Help us protect the rivers you love

American Rivers protects and restores all rivers, from remote mountain streams to urban waterways.

Nearly everyone in our country lives within a mile of a river. Healthy rivers provide people and nature with clean, abundant water and natural habitat. But 1 in 5 animal and plant species in our nation is at risk of extinction — and our communities are threatened by pollution, harmful development, and climate change. To survive on this planet, scientists say we must protect a third of nature — and we have to act fast.

That’s why American Rivers is working to protect a third of all rivers in the United States — 1 million miles of rivers — by 2030.

East Rosebud | Photo: Jim Krug

Saving Montana’s Wild Rivers

As part of our efforts to protect 1 million miles of rivers by 2030, American Rivers is working with a broad coalition to pass the Montana Headwaters Legacy Act, which would designate 20 new Wild and Scenic Rivers in the state, totaling 384 river miles. The public-land reaches of the Boulder, Gallatin, Madison, Smith, Yellowstone rivers, and others would gain permanent protection through this legislation. This landmark bill would double the number of protected river miles in Montana.