Natural Floodplain Functions Alliance

The Natural Floodplain Functions Alliance (NFFA) is an affiliation of nonprofit and private organizations, government agencies, and individuals dedicated to the protection and preservation of the natural functions of floodplains, including coastal areas.

As a founding member of the NFFA, American Rivers is pleased to provide a place on its website, but American Rivers is one of many NFFA members and these webpages represent the collective work and contributions of NFFA member organizations. These web pages provide information about NFFA, its activities, and publications and reports useful to those interested in learning more about the importance of natural floodplains. NFFA was established to “promote, protect, and enhance the protection, restoration, and management of natural floodplain resources.” Members share information and may elect to coordinate actions on issues of interest, but the Natural Floodplain Function Alliance does not take formal positions on matters of national policy, guidance, or legislation.  


American Rivers: Floodplain Restoration Resources 

National Association of Wetland Managers: Floods and Liability Issues Publications 

Association of State Floodplain Managers: Library 



Agenda from Developing an Action Plan for No Net Loss of Floodplain Functions  
November 30 – December 2, 2021, a Natural Floodplain Functions Alliance and Wetland Mapping Consortium online workshop. Final Report: Strategies and Actions to Protect and Restore Wetland and Floodplain Functions 

Federal Program and Policy Changes Needed to Advance Integrated, Functional Mapping of Floodplains and Wetlands for Nature-Based Solutions 
February 10, 2021, a Natural Floodplain Functions Alliance and Wetland Mapping Consortium online workshop 

Information & Resources from the Data Needs, Gaps and Interoperability for Integrated Mapping and Functional Assessment of Riverine and Coastal Floodplains and Wetlands 
September 30, 2019, at the The Nature Conservancy Headquarters, Arlington, VA 

Natural Floodplain Functions Alliance Meeting 
May 22, 2019, at the Association of State Floodplain Managers Conference, Huntington Convention Center of Cleveland, OH 

Information & Resources Exploring Opportunities for Integrated Mapping and Functional Assessment of Riverine and Coastal Floodplains and Wetlands Workshop 
April 10, 2018, at the Tommy Douglas Conference Center, Silver Spring, MD 

Information & Resources from the Overcoming Policy & Permitting Barriers Workshop 
November 29, 2016, at Pew Charitable Trusts, Washington, DC 

For more information or if you are interested in joining the NFFA, please contact Eileen Shader with American Rivers — (717) 763-0742).