America’s Most Endangered Rivers® Frequently Asked Questions

What is America’s Most Endangered Rivers®?
America’s Most Endangered Rivers® is one of the best-known and longest-lived annual campaigns in the environmental movement. Each year since 1984, local river advocates have teamed up with American Rivers to use the campaign to influence key decisions, consistently scoring victories for rivers and the communities through which they flow. The report spotlights ten rivers every year, drawing widespread media attention and mobilizing public action.
We will release America’s Most Endangered Rivers of 2025 on April 16, 2025.
When are nominations for the 2024 report due?
Friday, September 30, 2024
When will nominators be notified if their river is included in the 2025 report?
January 2025
How do I nominate a river?
To submit a nomination, please either:
1.) Fill out and submit the online nomination form (preferred method) or
2.) Download and email THIS WORD FORM to
All nominations must be received by Friday, September 30, 2024. LEARN MORE…
You can find past reports here
What criteria will my nomination be evaluated upon?
American Rivers considers three criteria when determining the list of America’s Most Endangered Rivers:
- The significance of the river to people, wildlife, and nature.
- A decision in the coming year that will impact the river’s fate.
- The magnitude of threat to the river and its communities, especially in light of climate change and environmental injustice.
What does it mean to be a “partner”?
Partnership in the America’s Most Endangered Rivers® campaign varies: Typically, primary partners are organizations that nominate (see below for details), review materials and may be listed in the official report (depending on their preference), and/or are media spokespeople for the river. Many river listings also have supporting partners that may assist in any and/or all of the above tasks, or may play a more limited background role.
Please note: we highly encourage partners and/or engagement with frontline community leaders and organizations that are advocating for innovative, community-driven solutions and environmental justice initiatives.
Who should be listed as the lead nominating group?
This is the group (or person) taking primary responsibility for compilation and review of materials and coordinating other activities associated with the listing. This point of contact should be prepared to spend time developing information for the report and outreach, should the river be selected.
What work will the lead nominating group (and/or supporting groups) be expected to do if the river is included in the campaign?
- Complete nomination form and answer any questions from the reviewers
- Draft the two-page write-up for the report, based on information you provide in the nomination form,
- Draft the sample letter to decision-makers, requesting specific action for the river
- Coordinate and consolidate edits and input from your supporting partner groups on social media content and other communications materials, and submit to American Rivers
- Provide high-resolution photos of the river, if you have them or know someone who does
- Provide quotes for press release, help determine who spokespeople should be, and identify and call local press contacts
- Stay in communication with American Rivers for at least one year following your river’s listing to share any major updates
If I have other questions, who should I contact?
Please reach out to Chantel Dominguez at with any questions. All NOMINATIONS should be submitted through the online submission form or emailed to Chantel by Friday, September 30, 2024.

America's Most Endangered Rivers® Nomination Process
Nominations due September 30, 2024

The America’s Most Endangered Rivers® report is one of the best-known and longest-lived annual reports in the environmental movement.