Private Cleanups

Rivers still need us

Now more than ever American Rivers needs your help to keep our rivers clean during this time of social distancing. How can you help?

You’re invited to host your own private cleanup as a part of National River Cleanup®. Organize a small, private cleanup with a small group. This cleanup can happen anywhere at any time, it’s up to you. Register your event with us and we’ll ship you free trash bags. Once your cleanup is completed, please submit your cleanup results to us.

How to get started

1. Use the form below to register your private cleanup and request free trash bags.
2. Review the Cleanup Organizer Handbook and our other organizer resources.
3. Contact us if you have any questions.
4. Plan your cleanup.
5. Implement your cleanup.
6. Report your cleanup results and share photos.

Safety tips for picking up and disposing of litter

  • Wear work gloves and a mask.
  • Avoid touching your face and wash/sanitize hands as often as possible and especially at the end of your cleanup.
  • Avoid close contact with others by maintaining at least 6 feet apart.
  • Use an empty laundry detergent container or similar item with a lid for any sharp objects you find.
  • If available, use a picker (also known as a grabber)
  • Do not pick up anything you are not comfortable with.

Register your private cleanup

  • Contact Information

    (Private – For Our Records and For Mailing Trash Bags)
  • Virtual Cleanup Challenge with Litterati

  • What’s Litterati? Learn about the Litterati mobile app here.
  • If you need American Rivers to create the Litterati challenge for you, we will need information about your challenge. Please select “Submit” at the bottom of this form for the next steps.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.