Within the Delaware River Watershed, the State Revolving Funds have financed critical water infrastructure investments and upgrades, from drinking water treatment and distribution to the construction of wastewater treatment systems, stormwater management, and conveyance, and in recent years, green stormwater infrastructure and control of nonpoint source pollution. These investments have been crucial to ensuring access to basic drinking and wastewater services. They have also reduced pollution to the Delaware River and paved the way for a historic cleanup that has secured drinking water for millions of people and ensured nearby river access for some of the East Coast’s largest urban centers. Although the cleanup driven by these investments has been very successful, there are still deep disparities among the communities living in the watershed in who has access to clean and affordable water and a healthy environment.

In 2021 American Rivers, with the Water Center at the University of Pennsylvania, set out to evaluate how financial assistance has been historically awarded to those that apply to the State Revolving Funds within the Delaware River Watershed. The goal of this work was to explore opportunities for more green and equitable investments in water infrastructure, with an emphasis on evaluating historic access to clean water investments as a means of assessing future needs for access and advocacy.

For more than thirty years, the Clean Water State Revolving Fund has been a critical funding stream used by local governments and utilities for the cleanup of water quality in rivers across the United States. Following the 2022 infusion of federal infrastructure funding, this program (which is implemented a little bit differently in each state) now offers transformational opportunities to communities challenged by historic disinvestment, environmental degradation, and climate change.

This guide clarifies key tenets of the Clean Water State Revolving Fund and provides guidance to municipal and utility staff on how to access the funds available through the program for green, climate-resilient projects that help protect and restore our nation’s rivers.

Water flowing in our streams, rivers, and creeks is a precious resource: It comprises two-thirds of our drinking water and is critical to the health of our communities. Rivers also serve as critical habitats for fish and wildlife. Plus, rivers sustain our economies, connect our communities to nature, and buffer our cities and towns against the worst impacts of climate change. Tragically, many rivers nationwide are polluted, dammed, and degraded, and most of the nation’s water infrastructure is in a state of disrepair.

With recent investments from the bipartisan infrastructure law and the Inflation Reduction Act, now is the time to ensure these much-needed funds are directed to clean water and river restoration projects that improve the lives and climate resiliency of people in rural and urban areas — and particularly Communities of Color and Tribal Nations, who are disproportionately impacted by water pollution, droughts, floods, and environmental degradation.

We must ensure federal agencies have the tools, resources, technical assistance, and capacity they need to solve today’s complex water challenges. Federal investment in efforts including natural infrastructure and river restoration can make rivers healthier and water cleaner for everyone. 

The Fiscal Year 2024 River Budget outlines recommended federal priorities for agencies, including the Department of Interior, Department of Agriculture, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and Environmental Protection Agency, to promote climate-smart agriculture practices, improve water infrastructure, restore watersheds, modernize flood management, and support dam removal and rehabilitation. The River Budget spotlights needs in five key categories:

Promote climate-smart agriculture: Innovative conservation practices on farms and working lands can regenerate ecosystems, improve irrigation, and bolster agriculture. Yet water shortages are becoming increasingly common due to less rainfall, resulting in historic droughts. In 2022, the Mississippi River dropped to record-low water levels. In the Southwest, farmers, ranchers, and landowners are experiencing the most extreme drought in more than a millennium. In the Fiscal Year 2024 appropriations process and upcoming Farm Bill, Congress and the Administration must prioritize climate-smart agriculture to support rural communities, and a critical sector of our economy. 

Restore watersheds: From the Great Lakes to the Chesapeake Bay, watersheds are essential to keeping ecosystems healthy and functioning as nature intended. These lands naturally store water, filter pollution, sequester carbon, control erosion and sediment, and provide habitats for wildlife. These natural services help strengthen communities in the face of climate change, and can buffer us against severe floods, droughts, and fires. Healthy watersheds also provide recreation benefits, including  fishing, boating, swimming, hiking, biking, and wildlife watching. In 2020, hunters and anglers contributed $149 billion to the national economy, supported 970,000 jobs, and created over $45 billion in wages and incomes. 

Modernize flood management: Inland and coastal communities need relief as environmental pressures and natural disasters including hurricanes and floods, threaten people and property. Nearly 41 million people live in flood-prone areas. Our nation needs to continue investing in flood-management solutions that protect communities and safeguard rivers. We call on Congress and the Administration to implement nature-based solutions to managing watersheds, floodplains, wetlands, and other water sources. This includes better coordination-mapping technology to produce maps that inform communities about flood risk and help them better prepare for extreme weather. 

Improve water infrastructure: Our nation’s water infrastructure is essential to providing safe, reliable, affordable clean water. It is vital to public health, and to ensuring clean, healthy rivers. Every dollar invested in water infrastructure generates $2.20 in economic activity. Yet decades of underfunded and deferred maintenance has pushed the nation’s water infrastructure to the brink of collapse. Many cities hold, treat, and deliver water using pumps and pipes that are more than 100 years old. Older water systems contain bacteria, lead, and other hazardous chemicals, which exposed thousands to untreated water in Flint, Michigan, and Jackson, Mississippi. We must avoid humanitarian disasters by securing significant water infrastructure investments that protect the health of people and rivers. 

Remove and rehabilitate dams: Removing dams and improving dam safety can restore natural functions of rivers, help fish and wildlife species recover, create jobs, and increase our communities’ resilience to droughts and floods. Dams disrupt the natural ecosystem by impacting water quality, cutting off migration routes, isolating habitats, and destroying fish spawning grounds. Some dams pose serious public safety risks. Prioritizing funding to remove, rehabilitate, and/or retrofit dams is the best way to bring life back to damaged rivers and protect communities. 

These federal spending priorities in the Fiscal Year 2024 River Budget are a critical defense against the impacts of climate change and water pollution. The annual federal spending process charges Congress to work with the administration and focus on investments that are key to restoring rivers, from remote mountain streams to urban waterways. Taken together, these investments will improve public health and safety, boost climate resilience, deliver economic benefits, and improve agency programs that are responsible and responsive to meeting community needs. 

For questions, contact:
Jaime D. Sigaran, Associate Director, Policy and Government Relations
Ted Illston, Vice President, Policy and Government Relations

Low-tech process based restoration (LTPBR) is a subset of process-based restoration (PBR) that seeks to re-establish natural stream processes by reconnecting incised streams with their floodplains and adjacent wetlands so that more frequent inundation of the floodplain occurs. Over the last decade, interest in designing and implementing LTPBR projects has grown considerably, and projects have been implemented across the west. This report reviews both published and unpublished research, case studies and project information on the effects of restoring incised and degraded headwater streams in Colorado and other western states with LTPBR. 

LTPBR projects involve the use of simple, temporary, hand-built wood and rock structures that mimic natural beaver structures, acting as speed bumps that capture sediments to aggrade the stream. LTPBR approaches are substantially less expensive than form-based stream restoration approaches that employ heavy equipment. 

Research and monitoring on LTPBR pilot projects have found a number of environmental and ecosystem service benefits. Benefits of LTPBR projects include:

  • Drought and flood resilience: Studies indicate that healthy natural stream systems and restored headwater floodplains and wetlands recharge local aquifers. Reconnected floodplains enable infiltration of runoff into soils and wetlands, providing natural storage during spring runoff that can be slowly released to streams during the summer months. Healthy connected floodplains also help delay downstream flood peaks.
  • Wildfire resilience: A 2020 study of large western US wildfires found that riparian vegetation around beaver complexes had a three times greater rate of survival than around stream segments without beavers.
  • Improved habitat: By enhancing wetlands, LTPBR and beaver dams enhance important terrestrial habitat, and have also been shown to enhance fisheries
  • Reduced Sedimentation: A study in England monitored 13 beaver ponds built from beavers re-introduced to a controlled 4.5-acre site. They determined that over the four years of monitoring the beaver ponds trapped on average 7.8 tons of sediment, totaling 101.5 tons. The authors concluded beaver ponds may help mitigate the downstream impacts of erosion and nonpoint source pollution.
  • Increased water quality: Beaver dams have been shown to retain sediment and nutrients, as well as heavy metals, reducing downstream pollution levels.
  • Increased forage: A 2018 study of LTPBR projects in Colorado, Oregon and Nevada showed that the projects increased vegetation productivity and extended it longer into the year. The authors noted that increased soil moisture due to the projects enabled vegetation to keep growing well during periods of low precipitation.

Trail Creek, Gunnison County, CO | Photo by Jackie Corday
Phase 2 Restoration on Trail Creek, Gunnison County, CO | Photo by Jackie Corday

Research conducted for the report found ample evidence for many benefits from LTPBR. However, additional research is needed to better understand the hydrologic effects of LTPBR projects and beavers, including their potential to increase late-season flows and increase evaporation and water use by wetland vegetation. Existing research on the hydrologic effects has found the following:

  • Key factors influencing the degree of LTPBR and beaver impacts on late-season flows include the extent of floodplain inundation and the length of time the inundation is sustained, as well as the porosity of structures.
  • In regard to the potential for LTPBR to cause higher late-season flows and lower flows when a LTPBR project is first installed, one review found that small LTPBR projects tend not to have observable effects on streamflow, while larger projects can attenuate runoff and increase baseflows.
  • A 2020 Montana study found that three years after the installation of a LTPBR project, the riparian vegetation had increased by ~25%, which resulted in a 0.7gpm increase in ET per structure. This small amount of decreased flow (0.0015cfs) was well below an amount that could be detected by a stream gage

Despite the documented benefits and low cost of LTPBR projects, challenges are impeding scaling up these projects. The social barriers to LTPBR and beavers are the largest challenges to solve. These include the potential impacts to human infrastructure from beaver dams, such as road and irrigation infrastructure flooding. This has stimulated the development of numerous solutions for preventing beaver from blocking water conveyances and ensuring sufficient water passage through beaver dams to prevent flooding problems. Additionally, more research is needed to understand the hydrologic effects of LTPBR projects and beaver complexes, including potential benefits to late-season flows and potential water rights impacts that can be avoided or mitigated. Demonstration projects in different types of stream systems and elevations are needed to provide more scientific understanding of these effects. Consulting with local stakeholders prior to developing an LTPBR project, carefully choosing location and project design, and ensuring compliance with any permitting requirements, can help overcome these challenges and enhance the chances for project success.

This report was written for American Rivers by Jackie Corday with Corday Natural Resource Consulting. 


Floodplain easements are a land-management strategy that compensates landowners for permanently conserving flood-prone land. Floodplain easements provide multiple benefits, including storage of floodwater on the land, wildlife habitat, improved water quality and more.

USDA floodplain easements and flood damage-reduction investments are made through the Emergency Watershed Protection (EWP) Program, the EWP Program – Floodplain Easement Program (EWPP-FPE) and the Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Program (WFPO) of the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).

In the Upper Mississippi River Basin (UMRB), demand for flood assistant is very high, but these programs do not receive consistent, annual funding. Many years, Congress makes no funds available in the UMRB for flood damage reduction projects of any kind, despite the recurring costs of damages from flood and excess rain/moisture. The cost of damages from flood and excess rain/moisture ranks second only to drought in the UMRB, and these damages are escalating due to climate change.

Across the nation, flooding has caused $59.2 billion (CPI-adjusted) in damages over the last decade. Over that same period, farmers enrolled in the Federal Crop Insurance Program (FCIP) reported $29 billion in damages (CPI-adjusted) caused by floods and excess moisture, with the UMRB states representing 34 percent of those damages. The cost of flooding impacts on the nation and in the UMRB is rising as precipitation increases, and damages are expected to continue to escalate as climate-change impacts intensify.

Despite the significant and escalating amount of flood damage to crops on a regular basis, the EWPP and WFPO are only sporadically funded in the UMRB. Between 2011 and 2020, the USDA only invested $267 million (CPI-adjusted) into these two flood damage-reduction programs in the UMRB, while agricultural flood and excess rain/moisture damages exceeded $8 billion (CPI-adjusted).

In addition to saving farmers and taxpayers money, enrolling more acres in floodplain easements, and investing more in USDA flood risk reduction programs to plan floodplain easement and restoration would

  1. Promote resilient local economies by investing in floodplain projects that are rich in ecosystem services,
  2. Increase options for farmers to enroll acres that are routinely damaged by floods into a conservation program,
  3. Increase flood water storage in areas that are seeing significant rises in flood damages,
  4. Reduce nitrogen and phosphorus pollution in the Mississippi River by using floodplain restoration as a downstream water filtration tool,
  5. Prevent and slow the extinction of freshwater and floodplain-dependent species that are more at risk than marine and terrestrial species,
  6. Expand the use permanent easements that reduce long-term federal obligations, and
  7. Meet farmer demands for a more functional floodplain easement program.

The USDA Floodplain Easement Program needs to be reformed to enroll easement acres annually and make more substantial investments in flood damage reduction. To do this, Congress needs to include the following reforms in the 2023 Farm Bill

  1. Fund flood damage reduction and floodplain easement programs annually through USDA – Natural Resources Conservation Service.
  2. Establish a tracking and reporting system for floodplain easements within the Conservation Effects Assessment Project.
  3. Order USDA to collaborate with economic experts to better understand and quantify the ecosystem services provided by functional floodplains.
  4. Ensure floodplain easements are not subject to land-tenure requirements.
  5. Order USDA to collaborate with the US Army Corps of Engineers and the Federal Emergency Management Agency to prioritize investments in areas subject to recurring flood damages.
  6. Order USDA to develop Best Management Practices to reduce flood damages in the agricultural sector.
  7. Order USDA to improve guidance on floodplain restoration to meet multiple natural resource challenges.

Removal of the Lower Snake River dams could have a significant benefit or a minimal negative impact on carbon emissions from grain transportation

The Grain Transportation Study released on July 8, 2022 by Dr. Miguel Jaller shows that carbon emissions see only a minimal decrease or increase if the lower Snake River dams are removed. While these findings may seem surprising, they are consistent with the one other study that focused directly on this question (Casavant and Bell, 2001). 

Using one set of emissions factors, the new model showed a decrease in CO2 emissions of 9.14%. Using another, the model showed a slight increase of 1.37%.

  1. The Jaller study includes an estimate of current truck miles
  2. The Jaller study used the most recent publicly available emissions factors from studies that included truck, rail, and barge emissions, while a previous study appears to have used data that are over 40 years old.  
  3. Rail is increasingly efficient
  4. This conclusion is well-supported by credible, independent studies

This study, commissioned by the Water Foundation and American Rivers, estimates the carbon emissions and other air pollution generated when transporting grain across the Pacific Northwest under two scenarios: current emissions and the emissions generated should the four Lower Snake River dams be breached. This study by Dr. Miguel Jaller adds to the body of research on the lower Snake River dams and is a data point that shows dam removal should have relatively little impact on carbon emissions as grain transportation shifts away from barges.

Read the summary here

Ellerbe Creek Green Infrastructure Partnership: A NEW APPROACH TO RESTORING DURHAM’S STREAMS AND RIVERS

Our urban landscapes were not designed historically with the idea of protecting and restoring our natural environment. Weaving green stormwater infrastructure into an existing landscape can have significant benefits for both the human and natural communities by reducing flooding, improving water quality, reducing heat island affect, creating better access to green spaces, and many more! This report looks at the possibilities for using green stormwater infrastructure in a highly urbanized part of Durham, NC in the Ellerbe Creek watershed.

The most densely developed areas of the City and County were built along and on top of the headwaters of Ellerbe creek. The creek receives almost half of all the stormwater runoff from the city creating a huge problem for Ellerbe creek. The Durham State of Our Streams Report lists numerous pollutants in the creek that are directly related to excess stormwater runoff. Ellerbe Creek has been on the list of North Carolina’s most polluted water bodies since 1998 and stormwater pollution makes the creek nearly uninhabitable for aquatic life and at times dangerous for people.

Ellerbe Creek is the dirtiest stream in the Falls Lake Reservoir Watershed. High levels of nitrogen and phosphorous contribute to the current pollution problem in Falls Lake causing algae blooms and elevated bacteria levels leading to human health hazards, fish kills, drinking water contamination, and closed recreational beaches in the reservoir. Clean-up goals for the reservoir are in place and call for a 40% reduction in nitrogen and a 77% reduction in phosphorus. To restore clean water to the creek, the City of Durham will need to spend hundreds of millions of dollars using traditional stormwater management practices. This report shows a new innovative and cost effective approach to address these problems relying on integrating green infrastructure (e.g. rain gardens, green roofs, permeable pavement) into the city’s urban landscape to absorb and filter polluted stormwater and slowly release the cleaned, cooled water into the creek to restore its health and make it a more valuable resource for the community.

Rivers are essential to life. They provide our drinking water, nurture fish and wildlife, power our economy, connect us to the natural world and are vital to healthy, thriving communities. Rivers also flow through the major challenges facing our country. Climate change is an existential threat, fueling record-breaking floods and drought. A long history of racial injustice forces the impacts of climate change, along with pollution, dams and other threats, disproportionately on Black, Indigenous, Latino and other communities of color. And, we’re losing nature – the web of life is unraveling as species are going extinct at an alarming rate. These crises impact us all, and rivers are part of the solution. 

The River Budget outlines clear priorities for federal spending to improve water infrastructure, restore watersheds, modernize flood management and remove dams to ensure a future of clean water and healthy rivers everywhere, for everyone. These priorities are critical. Because healthy, resilient river systems are the first line of defense against potentially devastating impacts of climate change. Because finding equitable solutions to river and water challenges is key to dismantling longstanding environmental injustices. 

Because rivers are pathways to the outdoors and connect us with nature and each other.Because everyone has a right to clean, safe water and healthy rivers.

By investing in the programs outlined in the River Budget, Congress can drive smart, equitable solutions that will benefit our nation for generations to come. 

The “Water Justice Toolkit: A Guide to Address Environmental Inequities in Frontline Communities,” was developed to provide legal resources to support, encourage, and engage community leaders experiencing environmental injustice.

This “toolkit” includes a set of six guides for local communities and organizations to either start or supplement their environmental justice efforts:

Download One-Pagers:

  1. Clean & Safe Water Guide
  2. Equitable Flood Risk Management Guide
  3. Title VI Environmental Justice Complaints & Compliance Guide
  4. Local Land Use Planning & Zoning Guide
  5. Public Participation Guide
  6. Community Science Guide

Each guide provides a basic overview of federal laws and policies. In addition to explaining legal avenues, the toolkit highlights numerous case studies where community organizers have implemented policy tools to address local environmental justice issues. Special thanks to our community partners for helping develop this report and sharing their stories, including the Intrenchment Creek Community Stewardship Council in Atlanta, GA, Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed, Lowcountry Alliance For Model Communities (LAMC) in Charleston, SC, Corazón Latino, Community Health and Empowerment through Education and Research (CHEER), The Waccamaw Indian People of South Carolina, and Freshwater Future in Toledo, OH and Flint, MI.

The Water Justice Toolkit was produced as part of the Anthony A. Lapham Fellowship. This fellowship honors the memory of Anthony A. Lapham who served for many years on the board of American Rivers, including as its Chair. The goal of the Lapham Fellowship is to develop the next generation of skilled leaders who can promote practical environmental solutions that achieve measurable results for natural and human communities.

Privately owned lands typically constitute a relatively large portion of impervious areas in urban and semi-urban settings. As stormwater programs continue to evolve, more municipalities are looking to increase the adoption of green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) on private lands. Green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) practices, such as green roofs, bioswales, cisterns, and permeable pavers mimic natural processes to infiltrate stormwater runoff and provide many important co-benefits to communities, including beautifying neighborhoods, reducing localized flooding, providing shade, promoting groundwater recharge, and/or reducing costs associated with traditional “gray” infrastructure stormwater management solutions, among others. Developing incentive programs can entice property owners to implement GSI solutions and contribute to addressing stormwater challenges in the watershed and reduce fiscal and capacity constraints on municipal stormwater management.

Historically, the infrastructure that makes up our water systems has been funded by government grants, loans, and by traditional municipal bond issuances. Adding private investment, in the form impact bonds, P3s or outcomes-based financing, can create additional opportunities to deliver water projects efficiently and effectively. This report explores innovative finance models through the lens of economically disadvantaged communities in Northern California.

Senator Tom Udall
Hart Senate Office Building, 531
Washington, DC 20510

Senator Martin Heinrich
Hart Senate Office Building, 303
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senators Udall and Heinrich,

Thank you for introducing the M.H. Dutch Salmon Greater Gila Wild and Scenic River Act, which would protect nearly 450 miles of the Gila and San Francisco Rivers and their tributaries as Wild and Scenic. For nearly a decade, a groundswell of support for these protections has been growing from Tribes, sportsmen and women, veterans, small business owners, faith and civic organizations, local municipalities and governments, and outdoor recreation and conservation organizations. Today, we join them in applauding your leadership on this effort. 

At a time when Americans are experiencing vast economic hardship and unprecedented uncertainty from the COVID-19 pandemic, designating these rivers and tributaries as Wild and Scenic will ensure local, rural economies that depend upon time-tested traditions like grazing, ranching, and hunting and fishing can continue. Additionally, it gives us all hope — and an indomitable reminder of the value of our wild places. 

The Gila and San Francisco rivers, along with their tributaries, make up one of the largest free-flowing watersheds remaining in the Lower 48 states. Flowing through the nation’s first wilderness area, a place of which Aldo Leopold wrote, “Wilderness is the one kind of playground which mankind cannot build to order… I contrived to get the Gila headwaters withdrawn as a wilderness area, to be kept as pack country, free from additional roads, ‘forever.’”

These wild and rugged landscapes form the bedrock of our outdoor economy, providing boundless inspiration and giving roots to our American way of life. Simply put, safeguarding our common waters and lands is vital to our economy, health and communities.

Outdoor recreation is big business in New Mexico, generating nearly $10 billion in consumer spending, roughly $3 billion in wages and salaries, $623 million in state and local tax revenues, and directly employing 99,000 people. And it doesn’t stop there. Each year, the outdoor recreation industry generates $887 billion in consumer spending and 7.6 million jobs.

Never has it been more vital for us to come together as a country and work together to protect our communities and wild places for all of us today and for future generations. Thank you for continuing to do what it takes to fight for our shared values — even, and especially when it hasn’t been easy. We stand with you and call on the Senate to move this legislation, and for it to quickly become law.


The OARS Family of Companies
Tyler and Clavey Wendt, Owners
Merlin, Oregon and Angels Camp, California

Aspen Skiing Company 
Auden Schendler, VP Sustainability
Aspen, Colorado

REI Co-op
Taldi Harrison, Government and Community Affairs Manager
Kent, Washington

Taos Fly Shop
Nick Streit, Owner
Taos, New Mexico

The Reel Life
Ivan Valdez, Owner
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Red River Angler and Sport
Sloan Covington, Owner
Red River, New Mexico

Yakima Products Inc.
Ryan Martin, CEO
Beaverton, Oregon

Alpacka Raft
Thor and Sarah Tingey, Owners
Mancos, Colorado 

Buckley Associates
Lucy Buckley, CEO
Boulder, Colorado

Jonathan Lantz, President
Boulder, Colorado

Sawyer Paddles
Zac Kauffman, CEO
Gold Hill, Oregon

Allison Miles, Community and Content Manager
Bend, Oregon

Backbone Media
Penn Newhard, Founder
Carbondale, Colorado

Wild Rye
Cassie Able, Founder
Ketchum, Idaho 

Uinta Brewing Company 
Jeremy Ragonese, President
Salt Lake City, Utah 

Erik Burbank, Chief Brand Officer 
Portland, Oregon

Nite Ize
Cassie Ryan, Social Media Specialist
Boulder, Colorado

Far Flung Adventures
Steve Harris, CEO
El Prado, New Mexico 

Kokapelli Raft Adventures
Kelly Gossett, Owner
Santa Fe, New Mexico

New Mexico River Outfitters Association
Steve Harris, Public Affairs Director
Embudo, New Mexico

Hans Cole, Director of Environmental Campaigns and Advocacy
Ventura, California 

Protect Our Winters
Torrey Udall, Director of Development 
Boulder, Colorado

Justin Balie Photography
Justin Balie, Owner
Nehalem, Oregon

Brian Holcombe, Principle 
Carbondale, Colorado 

Mountain, Stream, and Trail Adventures, LLC
Michael T Carney, Co-founder
Albuquerque, New Mexico

AIRE, Inc.
Alan Hamilton, Co-founder
Bosie, Idaho 

Simon Perkins, President
Sunderland, Vermont

Badfish SUP
Mike Harvey, Co-owner 
Salida, Colorado 

Hydro Flask 
Larry Witt, President
Bend, Oregon

Klean Kanteen
Caroleigh Pierce, Nonprofit Outreach Manager
Chico, California

Los Rios River Runners
Francisco Guevara, Owner
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Santa Fe Rafting
Jarrod McClure, Owner
Santa Fe, New Mexico 

New Mexico River Adventures
Wendy Gontram, Owner
Embudo, New Mexico 

New Wave Rafting
Britt Huggins, Owner
Embudo, New Mexico

Under Solen Media
Emily Nuchols, Owner
Portland, Oregon

Mark Deming, Director of Marketing 
Moscow, Idaho 

The Conservation Alliance
Brady Robinson, Executive Director
Bend, Oregon

Jack’s Plastic Welding Inc.
Errol Baade, CEO
Aztec, New Mexico

NM Outdoor Recreation Business Alliance 
James Glover, Co-Director
Farmington, New Mexico