should always go forward; someone could invalidate() a completed timeline and then if they restart(), that would make child tweens render in reverse order which could lock in the wrong starting values if they build on each other, like tl.to(obj, {x: 100}).to(obj, {x: 0}).\n }\n\n if (!prevTime && time && !suppressEvents) {\n _callback(this, \"onStart\");\n\n if (this._tTime !== tTime) {\n // in case the onStart triggered a render at a different spot, eject. Like if someone did animation.pause(0.5) or something inside the onStart.\n return this;\n }\n }\n\n if (time >= prevTime && totalTime >= 0) {\n child = this._first;\n\n while (child) {\n next = child._next;\n\n if ((child._act || time >= child._start) && child._ts && pauseTween !== child) {\n if (child.parent !== this) {\n // an extreme edge case - the child's render could do something like kill() the \"next\" one in the linked list, or reparent it. In that case we must re-initiate the whole render to be safe.\n return this.render(totalTime, suppressEvents, force);\n }\n\n child.render(child._ts > 0 ? (time - child._start) * child._ts : (child._dirty ? child.totalDuration() : child._tDur) + (time - child._start) * child._ts, suppressEvents, force);\n\n if (time !== this._time || !this._ts && !prevPaused) {\n //in case a tween pauses or seeks the timeline when rendering, like inside of an onUpdate/onComplete\n pauseTween = 0;\n next && (tTime += this._zTime = -_tinyNum); // it didn't finish rendering, so flag zTime as negative so that so that the next time render() is called it'll be forced (to render any remaining children)\n\n break;\n }\n }\n\n child = next;\n }\n } else {\n child = this._last;\n var adjustedTime = totalTime < 0 ? totalTime : time; //when the playhead goes backward beyond the start of this timeline, we must pass that information down to the child animations so that zero-duration tweens know whether to render their starting or ending values.\n\n while (child) {\n next = child._prev;\n\n if ((child._act || adjustedTime <= child._end) && child._ts && pauseTween !== child) {\n if (child.parent !== this) {\n // an extreme edge case - the child's render could do something like kill() the \"next\" one in the linked list, or reparent it. In that case we must re-initiate the whole render to be safe.\n return this.render(totalTime, suppressEvents, force);\n }\n\n child.render(child._ts > 0 ? (adjustedTime - child._start) * child._ts : (child._dirty ? child.totalDuration() : child._tDur) + (adjustedTime - child._start) * child._ts, suppressEvents, force || _reverting && (child._initted || child._startAt)); // if reverting, we should always force renders of initted tweens (but remember that .fromTo() or .from() may have a _startAt but not _initted yet). If, for example, a .fromTo() tween with a stagger (which creates an internal timeline) gets reverted BEFORE some of its child tweens render for the first time, it may not properly trigger them to revert.\n\n if (time !== this._time || !this._ts && !prevPaused) {\n //in case a tween pauses or seeks the timeline when rendering, like inside of an onUpdate/onComplete\n pauseTween = 0;\n next && (tTime += this._zTime = adjustedTime ? -_tinyNum : _tinyNum); // it didn't finish rendering, so adjust zTime so that so that the next time render() is called it'll be forced (to render any remaining children)\n\n break;\n }\n }\n\n child = next;\n }\n }\n\n if (pauseTween && !suppressEvents) {\n this.pause();\n pauseTween.render(time >= prevTime ? 0 : -_tinyNum)._zTime = time >= prevTime ? 1 : -1;\n\n if (this._ts) {\n //the callback resumed playback! So since we may have held back the playhead due to where the pause is positioned, go ahead and jump to where it's SUPPOSED to be (if no pause happened).\n this._start = prevStart; //if the pause was at an earlier time and the user resumed in the callback, it could reposition the timeline (changing its startTime), throwing things off slightly, so we make sure the _start doesn't shift.\n\n _setEnd(this);\n\n return this.render(totalTime, suppressEvents, force);\n }\n }\n\n this._onUpdate && !suppressEvents && _callback(this, \"onUpdate\", true);\n if (tTime === tDur && this._tTime >= this.totalDuration() || !tTime && prevTime) if (prevStart === this._start || Math.abs(timeScale) !== Math.abs(this._ts)) if (!this._lock) {\n // remember, a child's callback may alter this timeline's playhead or timeScale which is why we need to add some of these checks.\n (totalTime || !dur) && (tTime === tDur && this._ts > 0 || !tTime && this._ts < 0) && _removeFromParent(this, 1); // don't remove if the timeline is reversed and the playhead isn't at 0, otherwise tl.progress(1).reverse() won't work. Only remove if the playhead is at the end and timeScale is positive, or if the playhead is at 0 and the timeScale is negative.\n\n if (!suppressEvents && !(totalTime < 0 && !prevTime) && (tTime || prevTime || !tDur)) {\n _callback(this, tTime === tDur && totalTime >= 0 ? \"onComplete\" : \"onReverseComplete\", true);\n\n this._prom && !(tTime < tDur && this.timeScale() > 0) && this._prom();\n }\n }\n }\n\n return this;\n };\n\n _proto2.add = function add(child, position) {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n _isNumber(position) || (position = _parsePosition(this, position, child));\n\n if (!(child instanceof Animation)) {\n if (_isArray(child)) {\n child.forEach(function (obj) {\n return _this2.add(obj, position);\n });\n return this;\n }\n\n if (_isString(child)) {\n return this.addLabel(child, position);\n }\n\n if (_isFunction(child)) {\n child = Tween.delayedCall(0, child);\n } else {\n return this;\n }\n }\n\n return this !== child ? _addToTimeline(this, child, position) : this; //don't allow a timeline to be added to itself as a child!\n };\n\n _proto2.getChildren = function getChildren(nested, tweens, timelines, ignoreBeforeTime) {\n if (nested === void 0) {\n nested = true;\n }\n\n if (tweens === void 0) {\n tweens = true;\n }\n\n if (timelines === void 0) {\n timelines = true;\n }\n\n if (ignoreBeforeTime === void 0) {\n ignoreBeforeTime = -_bigNum;\n }\n\n var a = [],\n child = this._first;\n\n while (child) {\n if (child._start >= ignoreBeforeTime) {\n if (child instanceof Tween) {\n tweens && a.push(child);\n } else {\n timelines && a.push(child);\n nested && a.push.apply(a, child.getChildren(true, tweens, timelines));\n }\n }\n\n child = child._next;\n }\n\n return a;\n };\n\n _proto2.getById = function getById(id) {\n var animations = this.getChildren(1, 1, 1),\n i = animations.length;\n\n while (i--) {\n if (animations[i].vars.id === id) {\n return animations[i];\n }\n }\n };\n\n _proto2.remove = function remove(child) {\n if (_isString(child)) {\n return this.removeLabel(child);\n }\n\n if (_isFunction(child)) {\n return this.killTweensOf(child);\n }\n\n _removeLinkedListItem(this, child);\n\n if (child === this._recent) {\n this._recent = this._last;\n }\n\n return _uncache(this);\n };\n\n _proto2.totalTime = function totalTime(_totalTime2, suppressEvents) {\n if (!arguments.length) {\n return this._tTime;\n }\n\n this._forcing = 1;\n\n if (!this._dp && this._ts) {\n //special case for the global timeline (or any other that has no parent or detached parent).\n this._start = _roundPrecise(_ticker.time - (this._ts > 0 ? _totalTime2 / this._ts : (this.totalDuration() - _totalTime2) / -this._ts));\n }\n\n _Animation.prototype.totalTime.call(this, _totalTime2, suppressEvents);\n\n this._forcing = 0;\n return this;\n };\n\n _proto2.addLabel = function addLabel(label, position) {\n this.labels[label] = _parsePosition(this, position);\n return this;\n };\n\n _proto2.removeLabel = function removeLabel(label) {\n delete this.labels[label];\n return this;\n };\n\n _proto2.addPause = function addPause(position, callback, params) {\n var t = Tween.delayedCall(0, callback || _emptyFunc, params);\n t.data = \"isPause\";\n this._hasPause = 1;\n return _addToTimeline(this, t, _parsePosition(this, position));\n };\n\n _proto2.removePause = function removePause(position) {\n var child = this._first;\n position = _parsePosition(this, position);\n\n while (child) {\n if (child._start === position && child.data === \"isPause\") {\n _removeFromParent(child);\n }\n\n child = child._next;\n }\n };\n\n _proto2.killTweensOf = function killTweensOf(targets, props, onlyActive) {\n var tweens = this.getTweensOf(targets, onlyActive),\n i = tweens.length;\n\n while (i--) {\n _overwritingTween !== tweens[i] && tweens[i].kill(targets, props);\n }\n\n return this;\n };\n\n _proto2.getTweensOf = function getTweensOf(targets, onlyActive) {\n var a = [],\n parsedTargets = toArray(targets),\n child = this._first,\n isGlobalTime = _isNumber(onlyActive),\n // a number is interpreted as a global time. If the animation spans\n children;\n\n while (child) {\n if (child instanceof Tween) {\n if (_arrayContainsAny(child._targets, parsedTargets) && (isGlobalTime ? (!_overwritingTween || child._initted && child._ts) && child.globalTime(0) <= onlyActive && child.globalTime(child.totalDuration()) > onlyActive : !onlyActive || child.isActive())) {\n // note: if this is for overwriting, it should only be for tweens that aren't paused and are initted.\n a.push(child);\n }\n } else if ((children = child.getTweensOf(parsedTargets, onlyActive)).length) {\n a.push.apply(a, children);\n }\n\n child = child._next;\n }\n\n return a;\n } // potential future feature - targets() on timelines\n // targets() {\n // \tlet result = [];\n // \tthis.getChildren(true, true, false).forEach(t => result.push(...t.targets()));\n // \treturn result.filter((v, i) => result.indexOf(v) === i);\n // }\n ;\n\n _proto2.tweenTo = function tweenTo(position, vars) {\n vars = vars || {};\n\n var tl = this,\n endTime = _parsePosition(tl, position),\n _vars = vars,\n startAt = _vars.startAt,\n _onStart = _vars.onStart,\n onStartParams = _vars.onStartParams,\n immediateRender = _vars.immediateRender,\n initted,\n tween = Tween.to(tl, _setDefaults({\n ease: vars.ease || \"none\",\n lazy: false,\n immediateRender: false,\n time: endTime,\n overwrite: \"auto\",\n duration: vars.duration || Math.abs((endTime - (startAt && \"time\" in startAt ? startAt.time : tl._time)) / tl.timeScale()) || _tinyNum,\n onStart: function onStart() {\n tl.pause();\n\n if (!initted) {\n var duration = vars.duration || Math.abs((endTime - (startAt && \"time\" in startAt ? startAt.time : tl._time)) / tl.timeScale());\n tween._dur !== duration && _setDuration(tween, duration, 0, 1).render(tween._time, true, true);\n initted = 1;\n }\n\n _onStart && _onStart.apply(tween, onStartParams || []); //in case the user had an onStart in the vars - we don't want to overwrite it.\n }\n }, vars));\n\n return immediateRender ? tween.render(0) : tween;\n };\n\n _proto2.tweenFromTo = function tweenFromTo(fromPosition, toPosition, vars) {\n return this.tweenTo(toPosition, _setDefaults({\n startAt: {\n time: _parsePosition(this, fromPosition)\n }\n }, vars));\n };\n\n _proto2.recent = function recent() {\n return this._recent;\n };\n\n _proto2.nextLabel = function nextLabel(afterTime) {\n if (afterTime === void 0) {\n afterTime = this._time;\n }\n\n return _getLabelInDirection(this, _parsePosition(this, afterTime));\n };\n\n _proto2.previousLabel = function previousLabel(beforeTime) {\n if (beforeTime === void 0) {\n beforeTime = this._time;\n }\n\n return _getLabelInDirection(this, _parsePosition(this, beforeTime), 1);\n };\n\n _proto2.currentLabel = function currentLabel(value) {\n return arguments.length ? this.seek(value, true) : this.previousLabel(this._time + _tinyNum);\n };\n\n _proto2.shiftChildren = function shiftChildren(amount, adjustLabels, ignoreBeforeTime) {\n if (ignoreBeforeTime === void 0) {\n ignoreBeforeTime = 0;\n }\n\n var child = this._first,\n labels = this.labels,\n p;\n\n while (child) {\n if (child._start >= ignoreBeforeTime) {\n child._start += amount;\n child._end += amount;\n }\n\n child = child._next;\n }\n\n if (adjustLabels) {\n for (p in labels) {\n if (labels[p] >= ignoreBeforeTime) {\n labels[p] += amount;\n }\n }\n }\n\n return _uncache(this);\n };\n\n _proto2.invalidate = function invalidate(soft) {\n var child = this._first;\n this._lock = 0;\n\n while (child) {\n child.invalidate(soft);\n child = child._next;\n }\n\n return _Animation.prototype.invalidate.call(this, soft);\n };\n\n _proto2.clear = function clear(includeLabels) {\n if (includeLabels === void 0) {\n includeLabels = true;\n }\n\n var child = this._first,\n next;\n\n while (child) {\n next = child._next;\n this.remove(child);\n child = next;\n }\n\n this._dp && (this._time = this._tTime = this._pTime = 0);\n includeLabels && (this.labels = {});\n return _uncache(this);\n };\n\n _proto2.totalDuration = function totalDuration(value) {\n var max = 0,\n self = this,\n child = self._last,\n prevStart = _bigNum,\n prev,\n start,\n parent;\n\n if (arguments.length) {\n return self.timeScale((self._repeat < 0 ? self.duration() : self.totalDuration()) / (self.reversed() ? -value : value));\n }\n\n if (self._dirty) {\n parent = self.parent;\n\n while (child) {\n prev = child._prev; //record it here in case the tween changes position in the sequence...\n\n child._dirty && child.totalDuration(); //could change the tween._startTime, so make sure the animation's cache is clean before analyzing it.\n\n start = child._start;\n\n if (start > prevStart && self._sort && child._ts && !self._lock) {\n //in case one of the tweens shifted out of order, it needs to be re-inserted into the correct position in the sequence\n self._lock = 1; //prevent endless recursive calls - there are methods that get triggered that check duration/totalDuration when we add().\n\n _addToTimeline(self, child, start - child._delay, 1)._lock = 0;\n } else {\n prevStart = start;\n }\n\n if (start < 0 && child._ts) {\n //children aren't allowed to have negative startTimes unless smoothChildTiming is true, so adjust here if one is found.\n max -= start;\n\n if (!parent && !self._dp || parent && parent.smoothChildTiming) {\n self._start += start / self._ts;\n self._time -= start;\n self._tTime -= start;\n }\n\n self.shiftChildren(-start, false, -1e999);\n prevStart = 0;\n }\n\n child._end > max && child._ts && (max = child._end);\n child = prev;\n }\n\n _setDuration(self, self === _globalTimeline && self._time > max ? self._time : max, 1, 1);\n\n self._dirty = 0;\n }\n\n return self._tDur;\n };\n\n Timeline.updateRoot = function updateRoot(time) {\n if (_globalTimeline._ts) {\n _lazySafeRender(_globalTimeline, _parentToChildTotalTime(time, _globalTimeline));\n\n _lastRenderedFrame = _ticker.frame;\n }\n\n if (_ticker.frame >= _nextGCFrame) {\n _nextGCFrame += _config.autoSleep || 120;\n var child = _globalTimeline._first;\n if (!child || !child._ts) if (_config.autoSleep && _ticker._listeners.length < 2) {\n while (child && !child._ts) {\n child = child._next;\n }\n\n child || _ticker.sleep();\n }\n }\n };\n\n return Timeline;\n}(Animation);\n\n_setDefaults(Timeline.prototype, {\n _lock: 0,\n _hasPause: 0,\n _forcing: 0\n});\n\nvar _addComplexStringPropTween = function _addComplexStringPropTween(target, prop, start, end, setter, stringFilter, funcParam) {\n //note: we call _addComplexStringPropTween.call(tweenInstance...) to ensure that it's scoped properly. We may call it from within a plugin too, thus \"this\" would refer to the plugin.\n var pt = new PropTween(this._pt, target, prop, 0, 1, _renderComplexString, null, setter),\n index = 0,\n matchIndex = 0,\n result,\n startNums,\n color,\n endNum,\n chunk,\n startNum,\n hasRandom,\n a;\n pt.b = start;\n pt.e = end;\n start += \"\"; //ensure values are strings\n\n end += \"\";\n\n if (hasRandom = ~end.indexOf(\"random(\")) {\n end = _replaceRandom(end);\n }\n\n if (stringFilter) {\n a = [start, end];\n stringFilter(a, target, prop); //pass an array with the starting and ending values and let the filter do whatever it needs to the values.\n\n start = a[0];\n end = a[1];\n }\n\n startNums = start.match(_complexStringNumExp) || [];\n\n while (result = _complexStringNumExp.exec(end)) {\n endNum = result[0];\n chunk = end.substring(index, result.index);\n\n if (color) {\n color = (color + 1) % 5;\n } else if (chunk.substr(-5) === \"rgba(\") {\n color = 1;\n }\n\n if (endNum !== startNums[matchIndex++]) {\n startNum = parseFloat(startNums[matchIndex - 1]) || 0; //these nested PropTweens are handled in a special way - we'll never actually call a render or setter method on them. We'll just loop through them in the parent complex string PropTween's render method.\n\n pt._pt = {\n _next: pt._pt,\n p: chunk || matchIndex === 1 ? chunk : \",\",\n //note: SVG spec allows omission of comma/space when a negative sign is wedged between two numbers, like 2.5-5.3 instead of 2.5,-5.3 but when tweening, the negative value may switch to positive, so we insert the comma just in case.\n s: startNum,\n c: endNum.charAt(1) === \"=\" ? _parseRelative(startNum, endNum) - startNum : parseFloat(endNum) - startNum,\n m: color && color < 4 ? Math.round : 0\n };\n index = _complexStringNumExp.lastIndex;\n }\n }\n\n pt.c = index < end.length ? end.substring(index, end.length) : \"\"; //we use the \"c\" of the PropTween to store the final part of the string (after the last number)\n\n pt.fp = funcParam;\n\n if (_relExp.test(end) || hasRandom) {\n pt.e = 0; //if the end string contains relative values or dynamic random(...) values, delete the end it so that on the final render we don't actually set it to the string with += or -= characters (forces it to use the calculated value).\n }\n\n this._pt = pt; //start the linked list with this new PropTween. Remember, we call _addComplexStringPropTween.call(tweenInstance...) to ensure that it's scoped properly. We may call it from within a plugin too, thus \"this\" would refer to the plugin.\n\n return pt;\n},\n _addPropTween = function _addPropTween(target, prop, start, end, index, targets, modifier, stringFilter, funcParam, optional) {\n _isFunction(end) && (end = end(index || 0, target, targets));\n var currentValue = target[prop],\n parsedStart = start !== \"get\" ? start : !_isFunction(currentValue) ? currentValue : funcParam ? target[prop.indexOf(\"set\") || !_isFunction(target[\"get\" + prop.substr(3)]) ? prop : \"get\" + prop.substr(3)](funcParam) : target[prop](),\n setter = !_isFunction(currentValue) ? _setterPlain : funcParam ? _setterFuncWithParam : _setterFunc,\n pt;\n\n if (_isString(end)) {\n if (~end.indexOf(\"random(\")) {\n end = _replaceRandom(end);\n }\n\n if (end.charAt(1) === \"=\") {\n pt = _parseRelative(parsedStart, end) + (getUnit(parsedStart) || 0);\n\n if (pt || pt === 0) {\n // to avoid isNaN, like if someone passes in a value like \"!= whatever\"\n end = pt;\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (!optional || parsedStart !== end || _forceAllPropTweens) {\n if (!isNaN(parsedStart * end) && end !== \"\") {\n // fun fact: any number multiplied by \"\" is evaluated as the number 0!\n pt = new PropTween(this._pt, target, prop, +parsedStart || 0, end - (parsedStart || 0), typeof currentValue === \"boolean\" ? _renderBoolean : _renderPlain, 0, setter);\n funcParam && (pt.fp = funcParam);\n modifier && pt.modifier(modifier, this, target);\n return this._pt = pt;\n }\n\n !currentValue && !(prop in target) && _missingPlugin(prop, end);\n return _addComplexStringPropTween.call(this, target, prop, parsedStart, end, setter, stringFilter || _config.stringFilter, funcParam);\n }\n},\n //creates a copy of the vars object and processes any function-based values (putting the resulting values directly into the copy) as well as strings with \"random()\" in them. It does NOT process relative values.\n_processVars = function _processVars(vars, index, target, targets, tween) {\n _isFunction(vars) && (vars = _parseFuncOrString(vars, tween, index, target, targets));\n\n if (!_isObject(vars) || vars.style && vars.nodeType || _isArray(vars) || _isTypedArray(vars)) {\n return _isString(vars) ? _parseFuncOrString(vars, tween, index, target, targets) : vars;\n }\n\n var copy = {},\n p;\n\n for (p in vars) {\n copy[p] = _parseFuncOrString(vars[p], tween, index, target, targets);\n }\n\n return copy;\n},\n _checkPlugin = function _checkPlugin(property, vars, tween, index, target, targets) {\n var plugin, pt, ptLookup, i;\n\n if (_plugins[property] && (plugin = new _plugins[property]()).init(target, plugin.rawVars ? vars[property] : _processVars(vars[property], index, target, targets, tween), tween, index, targets) !== false) {\n tween._pt = pt = new PropTween(tween._pt, target, property, 0, 1, plugin.render, plugin, 0, plugin.priority);\n\n if (tween !== _quickTween) {\n ptLookup = tween._ptLookup[tween._targets.indexOf(target)]; //note: we can't use tween._ptLookup[index] because for staggered tweens, the index from the fullTargets array won't match what it is in each individual tween that spawns from the stagger.\n\n i = plugin._props.length;\n\n while (i--) {\n ptLookup[plugin._props[i]] = pt;\n }\n }\n }\n\n return plugin;\n},\n _overwritingTween,\n //store a reference temporarily so we can avoid overwriting itself.\n_forceAllPropTweens,\n _initTween = function _initTween(tween, time, tTime) {\n var vars = tween.vars,\n ease = vars.ease,\n startAt = vars.startAt,\n immediateRender = vars.immediateRender,\n lazy = vars.lazy,\n onUpdate = vars.onUpdate,\n onUpdateParams = vars.onUpdateParams,\n callbackScope = vars.callbackScope,\n runBackwards = vars.runBackwards,\n yoyoEase = vars.yoyoEase,\n keyframes = vars.keyframes,\n autoRevert = vars.autoRevert,\n dur = tween._dur,\n prevStartAt = tween._startAt,\n targets = tween._targets,\n parent = tween.parent,\n fullTargets = parent && parent.data === \"nested\" ? parent.vars.targets : targets,\n autoOverwrite = tween._overwrite === \"auto\" && !_suppressOverwrites,\n tl = tween.timeline,\n cleanVars,\n i,\n p,\n pt,\n target,\n hasPriority,\n gsData,\n harness,\n plugin,\n ptLookup,\n index,\n harnessVars,\n overwritten;\n tl && (!keyframes || !ease) && (ease = \"none\");\n tween._ease = _parseEase(ease, _defaults.ease);\n tween._yEase = yoyoEase ? _invertEase(_parseEase(yoyoEase === true ? ease : yoyoEase, _defaults.ease)) : 0;\n\n if (yoyoEase && tween._yoyo && !tween._repeat) {\n //there must have been a parent timeline with yoyo:true that is currently in its yoyo phase, so flip the eases.\n yoyoEase = tween._yEase;\n tween._yEase = tween._ease;\n tween._ease = yoyoEase;\n }\n\n tween._from = !tl && !!vars.runBackwards; //nested timelines should never run backwards - the backwards-ness is in the child tweens.\n\n if (!tl || keyframes && !vars.stagger) {\n //if there's an internal timeline, skip all the parsing because we passed that task down the chain.\n harness = targets[0] ? _getCache(targets[0]).harness : 0;\n harnessVars = harness && vars[harness.prop]; //someone may need to specify CSS-specific values AND non-CSS values, like if the element has an \"x\" property plus it's a standard DOM element. We allow people to distinguish by wrapping plugin-specific stuff in a css:{} object for example.\n\n cleanVars = _copyExcluding(vars, _reservedProps);\n\n if (prevStartAt) {\n prevStartAt._zTime < 0 && prevStartAt.progress(1); // in case it's a lazy startAt that hasn't rendered yet.\n\n time < 0 && runBackwards && immediateRender && !autoRevert ? prevStartAt.render(-1, true) : prevStartAt.revert(runBackwards && dur ? _revertConfigNoKill : _startAtRevertConfig); // if it's a \"startAt\" (not \"from()\" or runBackwards: true), we only need to do a shallow revert (keep transforms cached in CSSPlugin)\n // don't just _removeFromParent(prevStartAt.render(-1, true)) because that'll leave inline styles. We're creating a new _startAt for \"startAt\" tweens that re-capture things to ensure that if the pre-tween values changed since the tween was created, they're recorded.\n\n prevStartAt._lazy = 0;\n }\n\n if (startAt) {\n _removeFromParent(tween._startAt = Tween.set(targets, _setDefaults({\n data: \"isStart\",\n overwrite: false,\n parent: parent,\n immediateRender: true,\n lazy: !prevStartAt && _isNotFalse(lazy),\n startAt: null,\n delay: 0,\n onUpdate: onUpdate,\n onUpdateParams: onUpdateParams,\n callbackScope: callbackScope,\n stagger: 0\n }, startAt))); //copy the properties/values into a new object to avoid collisions, like var to = {x:0}, from = {x:500}; timeline.fromTo(e, from, to).fromTo(e, to, from);\n\n\n tween._startAt._dp = 0; // don't allow it to get put back into root timeline! Like when revert() is called and totalTime() gets set.\n\n tween._startAt._sat = tween; // used in globalTime(). _sat stands for _startAtTween\n\n time < 0 && (_reverting || !immediateRender && !autoRevert) && tween._startAt.revert(_revertConfigNoKill); // rare edge case, like if a render is forced in the negative direction of a non-initted tween.\n\n if (immediateRender) {\n if (dur && time <= 0 && tTime <= 0) {\n // check tTime here because in the case of a yoyo tween whose playhead gets pushed to the end like tween.progress(1), we should allow it through so that the onComplete gets fired properly.\n time && (tween._zTime = time);\n return; //we skip initialization here so that overwriting doesn't occur until the tween actually begins. Otherwise, if you create several immediateRender:true tweens of the same target/properties to drop into a Timeline, the last one created would overwrite the first ones because they didn't get placed into the timeline yet before the first render occurs and kicks in overwriting.\n }\n }\n } else if (runBackwards && dur) {\n //from() tweens must be handled uniquely: their beginning values must be rendered but we don't want overwriting to occur yet (when time is still 0). Wait until the tween actually begins before doing all the routines like overwriting. At that time, we should render at the END of the tween to ensure that things initialize correctly (remember, from() tweens go backwards)\n if (!prevStartAt) {\n time && (immediateRender = false); //in rare cases (like if a from() tween runs and then is invalidate()-ed), immediateRender could be true but the initial forced-render gets skipped, so there's no need to force the render in this context when the _time is greater than 0\n\n p = _setDefaults({\n overwrite: false,\n data: \"isFromStart\",\n //we tag the tween with as \"isFromStart\" so that if [inside a plugin] we need to only do something at the very END of a tween, we have a way of identifying this tween as merely the one that's setting the beginning values for a \"from()\" tween. For example, clearProps in CSSPlugin should only get applied at the very END of a tween and without this tag, from(...{height:100, clearProps:\"height\", delay:1}) would wipe the height at the beginning of the tween and after 1 second, it'd kick back in.\n lazy: immediateRender && !prevStartAt && _isNotFalse(lazy),\n immediateRender: immediateRender,\n //zero-duration tweens render immediately by default, but if we're not specifically instructed to render this tween immediately, we should skip this and merely _init() to record the starting values (rendering them immediately would push them to completion which is wasteful in that case - we'd have to render(-1) immediately after)\n stagger: 0,\n parent: parent //ensures that nested tweens that had a stagger are handled properly, like gsap.from(\".class\", {y:gsap.utils.wrap([-100,100])})\n\n }, cleanVars);\n harnessVars && (p[harness.prop] = harnessVars); // in case someone does something like .from(..., {css:{}})\n\n _removeFromParent(tween._startAt = Tween.set(targets, p));\n\n tween._startAt._dp = 0; // don't allow it to get put back into root timeline!\n\n tween._startAt._sat = tween; // used in globalTime()\n\n time < 0 && (_reverting ? tween._startAt.revert(_revertConfigNoKill) : tween._startAt.render(-1, true));\n tween._zTime = time;\n\n if (!immediateRender) {\n _initTween(tween._startAt, _tinyNum, _tinyNum); //ensures that the initial values are recorded\n\n } else if (!time) {\n return;\n }\n }\n }\n\n tween._pt = tween._ptCache = 0;\n lazy = dur && _isNotFalse(lazy) || lazy && !dur;\n\n for (i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) {\n target = targets[i];\n gsData = target._gsap || _harness(targets)[i]._gsap;\n tween._ptLookup[i] = ptLookup = {};\n _lazyLookup[gsData.id] && _lazyTweens.length && _lazyRender(); //if other tweens of the same target have recently initted but haven't rendered yet, we've got to force the render so that the starting values are correct (imagine populating a timeline with a bunch of sequential tweens and then jumping to the end)\n\n index = fullTargets === targets ? i : fullTargets.indexOf(target);\n\n if (harness && (plugin = new harness()).init(target, harnessVars || cleanVars, tween, index, fullTargets) !== false) {\n tween._pt = pt = new PropTween(tween._pt, target, plugin.name, 0, 1, plugin.render, plugin, 0, plugin.priority);\n\n plugin._props.forEach(function (name) {\n ptLookup[name] = pt;\n });\n\n plugin.priority && (hasPriority = 1);\n }\n\n if (!harness || harnessVars) {\n for (p in cleanVars) {\n if (_plugins[p] && (plugin = _checkPlugin(p, cleanVars, tween, index, target, fullTargets))) {\n plugin.priority && (hasPriority = 1);\n } else {\n ptLookup[p] = pt = _addPropTween.call(tween, target, p, \"get\", cleanVars[p], index, fullTargets, 0, vars.stringFilter);\n }\n }\n }\n\n tween._op && tween._op[i] && tween.kill(target, tween._op[i]);\n\n if (autoOverwrite && tween._pt) {\n _overwritingTween = tween;\n\n _globalTimeline.killTweensOf(target, ptLookup, tween.globalTime(time)); // make sure the overwriting doesn't overwrite THIS tween!!!\n\n\n overwritten = !tween.parent;\n _overwritingTween = 0;\n }\n\n tween._pt && lazy && (_lazyLookup[gsData.id] = 1);\n }\n\n hasPriority && _sortPropTweensByPriority(tween);\n tween._onInit && tween._onInit(tween); //plugins like RoundProps must wait until ALL of the PropTweens are instantiated. In the plugin's init() function, it sets the _onInit on the tween instance. May not be pretty/intuitive, but it's fast and keeps file size down.\n }\n\n tween._onUpdate = onUpdate;\n tween._initted = (!tween._op || tween._pt) && !overwritten; // if overwrittenProps resulted in the entire tween being killed, do NOT flag it as initted or else it may render for one tick.\n\n keyframes && time <= 0 && tl.render(_bigNum, true, true); // if there's a 0% keyframe, it'll render in the \"before\" state for any staggered/delayed animations thus when the following tween initializes, it'll use the \"before\" state instead of the \"after\" state as the initial values.\n},\n _updatePropTweens = function _updatePropTweens(tween, property, value, start, startIsRelative, ratio, time) {\n var ptCache = (tween._pt && tween._ptCache || (tween._ptCache = {}))[property],\n pt,\n rootPT,\n lookup,\n i;\n\n if (!ptCache) {\n ptCache = tween._ptCache[property] = [];\n lookup = tween._ptLookup;\n i = tween._targets.length;\n\n while (i--) {\n pt = lookup[i][property];\n\n if (pt && pt.d && pt.d._pt) {\n // it's a plugin, so find the nested PropTween\n pt = pt.d._pt;\n\n while (pt && pt.p !== property && pt.fp !== property) {\n // \"fp\" is functionParam for things like setting CSS variables which require .setProperty(\"--var-name\", value)\n pt = pt._next;\n }\n }\n\n if (!pt) {\n // there is no PropTween associated with that property, so we must FORCE one to be created and ditch out of this\n // if the tween has other properties that already rendered at new positions, we'd normally have to rewind to put them back like tween.render(0, true) before forcing an _initTween(), but that can create another edge case like tweening a timeline's progress would trigger onUpdates to fire which could move other things around. It's better to just inform users that .resetTo() should ONLY be used for tweens that already have that property. For example, you can't gsap.to(...{ y: 0 }) and then tween.restTo(\"x\", 200) for example.\n _forceAllPropTweens = 1; // otherwise, when we _addPropTween() and it finds no change between the start and end values, it skips creating a PropTween (for efficiency...why tween when there's no difference?) but in this case we NEED that PropTween created so we can edit it.\n\n tween.vars[property] = \"+=0\";\n\n _initTween(tween, time);\n\n _forceAllPropTweens = 0;\n return 1;\n }\n\n ptCache.push(pt);\n }\n }\n\n i = ptCache.length;\n\n while (i--) {\n rootPT = ptCache[i];\n pt = rootPT._pt || rootPT; // complex values may have nested PropTweens. We only accommodate the FIRST value.\n\n pt.s = (start || start === 0) && !startIsRelative ? start : pt.s + (start || 0) + ratio * pt.c;\n pt.c = value - pt.s;\n rootPT.e && (rootPT.e = _round(value) + getUnit(rootPT.e)); // mainly for CSSPlugin (end value)\n\n rootPT.b && (rootPT.b = pt.s + getUnit(rootPT.b)); // (beginning value)\n }\n},\n _addAliasesToVars = function _addAliasesToVars(targets, vars) {\n var harness = targets[0] ? _getCache(targets[0]).harness : 0,\n propertyAliases = harness && harness.aliases,\n copy,\n p,\n i,\n aliases;\n\n if (!propertyAliases) {\n return vars;\n }\n\n copy = _merge({}, vars);\n\n for (p in propertyAliases) {\n if (p in copy) {\n aliases = propertyAliases[p].split(\",\");\n i = aliases.length;\n\n while (i--) {\n copy[aliases[i]] = copy[p];\n }\n }\n }\n\n return copy;\n},\n // parses multiple formats, like {\"0%\": {x: 100}, {\"50%\": {x: -20}} and { x: {\"0%\": 100, \"50%\": -20} }, and an \"ease\" can be set on any object. We populate an \"allProps\" object with an Array for each property, like {x: [{}, {}], y:[{}, {}]} with data for each property tween. The objects have a \"t\" (time), \"v\", (value), and \"e\" (ease) property. This allows us to piece together a timeline later.\n_parseKeyframe = function _parseKeyframe(prop, obj, allProps, easeEach) {\n var ease = obj.ease || easeEach || \"power1.inOut\",\n p,\n a;\n\n if (_isArray(obj)) {\n a = allProps[prop] || (allProps[prop] = []); // t = time (out of 100), v = value, e = ease\n\n obj.forEach(function (value, i) {\n return a.push({\n t: i / (obj.length - 1) * 100,\n v: value,\n e: ease\n });\n });\n } else {\n for (p in obj) {\n a = allProps[p] || (allProps[p] = []);\n p === \"ease\" || a.push({\n t: parseFloat(prop),\n v: obj[p],\n e: ease\n });\n }\n }\n},\n _parseFuncOrString = function _parseFuncOrString(value, tween, i, target, targets) {\n return _isFunction(value) ? value.call(tween, i, target, targets) : _isString(value) && ~value.indexOf(\"random(\") ? _replaceRandom(value) : value;\n},\n _staggerTweenProps = _callbackNames + \"repeat,repeatDelay,yoyo,repeatRefresh,yoyoEase,autoRevert\",\n _staggerPropsToSkip = {};\n\n_forEachName(_staggerTweenProps + \",id,stagger,delay,duration,paused,scrollTrigger\", function (name) {\n return _staggerPropsToSkip[name] = 1;\n});\n/*\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * TWEEN\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n\nexport var Tween = /*#__PURE__*/function (_Animation2) {\n _inheritsLoose(Tween, _Animation2);\n\n function Tween(targets, vars, position, skipInherit) {\n var _this3;\n\n if (typeof vars === \"number\") {\n position.duration = vars;\n vars = position;\n position = null;\n }\n\n _this3 = _Animation2.call(this, skipInherit ? vars : _inheritDefaults(vars)) || this;\n var _this3$vars = _this3.vars,\n duration = _this3$vars.duration,\n delay = _this3$vars.delay,\n immediateRender = _this3$vars.immediateRender,\n stagger = _this3$vars.stagger,\n overwrite = _this3$vars.overwrite,\n keyframes = _this3$vars.keyframes,\n defaults = _this3$vars.defaults,\n scrollTrigger = _this3$vars.scrollTrigger,\n yoyoEase = _this3$vars.yoyoEase,\n parent = vars.parent || _globalTimeline,\n parsedTargets = (_isArray(targets) || _isTypedArray(targets) ? _isNumber(targets[0]) : \"length\" in vars) ? [targets] : toArray(targets),\n tl,\n i,\n copy,\n l,\n p,\n curTarget,\n staggerFunc,\n staggerVarsToMerge;\n _this3._targets = parsedTargets.length ? _harness(parsedTargets) : _warn(\"GSAP target \" + targets + \" not found. https://greensock.com\", !_config.nullTargetWarn) || [];\n _this3._ptLookup = []; //PropTween lookup. An array containing an object for each target, having keys for each tweening property\n\n _this3._overwrite = overwrite;\n\n if (keyframes || stagger || _isFuncOrString(duration) || _isFuncOrString(delay)) {\n vars = _this3.vars;\n tl = _this3.timeline = new Timeline({\n data: \"nested\",\n defaults: defaults || {},\n targets: parent && parent.data === \"nested\" ? parent.vars.targets : parsedTargets\n }); // we need to store the targets because for staggers and keyframes, we end up creating an individual tween for each but function-based values need to know the index and the whole Array of targets.\n\n tl.kill();\n tl.parent = tl._dp = _assertThisInitialized(_this3);\n tl._start = 0;\n\n if (stagger || _isFuncOrString(duration) || _isFuncOrString(delay)) {\n l = parsedTargets.length;\n staggerFunc = stagger && distribute(stagger);\n\n if (_isObject(stagger)) {\n //users can pass in callbacks like onStart/onComplete in the stagger object. These should fire with each individual tween.\n for (p in stagger) {\n if (~_staggerTweenProps.indexOf(p)) {\n staggerVarsToMerge || (staggerVarsToMerge = {});\n staggerVarsToMerge[p] = stagger[p];\n }\n }\n }\n\n for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {\n copy = _copyExcluding(vars, _staggerPropsToSkip);\n copy.stagger = 0;\n yoyoEase && (copy.yoyoEase = yoyoEase);\n staggerVarsToMerge && _merge(copy, staggerVarsToMerge);\n curTarget = parsedTargets[i]; //don't just copy duration or delay because if they're a string or function, we'd end up in an infinite loop because _isFuncOrString() would evaluate as true in the child tweens, entering this loop, etc. So we parse the value straight from vars and default to 0.\n\n copy.duration = +_parseFuncOrString(duration, _assertThisInitialized(_this3), i, curTarget, parsedTargets);\n copy.delay = (+_parseFuncOrString(delay, _assertThisInitialized(_this3), i, curTarget, parsedTargets) || 0) - _this3._delay;\n\n if (!stagger && l === 1 && copy.delay) {\n // if someone does delay:\"random(1, 5)\", repeat:-1, for example, the delay shouldn't be inside the repeat.\n _this3._delay = delay = copy.delay;\n _this3._start += delay;\n copy.delay = 0;\n }\n\n tl.to(curTarget, copy, staggerFunc ? staggerFunc(i, curTarget, parsedTargets) : 0);\n tl._ease = _easeMap.none;\n }\n\n tl.duration() ? duration = delay = 0 : _this3.timeline = 0; // if the timeline's duration is 0, we don't need a timeline internally!\n } else if (keyframes) {\n _inheritDefaults(_setDefaults(tl.vars.defaults, {\n ease: \"none\"\n }));\n\n tl._ease = _parseEase(keyframes.ease || vars.ease || \"none\");\n var time = 0,\n a,\n kf,\n v;\n\n if (_isArray(keyframes)) {\n keyframes.forEach(function (frame) {\n return tl.to(parsedTargets, frame, \">\");\n });\n tl.duration(); // to ensure tl._dur is cached because we tap into it for performance purposes in the render() method.\n } else {\n copy = {};\n\n for (p in keyframes) {\n p === \"ease\" || p === \"easeEach\" || _parseKeyframe(p, keyframes[p], copy, keyframes.easeEach);\n }\n\n for (p in copy) {\n a = copy[p].sort(function (a, b) {\n return a.t - b.t;\n });\n time = 0;\n\n for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {\n kf = a[i];\n v = {\n ease: kf.e,\n duration: (kf.t - (i ? a[i - 1].t : 0)) / 100 * duration\n };\n v[p] = kf.v;\n tl.to(parsedTargets, v, time);\n time += v.duration;\n }\n }\n\n tl.duration() < duration && tl.to({}, {\n duration: duration - tl.duration()\n }); // in case keyframes didn't go to 100%\n }\n }\n\n duration || _this3.duration(duration = tl.duration());\n } else {\n _this3.timeline = 0; //speed optimization, faster lookups (no going up the prototype chain)\n }\n\n if (overwrite === true && !_suppressOverwrites) {\n _overwritingTween = _assertThisInitialized(_this3);\n\n _globalTimeline.killTweensOf(parsedTargets);\n\n _overwritingTween = 0;\n }\n\n _addToTimeline(parent, _assertThisInitialized(_this3), position);\n\n vars.reversed && _this3.reverse();\n vars.paused && _this3.paused(true);\n\n if (immediateRender || !duration && !keyframes && _this3._start === _roundPrecise(parent._time) && _isNotFalse(immediateRender) && _hasNoPausedAncestors(_assertThisInitialized(_this3)) && parent.data !== \"nested\") {\n _this3._tTime = -_tinyNum; //forces a render without having to set the render() \"force\" parameter to true because we want to allow lazying by default (using the \"force\" parameter always forces an immediate full render)\n\n _this3.render(Math.max(0, -delay) || 0); //in case delay is negative\n\n }\n\n scrollTrigger && _scrollTrigger(_assertThisInitialized(_this3), scrollTrigger);\n return _this3;\n }\n\n var _proto3 = Tween.prototype;\n\n _proto3.render = function render(totalTime, suppressEvents, force) {\n var prevTime = this._time,\n tDur = this._tDur,\n dur = this._dur,\n isNegative = totalTime < 0,\n tTime = totalTime > tDur - _tinyNum && !isNegative ? tDur : totalTime < _tinyNum ? 0 : totalTime,\n time,\n pt,\n iteration,\n cycleDuration,\n prevIteration,\n isYoyo,\n ratio,\n timeline,\n yoyoEase;\n\n if (!dur) {\n _renderZeroDurationTween(this, totalTime, suppressEvents, force);\n } else if (tTime !== this._tTime || !totalTime || force || !this._initted && this._tTime || this._startAt && this._zTime < 0 !== isNegative) {\n //this senses if we're crossing over the start time, in which case we must record _zTime and force the render, but we do it in this lengthy conditional way for performance reasons (usually we can skip the calculations): this._initted && (this._zTime < 0) !== (totalTime < 0)\n time = tTime;\n timeline = this.timeline;\n\n if (this._repeat) {\n //adjust the time for repeats and yoyos\n cycleDuration = dur + this._rDelay;\n\n if (this._repeat < -1 && isNegative) {\n return this.totalTime(cycleDuration * 100 + totalTime, suppressEvents, force);\n }\n\n time = _roundPrecise(tTime % cycleDuration); //round to avoid floating point errors. (4 % 0.8 should be 0 but some browsers report it as 0.79999999!)\n\n if (tTime === tDur) {\n // the tDur === tTime is for edge cases where there's a lengthy decimal on the duration and it may reach the very end but the time is rendered as not-quite-there (remember, tDur is rounded to 4 decimals whereas dur isn't)\n iteration = this._repeat;\n time = dur;\n } else {\n iteration = ~~(tTime / cycleDuration);\n\n if (iteration && iteration === tTime / cycleDuration) {\n time = dur;\n iteration--;\n }\n\n time > dur && (time = dur);\n }\n\n isYoyo = this._yoyo && iteration & 1;\n\n if (isYoyo) {\n yoyoEase = this._yEase;\n time = dur - time;\n }\n\n prevIteration = _animationCycle(this._tTime, cycleDuration);\n\n if (time === prevTime && !force && this._initted) {\n //could be during the repeatDelay part. No need to render and fire callbacks.\n this._tTime = tTime;\n return this;\n }\n\n if (iteration !== prevIteration) {\n timeline && this._yEase && _propagateYoyoEase(timeline, isYoyo); //repeatRefresh functionality\n\n if (this.vars.repeatRefresh && !isYoyo && !this._lock) {\n this._lock = force = 1; //force, otherwise if lazy is true, the _attemptInitTween() will return and we'll jump out and get caught bouncing on each tick.\n\n this.render(_roundPrecise(cycleDuration * iteration), true).invalidate()._lock = 0;\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (!this._initted) {\n if (_attemptInitTween(this, isNegative ? totalTime : time, force, suppressEvents, tTime)) {\n this._tTime = 0; // in constructor if immediateRender is true, we set _tTime to -_tinyNum to have the playhead cross the starting point but we can't leave _tTime as a negative number.\n\n return this;\n }\n\n if (prevTime !== this._time) {\n // rare edge case - during initialization, an onUpdate in the _startAt (.fromTo()) might force this tween to render at a different spot in which case we should ditch this render() call so that it doesn't revert the values.\n return this;\n }\n\n if (dur !== this._dur) {\n // while initting, a plugin like InertiaPlugin might alter the duration, so rerun from the start to ensure everything renders as it should.\n return this.render(totalTime, suppressEvents, force);\n }\n }\n\n this._tTime = tTime;\n this._time = time;\n\n if (!this._act && this._ts) {\n this._act = 1; //as long as it's not paused, force it to be active so that if the user renders independent of the parent timeline, it'll be forced to re-render on the next tick.\n\n this._lazy = 0;\n }\n\n this.ratio = ratio = (yoyoEase || this._ease)(time / dur);\n\n if (this._from) {\n this.ratio = ratio = 1 - ratio;\n }\n\n if (time && !prevTime && !suppressEvents) {\n _callback(this, \"onStart\");\n\n if (this._tTime !== tTime) {\n // in case the onStart triggered a render at a different spot, eject. Like if someone did animation.pause(0.5) or something inside the onStart.\n return this;\n }\n }\n\n pt = this._pt;\n\n while (pt) {\n pt.r(ratio, pt.d);\n pt = pt._next;\n }\n\n timeline && timeline.render(totalTime < 0 ? totalTime : !time && isYoyo ? -_tinyNum : timeline._dur * timeline._ease(time / this._dur), suppressEvents, force) || this._startAt && (this._zTime = totalTime);\n\n if (this._onUpdate && !suppressEvents) {\n isNegative && _rewindStartAt(this, totalTime, suppressEvents, force); //note: for performance reasons, we tuck this conditional logic inside less traveled areas (most tweens don't have an onUpdate). We'd just have it at the end before the onComplete, but the values should be updated before any onUpdate is called, so we ALSO put it here and then if it's not called, we do so later near the onComplete.\n\n _callback(this, \"onUpdate\");\n }\n\n this._repeat && iteration !== prevIteration && this.vars.onRepeat && !suppressEvents && this.parent && _callback(this, \"onRepeat\");\n\n if ((tTime === this._tDur || !tTime) && this._tTime === tTime) {\n isNegative && !this._onUpdate && _rewindStartAt(this, totalTime, true, true);\n (totalTime || !dur) && (tTime === this._tDur && this._ts > 0 || !tTime && this._ts < 0) && _removeFromParent(this, 1); // don't remove if we're rendering at exactly a time of 0, as there could be autoRevert values that should get set on the next tick (if the playhead goes backward beyond the startTime, negative totalTime). Don't remove if the timeline is reversed and the playhead isn't at 0, otherwise tl.progress(1).reverse() won't work. Only remove if the playhead is at the end and timeScale is positive, or if the playhead is at 0 and the timeScale is negative.\n\n if (!suppressEvents && !(isNegative && !prevTime) && (tTime || prevTime || isYoyo)) {\n // if prevTime and tTime are zero, we shouldn't fire the onReverseComplete. This could happen if you gsap.to(... {paused:true}).play();\n _callback(this, tTime === tDur ? \"onComplete\" : \"onReverseComplete\", true);\n\n this._prom && !(tTime < tDur && this.timeScale() > 0) && this._prom();\n }\n }\n }\n\n return this;\n };\n\n _proto3.targets = function targets() {\n return this._targets;\n };\n\n _proto3.invalidate = function invalidate(soft) {\n // \"soft\" gives us a way to clear out everything EXCEPT the recorded pre-\"from\" portion of from() tweens. Otherwise, for example, if you tween.progress(1).render(0, true true).invalidate(), the \"from\" values would persist and then on the next render, the from() tweens would initialize and the current value would match the \"from\" values, thus animate from the same value to the same value (no animation). We tap into this in ScrollTrigger's refresh() where we must push a tween to completion and then back again but honor its init state in case the tween is dependent on another tween further up on the page.\n (!soft || !this.vars.runBackwards) && (this._startAt = 0);\n this._pt = this._op = this._onUpdate = this._lazy = this.ratio = 0;\n this._ptLookup = [];\n this.timeline && this.timeline.invalidate(soft);\n return _Animation2.prototype.invalidate.call(this, soft);\n };\n\n _proto3.resetTo = function resetTo(property, value, start, startIsRelative) {\n _tickerActive || _ticker.wake();\n this._ts || this.play();\n var time = Math.min(this._dur, (this._dp._time - this._start) * this._ts),\n ratio;\n this._initted || _initTween(this, time);\n ratio = this._ease(time / this._dur); // don't just get tween.ratio because it may not have rendered yet.\n // possible future addition to allow an object with multiple values to update, like tween.resetTo({x: 100, y: 200}); At this point, it doesn't seem worth the added kb given the fact that most users will likely opt for the convenient gsap.quickTo() way of interacting with this method.\n // if (_isObject(property)) { // performance optimization\n // \tfor (p in property) {\n // \t\tif (_updatePropTweens(this, p, property[p], value ? value[p] : null, start, ratio, time)) {\n // \t\t\treturn this.resetTo(property, value, start, startIsRelative); // if a PropTween wasn't found for the property, it'll get forced with a re-initialization so we need to jump out and start over again.\n // \t\t}\n // \t}\n // } else {\n\n if (_updatePropTweens(this, property, value, start, startIsRelative, ratio, time)) {\n return this.resetTo(property, value, start, startIsRelative); // if a PropTween wasn't found for the property, it'll get forced with a re-initialization so we need to jump out and start over again.\n } //}\n\n\n _alignPlayhead(this, 0);\n\n this.parent || _addLinkedListItem(this._dp, this, \"_first\", \"_last\", this._dp._sort ? \"_start\" : 0);\n return this.render(0);\n };\n\n _proto3.kill = function kill(targets, vars) {\n if (vars === void 0) {\n vars = \"all\";\n }\n\n if (!targets && (!vars || vars === \"all\")) {\n this._lazy = this._pt = 0;\n return this.parent ? _interrupt(this) : this;\n }\n\n if (this.timeline) {\n var tDur = this.timeline.totalDuration();\n this.timeline.killTweensOf(targets, vars, _overwritingTween && _overwritingTween.vars.overwrite !== true)._first || _interrupt(this); // if nothing is left tweening, interrupt.\n\n this.parent && tDur !== this.timeline.totalDuration() && _setDuration(this, this._dur * this.timeline._tDur / tDur, 0, 1); // if a nested tween is killed that changes the duration, it should affect this tween's duration. We must use the ratio, though, because sometimes the internal timeline is stretched like for keyframes where they don't all add up to whatever the parent tween's duration was set to.\n\n return this;\n }\n\n var parsedTargets = this._targets,\n killingTargets = targets ? toArray(targets) : parsedTargets,\n propTweenLookup = this._ptLookup,\n firstPT = this._pt,\n overwrittenProps,\n curLookup,\n curOverwriteProps,\n props,\n p,\n pt,\n i;\n\n if ((!vars || vars === \"all\") && _arraysMatch(parsedTargets, killingTargets)) {\n vars === \"all\" && (this._pt = 0);\n return _interrupt(this);\n }\n\n overwrittenProps = this._op = this._op || [];\n\n if (vars !== \"all\") {\n //so people can pass in a comma-delimited list of property names\n if (_isString(vars)) {\n p = {};\n\n _forEachName(vars, function (name) {\n return p[name] = 1;\n });\n\n vars = p;\n }\n\n vars = _addAliasesToVars(parsedTargets, vars);\n }\n\n i = parsedTargets.length;\n\n while (i--) {\n if (~killingTargets.indexOf(parsedTargets[i])) {\n curLookup = propTweenLookup[i];\n\n if (vars === \"all\") {\n overwrittenProps[i] = vars;\n props = curLookup;\n curOverwriteProps = {};\n } else {\n curOverwriteProps = overwrittenProps[i] = overwrittenProps[i] || {};\n props = vars;\n }\n\n for (p in props) {\n pt = curLookup && curLookup[p];\n\n if (pt) {\n if (!(\"kill\" in pt.d) || pt.d.kill(p) === true) {\n _removeLinkedListItem(this, pt, \"_pt\");\n }\n\n delete curLookup[p];\n }\n\n if (curOverwriteProps !== \"all\") {\n curOverwriteProps[p] = 1;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n this._initted && !this._pt && firstPT && _interrupt(this); //if all tweening properties are killed, kill the tween. Without this line, if there's a tween with multiple targets and then you killTweensOf() each target individually, the tween would technically still remain active and fire its onComplete even though there aren't any more properties tweening.\n\n return this;\n };\n\n Tween.to = function to(targets, vars) {\n return new Tween(targets, vars, arguments[2]);\n };\n\n Tween.from = function from(targets, vars) {\n return _createTweenType(1, arguments);\n };\n\n Tween.delayedCall = function delayedCall(delay, callback, params, scope) {\n return new Tween(callback, 0, {\n immediateRender: false,\n lazy: false,\n overwrite: false,\n delay: delay,\n onComplete: callback,\n onReverseComplete: callback,\n onCompleteParams: params,\n onReverseCompleteParams: params,\n callbackScope: scope\n }); // we must use onReverseComplete too for things like timeline.add(() => {...}) which should be triggered in BOTH directions (forward and reverse)\n };\n\n Tween.fromTo = function fromTo(targets, fromVars, toVars) {\n return _createTweenType(2, arguments);\n };\n\n Tween.set = function set(targets, vars) {\n vars.duration = 0;\n vars.repeatDelay || (vars.repeat = 0);\n return new Tween(targets, vars);\n };\n\n Tween.killTweensOf = function killTweensOf(targets, props, onlyActive) {\n return _globalTimeline.killTweensOf(targets, props, onlyActive);\n };\n\n return Tween;\n}(Animation);\n\n_setDefaults(Tween.prototype, {\n _targets: [],\n _lazy: 0,\n _startAt: 0,\n _op: 0,\n _onInit: 0\n}); //add the pertinent timeline methods to Tween instances so that users can chain conveniently and create a timeline automatically. (removed due to concerns that it'd ultimately add to more confusion especially for beginners)\n// _forEachName(\"to,from,fromTo,set,call,add,addLabel,addPause\", name => {\n// \tTween.prototype[name] = function() {\n// \t\tlet tl = new Timeline();\n// \t\treturn _addToTimeline(tl, this)[name].apply(tl, toArray(arguments));\n// \t}\n// });\n//for backward compatibility. Leverage the timeline calls.\n\n\n_forEachName(\"staggerTo,staggerFrom,staggerFromTo\", function (name) {\n Tween[name] = function () {\n var tl = new Timeline(),\n params = _slice.call(arguments, 0);\n\n params.splice(name === \"staggerFromTo\" ? 5 : 4, 0, 0);\n return tl[name].apply(tl, params);\n };\n});\n/*\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * PROPTWEEN\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n\nvar _setterPlain = function _setterPlain(target, property, value) {\n return target[property] = value;\n},\n _setterFunc = function _setterFunc(target, property, value) {\n return target[property](value);\n},\n _setterFuncWithParam = function _setterFuncWithParam(target, property, value, data) {\n return target[property](data.fp, value);\n},\n _setterAttribute = function _setterAttribute(target, property, value) {\n return target.setAttribute(property, value);\n},\n _getSetter = function _getSetter(target, property) {\n return _isFunction(target[property]) ? _setterFunc : _isUndefined(target[property]) && target.setAttribute ? _setterAttribute : _setterPlain;\n},\n _renderPlain = function _renderPlain(ratio, data) {\n return data.set(data.t, data.p, Math.round((data.s + data.c * ratio) * 1000000) / 1000000, data);\n},\n _renderBoolean = function _renderBoolean(ratio, data) {\n return data.set(data.t, data.p, !!(data.s + data.c * ratio), data);\n},\n _renderComplexString = function _renderComplexString(ratio, data) {\n var pt = data._pt,\n s = \"\";\n\n if (!ratio && data.b) {\n //b = beginning string\n s = data.b;\n } else if (ratio === 1 && data.e) {\n //e = ending string\n s = data.e;\n } else {\n while (pt) {\n s = pt.p + (pt.m ? pt.m(pt.s + pt.c * ratio) : Math.round((pt.s + pt.c * ratio) * 10000) / 10000) + s; //we use the \"p\" property for the text inbetween (like a suffix). And in the context of a complex string, the modifier (m) is typically just Math.round(), like for RGB colors.\n\n pt = pt._next;\n }\n\n s += data.c; //we use the \"c\" of the PropTween to store the final chunk of non-numeric text.\n }\n\n data.set(data.t, data.p, s, data);\n},\n _renderPropTweens = function _renderPropTweens(ratio, data) {\n var pt = data._pt;\n\n while (pt) {\n pt.r(ratio, pt.d);\n pt = pt._next;\n }\n},\n _addPluginModifier = function _addPluginModifier(modifier, tween, target, property) {\n var pt = this._pt,\n next;\n\n while (pt) {\n next = pt._next;\n pt.p === property && pt.modifier(modifier, tween, target);\n pt = next;\n }\n},\n _killPropTweensOf = function _killPropTweensOf(property) {\n var pt = this._pt,\n hasNonDependentRemaining,\n next;\n\n while (pt) {\n next = pt._next;\n\n if (pt.p === property && !pt.op || pt.op === property) {\n _removeLinkedListItem(this, pt, \"_pt\");\n } else if (!pt.dep) {\n hasNonDependentRemaining = 1;\n }\n\n pt = next;\n }\n\n return !hasNonDependentRemaining;\n},\n _setterWithModifier = function _setterWithModifier(target, property, value, data) {\n data.mSet(target, property, data.m.call(data.tween, value, data.mt), data);\n},\n _sortPropTweensByPriority = function _sortPropTweensByPriority(parent) {\n var pt = parent._pt,\n next,\n pt2,\n first,\n last; //sorts the PropTween linked list in order of priority because some plugins need to do their work after ALL of the PropTweens were created (like RoundPropsPlugin and ModifiersPlugin)\n\n while (pt) {\n next = pt._next;\n pt2 = first;\n\n while (pt2 && pt2.pr > pt.pr) {\n pt2 = pt2._next;\n }\n\n if (pt._prev = pt2 ? pt2._prev : last) {\n pt._prev._next = pt;\n } else {\n first = pt;\n }\n\n if (pt._next = pt2) {\n pt2._prev = pt;\n } else {\n last = pt;\n }\n\n pt = next;\n }\n\n parent._pt = first;\n}; //PropTween key: t = target, p = prop, r = renderer, d = data, s = start, c = change, op = overwriteProperty (ONLY populated when it's different than p), pr = priority, _next/_prev for the linked list siblings, set = setter, m = modifier, mSet = modifierSetter (the original setter, before a modifier was added)\n\n\nexport var PropTween = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function PropTween(next, target, prop, start, change, renderer, data, setter, priority) {\n this.t = target;\n this.s = start;\n this.c = change;\n this.p = prop;\n this.r = renderer || _renderPlain;\n this.d = data || this;\n this.set = setter || _setterPlain;\n this.pr = priority || 0;\n this._next = next;\n\n if (next) {\n next._prev = this;\n }\n }\n\n var _proto4 = PropTween.prototype;\n\n _proto4.modifier = function modifier(func, tween, target) {\n this.mSet = this.mSet || this.set; //in case it was already set (a PropTween can only have one modifier)\n\n this.set = _setterWithModifier;\n this.m = func;\n this.mt = target; //modifier target\n\n this.tween = tween;\n };\n\n return PropTween;\n}(); //Initialization tasks\n\n_forEachName(_callbackNames + \"parent,duration,ease,delay,overwrite,runBackwards,startAt,yoyo,immediateRender,repeat,repeatDelay,data,paused,reversed,lazy,callbackScope,stringFilter,id,yoyoEase,stagger,inherit,repeatRefresh,keyframes,autoRevert,scrollTrigger\", function (name) {\n return _reservedProps[name] = 1;\n});\n\n_globals.TweenMax = _globals.TweenLite = Tween;\n_globals.TimelineLite = _globals.TimelineMax = Timeline;\n_globalTimeline = new Timeline({\n sortChildren: false,\n defaults: _defaults,\n autoRemoveChildren: true,\n id: \"root\",\n smoothChildTiming: true\n});\n_config.stringFilter = _colorStringFilter;\n\nvar _media = [],\n _listeners = {},\n _emptyArray = [],\n _lastMediaTime = 0,\n _dispatch = function _dispatch(type) {\n return (_listeners[type] || _emptyArray).map(function (f) {\n return f();\n });\n},\n _onMediaChange = function _onMediaChange() {\n var time = Date.now(),\n matches = [];\n\n if (time - _lastMediaTime > 2) {\n _dispatch(\"matchMediaInit\");\n\n _media.forEach(function (c) {\n var queries = c.queries,\n conditions = c.conditions,\n match,\n p,\n anyMatch,\n toggled;\n\n for (p in queries) {\n match = _win.matchMedia(queries[p]).matches; // Firefox doesn't update the \"matches\" property of the MediaQueryList object correctly - it only does so as it calls its change handler - so we must re-create a media query here to ensure it's accurate.\n\n match && (anyMatch = 1);\n\n if (match !== conditions[p]) {\n conditions[p] = match;\n toggled = 1;\n }\n }\n\n if (toggled) {\n c.revert();\n anyMatch && matches.push(c);\n }\n });\n\n _dispatch(\"matchMediaRevert\");\n\n matches.forEach(function (c) {\n return c.onMatch(c);\n });\n _lastMediaTime = time;\n\n _dispatch(\"matchMedia\");\n }\n};\n\nvar Context = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function Context(func, scope) {\n this.selector = scope && selector(scope);\n this.data = [];\n this._r = []; // returned/cleanup functions\n\n this.isReverted = false;\n func && this.add(func);\n }\n\n var _proto5 = Context.prototype;\n\n _proto5.add = function add(name, func, scope) {\n // possible future addition if we need the ability to add() an animation to a context and for whatever reason cannot create that animation inside of a context.add(() => {...}) function.\n // if (name && _isFunction(name.revert)) {\n // \tthis.data.push(name);\n // \treturn (name._ctx = this);\n // }\n if (_isFunction(name)) {\n scope = func;\n func = name;\n name = _isFunction;\n }\n\n var self = this,\n f = function f() {\n var prev = _context,\n prevSelector = self.selector,\n result;\n prev && prev !== self && prev.data.push(self);\n scope && (self.selector = selector(scope));\n _context = self;\n result = func.apply(self, arguments);\n _isFunction(result) && self._r.push(result);\n _context = prev;\n self.selector = prevSelector;\n self.isReverted = false;\n return result;\n };\n\n self.last = f;\n return name === _isFunction ? f(self) : name ? self[name] = f : f;\n };\n\n _proto5.ignore = function ignore(func) {\n var prev = _context;\n _context = null;\n func(this);\n _context = prev;\n };\n\n _proto5.getTweens = function getTweens() {\n var a = [];\n this.data.forEach(function (e) {\n return e instanceof Context ? a.push.apply(a, e.getTweens()) : e instanceof Tween && !(e.parent && e.parent.data === \"nested\") && a.push(e);\n });\n return a;\n };\n\n _proto5.clear = function clear() {\n this._r.length = this.data.length = 0;\n };\n\n _proto5.kill = function kill(revert, matchMedia) {\n var _this4 = this;\n\n if (revert) {\n var tweens = this.getTweens();\n this.data.forEach(function (t) {\n // Flip plugin tweens are very different in that they should actually be pushed to their end. The plugin replaces the timeline's .revert() method to do exactly that. But we also need to remove any of those nested tweens inside the flip timeline so that they don't get individually reverted.\n if (t.data === \"isFlip\") {\n t.revert();\n t.getChildren(true, true, false).forEach(function (tween) {\n return tweens.splice(tweens.indexOf(tween), 1);\n });\n }\n }); // save as an object so that we can cache the globalTime for each tween to optimize performance during the sort\n\n tweens.map(function (t) {\n return {\n g: t.globalTime(0),\n t: t\n };\n }).sort(function (a, b) {\n return b.g - a.g || -1;\n }).forEach(function (o) {\n return o.t.revert(revert);\n }); // note: all of the _startAt tweens should be reverted in reverse order that they were created, and they'll all have the same globalTime (-1) so the \" || -1\" in the sort keeps the order properly.\n\n this.data.forEach(function (e) {\n return !(e instanceof Animation) && e.revert && e.revert(revert);\n });\n\n this._r.forEach(function (f) {\n return f(revert, _this4);\n });\n\n this.isReverted = true;\n } else {\n this.data.forEach(function (e) {\n return e.kill && e.kill();\n });\n }\n\n this.clear();\n\n if (matchMedia) {\n var i = _media.indexOf(this);\n\n !!~i && _media.splice(i, 1);\n }\n };\n\n _proto5.revert = function revert(config) {\n this.kill(config || {});\n };\n\n return Context;\n}();\n\nvar MatchMedia = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function MatchMedia(scope) {\n this.contexts = [];\n this.scope = scope;\n }\n\n var _proto6 = MatchMedia.prototype;\n\n _proto6.add = function add(conditions, func, scope) {\n _isObject(conditions) || (conditions = {\n matches: conditions\n });\n var context = new Context(0, scope || this.scope),\n cond = context.conditions = {},\n mq,\n p,\n active;\n this.contexts.push(context);\n func = context.add(\"onMatch\", func);\n context.queries = conditions;\n\n for (p in conditions) {\n if (p === \"all\") {\n active = 1;\n } else {\n mq = _win.matchMedia(conditions[p]);\n\n if (mq) {\n _media.indexOf(context) < 0 && _media.push(context);\n (cond[p] = mq.matches) && (active = 1);\n mq.addListener ? mq.addListener(_onMediaChange) : mq.addEventListener(\"change\", _onMediaChange);\n }\n }\n }\n\n active && func(context);\n return this;\n } // refresh() {\n // \tlet time = _lastMediaTime,\n // \t\tmedia = _media;\n // \t_lastMediaTime = -1;\n // \t_media = this.contexts;\n // \t_onMediaChange();\n // \t_lastMediaTime = time;\n // \t_media = media;\n // }\n ;\n\n _proto6.revert = function revert(config) {\n this.kill(config || {});\n };\n\n _proto6.kill = function kill(revert) {\n this.contexts.forEach(function (c) {\n return c.kill(revert, true);\n });\n };\n\n return MatchMedia;\n}();\n/*\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * GSAP\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n\nvar _gsap = {\n registerPlugin: function registerPlugin() {\n for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {\n args[_key2] = arguments[_key2];\n }\n\n args.forEach(function (config) {\n return _createPlugin(config);\n });\n },\n timeline: function timeline(vars) {\n return new Timeline(vars);\n },\n getTweensOf: function getTweensOf(targets, onlyActive) {\n return _globalTimeline.getTweensOf(targets, onlyActive);\n },\n getProperty: function getProperty(target, property, unit, uncache) {\n _isString(target) && (target = toArray(target)[0]); //in case selector text or an array is passed in\n\n var getter = _getCache(target || {}).get,\n format = unit ? _passThrough : _numericIfPossible;\n\n unit === \"native\" && (unit = \"\");\n return !target ? target : !property ? function (property, unit, uncache) {\n return format((_plugins[property] && _plugins[property].get || getter)(target, property, unit, uncache));\n } : format((_plugins[property] && _plugins[property].get || getter)(target, property, unit, uncache));\n },\n quickSetter: function quickSetter(target, property, unit) {\n target = toArray(target);\n\n if (target.length > 1) {\n var setters = target.map(function (t) {\n return gsap.quickSetter(t, property, unit);\n }),\n l = setters.length;\n return function (value) {\n var i = l;\n\n while (i--) {\n setters[i](value);\n }\n };\n }\n\n target = target[0] || {};\n\n var Plugin = _plugins[property],\n cache = _getCache(target),\n p = cache.harness && (cache.harness.aliases || {})[property] || property,\n // in case it's an alias, like \"rotate\" for \"rotation\".\n setter = Plugin ? function (value) {\n var p = new Plugin();\n _quickTween._pt = 0;\n p.init(target, unit ? value + unit : value, _quickTween, 0, [target]);\n p.render(1, p);\n _quickTween._pt && _renderPropTweens(1, _quickTween);\n } : cache.set(target, p);\n\n return Plugin ? setter : function (value) {\n return setter(target, p, unit ? value + unit : value, cache, 1);\n };\n },\n quickTo: function quickTo(target, property, vars) {\n var _merge2;\n\n var tween = gsap.to(target, _merge((_merge2 = {}, _merge2[property] = \"+=0.1\", _merge2.paused = true, _merge2), vars || {})),\n func = function func(value, start, startIsRelative) {\n return tween.resetTo(property, value, start, startIsRelative);\n };\n\n func.tween = tween;\n return func;\n },\n isTweening: function isTweening(targets) {\n return _globalTimeline.getTweensOf(targets, true).length > 0;\n },\n defaults: function defaults(value) {\n value && value.ease && (value.ease = _parseEase(value.ease, _defaults.ease));\n return _mergeDeep(_defaults, value || {});\n },\n config: function config(value) {\n return _mergeDeep(_config, value || {});\n },\n registerEffect: function registerEffect(_ref3) {\n var name = _ref3.name,\n effect = _ref3.effect,\n plugins = _ref3.plugins,\n defaults = _ref3.defaults,\n extendTimeline = _ref3.extendTimeline;\n (plugins || \"\").split(\",\").forEach(function (pluginName) {\n return pluginName && !_plugins[pluginName] && !_globals[pluginName] && _warn(name + \" effect requires \" + pluginName + \" plugin.\");\n });\n\n _effects[name] = function (targets, vars, tl) {\n return effect(toArray(targets), _setDefaults(vars || {}, defaults), tl);\n };\n\n if (extendTimeline) {\n Timeline.prototype[name] = function (targets, vars, position) {\n return this.add(_effects[name](targets, _isObject(vars) ? vars : (position = vars) && {}, this), position);\n };\n }\n },\n registerEase: function registerEase(name, ease) {\n _easeMap[name] = _parseEase(ease);\n },\n parseEase: function parseEase(ease, defaultEase) {\n return arguments.length ? _parseEase(ease, defaultEase) : _easeMap;\n },\n getById: function getById(id) {\n return _globalTimeline.getById(id);\n },\n exportRoot: function exportRoot(vars, includeDelayedCalls) {\n if (vars === void 0) {\n vars = {};\n }\n\n var tl = new Timeline(vars),\n child,\n next;\n tl.smoothChildTiming = _isNotFalse(vars.smoothChildTiming);\n\n _globalTimeline.remove(tl);\n\n tl._dp = 0; //otherwise it'll get re-activated when adding children and be re-introduced into _globalTimeline's linked list (then added to itself).\n\n tl._time = tl._tTime = _globalTimeline._time;\n child = _globalTimeline._first;\n\n while (child) {\n next = child._next;\n\n if (includeDelayedCalls || !(!child._dur && child instanceof Tween && child.vars.onComplete === child._targets[0])) {\n _addToTimeline(tl, child, child._start - child._delay);\n }\n\n child = next;\n }\n\n _addToTimeline(_globalTimeline, tl, 0);\n\n return tl;\n },\n context: function context(func, scope) {\n return func ? new Context(func, scope) : _context;\n },\n matchMedia: function matchMedia(scope) {\n return new MatchMedia(scope);\n },\n matchMediaRefresh: function matchMediaRefresh() {\n return _media.forEach(function (c) {\n var cond = c.conditions,\n found,\n p;\n\n for (p in cond) {\n if (cond[p]) {\n cond[p] = false;\n found = 1;\n }\n }\n\n found && c.revert();\n }) || _onMediaChange();\n },\n addEventListener: function addEventListener(type, callback) {\n var a = _listeners[type] || (_listeners[type] = []);\n ~a.indexOf(callback) || a.push(callback);\n },\n removeEventListener: function removeEventListener(type, callback) {\n var a = _listeners[type],\n i = a && a.indexOf(callback);\n i >= 0 && a.splice(i, 1);\n },\n utils: {\n wrap: wrap,\n wrapYoyo: wrapYoyo,\n distribute: distribute,\n random: random,\n snap: snap,\n normalize: normalize,\n getUnit: getUnit,\n clamp: clamp,\n splitColor: splitColor,\n toArray: toArray,\n selector: selector,\n mapRange: mapRange,\n pipe: pipe,\n unitize: unitize,\n interpolate: interpolate,\n shuffle: shuffle\n },\n install: _install,\n effects: _effects,\n ticker: _ticker,\n updateRoot: Timeline.updateRoot,\n plugins: _plugins,\n globalTimeline: _globalTimeline,\n core: {\n PropTween: PropTween,\n globals: _addGlobal,\n Tween: Tween,\n Timeline: Timeline,\n Animation: Animation,\n getCache: _getCache,\n _removeLinkedListItem: _removeLinkedListItem,\n reverting: function reverting() {\n return _reverting;\n },\n context: function context(toAdd) {\n if (toAdd && _context) {\n _context.data.push(toAdd);\n\n toAdd._ctx = _context;\n }\n\n return _context;\n },\n suppressOverwrites: function suppressOverwrites(value) {\n return _suppressOverwrites = value;\n }\n }\n};\n\n_forEachName(\"to,from,fromTo,delayedCall,set,killTweensOf\", function (name) {\n return _gsap[name] = Tween[name];\n});\n\n_ticker.add(Timeline.updateRoot);\n\n_quickTween = _gsap.to({}, {\n duration: 0\n}); // ---- EXTRA PLUGINS --------------------------------------------------------\n\nvar _getPluginPropTween = function _getPluginPropTween(plugin, prop) {\n var pt = plugin._pt;\n\n while (pt && pt.p !== prop && pt.op !== prop && pt.fp !== prop) {\n pt = pt._next;\n }\n\n return pt;\n},\n _addModifiers = function _addModifiers(tween, modifiers) {\n var targets = tween._targets,\n p,\n i,\n pt;\n\n for (p in modifiers) {\n i = targets.length;\n\n while (i--) {\n pt = tween._ptLookup[i][p];\n\n if (pt && (pt = pt.d)) {\n if (pt._pt) {\n // is a plugin\n pt = _getPluginPropTween(pt, p);\n }\n\n pt && pt.modifier && pt.modifier(modifiers[p], tween, targets[i], p);\n }\n }\n }\n},\n _buildModifierPlugin = function _buildModifierPlugin(name, modifier) {\n return {\n name: name,\n rawVars: 1,\n //don't pre-process function-based values or \"random()\" strings.\n init: function init(target, vars, tween) {\n tween._onInit = function (tween) {\n var temp, p;\n\n if (_isString(vars)) {\n temp = {};\n\n _forEachName(vars, function (name) {\n return temp[name] = 1;\n }); //if the user passes in a comma-delimited list of property names to roundProps, like \"x,y\", we round to whole numbers.\n\n\n vars = temp;\n }\n\n if (modifier) {\n temp = {};\n\n for (p in vars) {\n temp[p] = modifier(vars[p]);\n }\n\n vars = temp;\n }\n\n _addModifiers(tween, vars);\n };\n }\n };\n}; //register core plugins\n\n\nexport var gsap = _gsap.registerPlugin({\n name: \"attr\",\n init: function init(target, vars, tween, index, targets) {\n var p, pt, v;\n this.tween = tween;\n\n for (p in vars) {\n v = target.getAttribute(p) || \"\";\n pt = this.add(target, \"setAttribute\", (v || 0) + \"\", vars[p], index, targets, 0, 0, p);\n pt.op = p;\n pt.b = v; // record the beginning value so we can revert()\n\n this._props.push(p);\n }\n },\n render: function render(ratio, data) {\n var pt = data._pt;\n\n while (pt) {\n _reverting ? pt.set(pt.t, pt.p, pt.b, pt) : pt.r(ratio, pt.d); // if reverting, go back to the original (pt.b)\n\n pt = pt._next;\n }\n }\n}, {\n name: \"endArray\",\n init: function init(target, value) {\n var i = value.length;\n\n while (i--) {\n this.add(target, i, target[i] || 0, value[i], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);\n }\n }\n}, _buildModifierPlugin(\"roundProps\", _roundModifier), _buildModifierPlugin(\"modifiers\"), _buildModifierPlugin(\"snap\", snap)) || _gsap; //to prevent the core plugins from being dropped via aggressive tree shaking, we must include them in the variable declaration in this way.\n\nTween.version = Timeline.version = gsap.version = \"3.11.4\";\n_coreReady = 1;\n_windowExists() && _wake();\nvar Power0 = _easeMap.Power0,\n Power1 = _easeMap.Power1,\n Power2 = _easeMap.Power2,\n Power3 = _easeMap.Power3,\n Power4 = _easeMap.Power4,\n Linear = _easeMap.Linear,\n Quad = _easeMap.Quad,\n Cubic = _easeMap.Cubic,\n Quart = _easeMap.Quart,\n Quint = _easeMap.Quint,\n Strong = _easeMap.Strong,\n Elastic = _easeMap.Elastic,\n Back = _easeMap.Back,\n SteppedEase = _easeMap.SteppedEase,\n Bounce = _easeMap.Bounce,\n Sine = _easeMap.Sine,\n Expo = _easeMap.Expo,\n Circ = _easeMap.Circ;\nexport { Power0, Power1, Power2, Power3, Power4, Linear, Quad, Cubic, Quart, Quint, Strong, Elastic, Back, SteppedEase, Bounce, Sine, Expo, Circ };\nexport { Tween as TweenMax, Tween as TweenLite, Timeline as TimelineMax, Timeline as TimelineLite, gsap as default, wrap, wrapYoyo, distribute, random, snap, normalize, getUnit, clamp, splitColor, toArray, selector, mapRange, pipe, unitize, interpolate, shuffle }; //export some internal methods/orojects for use in CSSPlugin so that we can externalize that file and allow custom builds that exclude it.\n\nexport { _getProperty, _numExp, _numWithUnitExp, _isString, _isUndefined, _renderComplexString, _relExp, _setDefaults, _removeLinkedListItem, _forEachName, _sortPropTweensByPriority, _colorStringFilter, _replaceRandom, _checkPlugin, _plugins, _ticker, _config, _roundModifier, _round, _missingPlugin, _getSetter, _getCache, _colorExp, _parseRelative };","/*!\n * CSSPlugin 3.11.4\n * https://greensock.com\n *\n * Copyright 2008-2022, GreenSock. All rights reserved.\n * Subject to the terms at https://greensock.com/standard-license or for\n * Club GreenSock members, the agreement issued with that membership.\n * @author: Jack Doyle, jack@greensock.com\n*/\n\n/* eslint-disable */\nimport { gsap, _getProperty, _numExp, _numWithUnitExp, getUnit, _isString, _isUndefined, _renderComplexString, _relExp, _forEachName, _sortPropTweensByPriority, _colorStringFilter, _checkPlugin, _replaceRandom, _plugins, GSCache, PropTween, _config, _ticker, _round, _missingPlugin, _getSetter, _getCache, _colorExp, _parseRelative, _setDefaults, _removeLinkedListItem //for the commented-out className feature.\n} from \"./gsap-core.js\";\n\nvar _win,\n _doc,\n _docElement,\n _pluginInitted,\n _tempDiv,\n _tempDivStyler,\n _recentSetterPlugin,\n _reverting,\n _windowExists = function _windowExists() {\n return typeof window !== \"undefined\";\n},\n _transformProps = {},\n _RAD2DEG = 180 / Math.PI,\n _DEG2RAD = Math.PI / 180,\n _atan2 = Math.atan2,\n _bigNum = 1e8,\n _capsExp = /([A-Z])/g,\n _horizontalExp = /(left|right|width|margin|padding|x)/i,\n _complexExp = /[\\s,\\(]\\S/,\n _propertyAliases = {\n autoAlpha: \"opacity,visibility\",\n scale: \"scaleX,scaleY\",\n alpha: \"opacity\"\n},\n _renderCSSProp = function _renderCSSProp(ratio, data) {\n return data.set(data.t, data.p, Math.round((data.s + data.c * ratio) * 10000) / 10000 + data.u, data);\n},\n _renderPropWithEnd = function _renderPropWithEnd(ratio, data) {\n return data.set(data.t, data.p, ratio === 1 ? data.e : Math.round((data.s + data.c * ratio) * 10000) / 10000 + data.u, data);\n},\n _renderCSSPropWithBeginning = function _renderCSSPropWithBeginning(ratio, data) {\n return data.set(data.t, data.p, ratio ? Math.round((data.s + data.c * ratio) * 10000) / 10000 + data.u : data.b, data);\n},\n //if units change, we need a way to render the original unit/value when the tween goes all the way back to the beginning (ratio:0)\n_renderRoundedCSSProp = function _renderRoundedCSSProp(ratio, data) {\n var value = data.s + data.c * ratio;\n data.set(data.t, data.p, ~~(value + (value < 0 ? -.5 : .5)) + data.u, data);\n},\n _renderNonTweeningValue = function _renderNonTweeningValue(ratio, data) {\n return data.set(data.t, data.p, ratio ? data.e : data.b, data);\n},\n _renderNonTweeningValueOnlyAtEnd = function _renderNonTweeningValueOnlyAtEnd(ratio, data) {\n return data.set(data.t, data.p, ratio !== 1 ? data.b : data.e, data);\n},\n _setterCSSStyle = function _setterCSSStyle(target, property, value) {\n return target.style[property] = value;\n},\n _setterCSSProp = function _setterCSSProp(target, property, value) {\n return target.style.setProperty(property, value);\n},\n _setterTransform = function _setterTransform(target, property, value) {\n return target._gsap[property] = value;\n},\n _setterScale = function _setterScale(target, property, value) {\n return target._gsap.scaleX = target._gsap.scaleY = value;\n},\n _setterScaleWithRender = function _setterScaleWithRender(target, property, value, data, ratio) {\n var cache = target._gsap;\n cache.scaleX = cache.scaleY = value;\n cache.renderTransform(ratio, cache);\n},\n _setterTransformWithRender = function _setterTransformWithRender(target, property, value, data, ratio) {\n var cache = target._gsap;\n cache[property] = value;\n cache.renderTransform(ratio, cache);\n},\n _transformProp = \"transform\",\n _transformOriginProp = _transformProp + \"Origin\",\n _saveStyle = function _saveStyle(property, isNotCSS) {\n var _this = this;\n\n var target = this.target,\n style = target.style;\n\n if (property in _transformProps) {\n this.tfm = this.tfm || {};\n\n if (property !== \"transform\") {\n property = _propertyAliases[property] || property;\n ~property.indexOf(\",\") ? property.split(\",\").forEach(function (a) {\n return _this.tfm[a] = _get(target, a);\n }) : this.tfm[property] = target._gsap.x ? target._gsap[property] : _get(target, property); // note: scale would map to \"scaleX,scaleY\", thus we loop and apply them both.\n }\n\n if (this.props.indexOf(_transformProp) >= 0) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (target._gsap.svg) {\n this.svgo = target.getAttribute(\"data-svg-origin\");\n this.props.push(_transformOriginProp, isNotCSS, \"\");\n }\n\n property = _transformProp;\n }\n\n (style || isNotCSS) && this.props.push(property, isNotCSS, style[property]);\n},\n _removeIndependentTransforms = function _removeIndependentTransforms(style) {\n if (style.translate) {\n style.removeProperty(\"translate\");\n style.removeProperty(\"scale\");\n style.removeProperty(\"rotate\");\n }\n},\n _revertStyle = function _revertStyle() {\n var props = this.props,\n target = this.target,\n style = target.style,\n cache = target._gsap,\n i,\n p;\n\n for (i = 0; i < props.length; i += 3) {\n // stored like this: property, isNotCSS, value\n props[i + 1] ? target[props[i]] = props[i + 2] : props[i + 2] ? style[props[i]] = props[i + 2] : style.removeProperty(props[i].replace(_capsExp, \"-$1\").toLowerCase());\n }\n\n if (this.tfm) {\n for (p in this.tfm) {\n cache[p] = this.tfm[p];\n }\n\n if (cache.svg) {\n cache.renderTransform();\n target.setAttribute(\"data-svg-origin\", this.svgo || \"\");\n }\n\n i = _reverting();\n\n if (i && !i.isStart && !style[_transformProp]) {\n _removeIndependentTransforms(style);\n\n cache.uncache = 1; // if it's a startAt that's being reverted in the _initTween() of the core, we don't need to uncache transforms. This is purely a performance optimization.\n }\n }\n},\n _getStyleSaver = function _getStyleSaver(target, properties) {\n var saver = {\n target: target,\n props: [],\n revert: _revertStyle,\n save: _saveStyle\n };\n properties && properties.split(\",\").forEach(function (p) {\n return saver.save(p);\n });\n return saver;\n},\n _supports3D,\n _createElement = function _createElement(type, ns) {\n var e = _doc.createElementNS ? _doc.createElementNS((ns || \"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\").replace(/^https/, \"http\"), type) : _doc.createElement(type); //some servers swap in https for http in the namespace which can break things, making \"style\" inaccessible.\n\n return e.style ? e : _doc.createElement(type); //some environments won't allow access to the element's style when created with a namespace in which case we default to the standard createElement() to work around the issue. Also note that when GSAP is embedded directly inside an SVG file, createElement() won't allow access to the style object in Firefox (see https://greensock.com/forums/topic/20215-problem-using-tweenmax-in-standalone-self-containing-svg-file-err-cannot-set-property-csstext-of-undefined/).\n},\n _getComputedProperty = function _getComputedProperty(target, property, skipPrefixFallback) {\n var cs = getComputedStyle(target);\n return cs[property] || cs.getPropertyValue(property.replace(_capsExp, \"-$1\").toLowerCase()) || cs.getPropertyValue(property) || !skipPrefixFallback && _getComputedProperty(target, _checkPropPrefix(property) || property, 1) || \"\"; //css variables may not need caps swapped out for dashes and lowercase.\n},\n _prefixes = \"O,Moz,ms,Ms,Webkit\".split(\",\"),\n _checkPropPrefix = function _checkPropPrefix(property, element, preferPrefix) {\n var e = element || _tempDiv,\n s = e.style,\n i = 5;\n\n if (property in s && !preferPrefix) {\n return property;\n }\n\n property = property.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + property.substr(1);\n\n while (i-- && !(_prefixes[i] + property in s)) {}\n\n return i < 0 ? null : (i === 3 ? \"ms\" : i >= 0 ? _prefixes[i] : \"\") + property;\n},\n _initCore = function _initCore() {\n if (_windowExists() && window.document) {\n _win = window;\n _doc = _win.document;\n _docElement = _doc.documentElement;\n _tempDiv = _createElement(\"div\") || {\n style: {}\n };\n _tempDivStyler = _createElement(\"div\");\n _transformProp = _checkPropPrefix(_transformProp);\n _transformOriginProp = _transformProp + \"Origin\";\n _tempDiv.style.cssText = \"border-width:0;line-height:0;position:absolute;padding:0\"; //make sure to override certain properties that may contaminate measurements, in case the user has overreaching style sheets.\n\n _supports3D = !!_checkPropPrefix(\"perspective\");\n _reverting = gsap.core.reverting;\n _pluginInitted = 1;\n }\n},\n _getBBoxHack = function _getBBoxHack(swapIfPossible) {\n //works around issues in some browsers (like Firefox) that don't correctly report getBBox() on SVG elements inside a element and/or . We try creating an SVG, adding it to the documentElement and toss the element in there so that it's definitely part of the rendering tree, then grab the bbox and if it works, we actually swap out the original getBBox() method for our own that does these extra steps whenever getBBox is needed. This helps ensure that performance is optimal (only do all these extra steps when absolutely necessary...most elements don't need it).\n var svg = _createElement(\"svg\", this.ownerSVGElement && this.ownerSVGElement.getAttribute(\"xmlns\") || \"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"),\n oldParent = this.parentNode,\n oldSibling = this.nextSibling,\n oldCSS = this.style.cssText,\n bbox;\n\n _docElement.appendChild(svg);\n\n svg.appendChild(this);\n this.style.display = \"block\";\n\n if (swapIfPossible) {\n try {\n bbox = this.getBBox();\n this._gsapBBox = this.getBBox; //store the original\n\n this.getBBox = _getBBoxHack;\n } catch (e) {}\n } else if (this._gsapBBox) {\n bbox = this._gsapBBox();\n }\n\n if (oldParent) {\n if (oldSibling) {\n oldParent.insertBefore(this, oldSibling);\n } else {\n oldParent.appendChild(this);\n }\n }\n\n _docElement.removeChild(svg);\n\n this.style.cssText = oldCSS;\n return bbox;\n},\n _getAttributeFallbacks = function _getAttributeFallbacks(target, attributesArray) {\n var i = attributesArray.length;\n\n while (i--) {\n if (target.hasAttribute(attributesArray[i])) {\n return target.getAttribute(attributesArray[i]);\n }\n }\n},\n _getBBox = function _getBBox(target) {\n var bounds;\n\n try {\n bounds = target.getBBox(); //Firefox throws errors if you try calling getBBox() on an SVG element that's not rendered (like in a or ). https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=612118\n } catch (error) {\n bounds = _getBBoxHack.call(target, true);\n }\n\n bounds && (bounds.width || bounds.height) || target.getBBox === _getBBoxHack || (bounds = _getBBoxHack.call(target, true)); //some browsers (like Firefox) misreport the bounds if the element has zero width and height (it just assumes it's at x:0, y:0), thus we need to manually grab the position in that case.\n\n return bounds && !bounds.width && !bounds.x && !bounds.y ? {\n x: +_getAttributeFallbacks(target, [\"x\", \"cx\", \"x1\"]) || 0,\n y: +_getAttributeFallbacks(target, [\"y\", \"cy\", \"y1\"]) || 0,\n width: 0,\n height: 0\n } : bounds;\n},\n _isSVG = function _isSVG(e) {\n return !!(e.getCTM && (!e.parentNode || e.ownerSVGElement) && _getBBox(e));\n},\n //reports if the element is an SVG on which getBBox() actually works\n_removeProperty = function _removeProperty(target, property) {\n if (property) {\n var style = target.style;\n\n if (property in _transformProps && property !== _transformOriginProp) {\n property = _transformProp;\n }\n\n if (style.removeProperty) {\n if (property.substr(0, 2) === \"ms\" || property.substr(0, 6) === \"webkit\") {\n //Microsoft and some Webkit browsers don't conform to the standard of capitalizing the first prefix character, so we adjust so that when we prefix the caps with a dash, it's correct (otherwise it'd be \"ms-transform\" instead of \"-ms-transform\" for IE9, for example)\n property = \"-\" + property;\n }\n\n style.removeProperty(property.replace(_capsExp, \"-$1\").toLowerCase());\n } else {\n //note: old versions of IE use \"removeAttribute()\" instead of \"removeProperty()\"\n style.removeAttribute(property);\n }\n }\n},\n _addNonTweeningPT = function _addNonTweeningPT(plugin, target, property, beginning, end, onlySetAtEnd) {\n var pt = new PropTween(plugin._pt, target, property, 0, 1, onlySetAtEnd ? _renderNonTweeningValueOnlyAtEnd : _renderNonTweeningValue);\n plugin._pt = pt;\n pt.b = beginning;\n pt.e = end;\n\n plugin._props.push(property);\n\n return pt;\n},\n _nonConvertibleUnits = {\n deg: 1,\n rad: 1,\n turn: 1\n},\n _nonStandardLayouts = {\n grid: 1,\n flex: 1\n},\n //takes a single value like 20px and converts it to the unit specified, like \"%\", returning only the numeric amount.\n_convertToUnit = function _convertToUnit(target, property, value, unit) {\n var curValue = parseFloat(value) || 0,\n curUnit = (value + \"\").trim().substr((curValue + \"\").length) || \"px\",\n // some browsers leave extra whitespace at the beginning of CSS variables, hence the need to trim()\n style = _tempDiv.style,\n horizontal = _horizontalExp.test(property),\n isRootSVG = target.tagName.toLowerCase() === \"svg\",\n measureProperty = (isRootSVG ? \"client\" : \"offset\") + (horizontal ? \"Width\" : \"Height\"),\n amount = 100,\n toPixels = unit === \"px\",\n toPercent = unit === \"%\",\n px,\n parent,\n cache,\n isSVG;\n\n if (unit === curUnit || !curValue || _nonConvertibleUnits[unit] || _nonConvertibleUnits[curUnit]) {\n return curValue;\n }\n\n curUnit !== \"px\" && !toPixels && (curValue = _convertToUnit(target, property, value, \"px\"));\n isSVG = target.getCTM && _isSVG(target);\n\n if ((toPercent || curUnit === \"%\") && (_transformProps[property] || ~property.indexOf(\"adius\"))) {\n px = isSVG ? target.getBBox()[horizontal ? \"width\" : \"height\"] : target[measureProperty];\n return _round(toPercent ? curValue / px * amount : curValue / 100 * px);\n }\n\n style[horizontal ? \"width\" : \"height\"] = amount + (toPixels ? curUnit : unit);\n parent = ~property.indexOf(\"adius\") || unit === \"em\" && target.appendChild && !isRootSVG ? target : target.parentNode;\n\n if (isSVG) {\n parent = (target.ownerSVGElement || {}).parentNode;\n }\n\n if (!parent || parent === _doc || !parent.appendChild) {\n parent = _doc.body;\n }\n\n cache = parent._gsap;\n\n if (cache && toPercent && cache.width && horizontal && cache.time === _ticker.time && !cache.uncache) {\n return _round(curValue / cache.width * amount);\n } else {\n (toPercent || curUnit === \"%\") && !_nonStandardLayouts[_getComputedProperty(parent, \"display\")] && (style.position = _getComputedProperty(target, \"position\"));\n parent === target && (style.position = \"static\"); // like for borderRadius, if it's a % we must have it relative to the target itself but that may not have position: relative or position: absolute in which case it'd go up the chain until it finds its offsetParent (bad). position: static protects against that.\n\n parent.appendChild(_tempDiv);\n px = _tempDiv[measureProperty];\n parent.removeChild(_tempDiv);\n style.position = \"absolute\";\n\n if (horizontal && toPercent) {\n cache = _getCache(parent);\n cache.time = _ticker.time;\n cache.width = parent[measureProperty];\n }\n }\n\n return _round(toPixels ? px * curValue / amount : px && curValue ? amount / px * curValue : 0);\n},\n _get = function _get(target, property, unit, uncache) {\n var value;\n _pluginInitted || _initCore();\n\n if (property in _propertyAliases && property !== \"transform\") {\n property = _propertyAliases[property];\n\n if (~property.indexOf(\",\")) {\n property = property.split(\",\")[0];\n }\n }\n\n if (_transformProps[property] && property !== \"transform\") {\n value = _parseTransform(target, uncache);\n value = property !== \"transformOrigin\" ? value[property] : value.svg ? value.origin : _firstTwoOnly(_getComputedProperty(target, _transformOriginProp)) + \" \" + value.zOrigin + \"px\";\n } else {\n value = target.style[property];\n\n if (!value || value === \"auto\" || uncache || ~(value + \"\").indexOf(\"calc(\")) {\n value = _specialProps[property] && _specialProps[property](target, property, unit) || _getComputedProperty(target, property) || _getProperty(target, property) || (property === \"opacity\" ? 1 : 0); // note: some browsers, like Firefox, don't report borderRadius correctly! Instead, it only reports every corner like borderTopLeftRadius\n }\n }\n\n return unit && !~(value + \"\").trim().indexOf(\" \") ? _convertToUnit(target, property, value, unit) + unit : value;\n},\n _tweenComplexCSSString = function _tweenComplexCSSString(target, prop, start, end) {\n // note: we call _tweenComplexCSSString.call(pluginInstance...) to ensure that it's scoped properly. We may call it from within a plugin too, thus \"this\" would refer to the plugin.\n if (!start || start === \"none\") {\n // some browsers like Safari actually PREFER the prefixed property and mis-report the unprefixed value like clipPath (BUG). In other words, even though clipPath exists in the style (\"clipPath\" in target.style) and it's set in the CSS properly (along with -webkit-clip-path), Safari reports clipPath as \"none\" whereas WebkitClipPath reports accurately like \"ellipse(100% 0% at 50% 0%)\", so in this case we must SWITCH to using the prefixed property instead. See https://greensock.com/forums/topic/18310-clippath-doesnt-work-on-ios/\n var p = _checkPropPrefix(prop, target, 1),\n s = p && _getComputedProperty(target, p, 1);\n\n if (s && s !== start) {\n prop = p;\n start = s;\n } else if (prop === \"borderColor\") {\n start = _getComputedProperty(target, \"borderTopColor\"); // Firefox bug: always reports \"borderColor\" as \"\", so we must fall back to borderTopColor. See https://greensock.com/forums/topic/24583-how-to-return-colors-that-i-had-after-reverse/\n }\n }\n\n var pt = new PropTween(this._pt, target.style, prop, 0, 1, _renderComplexString),\n index = 0,\n matchIndex = 0,\n a,\n result,\n startValues,\n startNum,\n color,\n startValue,\n endValue,\n endNum,\n chunk,\n endUnit,\n startUnit,\n endValues;\n pt.b = start;\n pt.e = end;\n start += \"\"; // ensure values are strings\n\n end += \"\";\n\n if (end === \"auto\") {\n target.style[prop] = end;\n end = _getComputedProperty(target, prop) || end;\n target.style[prop] = start;\n }\n\n a = [start, end];\n\n _colorStringFilter(a); // pass an array with the starting and ending values and let the filter do whatever it needs to the values. If colors are found, it returns true and then we must match where the color shows up order-wise because for things like boxShadow, sometimes the browser provides the computed values with the color FIRST, but the user provides it with the color LAST, so flip them if necessary. Same for drop-shadow().\n\n\n start = a[0];\n end = a[1];\n startValues = start.match(_numWithUnitExp) || [];\n endValues = end.match(_numWithUnitExp) || [];\n\n if (endValues.length) {\n while (result = _numWithUnitExp.exec(end)) {\n endValue = result[0];\n chunk = end.substring(index, result.index);\n\n if (color) {\n color = (color + 1) % 5;\n } else if (chunk.substr(-5) === \"rgba(\" || chunk.substr(-5) === \"hsla(\") {\n color = 1;\n }\n\n if (endValue !== (startValue = startValues[matchIndex++] || \"\")) {\n startNum = parseFloat(startValue) || 0;\n startUnit = startValue.substr((startNum + \"\").length);\n endValue.charAt(1) === \"=\" && (endValue = _parseRelative(startNum, endValue) + startUnit);\n endNum = parseFloat(endValue);\n endUnit = endValue.substr((endNum + \"\").length);\n index = _numWithUnitExp.lastIndex - endUnit.length;\n\n if (!endUnit) {\n //if something like \"perspective:300\" is passed in and we must add a unit to the end\n endUnit = endUnit || _config.units[prop] || startUnit;\n\n if (index === end.length) {\n end += endUnit;\n pt.e += endUnit;\n }\n }\n\n if (startUnit !== endUnit) {\n startNum = _convertToUnit(target, prop, startValue, endUnit) || 0;\n } // these nested PropTweens are handled in a special way - we'll never actually call a render or setter method on them. We'll just loop through them in the parent complex string PropTween's render method.\n\n\n pt._pt = {\n _next: pt._pt,\n p: chunk || matchIndex === 1 ? chunk : \",\",\n //note: SVG spec allows omission of comma/space when a negative sign is wedged between two numbers, like 2.5-5.3 instead of 2.5,-5.3 but when tweening, the negative value may switch to positive, so we insert the comma just in case.\n s: startNum,\n c: endNum - startNum,\n m: color && color < 4 || prop === \"zIndex\" ? Math.round : 0\n };\n }\n }\n\n pt.c = index < end.length ? end.substring(index, end.length) : \"\"; //we use the \"c\" of the PropTween to store the final part of the string (after the last number)\n } else {\n pt.r = prop === \"display\" && end === \"none\" ? _renderNonTweeningValueOnlyAtEnd : _renderNonTweeningValue;\n }\n\n _relExp.test(end) && (pt.e = 0); //if the end string contains relative values or dynamic random(...) values, delete the end it so that on the final render we don't actually set it to the string with += or -= characters (forces it to use the calculated value).\n\n this._pt = pt; //start the linked list with this new PropTween. Remember, we call _tweenComplexCSSString.call(pluginInstance...) to ensure that it's scoped properly. We may call it from within another plugin too, thus \"this\" would refer to the plugin.\n\n return pt;\n},\n _keywordToPercent = {\n top: \"0%\",\n bottom: \"100%\",\n left: \"0%\",\n right: \"100%\",\n center: \"50%\"\n},\n _convertKeywordsToPercentages = function _convertKeywordsToPercentages(value) {\n var split = value.split(\" \"),\n x = split[0],\n y = split[1] || \"50%\";\n\n if (x === \"top\" || x === \"bottom\" || y === \"left\" || y === \"right\") {\n //the user provided them in the wrong order, so flip them\n value = x;\n x = y;\n y = value;\n }\n\n split[0] = _keywordToPercent[x] || x;\n split[1] = _keywordToPercent[y] || y;\n return split.join(\" \");\n},\n _renderClearProps = function _renderClearProps(ratio, data) {\n if (data.tween && data.tween._time === data.tween._dur) {\n var target = data.t,\n style = target.style,\n props = data.u,\n cache = target._gsap,\n prop,\n clearTransforms,\n i;\n\n if (props === \"all\" || props === true) {\n style.cssText = \"\";\n clearTransforms = 1;\n } else {\n props = props.split(\",\");\n i = props.length;\n\n while (--i > -1) {\n prop = props[i];\n\n if (_transformProps[prop]) {\n clearTransforms = 1;\n prop = prop === \"transformOrigin\" ? _transformOriginProp : _transformProp;\n }\n\n _removeProperty(target, prop);\n }\n }\n\n if (clearTransforms) {\n _removeProperty(target, _transformProp);\n\n if (cache) {\n cache.svg && target.removeAttribute(\"transform\");\n\n _parseTransform(target, 1); // force all the cached values back to \"normal\"/identity, otherwise if there's another tween that's already set to render transforms on this element, it could display the wrong values.\n\n\n cache.uncache = 1;\n\n _removeIndependentTransforms(style);\n }\n }\n }\n},\n // note: specialProps should return 1 if (and only if) they have a non-zero priority. It indicates we need to sort the linked list.\n_specialProps = {\n clearProps: function clearProps(plugin, target, property, endValue, tween) {\n if (tween.data !== \"isFromStart\") {\n var pt = plugin._pt = new PropTween(plugin._pt, target, property, 0, 0, _renderClearProps);\n pt.u = endValue;\n pt.pr = -10;\n pt.tween = tween;\n\n plugin._props.push(property);\n\n return 1;\n }\n }\n /* className feature (about 0.4kb gzipped).\n , className(plugin, target, property, endValue, tween) {\n \tlet _renderClassName = (ratio, data) => {\n \t\t\tdata.css.render(ratio, data.css);\n \t\t\tif (!ratio || ratio === 1) {\n \t\t\t\tlet inline = data.rmv,\n \t\t\t\t\ttarget = data.t,\n \t\t\t\t\tp;\n \t\t\t\ttarget.setAttribute(\"class\", ratio ? data.e : data.b);\n \t\t\t\tfor (p in inline) {\n \t\t\t\t\t_removeProperty(target, p);\n \t\t\t\t}\n \t\t\t}\n \t\t},\n \t\t_getAllStyles = (target) => {\n \t\t\tlet styles = {},\n \t\t\t\tcomputed = getComputedStyle(target),\n \t\t\t\tp;\n \t\t\tfor (p in computed) {\n \t\t\t\tif (isNaN(p) && p !== \"cssText\" && p !== \"length\") {\n \t\t\t\t\tstyles[p] = computed[p];\n \t\t\t\t}\n \t\t\t}\n \t\t\t_setDefaults(styles, _parseTransform(target, 1));\n \t\t\treturn styles;\n \t\t},\n \t\tstartClassList = target.getAttribute(\"class\"),\n \t\tstyle = target.style,\n \t\tcssText = style.cssText,\n \t\tcache = target._gsap,\n \t\tclassPT = cache.classPT,\n \t\tinlineToRemoveAtEnd = {},\n \t\tdata = {t:target, plugin:plugin, rmv:inlineToRemoveAtEnd, b:startClassList, e:(endValue.charAt(1) !== \"=\") ? endValue : startClassList.replace(new RegExp(\"(?:\\\\s|^)\" + endValue.substr(2) + \"(?![\\\\w-])\"), \"\") + ((endValue.charAt(0) === \"+\") ? \" \" + endValue.substr(2) : \"\")},\n \t\tchangingVars = {},\n \t\tstartVars = _getAllStyles(target),\n \t\ttransformRelated = /(transform|perspective)/i,\n \t\tendVars, p;\n \tif (classPT) {\n \t\tclassPT.r(1, classPT.d);\n \t\t_removeLinkedListItem(classPT.d.plugin, classPT, \"_pt\");\n \t}\n \ttarget.setAttribute(\"class\", data.e);\n \tendVars = _getAllStyles(target, true);\n \ttarget.setAttribute(\"class\", startClassList);\n \tfor (p in endVars) {\n \t\tif (endVars[p] !== startVars[p] && !transformRelated.test(p)) {\n \t\t\tchangingVars[p] = endVars[p];\n \t\t\tif (!style[p] && style[p] !== \"0\") {\n \t\t\t\tinlineToRemoveAtEnd[p] = 1;\n \t\t\t}\n \t\t}\n \t}\n \tcache.classPT = plugin._pt = new PropTween(plugin._pt, target, \"className\", 0, 0, _renderClassName, data, 0, -11);\n \tif (style.cssText !== cssText) { //only apply if things change. Otherwise, in cases like a background-image that's pulled dynamically, it could cause a refresh. See https://greensock.com/forums/topic/20368-possible-gsap-bug-switching-classnames-in-chrome/.\n \t\tstyle.cssText = cssText; //we recorded cssText before we swapped classes and ran _getAllStyles() because in cases when a className tween is overwritten, we remove all the related tweening properties from that class change (otherwise class-specific stuff can't override properties we've directly set on the target's style object due to specificity).\n \t}\n \t_parseTransform(target, true); //to clear the caching of transforms\n \tdata.css = new gsap.plugins.css();\n \tdata.css.init(target, changingVars, tween);\n \tplugin._props.push(...data.css._props);\n \treturn 1;\n }\n */\n\n},\n\n/*\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * TRANSFORMS\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n_identity2DMatrix = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],\n _rotationalProperties = {},\n _isNullTransform = function _isNullTransform(value) {\n return value === \"matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)\" || value === \"none\" || !value;\n},\n _getComputedTransformMatrixAsArray = function _getComputedTransformMatrixAsArray(target) {\n var matrixString = _getComputedProperty(target, _transformProp);\n\n return _isNullTransform(matrixString) ? _identity2DMatrix : matrixString.substr(7).match(_numExp).map(_round);\n},\n _getMatrix = function _getMatrix(target, force2D) {\n var cache = target._gsap || _getCache(target),\n style = target.style,\n matrix = _getComputedTransformMatrixAsArray(target),\n parent,\n nextSibling,\n temp,\n addedToDOM;\n\n if (cache.svg && target.getAttribute(\"transform\")) {\n temp = target.transform.baseVal.consolidate().matrix; //ensures that even complex values like \"translate(50,60) rotate(135,0,0)\" are parsed because it mashes it into a matrix.\n\n matrix = [temp.a, temp.b, temp.c, temp.d, temp.e, temp.f];\n return matrix.join(\",\") === \"1,0,0,1,0,0\" ? _identity2DMatrix : matrix;\n } else if (matrix === _identity2DMatrix && !target.offsetParent && target !== _docElement && !cache.svg) {\n //note: if offsetParent is null, that means the element isn't in the normal document flow, like if it has display:none or one of its ancestors has display:none). Firefox returns null for getComputedStyle() if the element is in an iframe that has display:none. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=548397\n //browsers don't report transforms accurately unless the element is in the DOM and has a display value that's not \"none\". Firefox and Microsoft browsers have a partial bug where they'll report transforms even if display:none BUT not any percentage-based values like translate(-50%, 8px) will be reported as if it's translate(0, 8px).\n temp = style.display;\n style.display = \"block\";\n parent = target.parentNode;\n\n if (!parent || !target.offsetParent) {\n // note: in 3.3.0 we switched target.offsetParent to _doc.body.contains(target) to avoid [sometimes unnecessary] MutationObserver calls but that wasn't adequate because there are edge cases where nested position: fixed elements need to get reparented to accurately sense transforms. See https://github.com/greensock/GSAP/issues/388 and https://github.com/greensock/GSAP/issues/375\n addedToDOM = 1; //flag\n\n nextSibling = target.nextElementSibling;\n\n _docElement.appendChild(target); //we must add it to the DOM in order to get values properly\n\n }\n\n matrix = _getComputedTransformMatrixAsArray(target);\n temp ? style.display = temp : _removeProperty(target, \"display\");\n\n if (addedToDOM) {\n nextSibling ? parent.insertBefore(target, nextSibling) : parent ? parent.appendChild(target) : _docElement.removeChild(target);\n }\n }\n\n return force2D && matrix.length > 6 ? [matrix[0], matrix[1], matrix[4], matrix[5], matrix[12], matrix[13]] : matrix;\n},\n _applySVGOrigin = function _applySVGOrigin(target, origin, originIsAbsolute, smooth, matrixArray, pluginToAddPropTweensTo) {\n var cache = target._gsap,\n matrix = matrixArray || _getMatrix(target, true),\n xOriginOld = cache.xOrigin || 0,\n yOriginOld = cache.yOrigin || 0,\n xOffsetOld = cache.xOffset || 0,\n yOffsetOld = cache.yOffset || 0,\n a = matrix[0],\n b = matrix[1],\n c = matrix[2],\n d = matrix[3],\n tx = matrix[4],\n ty = matrix[5],\n originSplit = origin.split(\" \"),\n xOrigin = parseFloat(originSplit[0]) || 0,\n yOrigin = parseFloat(originSplit[1]) || 0,\n bounds,\n determinant,\n x,\n y;\n\n if (!originIsAbsolute) {\n bounds = _getBBox(target);\n xOrigin = bounds.x + (~originSplit[0].indexOf(\"%\") ? xOrigin / 100 * bounds.width : xOrigin);\n yOrigin = bounds.y + (~(originSplit[1] || originSplit[0]).indexOf(\"%\") ? yOrigin / 100 * bounds.height : yOrigin);\n } else if (matrix !== _identity2DMatrix && (determinant = a * d - b * c)) {\n //if it's zero (like if scaleX and scaleY are zero), skip it to avoid errors with dividing by zero.\n x = xOrigin * (d / determinant) + yOrigin * (-c / determinant) + (c * ty - d * tx) / determinant;\n y = xOrigin * (-b / determinant) + yOrigin * (a / determinant) - (a * ty - b * tx) / determinant;\n xOrigin = x;\n yOrigin = y;\n }\n\n if (smooth || smooth !== false && cache.smooth) {\n tx = xOrigin - xOriginOld;\n ty = yOrigin - yOriginOld;\n cache.xOffset = xOffsetOld + (tx * a + ty * c) - tx;\n cache.yOffset = yOffsetOld + (tx * b + ty * d) - ty;\n } else {\n cache.xOffset = cache.yOffset = 0;\n }\n\n cache.xOrigin = xOrigin;\n cache.yOrigin = yOrigin;\n cache.smooth = !!smooth;\n cache.origin = origin;\n cache.originIsAbsolute = !!originIsAbsolute;\n target.style[_transformOriginProp] = \"0px 0px\"; //otherwise, if someone sets an origin via CSS, it will likely interfere with the SVG transform attribute ones (because remember, we're baking the origin into the matrix() value).\n\n if (pluginToAddPropTweensTo) {\n _addNonTweeningPT(pluginToAddPropTweensTo, cache, \"xOrigin\", xOriginOld, xOrigin);\n\n _addNonTweeningPT(pluginToAddPropTweensTo, cache, \"yOrigin\", yOriginOld, yOrigin);\n\n _addNonTweeningPT(pluginToAddPropTweensTo, cache, \"xOffset\", xOffsetOld, cache.xOffset);\n\n _addNonTweeningPT(pluginToAddPropTweensTo, cache, \"yOffset\", yOffsetOld, cache.yOffset);\n }\n\n target.setAttribute(\"data-svg-origin\", xOrigin + \" \" + yOrigin);\n},\n _parseTransform = function _parseTransform(target, uncache) {\n var cache = target._gsap || new GSCache(target);\n\n if (\"x\" in cache && !uncache && !cache.uncache) {\n return cache;\n }\n\n var style = target.style,\n invertedScaleX = cache.scaleX < 0,\n px = \"px\",\n deg = \"deg\",\n cs = getComputedStyle(target),\n origin = _getComputedProperty(target, _transformOriginProp) || \"0\",\n x,\n y,\n z,\n scaleX,\n scaleY,\n rotation,\n rotationX,\n rotationY,\n skewX,\n skewY,\n perspective,\n xOrigin,\n yOrigin,\n matrix,\n angle,\n cos,\n sin,\n a,\n b,\n c,\n d,\n a12,\n a22,\n t1,\n t2,\n t3,\n a13,\n a23,\n a33,\n a42,\n a43,\n a32;\n x = y = z = rotation = rotationX = rotationY = skewX = skewY = perspective = 0;\n scaleX = scaleY = 1;\n cache.svg = !!(target.getCTM && _isSVG(target));\n\n if (cs.translate) {\n // accommodate independent transforms by combining them into normal ones.\n if (cs.translate !== \"none\" || cs.scale !== \"none\" || cs.rotate !== \"none\") {\n style[_transformProp] = (cs.translate !== \"none\" ? \"translate3d(\" + (cs.translate + \" 0 0\").split(\" \").slice(0, 3).join(\", \") + \") \" : \"\") + (cs.rotate !== \"none\" ? \"rotate(\" + cs.rotate + \") \" : \"\") + (cs.scale !== \"none\" ? \"scale(\" + cs.scale.split(\" \").join(\",\") + \") \" : \"\") + (cs[_transformProp] !== \"none\" ? cs[_transformProp] : \"\");\n }\n\n style.scale = style.rotate = style.translate = \"none\";\n }\n\n matrix = _getMatrix(target, cache.svg);\n\n if (cache.svg) {\n if (cache.uncache) {\n // if cache.uncache is true (and maybe if origin is 0,0), we need to set element.style.transformOrigin = (cache.xOrigin - bbox.x) + \"px \" + (cache.yOrigin - bbox.y) + \"px\". Previously we let the data-svg-origin stay instead, but when introducing revert(), it complicated things.\n t2 = target.getBBox();\n origin = cache.xOrigin - t2.x + \"px \" + (cache.yOrigin - t2.y) + \"px\";\n t1 = \"\";\n } else {\n t1 = !uncache && target.getAttribute(\"data-svg-origin\"); // Remember, to work around browser inconsistencies we always force SVG elements' transformOrigin to 0,0 and offset the translation accordingly.\n }\n\n _applySVGOrigin(target, t1 || origin, !!t1 || cache.originIsAbsolute, cache.smooth !== false, matrix);\n }\n\n xOrigin = cache.xOrigin || 0;\n yOrigin = cache.yOrigin || 0;\n\n if (matrix !== _identity2DMatrix) {\n a = matrix[0]; //a11\n\n b = matrix[1]; //a21\n\n c = matrix[2]; //a31\n\n d = matrix[3]; //a41\n\n x = a12 = matrix[4];\n y = a22 = matrix[5]; //2D matrix\n\n if (matrix.length === 6) {\n scaleX = Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b);\n scaleY = Math.sqrt(d * d + c * c);\n rotation = a || b ? _atan2(b, a) * _RAD2DEG : 0; //note: if scaleX is 0, we cannot accurately measure rotation. Same for skewX with a scaleY of 0. Therefore, we default to the previously recorded value (or zero if that doesn't exist).\n\n skewX = c || d ? _atan2(c, d) * _RAD2DEG + rotation : 0;\n skewX && (scaleY *= Math.abs(Math.cos(skewX * _DEG2RAD)));\n\n if (cache.svg) {\n x -= xOrigin - (xOrigin * a + yOrigin * c);\n y -= yOrigin - (xOrigin * b + yOrigin * d);\n } //3D matrix\n\n } else {\n a32 = matrix[6];\n a42 = matrix[7];\n a13 = matrix[8];\n a23 = matrix[9];\n a33 = matrix[10];\n a43 = matrix[11];\n x = matrix[12];\n y = matrix[13];\n z = matrix[14];\n angle = _atan2(a32, a33);\n rotationX = angle * _RAD2DEG; //rotationX\n\n if (angle) {\n cos = Math.cos(-angle);\n sin = Math.sin(-angle);\n t1 = a12 * cos + a13 * sin;\n t2 = a22 * cos + a23 * sin;\n t3 = a32 * cos + a33 * sin;\n a13 = a12 * -sin + a13 * cos;\n a23 = a22 * -sin + a23 * cos;\n a33 = a32 * -sin + a33 * cos;\n a43 = a42 * -sin + a43 * cos;\n a12 = t1;\n a22 = t2;\n a32 = t3;\n } //rotationY\n\n\n angle = _atan2(-c, a33);\n rotationY = angle * _RAD2DEG;\n\n if (angle) {\n cos = Math.cos(-angle);\n sin = Math.sin(-angle);\n t1 = a * cos - a13 * sin;\n t2 = b * cos - a23 * sin;\n t3 = c * cos - a33 * sin;\n a43 = d * sin + a43 * cos;\n a = t1;\n b = t2;\n c = t3;\n } //rotationZ\n\n\n angle = _atan2(b, a);\n rotation = angle * _RAD2DEG;\n\n if (angle) {\n cos = Math.cos(angle);\n sin = Math.sin(angle);\n t1 = a * cos + b * sin;\n t2 = a12 * cos + a22 * sin;\n b = b * cos - a * sin;\n a22 = a22 * cos - a12 * sin;\n a = t1;\n a12 = t2;\n }\n\n if (rotationX && Math.abs(rotationX) + Math.abs(rotation) > 359.9) {\n //when rotationY is set, it will often be parsed as 180 degrees different than it should be, and rotationX and rotation both being 180 (it looks the same), so we adjust for that here.\n rotationX = rotation = 0;\n rotationY = 180 - rotationY;\n }\n\n scaleX = _round(Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b + c * c));\n scaleY = _round(Math.sqrt(a22 * a22 + a32 * a32));\n angle = _atan2(a12, a22);\n skewX = Math.abs(angle) > 0.0002 ? angle * _RAD2DEG : 0;\n perspective = a43 ? 1 / (a43 < 0 ? -a43 : a43) : 0;\n }\n\n if (cache.svg) {\n //sense if there are CSS transforms applied on an SVG element in which case we must overwrite them when rendering. The transform attribute is more reliable cross-browser, but we can't just remove the CSS ones because they may be applied in a CSS rule somewhere (not just inline).\n t1 = target.getAttribute(\"transform\");\n cache.forceCSS = target.setAttribute(\"transform\", \"\") || !_isNullTransform(_getComputedProperty(target, _transformProp));\n t1 && target.setAttribute(\"transform\", t1);\n }\n }\n\n if (Math.abs(skewX) > 90 && Math.abs(skewX) < 270) {\n if (invertedScaleX) {\n scaleX *= -1;\n skewX += rotation <= 0 ? 180 : -180;\n rotation += rotation <= 0 ? 180 : -180;\n } else {\n scaleY *= -1;\n skewX += skewX <= 0 ? 180 : -180;\n }\n }\n\n uncache = uncache || cache.uncache;\n cache.x = x - ((cache.xPercent = x && (!uncache && cache.xPercent || (Math.round(target.offsetWidth / 2) === Math.round(-x) ? -50 : 0))) ? target.offsetWidth * cache.xPercent / 100 : 0) + px;\n cache.y = y - ((cache.yPercent = y && (!uncache && cache.yPercent || (Math.round(target.offsetHeight / 2) === Math.round(-y) ? -50 : 0))) ? target.offsetHeight * cache.yPercent / 100 : 0) + px;\n cache.z = z + px;\n cache.scaleX = _round(scaleX);\n cache.scaleY = _round(scaleY);\n cache.rotation = _round(rotation) + deg;\n cache.rotationX = _round(rotationX) + deg;\n cache.rotationY = _round(rotationY) + deg;\n cache.skewX = skewX + deg;\n cache.skewY = skewY + deg;\n cache.transformPerspective = perspective + px;\n\n if (cache.zOrigin = parseFloat(origin.split(\" \")[2]) || 0) {\n style[_transformOriginProp] = _firstTwoOnly(origin);\n }\n\n cache.xOffset = cache.yOffset = 0;\n cache.force3D = _config.force3D;\n cache.renderTransform = cache.svg ? _renderSVGTransforms : _supports3D ? _renderCSSTransforms : _renderNon3DTransforms;\n cache.uncache = 0;\n return cache;\n},\n _firstTwoOnly = function _firstTwoOnly(value) {\n return (value = value.split(\" \"))[0] + \" \" + value[1];\n},\n //for handling transformOrigin values, stripping out the 3rd dimension\n_addPxTranslate = function _addPxTranslate(target, start, value) {\n var unit = getUnit(start);\n return _round(parseFloat(start) + parseFloat(_convertToUnit(target, \"x\", value + \"px\", unit))) + unit;\n},\n _renderNon3DTransforms = function _renderNon3DTransforms(ratio, cache) {\n cache.z = \"0px\";\n cache.rotationY = cache.rotationX = \"0deg\";\n cache.force3D = 0;\n\n _renderCSSTransforms(ratio, cache);\n},\n _zeroDeg = \"0deg\",\n _zeroPx = \"0px\",\n _endParenthesis = \") \",\n _renderCSSTransforms = function _renderCSSTransforms(ratio, cache) {\n var _ref = cache || this,\n xPercent = _ref.xPercent,\n yPercent = _ref.yPercent,\n x = _ref.x,\n y = _ref.y,\n z = _ref.z,\n rotation = _ref.rotation,\n rotationY = _ref.rotationY,\n rotationX = _ref.rotationX,\n skewX = _ref.skewX,\n skewY = _ref.skewY,\n scaleX = _ref.scaleX,\n scaleY = _ref.scaleY,\n transformPerspective = _ref.transformPerspective,\n force3D = _ref.force3D,\n target = _ref.target,\n zOrigin = _ref.zOrigin,\n transforms = \"\",\n use3D = force3D === \"auto\" && ratio && ratio !== 1 || force3D === true; // Safari has a bug that causes it not to render 3D transform-origin values properly, so we force the z origin to 0, record it in the cache, and then do the math here to offset the translate values accordingly (basically do the 3D transform-origin part manually)\n\n\n if (zOrigin && (rotationX !== _zeroDeg || rotationY !== _zeroDeg)) {\n var angle = parseFloat(rotationY) * _DEG2RAD,\n a13 = Math.sin(angle),\n a33 = Math.cos(angle),\n cos;\n\n angle = parseFloat(rotationX) * _DEG2RAD;\n cos = Math.cos(angle);\n x = _addPxTranslate(target, x, a13 * cos * -zOrigin);\n y = _addPxTranslate(target, y, -Math.sin(angle) * -zOrigin);\n z = _addPxTranslate(target, z, a33 * cos * -zOrigin + zOrigin);\n }\n\n if (transformPerspective !== _zeroPx) {\n transforms += \"perspective(\" + transformPerspective + _endParenthesis;\n }\n\n if (xPercent || yPercent) {\n transforms += \"translate(\" + xPercent + \"%, \" + yPercent + \"%) \";\n }\n\n if (use3D || x !== _zeroPx || y !== _zeroPx || z !== _zeroPx) {\n transforms += z !== _zeroPx || use3D ? \"translate3d(\" + x + \", \" + y + \", \" + z + \") \" : \"translate(\" + x + \", \" + y + _endParenthesis;\n }\n\n if (rotation !== _zeroDeg) {\n transforms += \"rotate(\" + rotation + _endParenthesis;\n }\n\n if (rotationY !== _zeroDeg) {\n transforms += \"rotateY(\" + rotationY + _endParenthesis;\n }\n\n if (rotationX !== _zeroDeg) {\n transforms += \"rotateX(\" + rotationX + _endParenthesis;\n }\n\n if (skewX !== _zeroDeg || skewY !== _zeroDeg) {\n transforms += \"skew(\" + skewX + \", \" + skewY + _endParenthesis;\n }\n\n if (scaleX !== 1 || scaleY !== 1) {\n transforms += \"scale(\" + scaleX + \", \" + scaleY + _endParenthesis;\n }\n\n target.style[_transformProp] = transforms || \"translate(0, 0)\";\n},\n _renderSVGTransforms = function _renderSVGTransforms(ratio, cache) {\n var _ref2 = cache || this,\n xPercent = _ref2.xPercent,\n yPercent = _ref2.yPercent,\n x = _ref2.x,\n y = _ref2.y,\n rotation = _ref2.rotation,\n skewX = _ref2.skewX,\n skewY = _ref2.skewY,\n scaleX = _ref2.scaleX,\n scaleY = _ref2.scaleY,\n target = _ref2.target,\n xOrigin = _ref2.xOrigin,\n yOrigin = _ref2.yOrigin,\n xOffset = _ref2.xOffset,\n yOffset = _ref2.yOffset,\n forceCSS = _ref2.forceCSS,\n tx = parseFloat(x),\n ty = parseFloat(y),\n a11,\n a21,\n a12,\n a22,\n temp;\n\n rotation = parseFloat(rotation);\n skewX = parseFloat(skewX);\n skewY = parseFloat(skewY);\n\n if (skewY) {\n //for performance reasons, we combine all skewing into the skewX and rotation values. Remember, a skewY of 10 degrees looks the same as a rotation of 10 degrees plus a skewX of 10 degrees.\n skewY = parseFloat(skewY);\n skewX += skewY;\n rotation += skewY;\n }\n\n if (rotation || skewX) {\n rotation *= _DEG2RAD;\n skewX *= _DEG2RAD;\n a11 = Math.cos(rotation) * scaleX;\n a21 = Math.sin(rotation) * scaleX;\n a12 = Math.sin(rotation - skewX) * -scaleY;\n a22 = Math.cos(rotation - skewX) * scaleY;\n\n if (skewX) {\n skewY *= _DEG2RAD;\n temp = Math.tan(skewX - skewY);\n temp = Math.sqrt(1 + temp * temp);\n a12 *= temp;\n a22 *= temp;\n\n if (skewY) {\n temp = Math.tan(skewY);\n temp = Math.sqrt(1 + temp * temp);\n a11 *= temp;\n a21 *= temp;\n }\n }\n\n a11 = _round(a11);\n a21 = _round(a21);\n a12 = _round(a12);\n a22 = _round(a22);\n } else {\n a11 = scaleX;\n a22 = scaleY;\n a21 = a12 = 0;\n }\n\n if (tx && !~(x + \"\").indexOf(\"px\") || ty && !~(y + \"\").indexOf(\"px\")) {\n tx = _convertToUnit(target, \"x\", x, \"px\");\n ty = _convertToUnit(target, \"y\", y, \"px\");\n }\n\n if (xOrigin || yOrigin || xOffset || yOffset) {\n tx = _round(tx + xOrigin - (xOrigin * a11 + yOrigin * a12) + xOffset);\n ty = _round(ty + yOrigin - (xOrigin * a21 + yOrigin * a22) + yOffset);\n }\n\n if (xPercent || yPercent) {\n //The SVG spec doesn't support percentage-based translation in the \"transform\" attribute, so we merge it into the translation to simulate it.\n temp = target.getBBox();\n tx = _round(tx + xPercent / 100 * temp.width);\n ty = _round(ty + yPercent / 100 * temp.height);\n }\n\n temp = \"matrix(\" + a11 + \",\" + a21 + \",\" + a12 + \",\" + a22 + \",\" + tx + \",\" + ty + \")\";\n target.setAttribute(\"transform\", temp);\n forceCSS && (target.style[_transformProp] = temp); //some browsers prioritize CSS transforms over the transform attribute. When we sense that the user has CSS transforms applied, we must overwrite them this way (otherwise some browser simply won't render the transform attribute changes!)\n},\n _addRotationalPropTween = function _addRotationalPropTween(plugin, target, property, startNum, endValue) {\n var cap = 360,\n isString = _isString(endValue),\n endNum = parseFloat(endValue) * (isString && ~endValue.indexOf(\"rad\") ? _RAD2DEG : 1),\n change = endNum - startNum,\n finalValue = startNum + change + \"deg\",\n direction,\n pt;\n\n if (isString) {\n direction = endValue.split(\"_\")[1];\n\n if (direction === \"short\") {\n change %= cap;\n\n if (change !== change % (cap / 2)) {\n change += change < 0 ? cap : -cap;\n }\n }\n\n if (direction === \"cw\" && change < 0) {\n change = (change + cap * _bigNum) % cap - ~~(change / cap) * cap;\n } else if (direction === \"ccw\" && change > 0) {\n change = (change - cap * _bigNum) % cap - ~~(change / cap) * cap;\n }\n }\n\n plugin._pt = pt = new PropTween(plugin._pt, target, property, startNum, change, _renderPropWithEnd);\n pt.e = finalValue;\n pt.u = \"deg\";\n\n plugin._props.push(property);\n\n return pt;\n},\n _assign = function _assign(target, source) {\n // Internet Explorer doesn't have Object.assign(), so we recreate it here.\n for (var p in source) {\n target[p] = source[p];\n }\n\n return target;\n},\n _addRawTransformPTs = function _addRawTransformPTs(plugin, transforms, target) {\n //for handling cases where someone passes in a whole transform string, like transform: \"scale(2, 3) rotate(20deg) translateY(30em)\"\n var startCache = _assign({}, target._gsap),\n exclude = \"perspective,force3D,transformOrigin,svgOrigin\",\n style = target.style,\n endCache,\n p,\n startValue,\n endValue,\n startNum,\n endNum,\n startUnit,\n endUnit;\n\n if (startCache.svg) {\n startValue = target.getAttribute(\"transform\");\n target.setAttribute(\"transform\", \"\");\n style[_transformProp] = transforms;\n endCache = _parseTransform(target, 1);\n\n _removeProperty(target, _transformProp);\n\n target.setAttribute(\"transform\", startValue);\n } else {\n startValue = getComputedStyle(target)[_transformProp];\n style[_transformProp] = transforms;\n endCache = _parseTransform(target, 1);\n style[_transformProp] = startValue;\n }\n\n for (p in _transformProps) {\n startValue = startCache[p];\n endValue = endCache[p];\n\n if (startValue !== endValue && exclude.indexOf(p) < 0) {\n //tweening to no perspective gives very unintuitive results - just keep the same perspective in that case.\n startUnit = getUnit(startValue);\n endUnit = getUnit(endValue);\n startNum = startUnit !== endUnit ? _convertToUnit(target, p, startValue, endUnit) : parseFloat(startValue);\n endNum = parseFloat(endValue);\n plugin._pt = new PropTween(plugin._pt, endCache, p, startNum, endNum - startNum, _renderCSSProp);\n plugin._pt.u = endUnit || 0;\n\n plugin._props.push(p);\n }\n }\n\n _assign(endCache, startCache);\n}; // handle splitting apart padding, margin, borderWidth, and borderRadius into their 4 components. Firefox, for example, won't report borderRadius correctly - it will only do borderTopLeftRadius and the other corners. We also want to handle paddingTop, marginLeft, borderRightWidth, etc.\n\n\n_forEachName(\"padding,margin,Width,Radius\", function (name, index) {\n var t = \"Top\",\n r = \"Right\",\n b = \"Bottom\",\n l = \"Left\",\n props = (index < 3 ? [t, r, b, l] : [t + l, t + r, b + r, b + l]).map(function (side) {\n return index < 2 ? name + side : \"border\" + side + name;\n });\n\n _specialProps[index > 1 ? \"border\" + name : name] = function (plugin, target, property, endValue, tween) {\n var a, vars;\n\n if (arguments.length < 4) {\n // getter, passed target, property, and unit (from _get())\n a = props.map(function (prop) {\n return _get(plugin, prop, property);\n });\n vars = a.join(\" \");\n return vars.split(a[0]).length === 5 ? a[0] : vars;\n }\n\n a = (endValue + \"\").split(\" \");\n vars = {};\n props.forEach(function (prop, i) {\n return vars[prop] = a[i] = a[i] || a[(i - 1) / 2 | 0];\n });\n plugin.init(target, vars, tween);\n };\n});\n\nexport var CSSPlugin = {\n name: \"css\",\n register: _initCore,\n targetTest: function targetTest(target) {\n return target.style && target.nodeType;\n },\n init: function init(target, vars, tween, index, targets) {\n var props = this._props,\n style = target.style,\n startAt = tween.vars.startAt,\n startValue,\n endValue,\n endNum,\n startNum,\n type,\n specialProp,\n p,\n startUnit,\n endUnit,\n relative,\n isTransformRelated,\n transformPropTween,\n cache,\n smooth,\n hasPriority,\n inlineProps;\n _pluginInitted || _initCore(); // we may call init() multiple times on the same plugin instance, like when adding special properties, so make sure we don't overwrite the revert data or inlineProps\n\n this.styles = this.styles || _getStyleSaver(target);\n inlineProps = this.styles.props;\n this.tween = tween;\n\n for (p in vars) {\n if (p === \"autoRound\") {\n continue;\n }\n\n endValue = vars[p];\n\n if (_plugins[p] && _checkPlugin(p, vars, tween, index, target, targets)) {\n // plugins\n continue;\n }\n\n type = typeof endValue;\n specialProp = _specialProps[p];\n\n if (type === \"function\") {\n endValue = endValue.call(tween, index, target, targets);\n type = typeof endValue;\n }\n\n if (type === \"string\" && ~endValue.indexOf(\"random(\")) {\n endValue = _replaceRandom(endValue);\n }\n\n if (specialProp) {\n specialProp(this, target, p, endValue, tween) && (hasPriority = 1);\n } else if (p.substr(0, 2) === \"--\") {\n //CSS variable\n startValue = (getComputedStyle(target).getPropertyValue(p) + \"\").trim();\n endValue += \"\";\n _colorExp.lastIndex = 0;\n\n if (!_colorExp.test(startValue)) {\n // colors don't have units\n startUnit = getUnit(startValue);\n endUnit = getUnit(endValue);\n }\n\n endUnit ? startUnit !== endUnit && (startValue = _convertToUnit(target, p, startValue, endUnit) + endUnit) : startUnit && (endValue += startUnit);\n this.add(style, \"setProperty\", startValue, endValue, index, targets, 0, 0, p);\n props.push(p);\n inlineProps.push(p, 0, style[p]);\n } else if (type !== \"undefined\") {\n if (startAt && p in startAt) {\n // in case someone hard-codes a complex value as the start, like top: \"calc(2vh / 2)\". Without this, it'd use the computed value (always in px)\n startValue = typeof startAt[p] === \"function\" ? startAt[p].call(tween, index, target, targets) : startAt[p];\n _isString(startValue) && ~startValue.indexOf(\"random(\") && (startValue = _replaceRandom(startValue));\n getUnit(startValue + \"\") || (startValue += _config.units[p] || getUnit(_get(target, p)) || \"\"); // for cases when someone passes in a unitless value like {x: 100}; if we try setting translate(100, 0px) it won't work.\n\n (startValue + \"\").charAt(1) === \"=\" && (startValue = _get(target, p)); // can't work with relative values\n } else {\n startValue = _get(target, p);\n }\n\n startNum = parseFloat(startValue);\n relative = type === \"string\" && endValue.charAt(1) === \"=\" && endValue.substr(0, 2);\n relative && (endValue = endValue.substr(2));\n endNum = parseFloat(endValue);\n\n if (p in _propertyAliases) {\n if (p === \"autoAlpha\") {\n //special case where we control the visibility along with opacity. We still allow the opacity value to pass through and get tweened.\n if (startNum === 1 && _get(target, \"visibility\") === \"hidden\" && endNum) {\n //if visibility is initially set to \"hidden\", we should interpret that as intent to make opacity 0 (a convenience)\n startNum = 0;\n }\n\n inlineProps.push(\"visibility\", 0, style.visibility);\n\n _addNonTweeningPT(this, style, \"visibility\", startNum ? \"inherit\" : \"hidden\", endNum ? \"inherit\" : \"hidden\", !endNum);\n }\n\n if (p !== \"scale\" && p !== \"transform\") {\n p = _propertyAliases[p];\n ~p.indexOf(\",\") && (p = p.split(\",\")[0]);\n }\n }\n\n isTransformRelated = p in _transformProps; //--- TRANSFORM-RELATED ---\n\n if (isTransformRelated) {\n this.styles.save(p);\n\n if (!transformPropTween) {\n cache = target._gsap;\n cache.renderTransform && !vars.parseTransform || _parseTransform(target, vars.parseTransform); // if, for example, gsap.set(... {transform:\"translateX(50vw)\"}), the _get() call doesn't parse the transform, thus cache.renderTransform won't be set yet so force the parsing of the transform here.\n\n smooth = vars.smoothOrigin !== false && cache.smooth;\n transformPropTween = this._pt = new PropTween(this._pt, style, _transformProp, 0, 1, cache.renderTransform, cache, 0, -1); //the first time through, create the rendering PropTween so that it runs LAST (in the linked list, we keep adding to the beginning)\n\n transformPropTween.dep = 1; //flag it as dependent so that if things get killed/overwritten and this is the only PropTween left, we can safely kill the whole tween.\n }\n\n if (p === \"scale\") {\n this._pt = new PropTween(this._pt, cache, \"scaleY\", cache.scaleY, (relative ? _parseRelative(cache.scaleY, relative + endNum) : endNum) - cache.scaleY || 0, _renderCSSProp);\n this._pt.u = 0;\n props.push(\"scaleY\", p);\n p += \"X\";\n } else if (p === \"transformOrigin\") {\n inlineProps.push(_transformOriginProp, 0, style[_transformOriginProp]);\n endValue = _convertKeywordsToPercentages(endValue); //in case something like \"left top\" or \"bottom right\" is passed in. Convert to percentages.\n\n if (cache.svg) {\n _applySVGOrigin(target, endValue, 0, smooth, 0, this);\n } else {\n endUnit = parseFloat(endValue.split(\" \")[2]) || 0; //handle the zOrigin separately!\n\n endUnit !== cache.zOrigin && _addNonTweeningPT(this, cache, \"zOrigin\", cache.zOrigin, endUnit);\n\n _addNonTweeningPT(this, style, p, _firstTwoOnly(startValue), _firstTwoOnly(endValue));\n }\n\n continue;\n } else if (p === \"svgOrigin\") {\n _applySVGOrigin(target, endValue, 1, smooth, 0, this);\n\n continue;\n } else if (p in _rotationalProperties) {\n _addRotationalPropTween(this, cache, p, startNum, relative ? _parseRelative(startNum, relative + endValue) : endValue);\n\n continue;\n } else if (p === \"smoothOrigin\") {\n _addNonTweeningPT(this, cache, \"smooth\", cache.smooth, endValue);\n\n continue;\n } else if (p === \"force3D\") {\n cache[p] = endValue;\n continue;\n } else if (p === \"transform\") {\n _addRawTransformPTs(this, endValue, target);\n\n continue;\n }\n } else if (!(p in style)) {\n p = _checkPropPrefix(p) || p;\n }\n\n if (isTransformRelated || (endNum || endNum === 0) && (startNum || startNum === 0) && !_complexExp.test(endValue) && p in style) {\n startUnit = (startValue + \"\").substr((startNum + \"\").length);\n endNum || (endNum = 0); // protect against NaN\n\n endUnit = getUnit(endValue) || (p in _config.units ? _config.units[p] : startUnit);\n startUnit !== endUnit && (startNum = _convertToUnit(target, p, startValue, endUnit));\n this._pt = new PropTween(this._pt, isTransformRelated ? cache : style, p, startNum, (relative ? _parseRelative(startNum, relative + endNum) : endNum) - startNum, !isTransformRelated && (endUnit === \"px\" || p === \"zIndex\") && vars.autoRound !== false ? _renderRoundedCSSProp : _renderCSSProp);\n this._pt.u = endUnit || 0;\n\n if (startUnit !== endUnit && endUnit !== \"%\") {\n //when the tween goes all the way back to the beginning, we need to revert it to the OLD/ORIGINAL value (with those units). We record that as a \"b\" (beginning) property and point to a render method that handles that. (performance optimization)\n this._pt.b = startValue;\n this._pt.r = _renderCSSPropWithBeginning;\n }\n } else if (!(p in style)) {\n if (p in target) {\n //maybe it's not a style - it could be a property added directly to an element in which case we'll try to animate that.\n this.add(target, p, startValue || target[p], relative ? relative + endValue : endValue, index, targets);\n } else if (p !== \"parseTransform\") {\n _missingPlugin(p, endValue);\n\n continue;\n }\n } else {\n _tweenComplexCSSString.call(this, target, p, startValue, relative ? relative + endValue : endValue);\n }\n\n isTransformRelated || (p in style ? inlineProps.push(p, 0, style[p]) : inlineProps.push(p, 1, startValue || target[p]));\n props.push(p);\n }\n }\n\n hasPriority && _sortPropTweensByPriority(this);\n },\n render: function render(ratio, data) {\n if (data.tween._time || !_reverting()) {\n var pt = data._pt;\n\n while (pt) {\n pt.r(ratio, pt.d);\n pt = pt._next;\n }\n } else {\n data.styles.revert();\n }\n },\n get: _get,\n aliases: _propertyAliases,\n getSetter: function getSetter(target, property, plugin) {\n //returns a setter function that accepts target, property, value and applies it accordingly. Remember, properties like \"x\" aren't as simple as target.style.property = value because they've got to be applied to a proxy object and then merged into a transform string in a renderer.\n var p = _propertyAliases[property];\n p && p.indexOf(\",\") < 0 && (property = p);\n return property in _transformProps && property !== _transformOriginProp && (target._gsap.x || _get(target, \"x\")) ? plugin && _recentSetterPlugin === plugin ? property === \"scale\" ? _setterScale : _setterTransform : (_recentSetterPlugin = plugin || {}) && (property === \"scale\" ? _setterScaleWithRender : _setterTransformWithRender) : target.style && !_isUndefined(target.style[property]) ? _setterCSSStyle : ~property.indexOf(\"-\") ? _setterCSSProp : _getSetter(target, property);\n },\n core: {\n _removeProperty: _removeProperty,\n _getMatrix: _getMatrix\n }\n};\ngsap.utils.checkPrefix = _checkPropPrefix;\ngsap.core.getStyleSaver = _getStyleSaver;\n\n(function (positionAndScale, rotation, others, aliases) {\n var all = _forEachName(positionAndScale + \",\" + rotation + \",\" + others, function (name) {\n _transformProps[name] = 1;\n });\n\n _forEachName(rotation, function (name) {\n _config.units[name] = \"deg\";\n _rotationalProperties[name] = 1;\n });\n\n _propertyAliases[all[13]] = positionAndScale + \",\" + rotation;\n\n _forEachName(aliases, function (name) {\n var split = name.split(\":\");\n _propertyAliases[split[1]] = all[split[0]];\n });\n})(\"x,y,z,scale,scaleX,scaleY,xPercent,yPercent\", \"rotation,rotationX,rotationY,skewX,skewY\", \"transform,transformOrigin,svgOrigin,force3D,smoothOrigin,transformPerspective\", \"0:translateX,1:translateY,2:translateZ,8:rotate,8:rotationZ,8:rotateZ,9:rotateX,10:rotateY\");\n\n_forEachName(\"x,y,z,top,right,bottom,left,width,height,fontSize,padding,margin,perspective\", function (name) {\n _config.units[name] = \"px\";\n});\n\ngsap.registerPlugin(CSSPlugin);\nexport { CSSPlugin as default, _getBBox, _createElement, _checkPropPrefix as checkPrefix };","import gsap from \"./gsap-core.js\";\nimport CSSPlugin from \"./CSSPlugin.js\";\nvar gsapWithCSS = gsap.registerPlugin(CSSPlugin) || gsap,\n // to protect from tree shaking\nTweenMaxWithCSS = gsapWithCSS.core.Tween;\nexport { gsapWithCSS as gsap, gsapWithCSS as default, TweenMaxWithCSS as TweenMax, CSSPlugin };\nexport { TweenLite, TimelineMax, TimelineLite, Power0, Power1, Power2, Power3, Power4, Linear, Quad, Cubic, Quart, Quint, Strong, Elastic, Back, SteppedEase, Bounce, Sine, Expo, Circ, wrap, wrapYoyo, distribute, random, snap, normalize, getUnit, clamp, splitColor, toArray, mapRange, pipe, unitize, interpolate, shuffle, selector } from \"./gsap-core.js\";\nexport * from \"./CustomEase.js\";\nexport * from \"./Draggable.js\";\nexport * from \"./CSSRulePlugin.js\";\nexport * from \"./EaselPlugin.js\";\nexport * from \"./EasePack.js\";\nexport * from \"./Flip.js\";\nexport * from \"./MotionPathPlugin.js\";\nexport * from \"./Observer.js\";\nexport * from \"./PixiPlugin.js\";\nexport * from \"./ScrollToPlugin.js\";\nexport * from \"./ScrollTrigger.js\";\nexport * from \"./TextPlugin.js\"; //BONUS EXPORTS\n\nexport * from \"./DrawSVGPlugin.js\";\nexport * from \"./Physics2DPlugin.js\";\nexport * from \"./PhysicsPropsPlugin.js\";\nexport * from \"./ScrambleTextPlugin.js\";\nexport * from \"./CustomBounce.js\";\nexport * from \"./CustomWiggle.js\";\nexport * from \"./GSDevTools.js\";\nexport * from \"./InertiaPlugin.js\";\nexport * from \"./MorphSVGPlugin.js\";\nexport * from \"./MotionPathHelper.js\";\nexport * from \"./ScrollSmoother.js\";\nexport * from \"./SplitText.js\";","function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }\n\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }\n\n/*!\n * Observer 3.11.4\n * https://greensock.com\n *\n * @license Copyright 2008-2022, GreenSock. All rights reserved.\n * Subject to the terms at https://greensock.com/standard-license or for\n * Club GreenSock members, the agreement issued with that membership.\n * @author: Jack Doyle, jack@greensock.com\n*/\n\n/* eslint-disable */\nvar gsap,\n _coreInitted,\n _clamp,\n _win,\n _doc,\n _docEl,\n _body,\n _isTouch,\n _pointerType,\n ScrollTrigger,\n _root,\n _normalizer,\n _eventTypes,\n _context,\n _getGSAP = function _getGSAP() {\n return gsap || typeof window !== \"undefined\" && (gsap = window.gsap) && gsap.registerPlugin && gsap;\n},\n _passThrough = function _passThrough(p) {\n return p;\n},\n _startup = 1,\n _observers = [],\n _scrollers = [],\n _proxies = [],\n _getTime = Date.now,\n _bridge = function _bridge(name, value) {\n return value;\n},\n _integrate = function _integrate() {\n var core = ScrollTrigger.core,\n data = core.bridge || {},\n scrollers = core._scrollers,\n proxies = core._proxies;\n scrollers.push.apply(scrollers, _scrollers);\n proxies.push.apply(proxies, _proxies);\n _scrollers = scrollers;\n _proxies = proxies;\n\n _bridge = function _bridge(name, value) {\n return data[name](value);\n };\n},\n _getProxyProp = function _getProxyProp(element, property) {\n return ~_proxies.indexOf(element) && _proxies[_proxies.indexOf(element) + 1][property];\n},\n _isViewport = function _isViewport(el) {\n return !!~_root.indexOf(el);\n},\n _addListener = function _addListener(element, type, func, nonPassive, capture) {\n return element.addEventListener(type, func, {\n passive: !nonPassive,\n capture: !!capture\n });\n},\n _removeListener = function _removeListener(element, type, func, capture) {\n return element.removeEventListener(type, func, !!capture);\n},\n _scrollLeft = \"scrollLeft\",\n _scrollTop = \"scrollTop\",\n _onScroll = function _onScroll() {\n return _normalizer && _normalizer.isPressed || _scrollers.cache++;\n},\n _scrollCacheFunc = function _scrollCacheFunc(f, doNotCache) {\n var cachingFunc = function cachingFunc(value) {\n // since reading the scrollTop/scrollLeft/pageOffsetY/pageOffsetX can trigger a layout, this function allows us to cache the value so it only gets read fresh after a \"scroll\" event fires (or while we're refreshing because that can lengthen the page and alter the scroll position). when \"soft\" is true, that means don't actually set the scroll, but cache the new value instead (useful in ScrollSmoother)\n if (value || value === 0) {\n _startup && (_win.history.scrollRestoration = \"manual\"); // otherwise the new position will get overwritten by the browser onload.\n\n var isNormalizing = _normalizer && _normalizer.isPressed;\n value = cachingFunc.v = Math.round(value) || (_normalizer && _normalizer.iOS ? 1 : 0); //TODO: iOS Bug: if you allow it to go to 0, Safari can start to report super strange (wildly inaccurate) touch positions!\n\n f(value);\n cachingFunc.cacheID = _scrollers.cache;\n isNormalizing && _bridge(\"ss\", value); // set scroll (notify ScrollTrigger so it can dispatch a \"scrollStart\" event if necessary\n } else if (doNotCache || _scrollers.cache !== cachingFunc.cacheID || _bridge(\"ref\")) {\n cachingFunc.cacheID = _scrollers.cache;\n cachingFunc.v = f();\n }\n\n return cachingFunc.v + cachingFunc.offset;\n };\n\n cachingFunc.offset = 0;\n return f && cachingFunc;\n},\n _horizontal = {\n s: _scrollLeft,\n p: \"left\",\n p2: \"Left\",\n os: \"right\",\n os2: \"Right\",\n d: \"width\",\n d2: \"Width\",\n a: \"x\",\n sc: _scrollCacheFunc(function (value) {\n return arguments.length ? _win.scrollTo(value, _vertical.sc()) : _win.pageXOffset || _doc[_scrollLeft] || _docEl[_scrollLeft] || _body[_scrollLeft] || 0;\n })\n},\n _vertical = {\n s: _scrollTop,\n p: \"top\",\n p2: \"Top\",\n os: \"bottom\",\n os2: \"Bottom\",\n d: \"height\",\n d2: \"Height\",\n a: \"y\",\n op: _horizontal,\n sc: _scrollCacheFunc(function (value) {\n return arguments.length ? _win.scrollTo(_horizontal.sc(), value) : _win.pageYOffset || _doc[_scrollTop] || _docEl[_scrollTop] || _body[_scrollTop] || 0;\n })\n},\n _getTarget = function _getTarget(t) {\n return gsap.utils.toArray(t)[0] || (typeof t === \"string\" && gsap.config().nullTargetWarn !== false ? console.warn(\"Element not found:\", t) : null);\n},\n _getScrollFunc = function _getScrollFunc(element, _ref) {\n var s = _ref.s,\n sc = _ref.sc;\n // we store the scroller functions in an alternating sequenced Array like [element, verticalScrollFunc, horizontalScrollFunc, ...] so that we can minimize memory, maximize performance, and we also record the last position as a \".rec\" property in order to revert to that after refreshing to ensure things don't shift around.\n _isViewport(element) && (element = _doc.scrollingElement || _docEl);\n\n var i = _scrollers.indexOf(element),\n offset = sc === _vertical.sc ? 1 : 2;\n\n !~i && (i = _scrollers.push(element) - 1);\n _scrollers[i + offset] || element.addEventListener(\"scroll\", _onScroll); // clear the cache when a scroll occurs\n\n var prev = _scrollers[i + offset],\n func = prev || (_scrollers[i + offset] = _scrollCacheFunc(_getProxyProp(element, s), true) || (_isViewport(element) ? sc : _scrollCacheFunc(function (value) {\n return arguments.length ? element[s] = value : element[s];\n })));\n func.target = element;\n prev || (func.smooth = gsap.getProperty(element, \"scrollBehavior\") === \"smooth\"); // only set it the first time (don't reset every time a scrollFunc is requested because perhaps it happens during a refresh() when it's disabled in ScrollTrigger.\n\n return func;\n},\n _getVelocityProp = function _getVelocityProp(value, minTimeRefresh, useDelta) {\n var v1 = value,\n v2 = value,\n t1 = _getTime(),\n t2 = t1,\n min = minTimeRefresh || 50,\n dropToZeroTime = Math.max(500, min * 3),\n update = function update(value, force) {\n var t = _getTime();\n\n if (force || t - t1 > min) {\n v2 = v1;\n v1 = value;\n t2 = t1;\n t1 = t;\n } else if (useDelta) {\n v1 += value;\n } else {\n // not totally necessary, but makes it a bit more accurate by adjusting the v1 value according to the new slope. This way we're not just ignoring the incoming data. Removing for now because it doesn't seem to make much practical difference and it's probably not worth the kb.\n v1 = v2 + (value - v2) / (t - t2) * (t1 - t2);\n }\n },\n reset = function reset() {\n v2 = v1 = useDelta ? 0 : v1;\n t2 = t1 = 0;\n },\n getVelocity = function getVelocity(latestValue) {\n var tOld = t2,\n vOld = v2,\n t = _getTime();\n\n (latestValue || latestValue === 0) && latestValue !== v1 && update(latestValue);\n return t1 === t2 || t - t2 > dropToZeroTime ? 0 : (v1 + (useDelta ? vOld : -vOld)) / ((useDelta ? t : t1) - tOld) * 1000;\n };\n\n return {\n update: update,\n reset: reset,\n getVelocity: getVelocity\n };\n},\n _getEvent = function _getEvent(e, preventDefault) {\n preventDefault && !e._gsapAllow && e.preventDefault();\n return e.changedTouches ? e.changedTouches[0] : e;\n},\n _getAbsoluteMax = function _getAbsoluteMax(a) {\n var max = Math.max.apply(Math, a),\n min = Math.min.apply(Math, a);\n return Math.abs(max) >= Math.abs(min) ? max : min;\n},\n _setScrollTrigger = function _setScrollTrigger() {\n ScrollTrigger = gsap.core.globals().ScrollTrigger;\n ScrollTrigger && ScrollTrigger.core && _integrate();\n},\n _initCore = function _initCore(core) {\n gsap = core || _getGSAP();\n\n if (gsap && typeof document !== \"undefined\" && document.body) {\n _win = window;\n _doc = document;\n _docEl = _doc.documentElement;\n _body = _doc.body;\n _root = [_win, _doc, _docEl, _body];\n _clamp = gsap.utils.clamp;\n\n _context = gsap.core.context || function () {};\n\n _pointerType = \"onpointerenter\" in _body ? \"pointer\" : \"mouse\"; // isTouch is 0 if no touch, 1 if ONLY touch, and 2 if it can accommodate touch but also other types like mouse/pointer.\n\n _isTouch = Observer.isTouch = _win.matchMedia && _win.matchMedia(\"(hover: none), (pointer: coarse)\").matches ? 1 : \"ontouchstart\" in _win || navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0 || navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0 ? 2 : 0;\n _eventTypes = Observer.eventTypes = (\"ontouchstart\" in _docEl ? \"touchstart,touchmove,touchcancel,touchend\" : !(\"onpointerdown\" in _docEl) ? \"mousedown,mousemove,mouseup,mouseup\" : \"pointerdown,pointermove,pointercancel,pointerup\").split(\",\");\n setTimeout(function () {\n return _startup = 0;\n }, 500);\n\n _setScrollTrigger();\n\n _coreInitted = 1;\n }\n\n return _coreInitted;\n};\n\n_horizontal.op = _vertical;\n_scrollers.cache = 0;\nexport var Observer = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function Observer(vars) {\n this.init(vars);\n }\n\n var _proto = Observer.prototype;\n\n _proto.init = function init(vars) {\n _coreInitted || _initCore(gsap) || console.warn(\"Please gsap.registerPlugin(Observer)\");\n ScrollTrigger || _setScrollTrigger();\n var tolerance = vars.tolerance,\n dragMinimum = vars.dragMinimum,\n type = vars.type,\n target = vars.target,\n lineHeight = vars.lineHeight,\n debounce = vars.debounce,\n preventDefault = vars.preventDefault,\n onStop = vars.onStop,\n onStopDelay = vars.onStopDelay,\n ignore = vars.ignore,\n wheelSpeed = vars.wheelSpeed,\n event = vars.event,\n onDragStart = vars.onDragStart,\n onDragEnd = vars.onDragEnd,\n onDrag = vars.onDrag,\n onPress = vars.onPress,\n onRelease = vars.onRelease,\n onRight = vars.onRight,\n onLeft = vars.onLeft,\n onUp = vars.onUp,\n onDown = vars.onDown,\n onChangeX = vars.onChangeX,\n onChangeY = vars.onChangeY,\n onChange = vars.onChange,\n onToggleX = vars.onToggleX,\n onToggleY = vars.onToggleY,\n onHover = vars.onHover,\n onHoverEnd = vars.onHoverEnd,\n onMove = vars.onMove,\n ignoreCheck = vars.ignoreCheck,\n isNormalizer = vars.isNormalizer,\n onGestureStart = vars.onGestureStart,\n onGestureEnd = vars.onGestureEnd,\n onWheel = vars.onWheel,\n onEnable = vars.onEnable,\n onDisable = vars.onDisable,\n onClick = vars.onClick,\n scrollSpeed = vars.scrollSpeed,\n capture = vars.capture,\n allowClicks = vars.allowClicks,\n lockAxis = vars.lockAxis,\n onLockAxis = vars.onLockAxis;\n this.target = target = _getTarget(target) || _docEl;\n this.vars = vars;\n ignore && (ignore = gsap.utils.toArray(ignore));\n tolerance = tolerance || 1e-9;\n dragMinimum = dragMinimum || 0;\n wheelSpeed = wheelSpeed || 1;\n scrollSpeed = scrollSpeed || 1;\n type = type || \"wheel,touch,pointer\";\n debounce = debounce !== false;\n lineHeight || (lineHeight = parseFloat(_win.getComputedStyle(_body).lineHeight) || 22); // note: browser may report \"normal\", so default to 22.\n\n var id,\n onStopDelayedCall,\n dragged,\n moved,\n wheeled,\n locked,\n axis,\n self = this,\n prevDeltaX = 0,\n prevDeltaY = 0,\n scrollFuncX = _getScrollFunc(target, _horizontal),\n scrollFuncY = _getScrollFunc(target, _vertical),\n scrollX = scrollFuncX(),\n scrollY = scrollFuncY(),\n limitToTouch = ~type.indexOf(\"touch\") && !~type.indexOf(\"pointer\") && _eventTypes[0] === \"pointerdown\",\n // for devices that accommodate mouse events and touch events, we need to distinguish.\n isViewport = _isViewport(target),\n ownerDoc = target.ownerDocument || _doc,\n deltaX = [0, 0, 0],\n // wheel, scroll, pointer/touch\n deltaY = [0, 0, 0],\n onClickTime = 0,\n clickCapture = function clickCapture() {\n return onClickTime = _getTime();\n },\n _ignoreCheck = function _ignoreCheck(e, isPointerOrTouch) {\n return (self.event = e) && ignore && ~ignore.indexOf(e.target) || isPointerOrTouch && limitToTouch && e.pointerType !== \"touch\" || ignoreCheck && ignoreCheck(e, isPointerOrTouch);\n },\n onStopFunc = function onStopFunc() {\n self._vx.reset();\n\n self._vy.reset();\n\n onStopDelayedCall.pause();\n onStop && onStop(self);\n },\n update = function update() {\n var dx = self.deltaX = _getAbsoluteMax(deltaX),\n dy = self.deltaY = _getAbsoluteMax(deltaY),\n changedX = Math.abs(dx) >= tolerance,\n changedY = Math.abs(dy) >= tolerance;\n\n onChange && (changedX || changedY) && onChange(self, dx, dy, deltaX, deltaY); // in ScrollTrigger.normalizeScroll(), we need to know if it was touch/pointer so we need access to the deltaX/deltaY Arrays before we clear them out.\n\n if (changedX) {\n onRight && self.deltaX > 0 && onRight(self);\n onLeft && self.deltaX < 0 && onLeft(self);\n onChangeX && onChangeX(self);\n onToggleX && self.deltaX < 0 !== prevDeltaX < 0 && onToggleX(self);\n prevDeltaX = self.deltaX;\n deltaX[0] = deltaX[1] = deltaX[2] = 0;\n }\n\n if (changedY) {\n onDown && self.deltaY > 0 && onDown(self);\n onUp && self.deltaY < 0 && onUp(self);\n onChangeY && onChangeY(self);\n onToggleY && self.deltaY < 0 !== prevDeltaY < 0 && onToggleY(self);\n prevDeltaY = self.deltaY;\n deltaY[0] = deltaY[1] = deltaY[2] = 0;\n }\n\n if (moved || dragged) {\n onMove && onMove(self);\n\n if (dragged) {\n onDrag(self);\n dragged = false;\n }\n\n moved = false;\n }\n\n locked && !(locked = false) && onLockAxis && onLockAxis(self);\n\n if (wheeled) {\n onWheel(self);\n wheeled = false;\n }\n\n id = 0;\n },\n onDelta = function onDelta(x, y, index) {\n deltaX[index] += x;\n deltaY[index] += y;\n\n self._vx.update(x);\n\n self._vy.update(y);\n\n debounce ? id || (id = requestAnimationFrame(update)) : update();\n },\n onTouchOrPointerDelta = function onTouchOrPointerDelta(x, y) {\n if (lockAxis && !axis) {\n self.axis = axis = Math.abs(x) > Math.abs(y) ? \"x\" : \"y\";\n locked = true;\n }\n\n if (axis !== \"y\") {\n deltaX[2] += x;\n\n self._vx.update(x, true); // update the velocity as frequently as possible instead of in the debounced function so that very quick touch-scrolls (flicks) feel natural. If it's the mouse/touch/pointer, force it so that we get snappy/accurate momentum scroll.\n\n }\n\n if (axis !== \"x\") {\n deltaY[2] += y;\n\n self._vy.update(y, true);\n }\n\n debounce ? id || (id = requestAnimationFrame(update)) : update();\n },\n _onDrag = function _onDrag(e) {\n if (_ignoreCheck(e, 1)) {\n return;\n }\n\n e = _getEvent(e, preventDefault);\n var x = e.clientX,\n y = e.clientY,\n dx = x - self.x,\n dy = y - self.y,\n isDragging = self.isDragging;\n self.x = x;\n self.y = y;\n\n if (isDragging || Math.abs(self.startX - x) >= dragMinimum || Math.abs(self.startY - y) >= dragMinimum) {\n onDrag && (dragged = true);\n isDragging || (self.isDragging = true);\n onTouchOrPointerDelta(dx, dy);\n isDragging || onDragStart && onDragStart(self);\n }\n },\n _onPress = self.onPress = function (e) {\n if (_ignoreCheck(e, 1)) {\n return;\n }\n\n self.axis = axis = null;\n onStopDelayedCall.pause();\n self.isPressed = true;\n e = _getEvent(e); // note: may need to preventDefault(?) Won't side-scroll on iOS Safari if we do, though.\n\n prevDeltaX = prevDeltaY = 0;\n self.startX = self.x = e.clientX;\n self.startY = self.y = e.clientY;\n\n self._vx.reset(); // otherwise the t2 may be stale if the user touches and flicks super fast and releases in less than 2 requestAnimationFrame ticks, causing velocity to be 0.\n\n\n self._vy.reset();\n\n _addListener(isNormalizer ? target : ownerDoc, _eventTypes[1], _onDrag, preventDefault, true);\n\n self.deltaX = self.deltaY = 0;\n onPress && onPress(self);\n },\n _onRelease = function _onRelease(e) {\n if (_ignoreCheck(e, 1)) {\n return;\n }\n\n _removeListener(isNormalizer ? target : ownerDoc, _eventTypes[1], _onDrag, true);\n\n var isTrackingDrag = !isNaN(self.y - self.startY),\n wasDragging = self.isDragging && (Math.abs(self.x - self.startX) > 3 || Math.abs(self.y - self.startY) > 3),\n // some touch devices need some wiggle room in terms of sensing clicks - the finger may move a few pixels.\n eventData = _getEvent(e);\n\n if (!wasDragging && isTrackingDrag) {\n self._vx.reset();\n\n self._vy.reset();\n\n if (preventDefault && allowClicks) {\n gsap.delayedCall(0.08, function () {\n // some browsers (like Firefox) won't trust script-generated clicks, so if the user tries to click on a video to play it, for example, it simply won't work. Since a regular \"click\" event will most likely be generated anyway (one that has its isTrusted flag set to true), we must slightly delay our script-generated click so that the \"real\"/trusted one is prioritized. Remember, when there are duplicate events in quick succession, we suppress all but the first one. Some browsers don't even trigger the \"real\" one at all, so our synthetic one is a safety valve that ensures that no matter what, a click event does get dispatched.\n if (_getTime() - onClickTime > 300 && !e.defaultPrevented) {\n if (e.target.click) {\n //some browsers (like mobile Safari) don't properly trigger the click event\n e.target.click();\n } else if (ownerDoc.createEvent) {\n var syntheticEvent = ownerDoc.createEvent(\"MouseEvents\");\n syntheticEvent.initMouseEvent(\"click\", true, true, _win, 1, eventData.screenX, eventData.screenY, eventData.clientX, eventData.clientY, false, false, false, false, 0, null);\n e.target.dispatchEvent(syntheticEvent);\n }\n }\n });\n }\n }\n\n self.isDragging = self.isGesturing = self.isPressed = false;\n onStop && !isNormalizer && onStopDelayedCall.restart(true);\n onDragEnd && wasDragging && onDragEnd(self);\n onRelease && onRelease(self, wasDragging);\n },\n _onGestureStart = function _onGestureStart(e) {\n return e.touches && e.touches.length > 1 && (self.isGesturing = true) && onGestureStart(e, self.isDragging);\n },\n _onGestureEnd = function _onGestureEnd() {\n return (self.isGesturing = false) || onGestureEnd(self);\n },\n onScroll = function onScroll(e) {\n if (_ignoreCheck(e)) {\n return;\n }\n\n var x = scrollFuncX(),\n y = scrollFuncY();\n onDelta((x - scrollX) * scrollSpeed, (y - scrollY) * scrollSpeed, 1);\n scrollX = x;\n scrollY = y;\n onStop && onStopDelayedCall.restart(true);\n },\n _onWheel = function _onWheel(e) {\n if (_ignoreCheck(e)) {\n return;\n }\n\n e = _getEvent(e, preventDefault);\n onWheel && (wheeled = true);\n var multiplier = (e.deltaMode === 1 ? lineHeight : e.deltaMode === 2 ? _win.innerHeight : 1) * wheelSpeed;\n onDelta(e.deltaX * multiplier, e.deltaY * multiplier, 0);\n onStop && !isNormalizer && onStopDelayedCall.restart(true);\n },\n _onMove = function _onMove(e) {\n if (_ignoreCheck(e)) {\n return;\n }\n\n var x = e.clientX,\n y = e.clientY,\n dx = x - self.x,\n dy = y - self.y;\n self.x = x;\n self.y = y;\n moved = true;\n (dx || dy) && onTouchOrPointerDelta(dx, dy);\n },\n _onHover = function _onHover(e) {\n self.event = e;\n onHover(self);\n },\n _onHoverEnd = function _onHoverEnd(e) {\n self.event = e;\n onHoverEnd(self);\n },\n _onClick = function _onClick(e) {\n return _ignoreCheck(e) || _getEvent(e, preventDefault) && onClick(self);\n };\n\n onStopDelayedCall = self._dc = gsap.delayedCall(onStopDelay || 0.25, onStopFunc).pause();\n self.deltaX = self.deltaY = 0;\n self._vx = _getVelocityProp(0, 50, true);\n self._vy = _getVelocityProp(0, 50, true);\n self.scrollX = scrollFuncX;\n self.scrollY = scrollFuncY;\n self.isDragging = self.isGesturing = self.isPressed = false;\n\n _context(this);\n\n self.enable = function (e) {\n if (!self.isEnabled) {\n _addListener(isViewport ? ownerDoc : target, \"scroll\", _onScroll);\n\n type.indexOf(\"scroll\") >= 0 && _addListener(isViewport ? ownerDoc : target, \"scroll\", onScroll, preventDefault, capture);\n type.indexOf(\"wheel\") >= 0 && _addListener(target, \"wheel\", _onWheel, preventDefault, capture);\n\n if (type.indexOf(\"touch\") >= 0 && _isTouch || type.indexOf(\"pointer\") >= 0) {\n _addListener(target, _eventTypes[0], _onPress, preventDefault, capture);\n\n _addListener(ownerDoc, _eventTypes[2], _onRelease);\n\n _addListener(ownerDoc, _eventTypes[3], _onRelease);\n\n allowClicks && _addListener(target, \"click\", clickCapture, false, true);\n onClick && _addListener(target, \"click\", _onClick);\n onGestureStart && _addListener(ownerDoc, \"gesturestart\", _onGestureStart);\n onGestureEnd && _addListener(ownerDoc, \"gestureend\", _onGestureEnd);\n onHover && _addListener(target, _pointerType + \"enter\", _onHover);\n onHoverEnd && _addListener(target, _pointerType + \"leave\", _onHoverEnd);\n onMove && _addListener(target, _pointerType + \"move\", _onMove);\n }\n\n self.isEnabled = true;\n e && e.type && _onPress(e);\n onEnable && onEnable(self);\n }\n\n return self;\n };\n\n self.disable = function () {\n if (self.isEnabled) {\n // only remove the _onScroll listener if there aren't any others that rely on the functionality.\n _observers.filter(function (o) {\n return o !== self && _isViewport(o.target);\n }).length || _removeListener(isViewport ? ownerDoc : target, \"scroll\", _onScroll);\n\n if (self.isPressed) {\n self._vx.reset();\n\n self._vy.reset();\n\n _removeListener(isNormalizer ? target : ownerDoc, _eventTypes[1], _onDrag, true);\n }\n\n _removeListener(isViewport ? ownerDoc : target, \"scroll\", onScroll, capture);\n\n _removeListener(target, \"wheel\", _onWheel, capture);\n\n _removeListener(target, _eventTypes[0], _onPress, capture);\n\n _removeListener(ownerDoc, _eventTypes[2], _onRelease);\n\n _removeListener(ownerDoc, _eventTypes[3], _onRelease);\n\n _removeListener(target, \"click\", clickCapture, true);\n\n _removeListener(target, \"click\", _onClick);\n\n _removeListener(ownerDoc, \"gesturestart\", _onGestureStart);\n\n _removeListener(ownerDoc, \"gestureend\", _onGestureEnd);\n\n _removeListener(target, _pointerType + \"enter\", _onHover);\n\n _removeListener(target, _pointerType + \"leave\", _onHoverEnd);\n\n _removeListener(target, _pointerType + \"move\", _onMove);\n\n self.isEnabled = self.isPressed = self.isDragging = false;\n onDisable && onDisable(self);\n }\n };\n\n self.kill = self.revert = function () {\n self.disable();\n\n var i = _observers.indexOf(self);\n\n i >= 0 && _observers.splice(i, 1);\n _normalizer === self && (_normalizer = 0);\n };\n\n _observers.push(self);\n\n isNormalizer && _isViewport(target) && (_normalizer = self);\n self.enable(event);\n };\n\n _createClass(Observer, [{\n key: \"velocityX\",\n get: function get() {\n return this._vx.getVelocity();\n }\n }, {\n key: \"velocityY\",\n get: function get() {\n return this._vy.getVelocity();\n }\n }]);\n\n return Observer;\n}();\nObserver.version = \"3.11.4\";\n\nObserver.create = function (vars) {\n return new Observer(vars);\n};\n\nObserver.register = _initCore;\n\nObserver.getAll = function () {\n return _observers.slice();\n};\n\nObserver.getById = function (id) {\n return _observers.filter(function (o) {\n return o.vars.id === id;\n })[0];\n};\n\n_getGSAP() && gsap.registerPlugin(Observer);\nexport { Observer as default, _isViewport, _scrollers, _getScrollFunc, _getProxyProp, _proxies, _getVelocityProp, _vertical, _horizontal, _getTarget };","/*!\n * ScrollTrigger 3.11.4\n * https://greensock.com\n *\n * @license Copyright 2008-2022, GreenSock. All rights reserved.\n * Subject to the terms at https://greensock.com/standard-license or for\n * Club GreenSock members, the agreement issued with that membership.\n * @author: Jack Doyle, jack@greensock.com\n*/\n\n/* eslint-disable */\nimport { Observer, _getTarget, _vertical, _horizontal, _scrollers, _proxies, _getScrollFunc, _getProxyProp, _getVelocityProp } from \"./Observer.js\";\n\nvar gsap,\n _coreInitted,\n _win,\n _doc,\n _docEl,\n _body,\n _root,\n _resizeDelay,\n _toArray,\n _clamp,\n _time2,\n _syncInterval,\n _refreshing,\n _pointerIsDown,\n _transformProp,\n _i,\n _prevWidth,\n _prevHeight,\n _autoRefresh,\n _sort,\n _suppressOverwrites,\n _ignoreResize,\n _normalizer,\n _ignoreMobileResize,\n _baseScreenHeight,\n _baseScreenWidth,\n _fixIOSBug,\n _context,\n _scrollRestoration,\n _limitCallbacks,\n // if true, we'll only trigger callbacks if the active state toggles, so if you scroll immediately past both the start and end positions of a ScrollTrigger (thus inactive to inactive), neither its onEnter nor onLeave will be called. This is useful during startup.\n_startup = 1,\n _getTime = Date.now,\n _time1 = _getTime(),\n _lastScrollTime = 0,\n _enabled = 0,\n _pointerDownHandler = function _pointerDownHandler() {\n return _pointerIsDown = 1;\n},\n _pointerUpHandler = function _pointerUpHandler() {\n return _pointerIsDown = 0;\n},\n _passThrough = function _passThrough(v) {\n return v;\n},\n _round = function _round(value) {\n return Math.round(value * 100000) / 100000 || 0;\n},\n _windowExists = function _windowExists() {\n return typeof window !== \"undefined\";\n},\n _getGSAP = function _getGSAP() {\n return gsap || _windowExists() && (gsap = window.gsap) && gsap.registerPlugin && gsap;\n},\n _isViewport = function _isViewport(e) {\n return !!~_root.indexOf(e);\n},\n _getBoundsFunc = function _getBoundsFunc(element) {\n return _getProxyProp(element, \"getBoundingClientRect\") || (_isViewport(element) ? function () {\n _winOffsets.width = _win.innerWidth;\n _winOffsets.height = _win.innerHeight;\n return _winOffsets;\n } : function () {\n return _getBounds(element);\n });\n},\n _getSizeFunc = function _getSizeFunc(scroller, isViewport, _ref) {\n var d = _ref.d,\n d2 = _ref.d2,\n a = _ref.a;\n return (a = _getProxyProp(scroller, \"getBoundingClientRect\")) ? function () {\n return a()[d];\n } : function () {\n return (isViewport ? _win[\"inner\" + d2] : scroller[\"client\" + d2]) || 0;\n };\n},\n _getOffsetsFunc = function _getOffsetsFunc(element, isViewport) {\n return !isViewport || ~_proxies.indexOf(element) ? _getBoundsFunc(element) : function () {\n return _winOffsets;\n };\n},\n _maxScroll = function _maxScroll(element, _ref2) {\n var s = _ref2.s,\n d2 = _ref2.d2,\n d = _ref2.d,\n a = _ref2.a;\n return (s = \"scroll\" + d2) && (a = _getProxyProp(element, s)) ? a() - _getBoundsFunc(element)()[d] : _isViewport(element) ? (_docEl[s] || _body[s]) - (_win[\"inner\" + d2] || _docEl[\"client\" + d2] || _body[\"client\" + d2]) : element[s] - element[\"offset\" + d2];\n},\n _iterateAutoRefresh = function _iterateAutoRefresh(func, events) {\n for (var i = 0; i < _autoRefresh.length; i += 3) {\n (!events || ~events.indexOf(_autoRefresh[i + 1])) && func(_autoRefresh[i], _autoRefresh[i + 1], _autoRefresh[i + 2]);\n }\n},\n _isString = function _isString(value) {\n return typeof value === \"string\";\n},\n _isFunction = function _isFunction(value) {\n return typeof value === \"function\";\n},\n _isNumber = function _isNumber(value) {\n return typeof value === \"number\";\n},\n _isObject = function _isObject(value) {\n return typeof value === \"object\";\n},\n _callIfFunc = function _callIfFunc(value) {\n return _isFunction(value) && value();\n},\n _combineFunc = function _combineFunc(f1, f2) {\n return function () {\n var result1 = _callIfFunc(f1),\n result2 = _callIfFunc(f2);\n\n return function () {\n _callIfFunc(result1);\n\n _callIfFunc(result2);\n };\n };\n},\n _endAnimation = function _endAnimation(animation, reversed, pause) {\n return animation && animation.progress(reversed ? 0 : 1) && pause && animation.pause();\n},\n _callback = function _callback(self, func) {\n if (self.enabled) {\n var result = func(self);\n result && result.totalTime && (self.callbackAnimation = result);\n }\n},\n _abs = Math.abs,\n _scrollLeft = \"scrollLeft\",\n _scrollTop = \"scrollTop\",\n _left = \"left\",\n _top = \"top\",\n _right = \"right\",\n _bottom = \"bottom\",\n _width = \"width\",\n _height = \"height\",\n _Right = \"Right\",\n _Left = \"Left\",\n _Top = \"Top\",\n _Bottom = \"Bottom\",\n _padding = \"padding\",\n _margin = \"margin\",\n _Width = \"Width\",\n _Height = \"Height\",\n _px = \"px\",\n _getComputedStyle = function _getComputedStyle(element) {\n return _win.getComputedStyle(element);\n},\n _makePositionable = function _makePositionable(element) {\n // if the element already has position: absolute or fixed, leave that, otherwise make it position: relative\n var position = _getComputedStyle(element).position;\n\n element.style.position = position === \"absolute\" || position === \"fixed\" ? position : \"relative\";\n},\n _setDefaults = function _setDefaults(obj, defaults) {\n for (var p in defaults) {\n p in obj || (obj[p] = defaults[p]);\n }\n\n return obj;\n},\n _getBounds = function _getBounds(element, withoutTransforms) {\n var tween = withoutTransforms && _getComputedStyle(element)[_transformProp] !== \"matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)\" && gsap.to(element, {\n x: 0,\n y: 0,\n xPercent: 0,\n yPercent: 0,\n rotation: 0,\n rotationX: 0,\n rotationY: 0,\n scale: 1,\n skewX: 0,\n skewY: 0\n }).progress(1),\n bounds = element.getBoundingClientRect();\n tween && tween.progress(0).kill();\n return bounds;\n},\n _getSize = function _getSize(element, _ref3) {\n var d2 = _ref3.d2;\n return element[\"offset\" + d2] || element[\"client\" + d2] || 0;\n},\n _getLabelRatioArray = function _getLabelRatioArray(timeline) {\n var a = [],\n labels = timeline.labels,\n duration = timeline.duration(),\n p;\n\n for (p in labels) {\n a.push(labels[p] / duration);\n }\n\n return a;\n},\n _getClosestLabel = function _getClosestLabel(animation) {\n return function (value) {\n return gsap.utils.snap(_getLabelRatioArray(animation), value);\n };\n},\n _snapDirectional = function _snapDirectional(snapIncrementOrArray) {\n var snap = gsap.utils.snap(snapIncrementOrArray),\n a = Array.isArray(snapIncrementOrArray) && snapIncrementOrArray.slice(0).sort(function (a, b) {\n return a - b;\n });\n return a ? function (value, direction, threshold) {\n if (threshold === void 0) {\n threshold = 1e-3;\n }\n\n var i;\n\n if (!direction) {\n return snap(value);\n }\n\n if (direction > 0) {\n value -= threshold; // to avoid rounding errors. If we're too strict, it might snap forward, then immediately again, and again.\n\n for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {\n if (a[i] >= value) {\n return a[i];\n }\n }\n\n return a[i - 1];\n } else {\n i = a.length;\n value += threshold;\n\n while (i--) {\n if (a[i] <= value) {\n return a[i];\n }\n }\n }\n\n return a[0];\n } : function (value, direction, threshold) {\n if (threshold === void 0) {\n threshold = 1e-3;\n }\n\n var snapped = snap(value);\n return !direction || Math.abs(snapped - value) < threshold || snapped - value < 0 === direction < 0 ? snapped : snap(direction < 0 ? value - snapIncrementOrArray : value + snapIncrementOrArray);\n };\n},\n _getLabelAtDirection = function _getLabelAtDirection(timeline) {\n return function (value, st) {\n return _snapDirectional(_getLabelRatioArray(timeline))(value, st.direction);\n };\n},\n _multiListener = function _multiListener(func, element, types, callback) {\n return types.split(\",\").forEach(function (type) {\n return func(element, type, callback);\n });\n},\n _addListener = function _addListener(element, type, func, nonPassive, capture) {\n return element.addEventListener(type, func, {\n passive: !nonPassive,\n capture: !!capture\n });\n},\n _removeListener = function _removeListener(element, type, func, capture) {\n return element.removeEventListener(type, func, !!capture);\n},\n _wheelListener = function _wheelListener(func, el, scrollFunc) {\n return scrollFunc && scrollFunc.wheelHandler && func(el, \"wheel\", scrollFunc);\n},\n _markerDefaults = {\n startColor: \"green\",\n endColor: \"red\",\n indent: 0,\n fontSize: \"16px\",\n fontWeight: \"normal\"\n},\n _defaults = {\n toggleActions: \"play\",\n anticipatePin: 0\n},\n _keywords = {\n top: 0,\n left: 0,\n center: 0.5,\n bottom: 1,\n right: 1\n},\n _offsetToPx = function _offsetToPx(value, size) {\n if (_isString(value)) {\n var eqIndex = value.indexOf(\"=\"),\n relative = ~eqIndex ? +(value.charAt(eqIndex - 1) + 1) * parseFloat(value.substr(eqIndex + 1)) : 0;\n\n if (~eqIndex) {\n value.indexOf(\"%\") > eqIndex && (relative *= size / 100);\n value = value.substr(0, eqIndex - 1);\n }\n\n value = relative + (value in _keywords ? _keywords[value] * size : ~value.indexOf(\"%\") ? parseFloat(value) * size / 100 : parseFloat(value) || 0);\n }\n\n return value;\n},\n _createMarker = function _createMarker(type, name, container, direction, _ref4, offset, matchWidthEl, containerAnimation) {\n var startColor = _ref4.startColor,\n endColor = _ref4.endColor,\n fontSize = _ref4.fontSize,\n indent = _ref4.indent,\n fontWeight = _ref4.fontWeight;\n\n var e = _doc.createElement(\"div\"),\n useFixedPosition = _isViewport(container) || _getProxyProp(container, \"pinType\") === \"fixed\",\n isScroller = type.indexOf(\"scroller\") !== -1,\n parent = useFixedPosition ? _body : container,\n isStart = type.indexOf(\"start\") !== -1,\n color = isStart ? startColor : endColor,\n css = \"border-color:\" + color + \";font-size:\" + fontSize + \";color:\" + color + \";font-weight:\" + fontWeight + \";pointer-events:none;white-space:nowrap;font-family:sans-serif,Arial;z-index:1000;padding:4px 8px;border-width:0;border-style:solid;\";\n\n css += \"position:\" + ((isScroller || containerAnimation) && useFixedPosition ? \"fixed;\" : \"absolute;\");\n (isScroller || containerAnimation || !useFixedPosition) && (css += (direction === _vertical ? _right : _bottom) + \":\" + (offset + parseFloat(indent)) + \"px;\");\n matchWidthEl && (css += \"box-sizing:border-box;text-align:left;width:\" + matchWidthEl.offsetWidth + \"px;\");\n e._isStart = isStart;\n e.setAttribute(\"class\", \"gsap-marker-\" + type + (name ? \" marker-\" + name : \"\"));\n e.style.cssText = css;\n e.innerText = name || name === 0 ? type + \"-\" + name : type;\n parent.children[0] ? parent.insertBefore(e, parent.children[0]) : parent.appendChild(e);\n e._offset = e[\"offset\" + direction.op.d2];\n\n _positionMarker(e, 0, direction, isStart);\n\n return e;\n},\n _positionMarker = function _positionMarker(marker, start, direction, flipped) {\n var vars = {\n display: \"block\"\n },\n side = direction[flipped ? \"os2\" : \"p2\"],\n oppositeSide = direction[flipped ? \"p2\" : \"os2\"];\n marker._isFlipped = flipped;\n vars[direction.a + \"Percent\"] = flipped ? -100 : 0;\n vars[direction.a] = flipped ? \"1px\" : 0;\n vars[\"border\" + side + _Width] = 1;\n vars[\"border\" + oppositeSide + _Width] = 0;\n vars[direction.p] = start + \"px\";\n gsap.set(marker, vars);\n},\n _triggers = [],\n _ids = {},\n _rafID,\n _sync = function _sync() {\n return _getTime() - _lastScrollTime > 34 && (_rafID || (_rafID = requestAnimationFrame(_updateAll)));\n},\n _onScroll = function _onScroll() {\n // previously, we tried to optimize performance by batching/deferring to the next requestAnimationFrame(), but discovered that Safari has a few bugs that make this unworkable (especially on iOS). See https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/16c435b12ef09c38125204818e7b45fc?editors=0010 and https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/JjOxYpQ/3dd65ccec5a60f1d862c355d84d14562?editors=0010 and https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/ExbrPNa/087cef197dc35445a0951e8935c41503?editors=0010\n if (!_normalizer || !_normalizer.isPressed || _normalizer.startX > _body.clientWidth) {\n // if the user is dragging the scrollbar, allow it.\n _scrollers.cache++;\n\n if (_normalizer) {\n _rafID || (_rafID = requestAnimationFrame(_updateAll));\n } else {\n _updateAll(); // Safari in particular (on desktop) NEEDS the immediate update rather than waiting for a requestAnimationFrame() whereas iOS seems to benefit from waiting for the requestAnimationFrame() tick, at least when normalizing. See https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/qBYozqO?editors=0110\n\n }\n\n _lastScrollTime || _dispatch(\"scrollStart\");\n _lastScrollTime = _getTime();\n }\n},\n _setBaseDimensions = function _setBaseDimensions() {\n _baseScreenWidth = _win.innerWidth;\n _baseScreenHeight = _win.innerHeight;\n},\n _onResize = function _onResize() {\n _scrollers.cache++;\n !_refreshing && !_ignoreResize && !_doc.fullscreenElement && !_doc.webkitFullscreenElement && (!_ignoreMobileResize || _baseScreenWidth !== _win.innerWidth || Math.abs(_win.innerHeight - _baseScreenHeight) > _win.innerHeight * 0.25) && _resizeDelay.restart(true);\n},\n // ignore resizes triggered by refresh()\n_listeners = {},\n _emptyArray = [],\n _softRefresh = function _softRefresh() {\n return _removeListener(ScrollTrigger, \"scrollEnd\", _softRefresh) || _refreshAll(true);\n},\n _dispatch = function _dispatch(type) {\n return _listeners[type] && _listeners[type].map(function (f) {\n return f();\n }) || _emptyArray;\n},\n _savedStyles = [],\n // when ScrollTrigger.saveStyles() is called, the inline styles are recorded in this Array in a sequential format like [element, cssText, gsCache, media]. This keeps it very memory-efficient and fast to iterate through.\n_revertRecorded = function _revertRecorded(media) {\n for (var i = 0; i < _savedStyles.length; i += 5) {\n if (!media || _savedStyles[i + 4] && _savedStyles[i + 4].query === media) {\n _savedStyles[i].style.cssText = _savedStyles[i + 1];\n _savedStyles[i].getBBox && _savedStyles[i].setAttribute(\"transform\", _savedStyles[i + 2] || \"\");\n _savedStyles[i + 3].uncache = 1;\n }\n }\n},\n _revertAll = function _revertAll(kill, media) {\n var trigger;\n\n for (_i = 0; _i < _triggers.length; _i++) {\n trigger = _triggers[_i];\n\n if (trigger && (!media || trigger._ctx === media)) {\n if (kill) {\n trigger.kill(1);\n } else {\n trigger.revert(true, true);\n }\n }\n }\n\n media && _revertRecorded(media);\n media || _dispatch(\"revert\");\n},\n _clearScrollMemory = function _clearScrollMemory(scrollRestoration, force) {\n // zero-out all the recorded scroll positions. Don't use _triggers because if, for example, .matchMedia() is used to create some ScrollTriggers and then the user resizes and it removes ALL ScrollTriggers, and then go back to a size where there are ScrollTriggers, it would have kept the position(s) saved from the initial state.\n _scrollers.cache++;\n (force || !_refreshingAll) && _scrollers.forEach(function (obj) {\n return _isFunction(obj) && obj.cacheID++ && (obj.rec = 0);\n });\n _isString(scrollRestoration) && (_win.history.scrollRestoration = _scrollRestoration = scrollRestoration);\n},\n _refreshingAll,\n _refreshID = 0,\n _queueRefreshID,\n _queueRefreshAll = function _queueRefreshAll() {\n // we don't want to call _refreshAll() every time we create a new ScrollTrigger (for performance reasons) - it's better to batch them. Some frameworks dynamically load content and we can't rely on the window's \"load\" or \"DOMContentLoaded\" events to trigger it.\n if (_queueRefreshID !== _refreshID) {\n var id = _queueRefreshID = _refreshID;\n requestAnimationFrame(function () {\n return id === _refreshID && _refreshAll(true);\n });\n }\n},\n _refreshAll = function _refreshAll(force, skipRevert) {\n if (_lastScrollTime && !force) {\n _addListener(ScrollTrigger, \"scrollEnd\", _softRefresh);\n\n return;\n }\n\n _refreshingAll = ScrollTrigger.isRefreshing = true;\n\n _scrollers.forEach(function (obj) {\n return _isFunction(obj) && obj.cacheID++ && (obj.rec = obj());\n }); // force the clearing of the cache because some browsers take a little while to dispatch the \"scroll\" event and the user may have changed the scroll position and then called ScrollTrigger.refresh() right away\n\n\n var refreshInits = _dispatch(\"refreshInit\");\n\n _sort && ScrollTrigger.sort();\n skipRevert || _revertAll();\n\n _scrollers.forEach(function (obj) {\n if (_isFunction(obj)) {\n obj.smooth && (obj.target.style.scrollBehavior = \"auto\"); // smooth scrolling interferes\n\n obj(0);\n }\n });\n\n _triggers.slice(0).forEach(function (t) {\n return t.refresh();\n }); // don't loop with _i because during a refresh() someone could call ScrollTrigger.update() which would iterate through _i resulting in a skip.\n\n\n _triggers.forEach(function (t, i) {\n // nested pins (pinnedContainer) with pinSpacing may expand the container, so we must accommodate that here.\n if (t._subPinOffset && t.pin) {\n var prop = t.vars.horizontal ? \"offsetWidth\" : \"offsetHeight\",\n original = t.pin[prop];\n t.revert(true, 1);\n t.adjustPinSpacing(t.pin[prop] - original);\n t.revert(false, 1);\n }\n });\n\n _triggers.forEach(function (t) {\n return t.vars.end === \"max\" && t.setPositions(t.start, Math.max(t.start + 1, _maxScroll(t.scroller, t._dir)));\n }); // the scroller's max scroll position may change after all the ScrollTriggers refreshed (like pinning could push it down), so we need to loop back and correct any with end: \"max\".\n\n\n refreshInits.forEach(function (result) {\n return result && result.render && result.render(-1);\n }); // if the onRefreshInit() returns an animation (typically a gsap.set()), revert it. This makes it easy to put things in a certain spot before refreshing for measurement purposes, and then put things back.\n\n _scrollers.forEach(function (obj) {\n if (_isFunction(obj)) {\n obj.smooth && requestAnimationFrame(function () {\n return obj.target.style.scrollBehavior = \"smooth\";\n });\n obj.rec && obj(obj.rec);\n }\n });\n\n _clearScrollMemory(_scrollRestoration, 1);\n\n _resizeDelay.pause();\n\n _refreshID++;\n\n _updateAll(2);\n\n _triggers.forEach(function (t) {\n return _isFunction(t.vars.onRefresh) && t.vars.onRefresh(t);\n });\n\n _refreshingAll = ScrollTrigger.isRefreshing = false;\n\n _dispatch(\"refresh\");\n},\n _lastScroll = 0,\n _direction = 1,\n _primary,\n _updateAll = function _updateAll(force) {\n if (!_refreshingAll || force === 2) {\n ScrollTrigger.isUpdating = true;\n _primary && _primary.update(0); // ScrollSmoother uses refreshPriority -9999 to become the primary that gets updated before all others because it affects the scroll position.\n\n var l = _triggers.length,\n time = _getTime(),\n recordVelocity = time - _time1 >= 50,\n scroll = l && _triggers[0].scroll();\n\n _direction = _lastScroll > scroll ? -1 : 1;\n _lastScroll = scroll;\n\n if (recordVelocity) {\n if (_lastScrollTime && !_pointerIsDown && time - _lastScrollTime > 200) {\n _lastScrollTime = 0;\n\n _dispatch(\"scrollEnd\");\n }\n\n _time2 = _time1;\n _time1 = time;\n }\n\n if (_direction < 0) {\n _i = l;\n\n while (_i-- > 0) {\n _triggers[_i] && _triggers[_i].update(0, recordVelocity);\n }\n\n _direction = 1;\n } else {\n for (_i = 0; _i < l; _i++) {\n _triggers[_i] && _triggers[_i].update(0, recordVelocity);\n }\n }\n\n ScrollTrigger.isUpdating = false;\n }\n\n _rafID = 0;\n},\n _propNamesToCopy = [_left, _top, _bottom, _right, _margin + _Bottom, _margin + _Right, _margin + _Top, _margin + _Left, \"display\", \"flexShrink\", \"float\", \"zIndex\", \"gridColumnStart\", \"gridColumnEnd\", \"gridRowStart\", \"gridRowEnd\", \"gridArea\", \"justifySelf\", \"alignSelf\", \"placeSelf\", \"order\"],\n _stateProps = _propNamesToCopy.concat([_width, _height, \"boxSizing\", \"max\" + _Width, \"max\" + _Height, \"position\", _margin, _padding, _padding + _Top, _padding + _Right, _padding + _Bottom, _padding + _Left]),\n _swapPinOut = function _swapPinOut(pin, spacer, state) {\n _setState(state);\n\n var cache = pin._gsap;\n\n if (cache.spacerIsNative) {\n _setState(cache.spacerState);\n } else if (pin._gsap.swappedIn) {\n var parent = spacer.parentNode;\n\n if (parent) {\n parent.insertBefore(pin, spacer);\n parent.removeChild(spacer);\n }\n }\n\n pin._gsap.swappedIn = false;\n},\n _swapPinIn = function _swapPinIn(pin, spacer, cs, spacerState) {\n if (!pin._gsap.swappedIn) {\n var i = _propNamesToCopy.length,\n spacerStyle = spacer.style,\n pinStyle = pin.style,\n p;\n\n while (i--) {\n p = _propNamesToCopy[i];\n spacerStyle[p] = cs[p];\n }\n\n spacerStyle.position = cs.position === \"absolute\" ? \"absolute\" : \"relative\";\n cs.display === \"inline\" && (spacerStyle.display = \"inline-block\");\n pinStyle[_bottom] = pinStyle[_right] = \"auto\";\n spacerStyle.flexBasis = cs.flexBasis || \"auto\";\n spacerStyle.overflow = \"visible\";\n spacerStyle.boxSizing = \"border-box\";\n spacerStyle[_width] = _getSize(pin, _horizontal) + _px;\n spacerStyle[_height] = _getSize(pin, _vertical) + _px;\n spacerStyle[_padding] = pinStyle[_margin] = pinStyle[_top] = pinStyle[_left] = \"0\";\n\n _setState(spacerState);\n\n pinStyle[_width] = pinStyle[\"max\" + _Width] = cs[_width];\n pinStyle[_height] = pinStyle[\"max\" + _Height] = cs[_height];\n pinStyle[_padding] = cs[_padding];\n\n if (pin.parentNode !== spacer) {\n pin.parentNode.insertBefore(spacer, pin);\n spacer.appendChild(pin);\n }\n\n pin._gsap.swappedIn = true;\n }\n},\n _capsExp = /([A-Z])/g,\n _setState = function _setState(state) {\n if (state) {\n var style = state.t.style,\n l = state.length,\n i = 0,\n p,\n value;\n (state.t._gsap || gsap.core.getCache(state.t)).uncache = 1; // otherwise transforms may be off\n\n for (; i < l; i += 2) {\n value = state[i + 1];\n p = state[i];\n\n if (value) {\n style[p] = value;\n } else if (style[p]) {\n style.removeProperty(p.replace(_capsExp, \"-$1\").toLowerCase());\n }\n }\n }\n},\n _getState = function _getState(element) {\n // returns an Array with alternating values like [property, value, property, value] and a \"t\" property pointing to the target (element). Makes it fast and cheap.\n var l = _stateProps.length,\n style = element.style,\n state = [],\n i = 0;\n\n for (; i < l; i++) {\n state.push(_stateProps[i], style[_stateProps[i]]);\n }\n\n state.t = element;\n return state;\n},\n _copyState = function _copyState(state, override, omitOffsets) {\n var result = [],\n l = state.length,\n i = omitOffsets ? 8 : 0,\n // skip top, left, right, bottom if omitOffsets is true\n p;\n\n for (; i < l; i += 2) {\n p = state[i];\n result.push(p, p in override ? override[p] : state[i + 1]);\n }\n\n result.t = state.t;\n return result;\n},\n _winOffsets = {\n left: 0,\n top: 0\n},\n // // potential future feature (?) Allow users to calculate where a trigger hits (scroll position) like getScrollPosition(\"#id\", \"top bottom\")\n// _getScrollPosition = (trigger, position, {scroller, containerAnimation, horizontal}) => {\n// \tscroller = _getTarget(scroller || _win);\n// \tlet direction = horizontal ? _horizontal : _vertical,\n// \t\tisViewport = _isViewport(scroller);\n// \t_getSizeFunc(scroller, isViewport, direction);\n// \treturn _parsePosition(position, _getTarget(trigger), _getSizeFunc(scroller, isViewport, direction)(), direction, _getScrollFunc(scroller, direction)(), 0, 0, 0, _getOffsetsFunc(scroller, isViewport)(), isViewport ? 0 : parseFloat(_getComputedStyle(scroller)[\"border\" + direction.p2 + _Width]) || 0, 0, containerAnimation ? containerAnimation.duration() : _maxScroll(scroller), containerAnimation);\n// },\n_parsePosition = function _parsePosition(value, trigger, scrollerSize, direction, scroll, marker, markerScroller, self, scrollerBounds, borderWidth, useFixedPosition, scrollerMax, containerAnimation) {\n _isFunction(value) && (value = value(self));\n\n if (_isString(value) && value.substr(0, 3) === \"max\") {\n value = scrollerMax + (value.charAt(4) === \"=\" ? _offsetToPx(\"0\" + value.substr(3), scrollerSize) : 0);\n }\n\n var time = containerAnimation ? containerAnimation.time() : 0,\n p1,\n p2,\n element;\n containerAnimation && containerAnimation.seek(0);\n\n if (!_isNumber(value)) {\n _isFunction(trigger) && (trigger = trigger(self));\n var offsets = (value || \"0\").split(\" \"),\n bounds,\n localOffset,\n globalOffset,\n display;\n element = _getTarget(trigger) || _body;\n bounds = _getBounds(element) || {};\n\n if ((!bounds || !bounds.left && !bounds.top) && _getComputedStyle(element).display === \"none\") {\n // if display is \"none\", it won't report getBoundingClientRect() properly\n display = element.style.display;\n element.style.display = \"block\";\n bounds = _getBounds(element);\n display ? element.style.display = display : element.style.removeProperty(\"display\");\n }\n\n localOffset = _offsetToPx(offsets[0], bounds[direction.d]);\n globalOffset = _offsetToPx(offsets[1] || \"0\", scrollerSize);\n value = bounds[direction.p] - scrollerBounds[direction.p] - borderWidth + localOffset + scroll - globalOffset;\n markerScroller && _positionMarker(markerScroller, globalOffset, direction, scrollerSize - globalOffset < 20 || markerScroller._isStart && globalOffset > 20);\n scrollerSize -= scrollerSize - globalOffset; // adjust for the marker\n } else if (markerScroller) {\n _positionMarker(markerScroller, scrollerSize, direction, true);\n }\n\n if (marker) {\n var position = value + scrollerSize,\n isStart = marker._isStart;\n p1 = \"scroll\" + direction.d2;\n\n _positionMarker(marker, position, direction, isStart && position > 20 || !isStart && (useFixedPosition ? Math.max(_body[p1], _docEl[p1]) : marker.parentNode[p1]) <= position + 1);\n\n if (useFixedPosition) {\n scrollerBounds = _getBounds(markerScroller);\n useFixedPosition && (marker.style[direction.op.p] = scrollerBounds[direction.op.p] - direction.op.m - marker._offset + _px);\n }\n }\n\n if (containerAnimation && element) {\n p1 = _getBounds(element);\n containerAnimation.seek(scrollerMax);\n p2 = _getBounds(element);\n containerAnimation._caScrollDist = p1[direction.p] - p2[direction.p];\n value = value / containerAnimation._caScrollDist * scrollerMax;\n }\n\n containerAnimation && containerAnimation.seek(time);\n return containerAnimation ? value : Math.round(value);\n},\n _prefixExp = /(webkit|moz|length|cssText|inset)/i,\n _reparent = function _reparent(element, parent, top, left) {\n if (element.parentNode !== parent) {\n var style = element.style,\n p,\n cs;\n\n if (parent === _body) {\n element._stOrig = style.cssText; // record original inline styles so we can revert them later\n\n cs = _getComputedStyle(element);\n\n for (p in cs) {\n // must copy all relevant styles to ensure that nothing changes visually when we reparent to the . Skip the vendor prefixed ones.\n if (!+p && !_prefixExp.test(p) && cs[p] && typeof style[p] === \"string\" && p !== \"0\") {\n style[p] = cs[p];\n }\n }\n\n style.top = top;\n style.left = left;\n } else {\n style.cssText = element._stOrig;\n }\n\n gsap.core.getCache(element).uncache = 1;\n parent.appendChild(element);\n }\n},\n // _mergeAnimations = animations => {\n// \tlet tl = gsap.timeline({smoothChildTiming: true}).startTime(Math.min(...animations.map(a => a.globalTime(0))));\n// \tanimations.forEach(a => {let time = a.totalTime(); tl.add(a); a.totalTime(time); });\n// \ttl.smoothChildTiming = false;\n// \treturn tl;\n// },\n// returns a function that can be used to tween the scroll position in the direction provided, and when doing so it'll add a .tween property to the FUNCTION itself, and remove it when the tween completes or gets killed. This gives us a way to have multiple ScrollTriggers use a central function for any given scroller and see if there's a scroll tween running (which would affect if/how things get updated)\n_getTweenCreator = function _getTweenCreator(scroller, direction) {\n var getScroll = _getScrollFunc(scroller, direction),\n prop = \"_scroll\" + direction.p2,\n // add a tweenable property to the scroller that's a getter/setter function, like _scrollTop or _scrollLeft. This way, if someone does gsap.killTweensOf(scroller) it'll kill the scroll tween.\n lastScroll1,\n lastScroll2,\n getTween = function getTween(scrollTo, vars, initialValue, change1, change2) {\n var tween = getTween.tween,\n onComplete = vars.onComplete,\n modifiers = {};\n initialValue = initialValue || getScroll();\n change2 = change1 && change2 || 0; // if change1 is 0, we set that to the difference and ignore change2. Otherwise, there would be a compound effect.\n\n change1 = change1 || scrollTo - initialValue;\n tween && tween.kill();\n lastScroll1 = Math.round(initialValue);\n vars[prop] = scrollTo;\n vars.modifiers = modifiers;\n\n modifiers[prop] = function (value) {\n value = Math.round(getScroll()); // round because in some [very uncommon] Windows environments, it can get reported with decimals even though it was set without.\n\n if (value !== lastScroll1 && value !== lastScroll2 && Math.abs(value - lastScroll1) > 3 && Math.abs(value - lastScroll2) > 3) {\n // if the user scrolls, kill the tween. iOS Safari intermittently misreports the scroll position, it may be the most recently-set one or the one before that! When Safari is zoomed (CMD-+), it often misreports as 1 pixel off too! So if we set the scroll position to 125, for example, it'll actually report it as 124.\n tween.kill();\n getTween.tween = 0;\n } else {\n value = initialValue + change1 * tween.ratio + change2 * tween.ratio * tween.ratio;\n }\n\n lastScroll2 = lastScroll1;\n return lastScroll1 = Math.round(value);\n };\n\n vars.onUpdate = function () {\n _scrollers.cache++;\n\n _updateAll();\n };\n\n vars.onComplete = function () {\n getTween.tween = 0;\n onComplete && onComplete.call(tween);\n };\n\n tween = getTween.tween = gsap.to(scroller, vars);\n return tween;\n };\n\n scroller[prop] = getScroll;\n\n getScroll.wheelHandler = function () {\n return getTween.tween && getTween.tween.kill() && (getTween.tween = 0);\n };\n\n _addListener(scroller, \"wheel\", getScroll.wheelHandler); // Windows machines handle mousewheel scrolling in chunks (like \"3 lines per scroll\") meaning the typical strategy for cancelling the scroll isn't as sensitive. It's much more likely to match one of the previous 2 scroll event positions. So we kill any snapping as soon as there's a wheel event.\n\n\n return getTween;\n};\n\nexport var ScrollTrigger = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function ScrollTrigger(vars, animation) {\n _coreInitted || ScrollTrigger.register(gsap) || console.warn(\"Please gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger)\");\n this.init(vars, animation);\n }\n\n var _proto = ScrollTrigger.prototype;\n\n _proto.init = function init(vars, animation) {\n this.progress = this.start = 0;\n this.vars && this.kill(true, true); // in case it's being initted again\n\n if (!_enabled) {\n this.update = this.refresh = this.kill = _passThrough;\n return;\n }\n\n vars = _setDefaults(_isString(vars) || _isNumber(vars) || vars.nodeType ? {\n trigger: vars\n } : vars, _defaults);\n\n var _vars = vars,\n onUpdate = _vars.onUpdate,\n toggleClass = _vars.toggleClass,\n id = _vars.id,\n onToggle = _vars.onToggle,\n onRefresh = _vars.onRefresh,\n scrub = _vars.scrub,\n trigger = _vars.trigger,\n pin = _vars.pin,\n pinSpacing = _vars.pinSpacing,\n invalidateOnRefresh = _vars.invalidateOnRefresh,\n anticipatePin = _vars.anticipatePin,\n onScrubComplete = _vars.onScrubComplete,\n onSnapComplete = _vars.onSnapComplete,\n once = _vars.once,\n snap = _vars.snap,\n pinReparent = _vars.pinReparent,\n pinSpacer = _vars.pinSpacer,\n containerAnimation = _vars.containerAnimation,\n fastScrollEnd = _vars.fastScrollEnd,\n preventOverlaps = _vars.preventOverlaps,\n direction = vars.horizontal || vars.containerAnimation && vars.horizontal !== false ? _horizontal : _vertical,\n isToggle = !scrub && scrub !== 0,\n scroller = _getTarget(vars.scroller || _win),\n scrollerCache = gsap.core.getCache(scroller),\n isViewport = _isViewport(scroller),\n useFixedPosition = (\"pinType\" in vars ? vars.pinType : _getProxyProp(scroller, \"pinType\") || isViewport && \"fixed\") === \"fixed\",\n callbacks = [vars.onEnter, vars.onLeave, vars.onEnterBack, vars.onLeaveBack],\n toggleActions = isToggle && vars.toggleActions.split(\" \"),\n markers = \"markers\" in vars ? vars.markers : _defaults.markers,\n borderWidth = isViewport ? 0 : parseFloat(_getComputedStyle(scroller)[\"border\" + direction.p2 + _Width]) || 0,\n self = this,\n onRefreshInit = vars.onRefreshInit && function () {\n return vars.onRefreshInit(self);\n },\n getScrollerSize = _getSizeFunc(scroller, isViewport, direction),\n getScrollerOffsets = _getOffsetsFunc(scroller, isViewport),\n lastSnap = 0,\n lastRefresh = 0,\n scrollFunc = _getScrollFunc(scroller, direction),\n tweenTo,\n pinCache,\n snapFunc,\n scroll1,\n scroll2,\n start,\n end,\n markerStart,\n markerEnd,\n markerStartTrigger,\n markerEndTrigger,\n markerVars,\n change,\n pinOriginalState,\n pinActiveState,\n pinState,\n spacer,\n offset,\n pinGetter,\n pinSetter,\n pinStart,\n pinChange,\n spacingStart,\n spacerState,\n markerStartSetter,\n pinMoves,\n markerEndSetter,\n cs,\n snap1,\n snap2,\n scrubTween,\n scrubSmooth,\n snapDurClamp,\n snapDelayedCall,\n prevProgress,\n prevScroll,\n prevAnimProgress,\n caMarkerSetter,\n customRevertReturn;\n\n _context(self);\n\n self._dir = direction;\n anticipatePin *= 45;\n self.scroller = scroller;\n self.scroll = containerAnimation ? containerAnimation.time.bind(containerAnimation) : scrollFunc;\n scroll1 = scrollFunc();\n self.vars = vars;\n animation = animation || vars.animation;\n\n if (\"refreshPriority\" in vars) {\n _sort = 1;\n vars.refreshPriority === -9999 && (_primary = self); // used by ScrollSmoother\n }\n\n scrollerCache.tweenScroll = scrollerCache.tweenScroll || {\n top: _getTweenCreator(scroller, _vertical),\n left: _getTweenCreator(scroller, _horizontal)\n };\n self.tweenTo = tweenTo = scrollerCache.tweenScroll[direction.p];\n\n self.scrubDuration = function (value) {\n scrubSmooth = _isNumber(value) && value;\n\n if (!scrubSmooth) {\n scrubTween && scrubTween.progress(1).kill();\n scrubTween = 0;\n } else {\n scrubTween ? scrubTween.duration(value) : scrubTween = gsap.to(animation, {\n ease: \"expo\",\n totalProgress: \"+=0.001\",\n duration: scrubSmooth,\n paused: true,\n onComplete: function onComplete() {\n return onScrubComplete && onScrubComplete(self);\n }\n });\n }\n };\n\n if (animation) {\n animation.vars.lazy = false;\n animation._initted || animation.vars.immediateRender !== false && vars.immediateRender !== false && animation.duration() && animation.render(0, true, true);\n self.animation = animation.pause();\n animation.scrollTrigger = self;\n self.scrubDuration(scrub);\n snap1 = 0;\n id || (id = animation.vars.id);\n }\n\n _triggers.push(self);\n\n if (snap) {\n // TODO: potential idea: use legitimate CSS scroll snapping by pushing invisible elements into the DOM that serve as snap positions, and toggle the document.scrollingElement.style.scrollSnapType onToggle. See https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/JjLrgWM for a quick proof of concept.\n if (!_isObject(snap) || snap.push) {\n snap = {\n snapTo: snap\n };\n }\n\n \"scrollBehavior\" in _body.style && gsap.set(isViewport ? [_body, _docEl] : scroller, {\n scrollBehavior: \"auto\"\n }); // smooth scrolling doesn't work with snap.\n\n _scrollers.forEach(function (o) {\n return _isFunction(o) && o.target === (isViewport ? _doc.scrollingElement || _docEl : scroller) && (o.smooth = false);\n }); // note: set smooth to false on both the vertical and horizontal scroll getters/setters\n\n\n snapFunc = _isFunction(snap.snapTo) ? snap.snapTo : snap.snapTo === \"labels\" ? _getClosestLabel(animation) : snap.snapTo === \"labelsDirectional\" ? _getLabelAtDirection(animation) : snap.directional !== false ? function (value, st) {\n return _snapDirectional(snap.snapTo)(value, _getTime() - lastRefresh < 500 ? 0 : st.direction);\n } : gsap.utils.snap(snap.snapTo);\n snapDurClamp = snap.duration || {\n min: 0.1,\n max: 2\n };\n snapDurClamp = _isObject(snapDurClamp) ? _clamp(snapDurClamp.min, snapDurClamp.max) : _clamp(snapDurClamp, snapDurClamp);\n snapDelayedCall = gsap.delayedCall(snap.delay || scrubSmooth / 2 || 0.1, function () {\n var scroll = scrollFunc(),\n refreshedRecently = _getTime() - lastRefresh < 500,\n tween = tweenTo.tween;\n\n if ((refreshedRecently || Math.abs(self.getVelocity()) < 10) && !tween && !_pointerIsDown && lastSnap !== scroll) {\n var progress = (scroll - start) / change,\n totalProgress = animation && !isToggle ? animation.totalProgress() : progress,\n velocity = refreshedRecently ? 0 : (totalProgress - snap2) / (_getTime() - _time2) * 1000 || 0,\n change1 = gsap.utils.clamp(-progress, 1 - progress, _abs(velocity / 2) * velocity / 0.185),\n naturalEnd = progress + (snap.inertia === false ? 0 : change1),\n endValue = _clamp(0, 1, snapFunc(naturalEnd, self)),\n endScroll = Math.round(start + endValue * change),\n _snap = snap,\n onStart = _snap.onStart,\n _onInterrupt = _snap.onInterrupt,\n _onComplete = _snap.onComplete;\n\n if (scroll <= end && scroll >= start && endScroll !== scroll) {\n if (tween && !tween._initted && tween.data <= _abs(endScroll - scroll)) {\n // there's an overlapping snap! So we must figure out which one is closer and let that tween live.\n return;\n }\n\n if (snap.inertia === false) {\n change1 = endValue - progress;\n }\n\n tweenTo(endScroll, {\n duration: snapDurClamp(_abs(Math.max(_abs(naturalEnd - totalProgress), _abs(endValue - totalProgress)) * 0.185 / velocity / 0.05 || 0)),\n ease: snap.ease || \"power3\",\n data: _abs(endScroll - scroll),\n // record the distance so that if another snap tween occurs (conflict) we can prioritize the closest snap.\n onInterrupt: function onInterrupt() {\n return snapDelayedCall.restart(true) && _onInterrupt && _onInterrupt(self);\n },\n onComplete: function onComplete() {\n self.update();\n lastSnap = scrollFunc();\n snap1 = snap2 = animation && !isToggle ? animation.totalProgress() : self.progress;\n onSnapComplete && onSnapComplete(self);\n _onComplete && _onComplete(self);\n }\n }, scroll, change1 * change, endScroll - scroll - change1 * change);\n onStart && onStart(self, tweenTo.tween);\n }\n } else if (self.isActive && lastSnap !== scroll) {\n snapDelayedCall.restart(true);\n }\n }).pause();\n }\n\n id && (_ids[id] = self);\n trigger = self.trigger = _getTarget(trigger || pin); // if a trigger has some kind of scroll-related effect applied that could contaminate the \"y\" or \"x\" position (like a ScrollSmoother effect), we needed a way to temporarily revert it, so we use the stRevert property of the gsCache. It can return another function that we'll call at the end so it can return to its normal state.\n\n customRevertReturn = trigger && trigger._gsap && trigger._gsap.stRevert;\n customRevertReturn && (customRevertReturn = customRevertReturn(self));\n pin = pin === true ? trigger : _getTarget(pin);\n _isString(toggleClass) && (toggleClass = {\n targets: trigger,\n className: toggleClass\n });\n\n if (pin) {\n pinSpacing === false || pinSpacing === _margin || (pinSpacing = !pinSpacing && pin.parentNode && pin.parentNode.style && _getComputedStyle(pin.parentNode).display === \"flex\" ? false : _padding); // if the parent is display: flex, don't apply pinSpacing by default. We should check that pin.parentNode is an element (not shadow dom window)\n\n self.pin = pin;\n pinCache = gsap.core.getCache(pin);\n\n if (!pinCache.spacer) {\n // record the spacer and pinOriginalState on the cache in case someone tries pinning the same element with MULTIPLE ScrollTriggers - we don't want to have multiple spacers or record the \"original\" pin state after it has already been affected by another ScrollTrigger.\n if (pinSpacer) {\n pinSpacer = _getTarget(pinSpacer);\n pinSpacer && !pinSpacer.nodeType && (pinSpacer = pinSpacer.current || pinSpacer.nativeElement); // for React & Angular\n\n pinCache.spacerIsNative = !!pinSpacer;\n pinSpacer && (pinCache.spacerState = _getState(pinSpacer));\n }\n\n pinCache.spacer = spacer = pinSpacer || _doc.createElement(\"div\");\n spacer.classList.add(\"pin-spacer\");\n id && spacer.classList.add(\"pin-spacer-\" + id);\n pinCache.pinState = pinOriginalState = _getState(pin);\n } else {\n pinOriginalState = pinCache.pinState;\n }\n\n vars.force3D !== false && gsap.set(pin, {\n force3D: true\n });\n self.spacer = spacer = pinCache.spacer;\n cs = _getComputedStyle(pin);\n spacingStart = cs[pinSpacing + direction.os2];\n pinGetter = gsap.getProperty(pin);\n pinSetter = gsap.quickSetter(pin, direction.a, _px); // pin.firstChild && !_maxScroll(pin, direction) && (pin.style.overflow = \"hidden\"); // protects from collapsing margins, but can have unintended consequences as demonstrated here: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/1e42c7a73bfa409d2cf1e184e7a4248d so it was removed in favor of just telling people to set up their CSS to avoid the collapsing margins (overflow: hidden | auto is just one option. Another is border-top: 1px solid transparent).\n\n _swapPinIn(pin, spacer, cs);\n\n pinState = _getState(pin);\n }\n\n if (markers) {\n markerVars = _isObject(markers) ? _setDefaults(markers, _markerDefaults) : _markerDefaults;\n markerStartTrigger = _createMarker(\"scroller-start\", id, scroller, direction, markerVars, 0);\n markerEndTrigger = _createMarker(\"scroller-end\", id, scroller, direction, markerVars, 0, markerStartTrigger);\n offset = markerStartTrigger[\"offset\" + direction.op.d2];\n\n var content = _getTarget(_getProxyProp(scroller, \"content\") || scroller);\n\n markerStart = this.markerStart = _createMarker(\"start\", id, content, direction, markerVars, offset, 0, containerAnimation);\n markerEnd = this.markerEnd = _createMarker(\"end\", id, content, direction, markerVars, offset, 0, containerAnimation);\n containerAnimation && (caMarkerSetter = gsap.quickSetter([markerStart, markerEnd], direction.a, _px));\n\n if (!useFixedPosition && !(_proxies.length && _getProxyProp(scroller, \"fixedMarkers\") === true)) {\n _makePositionable(isViewport ? _body : scroller);\n\n gsap.set([markerStartTrigger, markerEndTrigger], {\n force3D: true\n });\n markerStartSetter = gsap.quickSetter(markerStartTrigger, direction.a, _px);\n markerEndSetter = gsap.quickSetter(markerEndTrigger, direction.a, _px);\n }\n }\n\n if (containerAnimation) {\n var oldOnUpdate = containerAnimation.vars.onUpdate,\n oldParams = containerAnimation.vars.onUpdateParams;\n containerAnimation.eventCallback(\"onUpdate\", function () {\n self.update(0, 0, 1);\n oldOnUpdate && oldOnUpdate.apply(oldParams || []);\n });\n }\n\n self.previous = function () {\n return _triggers[_triggers.indexOf(self) - 1];\n };\n\n self.next = function () {\n return _triggers[_triggers.indexOf(self) + 1];\n };\n\n self.revert = function (revert, temp) {\n if (!temp) {\n return self.kill(true);\n } // for compatibility with gsap.context() and gsap.matchMedia() which call revert()\n\n\n var r = revert !== false || !self.enabled,\n prevRefreshing = _refreshing;\n\n if (r !== self.isReverted) {\n if (r) {\n // if (!self.scroll.rec && (_refreshing || _refreshingAll)) {\n // \tself.scroll.rec = scrollFunc();\n // \t_refreshingAll && scrollFunc(0);\n // }\n prevScroll = Math.max(scrollFunc(), self.scroll.rec || 0); // record the scroll so we can revert later (repositioning/pinning things can affect scroll position). In the static refresh() method, we first record all the scroll positions as a reference.\n\n prevProgress = self.progress;\n prevAnimProgress = animation && animation.progress();\n }\n\n markerStart && [markerStart, markerEnd, markerStartTrigger, markerEndTrigger].forEach(function (m) {\n return m.style.display = r ? \"none\" : \"block\";\n });\n\n if (r) {\n _refreshing = 1;\n self.update(r); // make sure the pin is back in its original position so that all the measurements are correct. do this BEFORE swapping the pin out\n }\n\n if (pin && (!pinReparent || !self.isActive)) {\n if (r) {\n _swapPinOut(pin, spacer, pinOriginalState);\n } else {\n _swapPinIn(pin, spacer, _getComputedStyle(pin), spacerState);\n }\n }\n\n r || self.update(r); // when we're restoring, the update should run AFTER swapping the pin into its pin-spacer.\n\n _refreshing = prevRefreshing; // restore. We set it to true during the update() so that things fire properly in there.\n\n self.isReverted = r;\n }\n };\n\n self.refresh = function (soft, force) {\n if ((_refreshing || !self.enabled) && !force) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (pin && soft && _lastScrollTime) {\n _addListener(ScrollTrigger, \"scrollEnd\", _softRefresh);\n\n return;\n }\n\n !_refreshingAll && onRefreshInit && onRefreshInit(self);\n _refreshing = 1;\n lastRefresh = _getTime();\n\n if (tweenTo.tween) {\n tweenTo.tween.kill();\n tweenTo.tween = 0;\n }\n\n scrubTween && scrubTween.pause();\n invalidateOnRefresh && animation && animation.revert({\n kill: false\n }).invalidate();\n self.isReverted || self.revert(true, true);\n self._subPinOffset = false; // we'll set this to true in the sub-pins if we find any\n\n var size = getScrollerSize(),\n scrollerBounds = getScrollerOffsets(),\n max = containerAnimation ? containerAnimation.duration() : _maxScroll(scroller, direction),\n offset = 0,\n otherPinOffset = 0,\n parsedEnd = vars.end,\n parsedEndTrigger = vars.endTrigger || trigger,\n parsedStart = vars.start || (vars.start === 0 || !trigger ? 0 : pin ? \"0 0\" : \"0 100%\"),\n pinnedContainer = self.pinnedContainer = vars.pinnedContainer && _getTarget(vars.pinnedContainer),\n triggerIndex = trigger && Math.max(0, _triggers.indexOf(self)) || 0,\n i = triggerIndex,\n cs,\n bounds,\n scroll,\n isVertical,\n override,\n curTrigger,\n curPin,\n oppositeScroll,\n initted,\n revertedPins,\n forcedOverflow;\n\n while (i--) {\n // user might try to pin the same element more than once, so we must find any prior triggers with the same pin, revert them, and determine how long they're pinning so that we can offset things appropriately. Make sure we revert from last to first so that things \"rewind\" properly.\n curTrigger = _triggers[i];\n curTrigger.end || curTrigger.refresh(0, 1) || (_refreshing = 1); // if it's a timeline-based trigger that hasn't been fully initialized yet because it's waiting for 1 tick, just force the refresh() here, otherwise if it contains a pin that's supposed to affect other ScrollTriggers further down the page, they won't be adjusted properly.\n\n curPin = curTrigger.pin;\n\n if (curPin && (curPin === trigger || curPin === pin) && !curTrigger.isReverted) {\n revertedPins || (revertedPins = []);\n revertedPins.unshift(curTrigger); // we'll revert from first to last to make sure things reach their end state properly\n\n curTrigger.revert(true, true);\n }\n\n if (curTrigger !== _triggers[i]) {\n // in case it got removed.\n triggerIndex--;\n i--;\n }\n }\n\n _isFunction(parsedStart) && (parsedStart = parsedStart(self));\n start = _parsePosition(parsedStart, trigger, size, direction, scrollFunc(), markerStart, markerStartTrigger, self, scrollerBounds, borderWidth, useFixedPosition, max, containerAnimation) || (pin ? -0.001 : 0);\n _isFunction(parsedEnd) && (parsedEnd = parsedEnd(self));\n\n if (_isString(parsedEnd) && !parsedEnd.indexOf(\"+=\")) {\n if (~parsedEnd.indexOf(\" \")) {\n parsedEnd = (_isString(parsedStart) ? parsedStart.split(\" \")[0] : \"\") + parsedEnd;\n } else {\n offset = _offsetToPx(parsedEnd.substr(2), size);\n parsedEnd = _isString(parsedStart) ? parsedStart : start + offset; // _parsePosition won't factor in the offset if the start is a number, so do it here.\n\n parsedEndTrigger = trigger;\n }\n }\n\n end = Math.max(start, _parsePosition(parsedEnd || (parsedEndTrigger ? \"100% 0\" : max), parsedEndTrigger, size, direction, scrollFunc() + offset, markerEnd, markerEndTrigger, self, scrollerBounds, borderWidth, useFixedPosition, max, containerAnimation)) || -0.001;\n change = end - start || (start -= 0.01) && 0.001;\n offset = 0;\n i = triggerIndex;\n\n while (i--) {\n curTrigger = _triggers[i];\n curPin = curTrigger.pin;\n\n if (curPin && curTrigger.start - curTrigger._pinPush <= start && !containerAnimation && curTrigger.end > 0) {\n cs = curTrigger.end - curTrigger.start;\n\n if ((curPin === trigger && curTrigger.start - curTrigger._pinPush < start || curPin === pinnedContainer) && !_isNumber(parsedStart)) {\n // numeric start values shouldn't be offset at all - treat them as absolute\n offset += cs * (1 - curTrigger.progress);\n }\n\n curPin === pin && (otherPinOffset += cs);\n }\n }\n\n start += offset;\n end += offset;\n self._pinPush = otherPinOffset;\n\n if (markerStart && offset) {\n // offset the markers if necessary\n cs = {};\n cs[direction.a] = \"+=\" + offset;\n pinnedContainer && (cs[direction.p] = \"-=\" + scrollFunc());\n gsap.set([markerStart, markerEnd], cs);\n }\n\n if (pin) {\n cs = _getComputedStyle(pin);\n isVertical = direction === _vertical;\n scroll = scrollFunc(); // recalculate because the triggers can affect the scroll\n\n pinStart = parseFloat(pinGetter(direction.a)) + otherPinOffset;\n\n if (!max && end > 1) {\n // makes sure the scroller has a scrollbar, otherwise if something has width: 100%, for example, it would be too big (exclude the scrollbar). See https://greensock.com/forums/topic/25182-scrolltrigger-width-of-page-increase-where-markers-are-set-to-false/\n forcedOverflow = (isViewport ? _doc.scrollingElement || _docEl : scroller).style;\n forcedOverflow = {\n style: forcedOverflow,\n value: forcedOverflow[\"overflow\" + direction.a.toUpperCase()]\n };\n forcedOverflow[\"overflow\" + direction.a.toUpperCase()] = \"scroll\";\n }\n\n _swapPinIn(pin, spacer, cs);\n\n pinState = _getState(pin); // transforms will interfere with the top/left/right/bottom placement, so remove them temporarily. getBoundingClientRect() factors in transforms.\n\n bounds = _getBounds(pin, true);\n oppositeScroll = useFixedPosition && _getScrollFunc(scroller, isVertical ? _horizontal : _vertical)();\n\n if (pinSpacing) {\n spacerState = [pinSpacing + direction.os2, change + otherPinOffset + _px];\n spacerState.t = spacer;\n i = pinSpacing === _padding ? _getSize(pin, direction) + change + otherPinOffset : 0;\n i && spacerState.push(direction.d, i + _px); // for box-sizing: border-box (must include padding).\n\n _setState(spacerState);\n\n if (pinnedContainer) {\n // in ScrollTrigger.refresh(), we need to re-evaluate the pinContainer's size because this pinSpacing may stretch it out, but we can't just add the exact distance because depending on layout, it may not push things down or it may only do so partially.\n _triggers.forEach(function (t) {\n if (t.pin === pinnedContainer && t.vars.pinSpacing !== false) {\n t._subPinOffset = true;\n }\n });\n }\n\n useFixedPosition && scrollFunc(prevScroll);\n }\n\n if (useFixedPosition) {\n override = {\n top: bounds.top + (isVertical ? scroll - start : oppositeScroll) + _px,\n left: bounds.left + (isVertical ? oppositeScroll : scroll - start) + _px,\n boxSizing: \"border-box\",\n position: \"fixed\"\n };\n override[_width] = override[\"max\" + _Width] = Math.ceil(bounds.width) + _px;\n override[_height] = override[\"max\" + _Height] = Math.ceil(bounds.height) + _px;\n override[_margin] = override[_margin + _Top] = override[_margin + _Right] = override[_margin + _Bottom] = override[_margin + _Left] = \"0\";\n override[_padding] = cs[_padding];\n override[_padding + _Top] = cs[_padding + _Top];\n override[_padding + _Right] = cs[_padding + _Right];\n override[_padding + _Bottom] = cs[_padding + _Bottom];\n override[_padding + _Left] = cs[_padding + _Left];\n pinActiveState = _copyState(pinOriginalState, override, pinReparent);\n _refreshingAll && scrollFunc(0);\n }\n\n if (animation) {\n // the animation might be affecting the transform, so we must jump to the end, check the value, and compensate accordingly. Otherwise, when it becomes unpinned, the pinSetter() will get set to a value that doesn't include whatever the animation did.\n initted = animation._initted; // if not, we must invalidate() after this step, otherwise it could lock in starting values prematurely.\n\n _suppressOverwrites(1);\n\n animation.render(animation.duration(), true, true);\n pinChange = pinGetter(direction.a) - pinStart + change + otherPinOffset;\n pinMoves = Math.abs(change - pinChange) > 1;\n useFixedPosition && pinMoves && pinActiveState.splice(pinActiveState.length - 2, 2); // transform is the last property/value set in the state Array. Since the animation is controlling that, we should omit it.\n\n animation.render(0, true, true);\n initted || animation.invalidate(true);\n animation.parent || animation.totalTime(animation.totalTime()); // if, for example, a toggleAction called play() and then refresh() happens and when we render(1) above, it would cause the animation to complete and get removed from its parent, so this makes sure it gets put back in.\n\n _suppressOverwrites(0);\n } else {\n pinChange = change;\n }\n\n forcedOverflow && (forcedOverflow.value ? forcedOverflow.style[\"overflow\" + direction.a.toUpperCase()] = forcedOverflow.value : forcedOverflow.style.removeProperty(\"overflow-\" + direction.a));\n } else if (trigger && scrollFunc() && !containerAnimation) {\n // it may be INSIDE a pinned element, so walk up the tree and look for any elements with _pinOffset to compensate because anything with pinSpacing that's already scrolled would throw off the measurements in getBoundingClientRect()\n bounds = trigger.parentNode;\n\n while (bounds && bounds !== _body) {\n if (bounds._pinOffset) {\n start -= bounds._pinOffset;\n end -= bounds._pinOffset;\n }\n\n bounds = bounds.parentNode;\n }\n }\n\n revertedPins && revertedPins.forEach(function (t) {\n return t.revert(false, true);\n });\n self.start = start;\n self.end = end;\n scroll1 = scroll2 = _refreshingAll ? prevScroll : scrollFunc(); // reset velocity\n\n if (!containerAnimation && !_refreshingAll) {\n scroll1 < prevScroll && scrollFunc(prevScroll);\n self.scroll.rec = 0;\n }\n\n self.revert(false, true);\n\n if (snapDelayedCall) {\n lastSnap = -1;\n self.isActive && scrollFunc(start + change * prevProgress); // just so snapping gets re-enabled, clear out any recorded last value\n\n snapDelayedCall.restart(true);\n }\n\n _refreshing = 0;\n animation && isToggle && (animation._initted || prevAnimProgress) && animation.progress() !== prevAnimProgress && animation.progress(prevAnimProgress, true).render(animation.time(), true, true); // must force a re-render because if saveStyles() was used on the target(s), the styles could have been wiped out during the refresh().\n\n if (prevProgress !== self.progress || containerAnimation) {\n // ensures that the direction is set properly (when refreshing, progress is set back to 0 initially, then back again to wherever it needs to be) and that callbacks are triggered.\n animation && !isToggle && animation.totalProgress(prevProgress, true); // to avoid issues where animation callbacks like onStart aren't triggered.\n\n self.progress = (scroll1 - start) / change === prevProgress ? 0 : prevProgress;\n }\n\n pin && pinSpacing && (spacer._pinOffset = Math.round(self.progress * pinChange)); //\t\t\tscrubTween && scrubTween.invalidate();\n\n onRefresh && !_refreshingAll && onRefresh(self); // when refreshing all, we do extra work to correct pinnedContainer sizes and ensure things don't exceed the maxScroll, so we should do all the refreshes at the end after all that work so that the start/end values are corrected.\n };\n\n self.getVelocity = function () {\n return (scrollFunc() - scroll2) / (_getTime() - _time2) * 1000 || 0;\n };\n\n self.endAnimation = function () {\n _endAnimation(self.callbackAnimation);\n\n if (animation) {\n scrubTween ? scrubTween.progress(1) : !animation.paused() ? _endAnimation(animation, animation.reversed()) : isToggle || _endAnimation(animation, self.direction < 0, 1);\n }\n };\n\n self.labelToScroll = function (label) {\n return animation && animation.labels && (start || self.refresh() || start) + animation.labels[label] / animation.duration() * change || 0;\n };\n\n self.getTrailing = function (name) {\n var i = _triggers.indexOf(self),\n a = self.direction > 0 ? _triggers.slice(0, i).reverse() : _triggers.slice(i + 1);\n\n return (_isString(name) ? a.filter(function (t) {\n return t.vars.preventOverlaps === name;\n }) : a).filter(function (t) {\n return self.direction > 0 ? t.end <= start : t.start >= end;\n });\n };\n\n self.update = function (reset, recordVelocity, forceFake) {\n if (containerAnimation && !forceFake && !reset) {\n return;\n }\n\n var scroll = _refreshingAll ? prevScroll : self.scroll(),\n p = reset ? 0 : (scroll - start) / change,\n clipped = p < 0 ? 0 : p > 1 ? 1 : p || 0,\n prevProgress = self.progress,\n isActive,\n wasActive,\n toggleState,\n action,\n stateChanged,\n toggled,\n isAtMax,\n isTakingAction;\n\n if (recordVelocity) {\n scroll2 = scroll1;\n scroll1 = containerAnimation ? scrollFunc() : scroll;\n\n if (snap) {\n snap2 = snap1;\n snap1 = animation && !isToggle ? animation.totalProgress() : clipped;\n }\n } // anticipate the pinning a few ticks ahead of time based on velocity to avoid a visual glitch due to the fact that most browsers do scrolling on a separate thread (not synced with requestAnimationFrame).\n\n\n anticipatePin && !clipped && pin && !_refreshing && !_startup && _lastScrollTime && start < scroll + (scroll - scroll2) / (_getTime() - _time2) * anticipatePin && (clipped = 0.0001);\n\n if (clipped !== prevProgress && self.enabled) {\n isActive = self.isActive = !!clipped && clipped < 1;\n wasActive = !!prevProgress && prevProgress < 1;\n toggled = isActive !== wasActive;\n stateChanged = toggled || !!clipped !== !!prevProgress; // could go from start all the way to end, thus it didn't toggle but it did change state in a sense (may need to fire a callback)\n\n self.direction = clipped > prevProgress ? 1 : -1;\n self.progress = clipped;\n\n if (stateChanged && !_refreshing) {\n toggleState = clipped && !prevProgress ? 0 : clipped === 1 ? 1 : prevProgress === 1 ? 2 : 3; // 0 = enter, 1 = leave, 2 = enterBack, 3 = leaveBack (we prioritize the FIRST encounter, thus if you scroll really fast past the onEnter and onLeave in one tick, it'd prioritize onEnter.\n\n if (isToggle) {\n action = !toggled && toggleActions[toggleState + 1] !== \"none\" && toggleActions[toggleState + 1] || toggleActions[toggleState]; // if it didn't toggle, that means it shot right past and since we prioritize the \"enter\" action, we should switch to the \"leave\" in this case (but only if one is defined)\n\n isTakingAction = animation && (action === \"complete\" || action === \"reset\" || action in animation);\n }\n }\n\n preventOverlaps && (toggled || isTakingAction) && (isTakingAction || scrub || !animation) && (_isFunction(preventOverlaps) ? preventOverlaps(self) : self.getTrailing(preventOverlaps).forEach(function (t) {\n return t.endAnimation();\n }));\n\n if (!isToggle) {\n if (scrubTween && !_refreshing && !_startup) {\n scrubTween._dp._time - scrubTween._start !== scrubTween._time && scrubTween.render(scrubTween._dp._time - scrubTween._start); // if there's a scrub on both the container animation and this one (or a ScrollSmoother), the update order would cause this one not to have rendered yet, so it wouldn't make any progress before we .restart() it heading toward the new progress so it'd appear stuck thus we force a render here.\n\n if (scrubTween.resetTo) {\n scrubTween.resetTo(\"totalProgress\", clipped, animation._tTime / animation._tDur);\n } else {\n // legacy support (courtesy), before 3.10.0\n scrubTween.vars.totalProgress = clipped;\n scrubTween.invalidate().restart();\n }\n } else if (animation) {\n animation.totalProgress(clipped, !!_refreshing);\n }\n }\n\n if (pin) {\n reset && pinSpacing && (spacer.style[pinSpacing + direction.os2] = spacingStart);\n\n if (!useFixedPosition) {\n pinSetter(_round(pinStart + pinChange * clipped));\n } else if (stateChanged) {\n isAtMax = !reset && clipped > prevProgress && end + 1 > scroll && scroll + 1 >= _maxScroll(scroller, direction); // if it's at the VERY end of the page, don't switch away from position: fixed because it's pointless and it could cause a brief flash when the user scrolls back up (when it gets pinned again)\n\n if (pinReparent) {\n if (!reset && (isActive || isAtMax)) {\n var bounds = _getBounds(pin, true),\n _offset = scroll - start;\n\n _reparent(pin, _body, bounds.top + (direction === _vertical ? _offset : 0) + _px, bounds.left + (direction === _vertical ? 0 : _offset) + _px);\n } else {\n _reparent(pin, spacer);\n }\n }\n\n _setState(isActive || isAtMax ? pinActiveState : pinState);\n\n pinMoves && clipped < 1 && isActive || pinSetter(pinStart + (clipped === 1 && !isAtMax ? pinChange : 0));\n }\n }\n\n snap && !tweenTo.tween && !_refreshing && !_startup && snapDelayedCall.restart(true);\n toggleClass && (toggled || once && clipped && (clipped < 1 || !_limitCallbacks)) && _toArray(toggleClass.targets).forEach(function (el) {\n return el.classList[isActive || once ? \"add\" : \"remove\"](toggleClass.className);\n }); // classes could affect positioning, so do it even if reset or refreshing is true.\n\n onUpdate && !isToggle && !reset && onUpdate(self);\n\n if (stateChanged && !_refreshing) {\n if (isToggle) {\n if (isTakingAction) {\n if (action === \"complete\") {\n animation.pause().totalProgress(1);\n } else if (action === \"reset\") {\n animation.restart(true).pause();\n } else if (action === \"restart\") {\n animation.restart(true);\n } else {\n animation[action]();\n }\n }\n\n onUpdate && onUpdate(self);\n }\n\n if (toggled || !_limitCallbacks) {\n // on startup, the page could be scrolled and we don't want to fire callbacks that didn't toggle. For example onEnter shouldn't fire if the ScrollTrigger isn't actually entered.\n onToggle && toggled && _callback(self, onToggle);\n callbacks[toggleState] && _callback(self, callbacks[toggleState]);\n once && (clipped === 1 ? self.kill(false, 1) : callbacks[toggleState] = 0); // a callback shouldn't be called again if once is true.\n\n if (!toggled) {\n // it's possible to go completely past, like from before the start to after the end (or vice-versa) in which case BOTH callbacks should be fired in that order\n toggleState = clipped === 1 ? 1 : 3;\n callbacks[toggleState] && _callback(self, callbacks[toggleState]);\n }\n }\n\n if (fastScrollEnd && !isActive && Math.abs(self.getVelocity()) > (_isNumber(fastScrollEnd) ? fastScrollEnd : 2500)) {\n _endAnimation(self.callbackAnimation);\n\n scrubTween ? scrubTween.progress(1) : _endAnimation(animation, action === \"reverse\" ? 1 : !clipped, 1);\n }\n } else if (isToggle && onUpdate && !_refreshing) {\n onUpdate(self);\n }\n } // update absolutely-positioned markers (only if the scroller isn't the viewport)\n\n\n if (markerEndSetter) {\n var n = containerAnimation ? scroll / containerAnimation.duration() * (containerAnimation._caScrollDist || 0) : scroll;\n markerStartSetter(n + (markerStartTrigger._isFlipped ? 1 : 0));\n markerEndSetter(n);\n }\n\n caMarkerSetter && caMarkerSetter(-scroll / containerAnimation.duration() * (containerAnimation._caScrollDist || 0));\n };\n\n self.enable = function (reset, refresh) {\n if (!self.enabled) {\n self.enabled = true;\n\n _addListener(scroller, \"resize\", _onResize);\n\n _addListener(isViewport ? _doc : scroller, \"scroll\", _onScroll);\n\n onRefreshInit && _addListener(ScrollTrigger, \"refreshInit\", onRefreshInit);\n\n if (reset !== false) {\n self.progress = prevProgress = 0;\n scroll1 = scroll2 = lastSnap = scrollFunc();\n }\n\n refresh !== false && self.refresh();\n }\n };\n\n self.getTween = function (snap) {\n return snap && tweenTo ? tweenTo.tween : scrubTween;\n };\n\n self.setPositions = function (newStart, newEnd) {\n // doesn't persist after refresh()! Intended to be a way to override values that were set during refresh(), like you could set it in onRefresh()\n if (pin) {\n pinStart += newStart - start;\n pinChange += newEnd - newStart - change;\n pinSpacing === _padding && self.adjustPinSpacing(newEnd - newStart - change);\n }\n\n self.start = start = newStart;\n self.end = end = newEnd;\n change = newEnd - newStart;\n self.update();\n };\n\n self.adjustPinSpacing = function (amount) {\n if (spacerState) {\n var i = spacerState.indexOf(direction.d) + 1;\n spacerState[i] = parseFloat(spacerState[i]) + amount + _px;\n spacerState[1] = parseFloat(spacerState[1]) + amount + _px;\n\n _setState(spacerState);\n }\n };\n\n self.disable = function (reset, allowAnimation) {\n if (self.enabled) {\n reset !== false && self.revert(true, true);\n self.enabled = self.isActive = false;\n allowAnimation || scrubTween && scrubTween.pause();\n prevScroll = 0;\n pinCache && (pinCache.uncache = 1);\n onRefreshInit && _removeListener(ScrollTrigger, \"refreshInit\", onRefreshInit);\n\n if (snapDelayedCall) {\n snapDelayedCall.pause();\n tweenTo.tween && tweenTo.tween.kill() && (tweenTo.tween = 0);\n }\n\n if (!isViewport) {\n var i = _triggers.length;\n\n while (i--) {\n if (_triggers[i].scroller === scroller && _triggers[i] !== self) {\n return; //don't remove the listeners if there are still other triggers referencing it.\n }\n }\n\n _removeListener(scroller, \"resize\", _onResize);\n\n _removeListener(scroller, \"scroll\", _onScroll);\n }\n }\n };\n\n self.kill = function (revert, allowAnimation) {\n self.disable(revert, allowAnimation);\n scrubTween && !allowAnimation && scrubTween.kill();\n id && delete _ids[id];\n\n var i = _triggers.indexOf(self);\n\n i >= 0 && _triggers.splice(i, 1);\n i === _i && _direction > 0 && _i--; // if we're in the middle of a refresh() or update(), splicing would cause skips in the index, so adjust...\n // if no other ScrollTrigger instances of the same scroller are found, wipe out any recorded scroll position. Otherwise, in a single page application, for example, it could maintain scroll position when it really shouldn't.\n\n i = 0;\n\n _triggers.forEach(function (t) {\n return t.scroller === self.scroller && (i = 1);\n });\n\n i || _refreshingAll || (self.scroll.rec = 0);\n\n if (animation) {\n animation.scrollTrigger = null;\n revert && animation.revert({\n kill: false\n });\n allowAnimation || animation.kill();\n }\n\n markerStart && [markerStart, markerEnd, markerStartTrigger, markerEndTrigger].forEach(function (m) {\n return m.parentNode && m.parentNode.removeChild(m);\n });\n _primary === self && (_primary = 0);\n\n if (pin) {\n pinCache && (pinCache.uncache = 1);\n i = 0;\n\n _triggers.forEach(function (t) {\n return t.pin === pin && i++;\n });\n\n i || (pinCache.spacer = 0); // if there aren't any more ScrollTriggers with the same pin, remove the spacer, otherwise it could be contaminated with old/stale values if the user re-creates a ScrollTrigger for the same element.\n }\n\n vars.onKill && vars.onKill(self);\n };\n\n self.enable(false, false);\n customRevertReturn && customRevertReturn(self);\n !animation || !animation.add || change ? self.refresh() : gsap.delayedCall(0.01, function () {\n return start || end || self.refresh();\n }) && (change = 0.01) && (start = end = 0); // if the animation is a timeline, it may not have been populated yet, so it wouldn't render at the proper place on the first refresh(), thus we should schedule one for the next tick. If \"change\" is defined, we know it must be re-enabling, thus we can refresh() right away.\n\n pin && _queueRefreshAll(); // pinning could affect the positions of other things, so make sure we queue a full refresh()\n };\n\n ScrollTrigger.register = function register(core) {\n if (!_coreInitted) {\n gsap = core || _getGSAP();\n _windowExists() && window.document && ScrollTrigger.enable();\n _coreInitted = _enabled;\n }\n\n return _coreInitted;\n };\n\n ScrollTrigger.defaults = function defaults(config) {\n if (config) {\n for (var p in config) {\n _defaults[p] = config[p];\n }\n }\n\n return _defaults;\n };\n\n ScrollTrigger.disable = function disable(reset, kill) {\n _enabled = 0;\n\n _triggers.forEach(function (trigger) {\n return trigger[kill ? \"kill\" : \"disable\"](reset);\n });\n\n _removeListener(_win, \"wheel\", _onScroll);\n\n _removeListener(_doc, \"scroll\", _onScroll);\n\n clearInterval(_syncInterval);\n\n _removeListener(_doc, \"touchcancel\", _passThrough);\n\n _removeListener(_body, \"touchstart\", _passThrough);\n\n _multiListener(_removeListener, _doc, \"pointerdown,touchstart,mousedown\", _pointerDownHandler);\n\n _multiListener(_removeListener, _doc, \"pointerup,touchend,mouseup\", _pointerUpHandler);\n\n _resizeDelay.kill();\n\n _iterateAutoRefresh(_removeListener);\n\n for (var i = 0; i < _scrollers.length; i += 3) {\n _wheelListener(_removeListener, _scrollers[i], _scrollers[i + 1]);\n\n _wheelListener(_removeListener, _scrollers[i], _scrollers[i + 2]);\n }\n };\n\n ScrollTrigger.enable = function enable() {\n _win = window;\n _doc = document;\n _docEl = _doc.documentElement;\n _body = _doc.body;\n\n if (gsap) {\n _toArray = gsap.utils.toArray;\n _clamp = gsap.utils.clamp;\n _context = gsap.core.context || _passThrough;\n _suppressOverwrites = gsap.core.suppressOverwrites || _passThrough;\n _scrollRestoration = _win.history.scrollRestoration || \"auto\";\n gsap.core.globals(\"ScrollTrigger\", ScrollTrigger); // must register the global manually because in Internet Explorer, functions (classes) don't have a \"name\" property.\n\n if (_body) {\n _enabled = 1;\n Observer.register(gsap); // isTouch is 0 if no touch, 1 if ONLY touch, and 2 if it can accommodate touch but also other types like mouse/pointer.\n\n ScrollTrigger.isTouch = Observer.isTouch;\n _fixIOSBug = Observer.isTouch && /(iPad|iPhone|iPod|Mac)/g.test(navigator.userAgent); // since 2017, iOS has had a bug that causes event.clientX/Y to be inaccurate when a scroll occurs, thus we must alternate ignoring every other touchmove event to work around it. See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=181954 and https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/ExbrPNa/087cef197dc35445a0951e8935c41503\n\n _addListener(_win, \"wheel\", _onScroll); // mostly for 3rd party smooth scrolling libraries.\n\n\n _root = [_win, _doc, _docEl, _body];\n\n if (gsap.matchMedia) {\n ScrollTrigger.matchMedia = function (vars) {\n var mm = gsap.matchMedia(),\n p;\n\n for (p in vars) {\n mm.add(p, vars[p]);\n }\n\n return mm;\n };\n\n gsap.addEventListener(\"matchMediaInit\", function () {\n return _revertAll();\n });\n gsap.addEventListener(\"matchMediaRevert\", function () {\n return _revertRecorded();\n });\n gsap.addEventListener(\"matchMedia\", function () {\n _refreshAll(0, 1);\n\n _dispatch(\"matchMedia\");\n });\n gsap.matchMedia(\"(orientation: portrait)\", function () {\n // when orientation changes, we should take new base measurements for the ignoreMobileResize feature.\n _setBaseDimensions();\n\n return _setBaseDimensions;\n });\n } else {\n console.warn(\"Requires GSAP 3.11.0 or later\");\n }\n\n _setBaseDimensions();\n\n _addListener(_doc, \"scroll\", _onScroll); // some browsers (like Chrome), the window stops dispatching scroll events on the window if you scroll really fast, but it's consistent on the document!\n\n\n var bodyStyle = _body.style,\n border = bodyStyle.borderTopStyle,\n AnimationProto = gsap.core.Animation.prototype,\n bounds,\n i;\n AnimationProto.revert || Object.defineProperty(AnimationProto, \"revert\", {\n value: function value() {\n return this.time(-0.01, true);\n }\n }); // only for backwards compatibility (Animation.revert() was added after 3.10.4)\n\n bodyStyle.borderTopStyle = \"solid\"; // works around an issue where a margin of a child element could throw off the bounds of the _body, making it seem like there's a margin when there actually isn't. The border ensures that the bounds are accurate.\n\n bounds = _getBounds(_body);\n _vertical.m = Math.round(bounds.top + _vertical.sc()) || 0; // accommodate the offset of the caused by margins and/or padding\n\n _horizontal.m = Math.round(bounds.left + _horizontal.sc()) || 0;\n border ? bodyStyle.borderTopStyle = border : bodyStyle.removeProperty(\"border-top-style\"); // TODO: (?) maybe move to leveraging the velocity mechanism in Observer and skip intervals.\n\n _syncInterval = setInterval(_sync, 250);\n gsap.delayedCall(0.5, function () {\n return _startup = 0;\n });\n\n _addListener(_doc, \"touchcancel\", _passThrough); // some older Android devices intermittently stop dispatching \"touchmove\" events if we don't listen for \"touchcancel\" on the document.\n\n\n _addListener(_body, \"touchstart\", _passThrough); //works around Safari bug: https://greensock.com/forums/topic/21450-draggable-in-iframe-on-mobile-is-buggy/\n\n\n _multiListener(_addListener, _doc, \"pointerdown,touchstart,mousedown\", _pointerDownHandler);\n\n _multiListener(_addListener, _doc, \"pointerup,touchend,mouseup\", _pointerUpHandler);\n\n _transformProp = gsap.utils.checkPrefix(\"transform\");\n\n _stateProps.push(_transformProp);\n\n _coreInitted = _getTime();\n _resizeDelay = gsap.delayedCall(0.2, _refreshAll).pause();\n _autoRefresh = [_doc, \"visibilitychange\", function () {\n var w = _win.innerWidth,\n h = _win.innerHeight;\n\n if (_doc.hidden) {\n _prevWidth = w;\n _prevHeight = h;\n } else if (_prevWidth !== w || _prevHeight !== h) {\n _onResize();\n }\n }, _doc, \"DOMContentLoaded\", _refreshAll, _win, \"load\", _refreshAll, _win, \"resize\", _onResize];\n\n _iterateAutoRefresh(_addListener);\n\n _triggers.forEach(function (trigger) {\n return trigger.enable(0, 1);\n });\n\n for (i = 0; i < _scrollers.length; i += 3) {\n _wheelListener(_removeListener, _scrollers[i], _scrollers[i + 1]);\n\n _wheelListener(_removeListener, _scrollers[i], _scrollers[i + 2]);\n }\n }\n }\n };\n\n ScrollTrigger.config = function config(vars) {\n \"limitCallbacks\" in vars && (_limitCallbacks = !!vars.limitCallbacks);\n var ms = vars.syncInterval;\n ms && clearInterval(_syncInterval) || (_syncInterval = ms) && setInterval(_sync, ms);\n \"ignoreMobileResize\" in vars && (_ignoreMobileResize = ScrollTrigger.isTouch === 1 && vars.ignoreMobileResize);\n\n if (\"autoRefreshEvents\" in vars) {\n _iterateAutoRefresh(_removeListener) || _iterateAutoRefresh(_addListener, vars.autoRefreshEvents || \"none\");\n _ignoreResize = (vars.autoRefreshEvents + \"\").indexOf(\"resize\") === -1;\n }\n };\n\n ScrollTrigger.scrollerProxy = function scrollerProxy(target, vars) {\n var t = _getTarget(target),\n i = _scrollers.indexOf(t),\n isViewport = _isViewport(t);\n\n if (~i) {\n _scrollers.splice(i, isViewport ? 6 : 2);\n }\n\n if (vars) {\n isViewport ? _proxies.unshift(_win, vars, _body, vars, _docEl, vars) : _proxies.unshift(t, vars);\n }\n };\n\n ScrollTrigger.clearMatchMedia = function clearMatchMedia(query) {\n _triggers.forEach(function (t) {\n return t._ctx && t._ctx.query === query && t._ctx.kill(true, true);\n });\n };\n\n ScrollTrigger.isInViewport = function isInViewport(element, ratio, horizontal) {\n var bounds = (_isString(element) ? _getTarget(element) : element).getBoundingClientRect(),\n offset = bounds[horizontal ? _width : _height] * ratio || 0;\n return horizontal ? bounds.right - offset > 0 && bounds.left + offset < _win.innerWidth : bounds.bottom - offset > 0 && bounds.top + offset < _win.innerHeight;\n };\n\n ScrollTrigger.positionInViewport = function positionInViewport(element, referencePoint, horizontal) {\n _isString(element) && (element = _getTarget(element));\n var bounds = element.getBoundingClientRect(),\n size = bounds[horizontal ? _width : _height],\n offset = referencePoint == null ? size / 2 : referencePoint in _keywords ? _keywords[referencePoint] * size : ~referencePoint.indexOf(\"%\") ? parseFloat(referencePoint) * size / 100 : parseFloat(referencePoint) || 0;\n return horizontal ? (bounds.left + offset) / _win.innerWidth : (bounds.top + offset) / _win.innerHeight;\n };\n\n ScrollTrigger.killAll = function killAll(allowListeners) {\n _triggers.slice(0).forEach(function (t) {\n return t.vars.id !== \"ScrollSmoother\" && t.kill();\n });\n\n if (allowListeners !== true) {\n var listeners = _listeners.killAll || [];\n _listeners = {};\n listeners.forEach(function (f) {\n return f();\n });\n }\n };\n\n return ScrollTrigger;\n}();\nScrollTrigger.version = \"3.11.4\";\n\nScrollTrigger.saveStyles = function (targets) {\n return targets ? _toArray(targets).forEach(function (target) {\n // saved styles are recorded in a consecutive alternating Array, like [element, cssText, transform attribute, cache, matchMedia, ...]\n if (target && target.style) {\n var i = _savedStyles.indexOf(target);\n\n i >= 0 && _savedStyles.splice(i, 5);\n\n _savedStyles.push(target, target.style.cssText, target.getBBox && target.getAttribute(\"transform\"), gsap.core.getCache(target), _context());\n }\n }) : _savedStyles;\n};\n\nScrollTrigger.revert = function (soft, media) {\n return _revertAll(!soft, media);\n};\n\nScrollTrigger.create = function (vars, animation) {\n return new ScrollTrigger(vars, animation);\n};\n\nScrollTrigger.refresh = function (safe) {\n return safe ? _onResize() : (_coreInitted || ScrollTrigger.register()) && _refreshAll(true);\n};\n\nScrollTrigger.update = function (force) {\n return ++_scrollers.cache && _updateAll(force === true ? 2 : 0);\n};\n\nScrollTrigger.clearScrollMemory = _clearScrollMemory;\n\nScrollTrigger.maxScroll = function (element, horizontal) {\n return _maxScroll(element, horizontal ? _horizontal : _vertical);\n};\n\nScrollTrigger.getScrollFunc = function (element, horizontal) {\n return _getScrollFunc(_getTarget(element), horizontal ? _horizontal : _vertical);\n};\n\nScrollTrigger.getById = function (id) {\n return _ids[id];\n};\n\nScrollTrigger.getAll = function () {\n return _triggers.filter(function (t) {\n return t.vars.id !== \"ScrollSmoother\";\n });\n}; // it's common for people to ScrollTrigger.getAll(t => t.kill()) on page routes, for example, and we don't want it to ruin smooth scrolling by killing the main ScrollSmoother one.\n\n\nScrollTrigger.isScrolling = function () {\n return !!_lastScrollTime;\n};\n\nScrollTrigger.snapDirectional = _snapDirectional;\n\nScrollTrigger.addEventListener = function (type, callback) {\n var a = _listeners[type] || (_listeners[type] = []);\n ~a.indexOf(callback) || a.push(callback);\n};\n\nScrollTrigger.removeEventListener = function (type, callback) {\n var a = _listeners[type],\n i = a && a.indexOf(callback);\n i >= 0 && a.splice(i, 1);\n};\n\nScrollTrigger.batch = function (targets, vars) {\n var result = [],\n varsCopy = {},\n interval = vars.interval || 0.016,\n batchMax = vars.batchMax || 1e9,\n proxyCallback = function proxyCallback(type, callback) {\n var elements = [],\n triggers = [],\n delay = gsap.delayedCall(interval, function () {\n callback(elements, triggers);\n elements = [];\n triggers = [];\n }).pause();\n return function (self) {\n elements.length || delay.restart(true);\n elements.push(self.trigger);\n triggers.push(self);\n batchMax <= elements.length && delay.progress(1);\n };\n },\n p;\n\n for (p in vars) {\n varsCopy[p] = p.substr(0, 2) === \"on\" && _isFunction(vars[p]) && p !== \"onRefreshInit\" ? proxyCallback(p, vars[p]) : vars[p];\n }\n\n if (_isFunction(batchMax)) {\n batchMax = batchMax();\n\n _addListener(ScrollTrigger, \"refresh\", function () {\n return batchMax = vars.batchMax();\n });\n }\n\n _toArray(targets).forEach(function (target) {\n var config = {};\n\n for (p in varsCopy) {\n config[p] = varsCopy[p];\n }\n\n config.trigger = target;\n result.push(ScrollTrigger.create(config));\n });\n\n return result;\n}; // to reduce file size. clamps the scroll and also returns a duration multiplier so that if the scroll gets chopped shorter, the duration gets curtailed as well (otherwise if you're very close to the top of the page, for example, and swipe up really fast, it'll suddenly slow down and take a long time to reach the top).\n\n\nvar _clampScrollAndGetDurationMultiplier = function _clampScrollAndGetDurationMultiplier(scrollFunc, current, end, max) {\n current > max ? scrollFunc(max) : current < 0 && scrollFunc(0);\n return end > max ? (max - current) / (end - current) : end < 0 ? current / (current - end) : 1;\n},\n _allowNativePanning = function _allowNativePanning(target, direction) {\n if (direction === true) {\n target.style.removeProperty(\"touch-action\");\n } else {\n target.style.touchAction = direction === true ? \"auto\" : direction ? \"pan-\" + direction + (Observer.isTouch ? \" pinch-zoom\" : \"\") : \"none\"; // note: Firefox doesn't support it pinch-zoom properly, at least in addition to a pan-x or pan-y.\n }\n\n target === _docEl && _allowNativePanning(_body, direction);\n},\n _overflow = {\n auto: 1,\n scroll: 1\n},\n _nestedScroll = function _nestedScroll(_ref5) {\n var event = _ref5.event,\n target = _ref5.target,\n axis = _ref5.axis;\n\n var node = (event.changedTouches ? event.changedTouches[0] : event).target,\n cache = node._gsap || gsap.core.getCache(node),\n time = _getTime(),\n cs;\n\n if (!cache._isScrollT || time - cache._isScrollT > 2000) {\n // cache for 2 seconds to improve performance.\n while (node && node !== _body && (node.scrollHeight <= node.clientHeight && node.scrollWidth <= node.clientWidth || !(_overflow[(cs = _getComputedStyle(node)).overflowY] || _overflow[cs.overflowX]))) {\n node = node.parentNode;\n }\n\n cache._isScroll = node && node !== target && !_isViewport(node) && (_overflow[(cs = _getComputedStyle(node)).overflowY] || _overflow[cs.overflowX]);\n cache._isScrollT = time;\n }\n\n if (cache._isScroll || axis === \"x\") {\n event.stopPropagation();\n event._gsapAllow = true;\n }\n},\n // capture events on scrollable elements INSIDE the and allow those by calling stopPropagation() when we find a scrollable ancestor\n_inputObserver = function _inputObserver(target, type, inputs, nested) {\n return Observer.create({\n target: target,\n capture: true,\n debounce: false,\n lockAxis: true,\n type: type,\n onWheel: nested = nested && _nestedScroll,\n onPress: nested,\n onDrag: nested,\n onScroll: nested,\n onEnable: function onEnable() {\n return inputs && _addListener(_doc, Observer.eventTypes[0], _captureInputs, false, true);\n },\n onDisable: function onDisable() {\n return _removeListener(_doc, Observer.eventTypes[0], _captureInputs, true);\n }\n });\n},\n _inputExp = /(input|label|select|textarea)/i,\n _inputIsFocused,\n _captureInputs = function _captureInputs(e) {\n var isInput = _inputExp.test(e.target.tagName);\n\n if (isInput || _inputIsFocused) {\n e._gsapAllow = true;\n _inputIsFocused = isInput;\n }\n},\n _getScrollNormalizer = function _getScrollNormalizer(vars) {\n _isObject(vars) || (vars = {});\n vars.preventDefault = vars.isNormalizer = vars.allowClicks = true;\n vars.type || (vars.type = \"wheel,touch\");\n vars.debounce = !!vars.debounce;\n vars.id = vars.id || \"normalizer\";\n\n var _vars2 = vars,\n normalizeScrollX = _vars2.normalizeScrollX,\n momentum = _vars2.momentum,\n allowNestedScroll = _vars2.allowNestedScroll,\n self,\n maxY,\n target = _getTarget(vars.target) || _docEl,\n smoother = gsap.core.globals().ScrollSmoother,\n smootherInstance = smoother && smoother.get(),\n content = _fixIOSBug && (vars.content && _getTarget(vars.content) || smootherInstance && vars.content !== false && !smootherInstance.smooth() && smootherInstance.content()),\n scrollFuncY = _getScrollFunc(target, _vertical),\n scrollFuncX = _getScrollFunc(target, _horizontal),\n scale = 1,\n initialScale = (Observer.isTouch && _win.visualViewport ? _win.visualViewport.scale * _win.visualViewport.width : _win.outerWidth) / _win.innerWidth,\n wheelRefresh = 0,\n resolveMomentumDuration = _isFunction(momentum) ? function () {\n return momentum(self);\n } : function () {\n return momentum || 2.8;\n },\n lastRefreshID,\n skipTouchMove,\n inputObserver = _inputObserver(target, vars.type, true, allowNestedScroll),\n resumeTouchMove = function resumeTouchMove() {\n return skipTouchMove = false;\n },\n scrollClampX = _passThrough,\n scrollClampY = _passThrough,\n updateClamps = function updateClamps() {\n maxY = _maxScroll(target, _vertical);\n scrollClampY = _clamp(_fixIOSBug ? 1 : 0, maxY);\n normalizeScrollX && (scrollClampX = _clamp(0, _maxScroll(target, _horizontal)));\n lastRefreshID = _refreshID;\n },\n removeContentOffset = function removeContentOffset() {\n content._gsap.y = _round(parseFloat(content._gsap.y) + scrollFuncY.offset) + \"px\";\n content.style.transform = \"matrix3d(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, \" + parseFloat(content._gsap.y) + \", 0, 1)\";\n scrollFuncY.offset = scrollFuncY.cacheID = 0;\n },\n ignoreDrag = function ignoreDrag() {\n if (skipTouchMove) {\n requestAnimationFrame(resumeTouchMove);\n\n var offset = _round(self.deltaY / 2),\n scroll = scrollClampY(scrollFuncY.v - offset);\n\n if (content && scroll !== scrollFuncY.v + scrollFuncY.offset) {\n scrollFuncY.offset = scroll - scrollFuncY.v;\n\n var y = _round((parseFloat(content && content._gsap.y) || 0) - scrollFuncY.offset);\n\n content.style.transform = \"matrix3d(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, \" + y + \", 0, 1)\";\n content._gsap.y = y + \"px\";\n scrollFuncY.cacheID = _scrollers.cache;\n\n _updateAll();\n }\n\n return true;\n }\n\n scrollFuncY.offset && removeContentOffset();\n skipTouchMove = true;\n },\n tween,\n startScrollX,\n startScrollY,\n onStopDelayedCall,\n onResize = function onResize() {\n // if the window resizes, like on an iPhone which Apple FORCES the address bar to show/hide even if we event.preventDefault(), it may be scrolling too far now that the address bar is showing, so we must dynamically adjust the momentum tween.\n updateClamps();\n\n if (tween.isActive() && tween.vars.scrollY > maxY) {\n scrollFuncY() > maxY ? tween.progress(1) && scrollFuncY(maxY) : tween.resetTo(\"scrollY\", maxY);\n }\n };\n\n content && gsap.set(content, {\n y: \"+=0\"\n }); // to ensure there's a cache (element._gsap)\n\n vars.ignoreCheck = function (e) {\n return _fixIOSBug && e.type === \"touchmove\" && ignoreDrag(e) || scale > 1.05 && e.type !== \"touchstart\" || self.isGesturing || e.touches && e.touches.length > 1;\n };\n\n vars.onPress = function () {\n var prevScale = scale;\n scale = _round((_win.visualViewport && _win.visualViewport.scale || 1) / initialScale);\n tween.pause();\n prevScale !== scale && _allowNativePanning(target, scale > 1.01 ? true : normalizeScrollX ? false : \"x\");\n startScrollX = scrollFuncX();\n startScrollY = scrollFuncY();\n updateClamps();\n lastRefreshID = _refreshID;\n };\n\n vars.onRelease = vars.onGestureStart = function (self, wasDragging) {\n scrollFuncY.offset && removeContentOffset();\n\n if (!wasDragging) {\n onStopDelayedCall.restart(true);\n } else {\n _scrollers.cache++; // make sure we're pulling the non-cached value\n // alternate algorithm: durX = Math.min(6, Math.abs(self.velocityX / 800)),\tdur = Math.max(durX, Math.min(6, Math.abs(self.velocityY / 800))); dur = dur * (0.4 + (1 - _power4In(dur / 6)) * 0.6)) * (momentumSpeed || 1)\n\n var dur = resolveMomentumDuration(),\n currentScroll,\n endScroll;\n\n if (normalizeScrollX) {\n currentScroll = scrollFuncX();\n endScroll = currentScroll + dur * 0.05 * -self.velocityX / 0.227; // the constant .227 is from power4(0.05). velocity is inverted because scrolling goes in the opposite direction.\n\n dur *= _clampScrollAndGetDurationMultiplier(scrollFuncX, currentScroll, endScroll, _maxScroll(target, _horizontal));\n tween.vars.scrollX = scrollClampX(endScroll);\n }\n\n currentScroll = scrollFuncY();\n endScroll = currentScroll + dur * 0.05 * -self.velocityY / 0.227; // the constant .227 is from power4(0.05)\n\n dur *= _clampScrollAndGetDurationMultiplier(scrollFuncY, currentScroll, endScroll, _maxScroll(target, _vertical));\n tween.vars.scrollY = scrollClampY(endScroll);\n tween.invalidate().duration(dur).play(0.01);\n\n if (_fixIOSBug && tween.vars.scrollY >= maxY || currentScroll >= maxY - 1) {\n // iOS bug: it'll show the address bar but NOT fire the window \"resize\" event until the animation is done but we must protect against overshoot so we leverage an onUpdate to do so.\n gsap.to({}, {\n onUpdate: onResize,\n duration: dur\n });\n }\n }\n };\n\n vars.onWheel = function () {\n tween._ts && tween.pause();\n\n if (_getTime() - wheelRefresh > 1000) {\n // after 1 second, refresh the clamps otherwise that'll only happen when ScrollTrigger.refresh() is called or for touch-scrolling.\n lastRefreshID = 0;\n wheelRefresh = _getTime();\n }\n };\n\n vars.onChange = function (self, dx, dy, xArray, yArray) {\n _refreshID !== lastRefreshID && updateClamps();\n dx && normalizeScrollX && scrollFuncX(scrollClampX(xArray[2] === dx ? startScrollX + (self.startX - self.x) : scrollFuncX() + dx - xArray[1])); // for more precision, we track pointer/touch movement from the start, otherwise it'll drift.\n\n if (dy) {\n scrollFuncY.offset && removeContentOffset();\n var isTouch = yArray[2] === dy,\n y = isTouch ? startScrollY + self.startY - self.y : scrollFuncY() + dy - yArray[1],\n yClamped = scrollClampY(y);\n isTouch && y !== yClamped && (startScrollY += yClamped - y);\n scrollFuncY(yClamped);\n }\n\n (dy || dx) && _updateAll();\n };\n\n vars.onEnable = function () {\n _allowNativePanning(target, normalizeScrollX ? false : \"x\");\n\n ScrollTrigger.addEventListener(\"refresh\", onResize);\n\n _addListener(_win, \"resize\", onResize);\n\n if (scrollFuncY.smooth) {\n scrollFuncY.target.style.scrollBehavior = \"auto\";\n scrollFuncY.smooth = scrollFuncX.smooth = false;\n }\n\n inputObserver.enable();\n };\n\n vars.onDisable = function () {\n _allowNativePanning(target, true);\n\n _removeListener(_win, \"resize\", onResize);\n\n ScrollTrigger.removeEventListener(\"refresh\", onResize);\n inputObserver.kill();\n };\n\n vars.lockAxis = vars.lockAxis !== false;\n self = new Observer(vars);\n self.iOS = _fixIOSBug; // used in the Observer getCachedScroll() function to work around an iOS bug that wreaks havoc with TouchEvent.clientY if we allow scroll to go all the way back to 0.\n\n _fixIOSBug && !scrollFuncY() && scrollFuncY(1); // iOS bug causes event.clientY values to freak out (wildly inaccurate) if the scroll position is exactly 0.\n\n _fixIOSBug && gsap.ticker.add(_passThrough); // prevent the ticker from sleeping\n\n onStopDelayedCall = self._dc;\n tween = gsap.to(self, {\n ease: \"power4\",\n paused: true,\n scrollX: normalizeScrollX ? \"+=0.1\" : \"+=0\",\n scrollY: \"+=0.1\",\n onComplete: onStopDelayedCall.vars.onComplete\n });\n return self;\n};\n\nScrollTrigger.sort = function (func) {\n return _triggers.sort(func || function (a, b) {\n return (a.vars.refreshPriority || 0) * -1e6 + a.start - (b.start + (b.vars.refreshPriority || 0) * -1e6);\n });\n};\n\nScrollTrigger.observe = function (vars) {\n return new Observer(vars);\n};\n\nScrollTrigger.normalizeScroll = function (vars) {\n if (typeof vars === \"undefined\") {\n return _normalizer;\n }\n\n if (vars === true && _normalizer) {\n return _normalizer.enable();\n }\n\n if (vars === false) {\n return _normalizer && _normalizer.kill();\n }\n\n var normalizer = vars instanceof Observer ? vars : _getScrollNormalizer(vars);\n _normalizer && _normalizer.target === normalizer.target && _normalizer.kill();\n _isViewport(normalizer.target) && (_normalizer = normalizer);\n return normalizer;\n};\n\nScrollTrigger.core = {\n // smaller file size way to leverage in ScrollSmoother and Observer\n _getVelocityProp: _getVelocityProp,\n _inputObserver: _inputObserver,\n _scrollers: _scrollers,\n _proxies: _proxies,\n bridge: {\n // when normalizeScroll sets the scroll position (ss = setScroll)\n ss: function ss() {\n _lastScrollTime || _dispatch(\"scrollStart\");\n _lastScrollTime = _getTime();\n },\n // a way to get the _refreshing value in Observer\n ref: function ref() {\n return _refreshing;\n }\n }\n};\n_getGSAP() && gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger);\nexport { ScrollTrigger as default };","import React, { createContext, useState, useEffect } from \"react\";\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\";\nimport useAxios from \"../../hooks/useAxios\";\n\n//helpers and hooks\nimport { FormatFiltersQuery, updateUrlParams, parseUrlParams } from \"../Filters/FilteringHelpers\";\n\nconst ReportsContext = createContext();\n\n//Filters API:\n//https://americanrivers.local/wp-json/cneheritage/v1/filters?type=report\n\n// Handles global states and state updates for the entire Reports & Publications index app\n\nexport const AppProvider = ({ children }) => {\n\t// used to display the selected filters, it also accounts for sharable filters\n\tconst [selectedFilters, setSelectedFilters] = useState(\n\t\tlocation.search ? parseUrlParams(location.search) : []\n\t);\n\tconst [currentPageNumber, setCurrentPageNumber] = useState(\n\t\tlocation.hash ? parseInt(window.location.hash.replace(\"#\", \"\")) : 1\n\t);\n\tconst [reportsUrl, setReportsUrl] = useState(\n\t\t`reports?page=${currentPageNumber}${FormatFiltersQuery(selectedFilters)}`\n\t);\n\n\t// fetch all the filters from the API\n\tconst { response: filters } = useAxios(\"filters?type=report\");\n\tconst { response: reports, totalPages, isLoading } = useAxios(reportsUrl);\n\n\tuseEffect(() => {\n\t\t// request doesn't get called twice on initial because the string should match the\n\t\tsetReportsUrl(\n\t\t\t`reports?page=${currentPageNumber}${FormatFiltersQuery(selectedFilters)}`\n\t\t);\n\t}, [selectedFilters, currentPageNumber]);\n\n\tuseEffect(() => {\n\t\tconst isPreview = location.search.includes(\"page_id\");\n\t\t\n\t\t// don't execute when page is in preview mode\n\t\tif (isPreview) return;\n\n\t\t// every time the selectedFilters update we update the browser URL to match\n\t\tupdateUrlParams(selectedFilters, currentPageNumber);\n\t}, [selectedFilters, currentPageNumber]);\n\n\t// onClick handler for selecting and deselecting a filter\n\t// this function formats the selectedFilters into a specific data structure\n\t// that we'll use for the constructing the filters query for the api call\n\tconst handleFilterSelect = (filter) => {\n\t\tlet selectedFiltersCopy = [...selectedFilters];\n\n\t\t// we get the taxonomy index in the array\n\t\tlet existingTaxonomyIndex = selectedFiltersCopy.findIndex(\n\t\t\t(t) => t.taxonomy == filter.taxonomy\n\t\t);\n\n\t\t// check if taxonomy exists\n\t\tif (existingTaxonomyIndex >= 0) {\n\t\t\t// get index of the child filter\n\t\t\tlet existingFilterIndex = selectedFiltersCopy[\n\t\t\t\texistingTaxonomyIndex\n\t\t\t].filters.findIndex((f) => f.slug === filter.filters[0].slug);\n\n\t\t\tlet childFilters = selectedFiltersCopy[existingTaxonomyIndex].filters;\n\n\t\t\t// check if child filter exists\n\t\t\tif (existingFilterIndex >= 0) {\n\t\t\t\t// if child filter exists we remove it using the index\n\t\t\t\tchildFilters.splice(existingFilterIndex, 1);\n\n\t\t\t\t// if there's no child filters left we remove the whole taxonomy\n\t\t\t\tif (childFilters.length === 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\tselectedFiltersCopy.splice(existingTaxonomyIndex, 1);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t// we don't have the child filter, so we push it into the array of child filters inside taxonomy object\n\t\t\t\tchildFilters.push(filter.filters[0]);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tselectedFiltersCopy = [...selectedFiltersCopy, filter];\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// we reset the page everytime a filter is selected and deselected\n\t\tsetCurrentPageNumber(1);\n\t\tsetSelectedFilters(selectedFiltersCopy);\n\t};\n\n\t// onClick handler for selecting and deselecting a filter\n\tconst clearAllFilters = () => {\n\t\tsetSelectedFilters([]);\n\t\tsetCurrentPageNumber(1);\n\t\twindow.history.pushState({}, \"\", window.location.pathname);\n\t};\n\n\tconst scrollToTop = () => {\n\t\treturn window.scrollTo({ top: 0, left: 0, behaviour: \"smooth\" });\n\t};\n\n\t// Pagination helpers actions\n\tconst handleIncrementPage = () => {\n\t\tif (currentPageNumber < totalPages.length) {\n\t\t\tsetCurrentPageNumber((currentNumber) => currentNumber + 1);\n\t\t\tscrollToTop();\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\tconst handleDecrementPage = () => {\n\t\tif (currentPageNumber > 1) {\n\t\t\tsetCurrentPageNumber((currentNumber) => currentNumber - 1);\n\t\t\tscrollToTop();\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\tconst handleButtonPageSelect = (buttonNumber) => {\n\t\tsetCurrentPageNumber(buttonNumber);\n\t\tscrollToTop();\n\t};\n\n\tconst data = {\n\t\tselectedFilters,\n\t\tfilters,\n\t\treports,\n\t\ttotalPages,\n\t\tcurrentPageNumber,\n\t\tisLoading,\n\t};\n\n\tconst actions = {\n\t\thandleFilterSelect,\n\t\tclearAllFilters,\n\t\thandleIncrementPage,\n\t\thandleDecrementPage,\n\t\thandleButtonPageSelect,\n\t};\n\n\treturn (\n\t\t{children}\n\t);\n};\n\nAppProvider.propTypes = {\n\tchildren: PropTypes.node,\n};\nexport default ReportsContext;\n","import React, { useContext } from \"react\";\nimport styled from \"@emotion/styled\";\n\nimport DropDown from \"../Filters/DropDown\";\nimport SelectedFilters from \"../Filters/SelectedFilters\";\n\n//style rules\nimport { Typography, Sizes } from \"../../styles\";\nimport Context from \"./ReportsContext\";\n\nconst MediaCentreFilters = () => {\n\tconst {\n\t\tdata: { filters, selectedFilters },\n\t\tactions: { handleFilterSelect, clearAllFilters },\n\t} = useContext(Context);\n\n\tconst renderDropDowns = () => {\n\t\tif (filters.length === 0) return;\n\n\t\treturn filters.map((dropDown) => {\n\t\t\treturn (\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t});\n\t};\n\n\tconst renderSelectedFilters = () => {\n\t\tif (selectedFilters.length === 0) return;\n\n\t\treturn (\n\t\t\t\n\t\t);\n\t};\n\n\treturn (\n\t\t\n\t\t\tFilters
\n\t\t\t{renderDropDowns()}\n\t\t\t{renderSelectedFilters()}\n\t\t\n\t);\n};\n\nexport default MediaCentreFilters;\n\nconst Container = styled.div`\n\tpadding-top: 8rem;\n\n\tp {\n\t\tfont-weight: ${Typography.fontWeight.demiBold};\n\t\tfont-size: 1.4rem;\n\t\tline-height: 1.7rem;\n\t\ttext-transform: uppercase;\n\t}\n`;\n\n// the width of the drop down gets decided here\n// we know that each dorpdown needs to have a width of 216px so we time that by number of dropdowns\nconst FiltersContainer = styled.div`\n\tpadding-top: 1.8rem;\n\tdisplay: flex;\n\tflex-direction: column;\n\tgap: 2.4rem;\n\tmax-width: 604px;\n\n\t@media only screen and (min-width: ${Sizes.screens.medium}) {\n\t\talign-items: center;\n\t\tflex-direction: row;\n\t}\n`;\n","/* global mainScript */\nimport React from \"react\";\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\";\nimport styled from \"@emotion/styled\";\nimport { motion } from \"framer-motion\";\n\n// style rules\nimport { Animation, Typography, Sizes } from \"../../styles\";\n\nconst ReportsCard = ({ report }) => {\n\treturn (\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t{report.image ? (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t
\n\t\t\t\t\t) : (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t
\n\t\t\t\t\t)}\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t{report.date && {report.date}}\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t);\n};\n\nexport default ReportsCard;\n\nReportsCard.propTypes = {\n\treport: PropTypes.object,\n};\n\nconst Card = styled(motion.li)`\n\tlist-style: none;\n\tcursor: pointer;\n\n\ta {\n\t\t&::after {\n\t\t\tcontent: unset;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\t&:hover {\n\t\timg {\n\t\t\ttransition: all 0.5s;\n\t\t\ttransform: scale(1.1);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n`;\n\nconst AspectRatioBox = styled.div`\n\tposition: relative;\n\twidth: 100%;\n\tdisplay: block;\n\toverflow: hidden;\n\tpadding-top: calc(252 / 410 * 100%);\n border-radius: 20px;\n\n\t> img {\n\t\tposition: absolute;\n\t\ttop: 0;\n\t\tleft: 0;\n\t\twidth: 100%;\n\t\theight: 100%;\n\t\tobject-fit: cover;\n\t\tobject-position: center center;\n\t\ttransition: all 0.5s;\n\t}\n`;\n\nconst Date = styled.span`\n display: block;\n padding-top: 1.3rem;\n\tfont-weight: ${Typography.fontWeight.regular};\n\tfont-size: 1.4rem;\n\tline-height: 1.7rem;\n\ttext-transform: capitalize;\n\n\t@media only screen and (min-width: ${Sizes.screens.large}) {\n\t\tpadding-top: 1.9rem;\n\t}\n`;\n\nconst Title = styled.h3`\n\tpadding-top: 1rem;\n font-size: 1.6rem;\n line-height: 2.1rem;\n`;\n","import React, { useContext } from \"react\";\nimport styled from \"@emotion/styled\";\n\nimport Context from \"./ReportsContext\";\n\n// style rules\nimport { Sizes, Colors } from \"../../styles\";\n\nimport ReportsCard from \"./ReportsCard\";\nimport NoResults from \"../NoResults\";\nimport Pagination from \"../pagination/Pagination\";\nimport Loading from \"../Loading\";\n\nconst ReportsGrid = () => {\n\tconst {\n\t\tdata: { reports, totalPages, currentPageNumber, isLoading },\n\t\tactions: {\n\t\t\thandleButtonPageSelect,\n\t\t\thandleDecrementPage,\n\t\t\thandleIncrementPage,\n\t\t},\n\t} = useContext(Context);\n\n\tconst renderReportCards = () => {\n\t\tif (isLoading) {\n\t\t\treturn ;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (reports.length === 0) {\n\t\t\treturn ;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn (\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t{reports.map((item) => {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn ;\n\t\t\t\t})}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t);\n\t};\n\n\treturn (\n\t\t\n\t\t\t{renderReportCards()}\n\t\t\t{totalPages && totalPages.length > 0 && (\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t)}\n\t\t\n\t);\n};\n\nexport default ReportsGrid;\n\nconst Container = styled.div`\n\tpadding: 5.4rem 0 8rem 0;\n`;\n\nconst Grid = styled.ul`\n\tdisplay: ${(props) => (props.isEmpty ? \"block\" : \"grid\")};\n\tgrid-template-columns: 1fr;\n\tgap: 2.5rem;\n\tmargin: 0;\n\tpadding: 0;\n\tmax-width: unset;\n\n\t@media only screen and (min-width: ${Sizes.screens.medium}) {\n\t\tgrid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(41rem, 1fr));\n\t}\n`;\n","import React from \"react\";\n\n// state\nimport { AppProvider } from \"./ReportsContext\";\n\nimport ReportsFilters from \"./ReportsFilters\";\nimport ReportsGrid from \"./ReportsGrid\";\n\n// all the logic of the app is handles in the app context file\n\nconst App = () => {\n\treturn (\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t);\n};\n\nexport default App;\n","import navToggle from \"../actions/navToggle\";\nimport peakABooHeader from \"../actions/peakABooHeader\";\nimport subMenuToggle from \"../actions/subMenuToggle\";\nimport renderSiteSearch from \"../actions/renderSiteSearch\";\n\n/**\n * header.js\n *\n * Functionality related to the site header\n *\n *\n * @param $ jQuery\n */\nconst Header = ($) => {\n\tnavToggle($);\n\tsubMenuToggle($);\n\tpeakABooHeader($)\n\trenderSiteSearch($); // keeping for when we add site search \n\n};\n\nexport default Header;\n","/**\n * Open and close the mobile header\n */\n\nconst navToggle = ($)=>{\n\t$( '#nav-toggle' ).on( 'click', function(){\n\n\t\tconst header = $( '#header' );\n\t\tconst body = $('body');\n\n\t\tif( header.hasClass( 'js-open-mobile-menu' ) ){\n\t\t\theader.removeClass( 'js-open-mobile-menu' );\n\t\t\tbody.removeClass( 'js-lock-body' );\n\t\t\theader.css( 'overflow', 'unset' );\n\n\t\t}else{\n\t\t\theader.addClass( 'js-open-mobile-menu' );\n\t\t\tbody.addClass( 'js-lock-body' );\n\t\t\theader.css( 'overflow-y', 'scroll' );\n\n\t\t}\n\n\t} );\n\n}\n\nexport default navToggle\n\n","// import required libraries\nimport $ from 'jquery';\n\n// import components that run on every page\n\n// import actions\nimport renderTooltipModal from './actions/renderTootipModal';\n\n// Import Pages\nimport accessibility from './actions/accessibility';\nimport renderCarouselCta from './actions/renderCarouselCta';\nimport renderLargeCarousel from './actions/renderLargeCarousel';\nimport renderImageSlider from './actions/renderImageSlider';\nimport Header from './components/Header';\nimport PageFrontPage from './pages/PageFrontPage';\nimport PageNewsIndex from './pages/PageNewsIndex';\nimport PageRiversIndex from './pages/PageRiversIndex'\nimport PageStaffIndex from './pages/PageStaffIndex';\nimport PageMediaCentre from './pages/PageMediaCentre';\nimport PageResourcesIndex from './pages/PageResourcesIndex';\nimport PinnedShareIcons from './components/PinnedShareIcons';\nimport renderPhotoSlider from './actions/renderPhotoSlider';\nimport PageReportsIndex from \"./pages/PageReportsIndex\";\n\n// call functions\nHeader($);\naccessibility();\nPageFrontPage($);\nPinnedShareIcons($);\n\n//React Pages\nPageRiversIndex($);\nPageNewsIndex($);\nPageStaffIndex($);\nPageMediaCentre($);\nPageResourcesIndex($);\nPageReportsIndex($);\n\n//React Blocks\nrenderCarouselCta($);\nrenderLargeCarousel($);\nrenderImageSlider($);\n\n// actions\nrenderTooltipModal($);\nrenderPhotoSlider($);\n","/**\n * Allow users to click on-click elements using the keyboard only\n */\nconst accessibility = () => {\n\tdocument.onkeydown = function( e ) {\n\t\tif ( e.keyCode === 13 ) {\n\t\t\t// The Enter/Return key\n\t\t\tdocument.activeElement.click();\n\t\t}\n\t};\n};\n\nexport default accessibility;","import Aos from '../components/aos'\n\n/**\n * Front Page\n */\nconst PageFrontPage =( $ )=>{\n\n\tif ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'home' ) ) {\n\t\tAos();\n\t}\n\n};\n\nexport default PageFrontPage;\n","import AOS from 'aos';\n\n/**\n * Functionality for Animate on Slide\n * https://michalsnik.github.io/aos/\n */\nconst Aos =()=> {\n\tAOS.init();\n\n};\nexport default Aos;\n\n\n\n","import { gsap, ScrollTrigger } from \"gsap/all\";\n\nconst PinnedShareIcons = ($) => {\n\tgsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger);\n\tlet matchMedia = gsap.matchMedia();\n\n\tmatchMedia.add(\"(min-width: 1300px)\", () => {\n\t\tconst trigger = $(\"#pin-trigger\")[0];\n\t\tconst shareContainer = $(\".share-desktop\")[0];\n\n\t\tScrollTrigger.create({\n\t\t\ttrigger: trigger,\n\t\t\tpin: shareContainer,\n\t\t\tstart: \"top 150px\",\n\t\t\tend: \"bottom-=500px top\"\n\t\t});\n\t});\n};\n\nexport default PinnedShareIcons;","import React from \"react\";\nimport { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';\nimport App from \"../components/Rivers/App\";\n\n/**\n * Rivers Index\n */\n\nconst RiversIndex = ($) => {\n\tif (\n\t\t$(\"body\").hasClass(\"page-template-rivers-index\")\n\t) {\n\t\tconst riversIndex = document.getElementById(\"js-rivers-index\");\n\n\t\tlet props = {\n\t\t\t...(riversIndex && riversIndex.dataset),\n\t\t};\n\n\t\tconst root = createRoot(riversIndex);\n\t\troot.render();\n\t}\n};\n\nexport default RiversIndex;\n","import React from \"react\";\nimport { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';\nimport App from \"../components/News/App\";\n\n/**\n * News Index\n */\n\nconst PageNewsIndex = ($) => {\n\tif (\n\t\t$(\"body\").hasClass(\"page-template-news-index\")\n\t) {\n\t\tconst newsIndex = document.getElementById(\"js-news-index\");\n\n\t\tlet props = {\n\t\t\t...(newsIndex && newsIndex.dataset),\n\t\t};\n\n\t\tconst root = createRoot(newsIndex);\n\t\troot.render();\n\t}\n};\n\nexport default PageNewsIndex;\n","import React from \"react\";\nimport { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';\nimport App from \"../components/Staff/App\";\n\n/**\n * Staff Index\n */\n\nconst PageStaffIndex = ($) => {\n\tif (\n\t\t$(\"body\").hasClass(\"page-template-staff-index\")\n\t) {\n\t\tconst staffIndex = document.getElementById(\"js-staff-index\");\n\n\t\tlet props = {\n\t\t\t...(staffIndex && staffIndex.dataset),\n\t\t};\n\n\t\tconst root = createRoot(staffIndex);\n\t\troot.render();\n\t}\n};\n\nexport default PageStaffIndex;\n","import React from \"react\";\nimport { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';\nimport App from \"../components/MediaCentre/App\";\n\n/**\n * Media Centre Index\n */\n\nconst PageMediaCentre = ($) => {\n\tif (\n\t\t$(\"body\").hasClass(\"page-template-media-centre-index\")\n\t) {\n\t\tconst mediaCentreIndex = document.getElementById(\"js-media-centre-index\");\n\n\t\tlet props = {\n\t\t\t...(mediaCentreIndex && mediaCentreIndex.dataset),\n\t\t};\n\n\t\tconst root = createRoot(mediaCentreIndex);\n\t\troot.render();\n\t}\n};\n\nexport default PageMediaCentre;\n","import React from \"react\";\nimport { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';\nimport App from \"../components/Resources/App\";\n\n/**\n * Media Centre Index\n */\n\nconst PageResourcesIndex = ($) => {\n\tif (\n\t\t$(\"body\").hasClass(\"page-template-resources-index\")\n\t) {\n\t\tconst resourcesIndex = document.getElementById(\"js-resources-index\");\n\n\t\tlet props = {\n\t\t\t...(resourcesIndex && resourcesIndex.dataset),\n\t\t};\n\n\t\tconst root = createRoot(resourcesIndex);\n\t\troot.render();\n\t}\n};\n\nexport default PageResourcesIndex;\n","import React from \"react\";\nimport { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';\nimport App from \"../components/Reports/App\";\n\n/**\n * Reports Index\n */\n\nconst PageReportsIndex = ($) => {\n\tif (\n\t\t$(\"body\").hasClass(\"page-template-reports-index\")\n\t) {\n\t\tconst resourcesIndex = document.getElementById(\"js-reports-index\");\n\n\t\tlet props = {\n\t\t\t...(resourcesIndex && resourcesIndex.dataset),\n\t\t};\n\n\t\tconst root = createRoot(resourcesIndex);\n\t\troot.render();\n\t}\n};\n\nexport default PageReportsIndex;\n","import React from \"react\";\nimport { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';\nimport FeaturedSlider from \"../components/CarouselCta/CarouselCta\";\n\nconst renderCarouselCta = ($) => {\n\tconst carouselCta = $(\"#js-carousel-cta\")[0];\n\n\tlet props = {\n\t\t...(carouselCta && carouselCta.dataset),\n\t};\n\n\tif (carouselCta) {\n\t\tconst root = createRoot(carouselCta);\n\t\troot.render();\n\t}\n};\n\nexport default renderCarouselCta;\n","import React from \"react\";\nimport { createRoot } from \"react-dom/client\";\nimport LargeCarousel from \"../components/LargeCarousel/LargeCarousel\";\n\nconst renderLargeCarousel = ($) => {\n\tconst carouselElements = $(\".js-large-carousel\");\n\n\tif (carouselElements) {\n\t\tArray.from(carouselElements).forEach((carousel) => {\n\t\t\tlet props = {\n\t\t\t\t...(carousel && carousel.dataset),\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t\tconst root = createRoot(carousel);\n\t\t\troot.render();\n\t\t});\n\t}\n};\n\nexport default renderLargeCarousel;\n","const renderTooltipModal = ($) => {\n\tconst body = $(\"body\");\n\tconst tooltipWord = $(\".tooltip__word\");\n\tconst tooltipModal = $(\".tooltip__modal\");\n\tconst tooltipDefinition = $(\".tooltip__definition\");\n\tconst closeIcon = $(\".tooltip-mobile-close-icon\");\n\tconst screenWidth = $(window).width();\n\n\t// Function to handle opening the tooltip modal on touch screens\n\tfunction openTooltipModal() {\n\t\tlet triggerWord = $(this).attr(\"data-id\");\n\t\tlet targetTooltipModal = $(`.${triggerWord}`);\n\n\t\t// Open the clicked modal\n\t\ttargetTooltipModal.addClass(\"js-open-tooltip-modal\");\n\t\tbody.css(\"overflow\", \"hidden\");\n\t\ttooltipDefinition.css(\"overflow\", \"scroll\"); // Enable scrolling when modal is open\n\t}\n\n\t// Function to handle closing the tooltip modal on touch screens\n\tfunction closeTooltipModal() {\n\t\tsetTimeout(function () {\n\t\t\t// workaround needed for removeClass to work\n\t\t\t$(\".tooltip__modal\").removeClass(\"js-open-tooltip-modal\");\n\t\t\tbody.css(\"overflow\", \"unset\");\n\t\t\ttooltipDefinition.css(\"overflow\", \"unset\"); // Enable scrolling when modal is open\n\t\t}, 10);\n\t}\n\n\t// function to handle showing the tooltip definition on desktop when using keyboard\n\tfunction hoverToolTip() {\n\t\tlet targetTooltipWord = $(this);\n\t\tlet targetTooltipModal = targetTooltipWord\n\t\t\t.closest(\".tooltip__word\")\n\t\t\t.find(\".tooltip__definition\");\n\n\t\ttargetTooltipModal.addClass(\"js-view-hover\");\n\t}\n\n\t// function to handle closing the tooltip definition on desktop\n\tfunction closeTooltipHover() {\n\t\t$(\".tooltip__definition\").removeClass(\"js-view-hover\");\n\t}\n\n\t// Function to handle keyboard interactions\n\tfunction handleKeyboardEvents(e) {\n\t\tif (\n\t\t\te.key === \"Escape\" &&\n\t\t\t$(\".tooltip__modal.js-open-tooltip-modal\").length > 0\n\t\t) {\n\t\t\tcloseTooltipModal();\n\t\t} else if (e.key === \"Escape\" || e.key === \"Tab\") {\n\t\t\tcloseTooltipHover();\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\t// Functions to run on touch screens\n\tif (screenWidth < 1024 && tooltipModal.length > 0) {\n\t\ttooltipWord.on(\"click\", openTooltipModal);\n\t\tcloseIcon.on(\"click\", closeTooltipModal);\n\n\t\t// Open the modal when Tab key is pressed\n\t\ttooltipWord.on(\"keydown\", (e) => {\n\t\t\tif (e.key === \"Tab\" && !e.shiftKey) {\n\t\t\t\topenTooltipModal.call(this);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\n\t\t$(document).on(\"keydown\", handleKeyboardEvents);\n\t}\n\n\t// Functions to run on desktop when using keyboard\n\tif (screenWidth > 1024) {\n\t\ttooltipWord.on(\"keydown\", function (e) {\n\t\t\tif (e.key === \"Enter\") {\n\t\t\t\thoverToolTip.call(this);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\n\t\t$(document).on(\"keydown\", handleKeyboardEvents);\n\t}\n};\n\nexport default renderTooltipModal;\n","const renderPhotoSlider = ($) => {\n\tlet comparisonSlider = $(\".js__photo-slider__container__slider\");\n\n\tcomparisonSlider.each(function (index) {\n\t\tlet eachSlider = $(this);\n\t\tlet input = eachSlider.children(\"input\");\n\t\tlet beforeImg = eachSlider.children(\n\t\t\t\".js__photo-slider__container__slider__image--before\"\n\t\t);\n\n\t\tinput.on(\"input change\", function (ev) {\n\t\t\tlet sliderValue = ev.target.value + \"%\";\n\n\t\t\t$(comparisonSlider[index])\n\t\t\t\t.children(\".js__photo-slider__container__slider__image--before\")\n\t\t\t\t.css(\"width\", ev.target.value + \"%\");\n\t\t\tif(sliderValue === \"100%\") {\n\t\t\t\tbeforeImg.css({\"border-top-right-radius\": \"20px\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\"border-bottom-right-radius\": \"20px\"});\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tbeforeImg.css({\"border-top-right-radius\": \"0px\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\"border-bottom-right-radius\": \"0px\"});\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\n\t});\n};\n\nexport default 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